NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 11:22 AM
mmg gayat
tapi suka
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 11:25 AM
dah tandatangan persetujuan kan
so tak ada lah kes saman menyaman
that's why no ground
could be the reason xde yg pursuit legal action
tp xtau if there are any updates
NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 11:25 AM
tapi ada kalanya
ada jugak silap menilai
sebab depan baik ya hamat
menilai org dah lain category lah pulak
read the body,
don't be too naive ya
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 01:53 PM
yer ai tahu
ujian.. Allah tak kan bagi ujian
kepada hambanya yang tak mampu untuk melaksanakan
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 01:54 PM
yup masing2 ada preference sendiri
nak yan g bilik sorang
bilik yang 3 orang
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 01:58 PM
ai semua gambar anak2 ai akan
tf pindah masuk dalam pendrive
so bila2 masa nak tengok
for now biar dulu kat cloud,
bila dah nak penuh transfer ext hd
now pendrive 2T pun murah2 jer so ingat nak beli baru buat bekap incase bila2 masa boleh faulty kannn..
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 01:58 PM
dah jadi kebiasaan kan
selalu puji2 kalau nak suruh kita beli apa2
default setting
modus operandi
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 01:59 PM
ai tak layak lah nak di gelar ustazah tu
education background paling layak lahhh..
meols & nov x skolah agamaaa
NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:00 PM
tak boleh nak main pass jer
sebab nay tahu luna pun ada masa sendiri jugak
luna dah habiskan mas ...
no worries k !
we can always find middle ground,
make this easier for the both of us
so aiols i don't need sloppy meaningless replies.. nay nak tacang then just reply ' ok noted ! ' jer when nay wanna go fast, or when nay x sure nak reply apa pun xper..
luna appreciate honesty & authenticity so luna x take offense if people just be straight up with me
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:01 PM
dah terbiasa kan nak buat macam mana
its your life dear
x payah buat apa2 pun ok jer
NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:03 PM
haha nay tak ada lah sampai macam tu
tak masuk dua tiga bulan
biar di turunkan pangkat
whatever you say nayyy
aiols unaffected,
x berkecimpung pangkat2 ni
tukang santai2 makan popcorn jewww
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:04 PM
haha kan macam tu lah
nak tengok apa yang kita nak tengok jer
then kenot komplen la x penah tau or x penah jumpaaa
NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:04 PM
kemajuan lah sangat kan
better sumthing than nothing
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:06 PM
yer ai faham tu
ok bagus !
NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:12 PM
haah minor circle jer tapi kadang semua benda tu pon
sebab satu circle yang lain pon kena label m ...
in this case opinion tu x meluas pun..
small minority
neglible difference
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:14 PM
sebab talent lah kot kan
boleh nak multi language dalam satu masa
possible jer
tapi talent jer kalau x act on it x jadi juga..
more to kecenderungan la..
easier start but still need effort & encouragement
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:15 PM
yer lah2 ai dah tak tahu nak cakap apa
nnt ai salah cakap u kata ai konar lagi
ok dah
x payah panjang kan
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NaylaArisha replied at 15-10-2023 02:16 PM
mungkin sebab kakak ai mmg tak reti nak pakai lens lah kot
biasa pakai x ?
pakai hari2 ?
ker pakai skali skala jer ?
Category: Wanita & Lelaki