insyaAllah Majlis awal tahun depan....
Senjata dah setajam muncung concorde....heheh isshhh sorry mod OT kejap.
Back to the topic, kirang tau tak ura2 bila next FS nyer version akan keluar? |
Originally posted by azuan_az at 7-12-2008 23:50
insyaAllah Majlis awal tahun depan....
Senjata dah setajam muncung concorde....heheh isshhh sorry mod OT kejap.
Back to the topic, kirang tau tak ura2 bila next FS nyer version akan keluar?
tak nak jemput aku ke? |
excellent EMMO!
are the buildings redesigned completely from V2? Also i see that the 2nd MAS hangar, Air Asia Hangar, Air Asia Academy are not in there. |
Reply #904 db07mufan's post
sorry I don't have any resources images on those buildings...
so as right now they are excluded completely from KLIA v3...
to get rid off from the weird 'brown polygon' on the KLIA v2,
therefore almost all KLIA structures are now redesigned using 3DS Max 8,
except some ground polygons objects are still using Gmax... |
thanks emmo! you're a true legend! |
Originally posted by db07mufan at 8-12-2008 11:06 PM
excellent EMMO!
are the buildings redesigned completely from V2? Also i see that the 2nd MAS hangar, Air Asia Hangar, Air Asia Academy are not in there.
walter...do u have all of these building images? |
PErghh...real tu...macam betul2 KLIA masa construction....cuma takder planes la kalau real one..
Well done chief! |
Originally posted by <i>tossee</i> at 9-12-2008 08:14 AM <a href="http://mforum4.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=27633433&ptid=353148" target="_blank"><img src="http://mforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
<br />
<br />
walter...do u have all of these building images? <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="56" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
don't have bro, most of them are not accessible except for Air Asia Academy as it is located outside, more chances for photos. I'll try to snap a few this week when i go spotting. |
Reply #912 tossee's post
hijau tu sbb kena ikut aku punye VOZ texture...
tossee... please pm me ur postal address... utk tujuan penghantaran WMKK v3 nnt... |
sorry lama tak jenguk kat sini...tp, aku keep track jugak dgn ape yg korg buat.
kalau ade sesapa yg prasan, aku da ala2 benti kejap kasik kredit kat korg.
well, sbenarnyer,
1st: admin da kasik pancung balang kredit kitorg. frm 900, upgrade jadik seribu, pancung tinggal 500.
2nd: dpt warning dr admin n smod tak kasik tabur kredit byk2.
3rd: dilemma nak bg korg bape byk kredit sekalik zaaasss...
dedulu, atleast, korg akan dpt 150 dr aku, dr perol, korg dpt lebih, kan?
skarang nih, since balang kredit ala2 makin besar2 balang peanut butter jer
aku dgn rendah diri nak mintak sajesen dr korg, brape patot aku kasik
kredit raya aji pun aku tk tabur kat korg, kan... isk... rasa cam jahat jer aku nih
abg emmo!!!!!! wa nak pinjam bahu kejap, boleeehhhhhhhh...huu....... |
owh.. aku notice jugak, skarang ramai gak yg rajin lepak kt thread nih....
cadangan korg tuh, aku amat alu2kan.
eeemmmmuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhh :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: |
Balas #914 geenie\ catat
geenie..aku ingat nko cuti bersalin
emmo, have you got my email? |
Reply #919 db07mufan's post
yup just read it this morning... thnx anyway! |
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