Reply #893 ruffleen's post
Reply #896 eddysheddy's post
Originally posted by mr-judd at 7-7-2007 02:45 PM 
9.00 malam..
tq  |
Reply #893 ruffleen's post
kompom jac menang -
tak malu kalau kita hantar jac sebagai wakil -
yang lelain pun jgn putus asa - meriahkan IKON - :2cool: |
harap dayang perfome well |
up sket.... lagi 25 minit  |
Sape yang dah perform? JAc and Mawi dah ke? Komen skit.... |
jac blom lagik
save the best for the last kaedahnya  |
Dayang Mawi Jac masuk final  |
Reply #906 DTECCONAN's post
konpem ke ke konye prediction jek |
setelah melihat kesemua persembahan...
tapuas la.. nak tgk lagi... |
jac nyanyi tiada lagi indah best sgt tp lagu yg rancak tu, awal2 cm x dgr skit tp chorus still wow  |
Reply #909 milo84's post
spoilnye baju jac...siannye die jd mangsa estero... |
Reply #907 jac_diehard_fan's post
prediction jer, Reshmonu kalau masuk final pon x ada kesan apa2
nak kata dia popular dak, nak kata dia best sangat dak jugak, nak kata dia power dak jugak, jadi x yah la ambik dia  |
Solo - Dayang vs Jac vs Reshmonu
Group - May vs OAG vs Jinbara |
kalau bandingkan masa live..
Jac power tapi x clear sebutan dia..
dayang power & very the clear you...
lagu rancak Jac jerit ada bingit sikit...
Dayang lagu rancak maintain tak pecah...
rasanya peluang Dayang lagi cerah...
mlm tu yg lagi sedih penyokong jack tak samapi 10org..
tupun dah termasuk Mak Jac..
Dayang.. wow.. malatopp... |
Reply #911 DTECCONAN's post
hehe tekejut aku td.. ingat betol  |
saje nak post balik hehe
< Alamak...tak ramai orang lak. Ni baru sampai kat PICC surprised tengok kosongsikit. Erm... oh well, sebab jumlah yang bertanding so obviously lerkureng gak.
Malam ni semifinals mana yang solo dan jugak yang berkumpulan akan square off.
Keputusandari undian juri yang berjumlah 70% dan kiraan SMS penonton yang total30% show malam ni yang menentukan wakil Ikon Malaysia akan diketahui on11 July,
Dalam nak nunggu the show start, gelak memacam ler perangaidan gelagat peminat yang mai. Tanak la cakap sapa ek...tapi ada lerbeberapa yang kelakar lak tengok.
When the show kick off, memang gelak. first sebab lawak tol tengok intro Citrawarna. Erm... oh well.
Tapipastu gelak ngan lawak Sarimah yang memang nampak semakin getting morecomfortable ngan hosting. Masuk masuk je miming lagu Snap, The Power,siap nari ok. syukur nya hari ni dia tak jerit seperti minggulepas. Bingit woo... tapi today ok la. Guess it's just a question ofeasing in slowly.
Now on with the show.. by the way semua pesertakali ni diberikan lapan minit tuk total performance. So jangan terkejutkalao majoriti wat ala ala konsert medle tak abih or yang takde lagulain nak perjuangkan remix satu lagu sampai extended abih..
Gerhana Ska Cinta
Tetris (Intro)/Is There Any Soul In Your Music/Things Of The Past/Senyum Ragamu
GerhanaSka Cinta C kicked off the show ngan setiap anggota pakai t shirt yangada abjad. Nice... cute take . Kinda reminds me of those little buttonswith alphabets.
They started off quite well, proving their tightsound was an admirable representation of the underground scene theyoriginated from.
Intro Tetris kelakar... and a nice touch to kick off the show.Their laid back sound was a breath of fresh air,
INThere Any Soul In Your Music and Things Of The Past were a little toolaid back, and I think in terms of competition salah lagu sebab whilemusically proven they're up to it, wish they'd stress a little more onthe vocal performance aspect to make it more powerful.
Deserving winners for the band category...that's for sure. just perhaps... it wasn't enough.
Theyjust better find a wat to make their performance sizzle a little moreso that it'll be able to match up with some butt kicking acts from theother countries, especially Indonesia.
After all, credibility is fine and all, but they seriously have to think of things in a more competitive level.
Tak Pernah Ada/Gembira Hidup Ini
Erm...seriously I love Farah. Tapi aku nih dilema sikit bila tengokpersembahan dia. Bukan apa... naik pentas je pening aku. Imej dia...erm... burok.
With a glittery top, couple with a short dress yangruffles and all yang nampak tak siap with gaudy heels, it was justtack-o-rama.
Cuma nasib baik, first song, masa Tak Pernah Ada, akuimpress gila. She dd better than last week, and it's quite an inspiringshow by her in comparison to previous performances I've seen.
Makes you almost forget her baju buruk... notice I said ALMOST!
Masuk lagu kedua, Gembira Hidup Ini, ketara yang Farah ni sebenarnya quite hardworking and quite impressive actually.
Cumaaku rasa nak bunuh stylist dia jer sebab tak kuasa tol tengok minggudemi minggu keburukan pakaian dan imej dia yang pesen asik tak jadik.
Oh well...
Here's hoping they realise that image tuh adalah penting bagi seseorang artis dan Farah sendiri amik berat isu pakaian dan imej.
Not quite the umpphh yang diperlukan tuk wakili Malaysia.
Flop Poppy
Sewaktu Dulu/Keliru
Starting out quite well, ni one of the things aku nak puji pasal Flop Poppy. They don't take things for granted.
Alldressed to the theme of a marching band, with five members of anactual marching band, yang midway through the first song, battlewith the drummer in a clash of percussions, it was quite interesting.
Nevermind kat instrument memasing ada tampal kertas ngan logo Bentley Music.
Andy and the boys inkilts, proved clothes make the man... siap pakai kilt lagik.
Musically they were quite impressive, and they provided a punch to things where others failed.
SewaktuDulu and Keliru itself was a pleasure to listen to as it displayeda band where all members were in synch with each other, and yes, theydid sound like they were indeed having fun.
Of the eight minutes time frame, they didn't waste a second to amaze.
I don't know how it'll sound on TV but in the venue there was some problem in terms of miking up the percussions.
Not that original... but in a night where things were run of the mill and biasa biasa, they stood out as the best.
Oh they brought the house down...that's for sure... again and again.
A potential to represent Malaysia.
Dayang Nurfaizah
Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta/Ingin Ku Miliki/Dayang Sayang Kamu
Lamatak dengar dia nyanyi Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta. Rindu tol. And in asimple black outfit with a diamante studded belt buckle and matchingheels, she look classy!!!
Elegance in all simplicity which contrastwith her occasionally overdose punya soul. Still, kekuatan lagu tuhitself was enough to get the message across if she didn't stretch itsampai meleret sangat.
Most good singers tend to forgvet when theysing, it's for the people, not for themselves. And there has to be abalance between artistry and acceptance. Kalau da goreng sampai hangusnak makan apa? Erm... when it comes to pop appeal there has to be theproper placement to achieve that climax, cause at the end of the day,it is about the pop appeal of the performance.
Between a mass appeal stage and a blues club, you just have to know the difference.
Sheredeemed herself in Ingin Ku Miliki, which I thought wasn't the bestsong choice, but ended on a high with Dayang Sayang Kamu.
Nicely done though, and definite one of the top candidates to represent Malaysia.
By the way terkejut Dayang kurang lak accessories berketul seperti biasa. Heh... still she looked sweet.
Walk Away (Slow Jam)/Where There Is Love There Is You/Hey Walley/Understand
Nisatu agik kes tergoreng lebih. One thing for sure pasal Reshmonu, showdia mesti entertaining. Kali ni not any different. In fact meriahabih... tapi konsep pesta bhangra sikit ler.
A little bit too muchif you ask me, but what to do, some artistes like I said kurang fahamngan competition level performances and still more often that not comeacross as overdose and self indulgent.
Nak wat camna... erm...goyang pala leh, tapi darpada segi leh tak dia wakili Malaysia...memang boleh. Cuma not in this competition.
So... kira filler ler nih. janji enjoy, tapi ala ala interlude ler ler sparuh jalan among the more performances yang sizzled.
Still good and admirable effort.
Just again, wrong place at the wrong time.
Theonly act to perform only one song selain Jinbara, OAG however isundoubtedly on that level where bukan sebab takde lagu lain ke takmampu nak buat performance yang lain... sebab their performance wasstill enjoyable withut all the pizzazz.
Biar simple janji bagus.
Walauponbersilih ganti anggota OAG nih, still, I'm amazed at how tight theykept their set. With OAG, there was no need for gimmicks and such nakwow the crowd.
Ok... baju Radhi yang kuning, merah and black alatartan tuh could be considered a gimmick, but let's face it, Radhi isone colourful character camna pon.
Besides their quirk mage nakbersongkok dan berbaju Melayu is an admirable effort and beingthemselves and bridging the gap of being cool and still appreciatingthe finer points of our culture.
Radhia thrughout the song, wat camkonsert lak, throwing caution to the wind, and buat memang slumberjer...siap mintak crowd nyanyi sekali and made sure everyone had fun.Siap pusing pusing la... baring kat lantai la... lompat lompat la...dan sebagainya.
Erm... cuma apa tuh Radhi conteng muka tuh.
No gimmicks, no pressure... just tons of fun!
Leh masuk tak? I hope so!
Goodchoice of their sing-a-long hit yang pleasant, and yet still lehdespite it being a tad mild, cukup nak induced a little head banging.Please oh please everone vote for them!
Demi Dia/Yasallam
Lagudah sedap... erm.. botak pun nampak semangat. Tapi for some reason, itdidn't work. Takde lah buruk, just not his best dan sayang la sebabramai masih mempertikaikan kebolehan dia.
Daripada mula, da mula sumbang sana sini. Intro shaky gila. The chorus was much better, tapi still, sayang seribu sayang.
Still, despite that, I put Mawi on the level of Dayang dan Jac, my original three.
The next song Yasallam aku nak gelak sikit. Ngan intro Aduh Saliha, burok siot backing dia!
Rasacam tengok video clip lie dari filem Diva. Very the Citrawarna yangerm...azab sebenarnya. Vocally, I think ni lagu salah ler. Sebab takdepunch.
Cam tak pikir lak ramai malam ni pasal pilihan lagu yang mampu tonjolkan the best of their singing and performing abilities.
Erm... not the best, and based on performance, aku rasa Mawi lum brsedia nak jadik ikon dari segi competition.
Takper la botak... ko pun da jadik salah seorang ikon for Malaysian music with or without this competition.
Masa kau kan sampai gak kang... apapon... I still feel it's such a waste.
I think so far only Flop Poppy dan OAG jer ang betul betul paham what it takes dari segi nak menghiburkan audience.
Cintamu Mekar Di Hati/Dari Kaca Mata
Erm....what do I say. I love lagu Cintamu Mekar Di Hati dari kecik. Memagrempit dan very the rock tak cuci rambut seluar ketat dan busuk larkalau ikutkan ngan evolusi rock skang.
But who cares!!!! I lovethem. Heh...walaopon Ikon zaman 80an.... leh la...janji head banging.Great show and definitely enjoy abih!!!!
Cuma... nak kata meka nak menang dan wakili Malaysia, aku rasa tak perlu la. Kang orang ingat muzik Malaysia ni masih time warp.
I mean honestly the sound is so dated.
Thesecond song proved me right. A throwback to the 80s rock yang memangall about wailing guitar and screaming with lots of unwashed hairflying about.
Erm... fun.. but no thank you.
Nice to watch... but that's about it. Time to move on and come back to the 2000s.
Jaclyn Victor
Tiada Lagi Indah/Inilah Masanya
Thefavourite for the solo representative tfor Malaysia to the regionalIkon, Jac memang tak dapat dinafikan has the perfect package nakbuktikan Malaysia da sampai tahap untuk digeruni kat peringkat dunia.
Hervocals are amazing... and masa dia tarik, maunya tercabut anak tekakkita semua sekumpulan yang hadir event ni bersama menjerit tuk dia.
Sayang baju dia kali ni busuk... yerla...selepas kena tegur seksi....
That golden off-white outfit is just plain UGLY!!! No I take that back... it's not ugly...it's FUGLY!
And that shawl is so salah. Takper...burok mana baju dia, suara dia tetap the best! Oh my God. Does she ever fail?
Erk...masukInilah Masanya, she tears off the humongoues misshapened skirt to reveal a little tutu in sidewith leggings and matching boots. If you took that shawl away, shewould look cute, cause I think the outfit then became quite nice.
But that shawl just made it a little fugly.
Urm.. ni mesti kes seksi yang timbul terus takleh dedah ni. Akibatnya camni la. Dedah sikit lantak la.. hish...
Tapi bestnyatime ni sebab biasa Jac amazing time ballads, ngan lagu berentak upbeatpun, Jac buktikan she is versatile.Yeap kebolehan vokal dia tak lehdipertikaikan lagi, thugh I would love to see her dance a little more,even though kali ni dia bop around and looked like she was havingmassive fun... walaopon ada ketika dia nampak cam kurang biasa.
The best soloist of the night.
Need I say any more?
Mungkinada yang tak suka... but she is the best we have, and we need the bestto represent us so that kami leh bangga kat peringkat lebih tinggi danindustri kami leh digeruni orang luar. It's a matter of pride.
Korangpenah tengok filem Garasi tak? The ending scene mana band baktraditional instruments and all sebab nak wat fusion rock dantraditional?
Yes, Jinbara ciplak the idea and came across as aweak-assed rip off yang didn't make it. And what's wrong with theirhair. My God!!!!
It's so uncool...it could never be in.
Ohwell... it's a miracle some people even enjoy the song. I mean Farhanaisn't all that bad,...tapi erm... maybe some people just like ppping ina time machine to be reminded of how things were 20 years ago.
Dressinga lot better than May la... and their musicianship is a lot morepolished walaupon they may not have the same amount of years behindthem like May. But May unlike them... are legends.
The hair... what's with their hair????
Anyways...gemersik gesekan biola (heh...tol ke ayat tuh) memang besh... but still reminded me too much of Garasi visually).
Rockrempit yang decent tapi aku tak bayangkan meka in the context of thiscompetition. I mean... bandingkan contohnya ngan Samsons? Personalpreference for me sebab aku rasa meka busuk, tapi aku akui meka memangok lar dari banyak segi. Just not something I think people regionallywill appreciate.
But...erm...very masses if you ask me. Pandai pandai paham...
Well... at least they weren't boring...
Erm... enough said.
My vote for bands remain either OAG or Flop Poppy. Solo?? Jac.Tatau ler jadik ke tak. Not sure bila meka akan tayang kat Astro... butkorang nilai sendiri ler ek and make your own choices. |
Reply #913 tsumawee's post
itula, Dayang malam ni superb x mcm aritu, memang best la terutamanya lagu Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta |
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