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Author: sukebintang

BEAST~Shock Of The New Era~pict,lyric update @ 1st page~COMEBACK STAGE

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2009 02:30 PM | Show all posts

cr. dcinside

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Post time 19-12-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
hepi besday JH...semoga makin gojes & sexy pasneh

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2009 04:41 PM | Show all posts
091219 BEAST - Mystery @ Music Core

091219 C0R3 MC Cut - Yoseob, Kikwang, Doojoon

091219 C0R3 BEAST & MBLAQ Cut

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2009 04:43 PM | Show all posts
hepi besday JH...semoga makin gojes & sexy pasneh
adina80 Post at 19-12-2009 15:48

sexy tang manetuh

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Post time 19-12-2009 05:28 PM | Show all posts
JH nih muka dia sexy pasnih sruh dia upgrade tang lain lak

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2009 05:41 PM | Show all posts
JH nih muka dia sexy pasnih sruh dia upgrade tang lain lak
adina80 Post at 19-12-2009 17:28

upgrade tang badan plak pasni

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Post time 19-12-2009 05:53 PM | Show all posts
upgrade tang badan plak pasni
sukebintang Post at 19-12-2009 17:41

a'a..bleh lar lawan ngan aj..duk tayang body plak

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Junhyung with Ralph sunglasses

091010 <BAD GIRL>MV making

091011 MV making

091024 music core

091025 popular song       

091030 music bank

091105 MCD

FR:Ralph cafe  &  BEASTCHINA.CN

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 12:56 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 12:57 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 12:58 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 12:59 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:02 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:28 PM | Show all posts

EG: Because of your busy schedule, I heard you guys barely have timeto sleep these days and practiced until 5am.  Is it true after end ofyour scheduled appointments, you guys usually go back and practice?

DJ:Yes, we need to practice being in sync in our choreography and practicesinging.  Feel like we've only had few hrs to sleep since we'vedebuted.. actually it started even before our debut...  
YSI didn't realize the greater extent of knowing the joy of being able toeat when you're hungry and sleep when you're tired till now...  tothink our moms used to nag us to go to sleep and we didn't...

EG: How did the name B2ST came about?
DW:There were actually a lot of other potential names we'd considered backthen... 6 icons=6con, Genghis Khan, 300, K6... didn't like any ofthem..
JH: As times passed we had a "it'll come as we go"attitude... but a month before our debut, a foreign choreographer [AJ]described our team as "so beast"...meaning "how awesome"... apparentlyit's a slang often used among dancers... Truthfully, when you look atthe word, "Beast", it's often defined as a wild animal... alreadyclaimed by 2pm which worried us at first... As of now, we're content...At times, we still get asked once in awhile...where the animal is amongthe members.  We're told that when we go on stage or become sleepdeprived we become like animals...

EG: I'm curious, who among B2ST would you describe as animal-like?
HS: At first glance, you can tell he's a manly, handsome looking guy...with  a cool, manly personality.
YSuring one of the stage rehearsals, DJ accidentally hit me on myface... hard enough to get one angered...Right afterward, he was like"why don't you just hit me, too"... now really, how can I possibly hithim back?
DJ: Because I felt bad.

EG: Who amongst the members have known each other the longest?
DW:KK hyung and myself... it's been now almost 6yrs we first met, sinceJYP training days... Even back then, we were placed together in a groupto practice singing... it's interesting how we ultimately ended up inthe same team.
KK DW is the same as before... He looks abit more refined now... like today remained very passionate... a maknaewho obeyed his hyungs very well...

EG: Considering you are similar in age and being so close, what are the pros and cons of being in the same group?
DJ think if there were to be a huge age gap, the older ones would try todominate the younger ones... ultimately building up dissension andgrudge against each other?  For us, we say what we want to say... If wehad any grudge against each other, we try to reconcile at thatmoment... I'm pretty confident that we as a group are the closestcompared to other korean idol groups.
JH: Since we knoweach others' personality very well, we barely even fight.  Because youwill eventually develop a sense of awareness of when you should becautious in certain situations and know when to bite your tongue andlet things go... Haven't seen any changes since our trainee days,because we've been close friends for so long.

EG: It's been two months since you'd debuted, what was the most emotional memory you recall?
HS:Our first performance. After we came down from the stage, we were in astate of extreme excitement and regret all at the same time.  When Icame back to the dorm and laid on my bed....that was when all theemotions hit me.  
DW: I only remembered my dad crying twicein my lifetime.  The time I decided to quit being a trainee and thetime I talked to him on the phone after our very first B2STperformance... thanked him for believing in me over the years.   
KK: It's always emotional when I hear loud cheers from the fans... It's very thrilling and exciting...


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:29 PM | Show all posts
EG: Honestly, you don't like hearing stories about being called rejected members or being known as longtime trainees, right?
HS: It's not all negative... overall, it's good because it makes the public know us a little bit more.  
JH:Because of the hardship we'd experience, it compelled us to becomebetter members. I think a person coming into this world will have greatdifficulty in coping with hardship, if they have not experiencedfailure in the past...

DJ: I don't know about quittingafter a failure... but we're all here, after debuting together...  Onthe contrary, compared to others, I feel that we have a stronger senseof pride, having experience of knowing that hardship was no easyfeat...

EG:  Considering the overwhelming reason to quit due to hardship, why would you then wanted to become a singer?  
KK: In short, it's a black hole
JH started because I loved music.  As time passed, you begin to evolveto having a "this or nothing at all" perspective... Although thoughtsof quitting have crossed my mind, my feet just wouldn't move... Since Ialready started this journey...I've decided in my heart to perseveretil I become the best.
HS: Although we have received a lot ofattention and love at the same time... it's not all for selfish reasonto be in this profession... I hope people will not overlook at IDOLgroups as simple minded children...

EG: Let me now start asking questions to individual members.  DJ, I heard you played sports during your high school days?
DJYes, I wanted to be a soccer player ever since i was young. Truthfully,there's still a small part of me that foolishly desire that.
YS Will you leave us if you get scouted by a famous GuDan (soccer league??)
DJ It was a joke.  As of now, because I'm having more fun and happy being able to sing, I'm okay...

EG: I heard there's a rumor that amongst the members, you're the most popular with the girls?
DJ Not me, YS's very popular.
JHWhy are you acting so modest?  I used to watch him during the trainingdays, and noticed that he was very popular with the girls.
KK Among the fan girls, YS's most popular.  DJ has a style that girls would naturally fall for...

EG: Recently for "Sunday Sunday Night" filming, you went to Africa.
DJYes.  It breaks my heart after seeing children in Africa.  I think myattitude has definitely changed since filming "Sunday Nite".  [I'm]learning to appreciate things around me more.  Also because I get tofilm with well respected sunbaes (senior celebs), I'm trying my best tonot become a detriment on the show.

EG: KK, today you look very much like your character in "High Kick through the Roof".
KK: You mean someone who likes sports, laughs a lot, and has an affectionfor one person?   The director actually tries really hard to place alot of my character in SeHo.  Ah, aside from one, I don't stalk.  LikeSeHo, I have had a one way love affair.  I only liked her.  Eventuallyhad the courage to confess my affections and even went out with her. But, because she had to move, we had to end it.

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:30 PM | Show all posts
EG: Are there any future plans for you to continue to act and sing at the same time?
KK: Yes.  I really want to be in one of those heart-piercing, mellow love dramas.  

EG: Long training days, performing as a solo, and now debuting within a new group... what did you find most difficult?
KK:There were many regretful moments during my AJ solo days.  I think Ididn't try harder enough.  I wished I could go back and do it all overagain.

EG:  You seem to answer these questions with great struggle.  Do you happened to have the tendency to over think things?
HS tend to be indecisive.  Whether it's ordering a product or selectingthings off the menu, I always have great difficulty making a decision,especially if there are more than two things i want.  
KK: Every time we eat out, he always asks us "what are you ordering?"... "is it good?"
YS:He's always the last one to order.  Just when the  ajumma's about tohead back to the kitchen, he calls her out again and changes his order.

EG: Compared to other members, what can you confidently say that you're better at?
HS don't know, organizing my wardrobe?  After we come back from ouractivities, other members have the tendency to throw their clothesaround... But I'm the type of person who can't sleep if I don't placethings back to where it belongs... because clothes are precious to me. I also tend to monitor my performances a lot.  Though it may seemself-conscious... it's never to a point where it gets out of hand.
JHIf we had a performance that very day, HS will monitor his performanceall day long.  He'll even intricately monitor the camera steps.   Eventhough other members may not see anything wrong with his performance,he gets depressed if the part he practiced on didn't come out well. He's also the type with infinite stamina  who can, without sleep,exercise, and practice endlessly...

EG: YS, your name seems very unique. Is this your birth name?
YS:&#45824;&#46308;&#48372; &#50577; (daedulbo Yang??) Light-like Yo, Fire-like Seob...  basicallymeans to shine like fire.  Please note that all the other members alsokept their birth name as well.

EG: There seems to be a lot of comments of "aegyo yoseob" on your cyworld left behind by your fans.
YSersonally, I don't think i possess any sexy, manly-like attractivequalities.  When I was young, I hated hearing people calling me cute,but after debuting....apparently this inner aegyo [cutesy side], thathad a different coloring to it, began to appear.  Even thisnon-aegyoish like aegyo started to appear in front of other memberswhich gets them annoyed (laughs).
JH: When you look at YS,you would think he's the type of person that would keep his distance atarms length, but he's actually the one amongst the members who looksafter us.  If there were to be a member who happened to be sick, he'llbe the one who will buy the medicine for us... the type who'll stick byyou till you start laughing if you're down...
DW: Also, the manly side of YS hyung could be seen in our follow up "mystery" performances.

EG: JH, I heard that you'd receiving special encouragements from Tiger ShinSahDong producer?
JH:From the start of the album, I've gotten a lot of advice from him.  Westill talk to each other on the phone these days. There were situationsin the past, where he asked me to "try to come up with some melody andlyrics"... and situations now where I just come up with things here andthere on my own.  I can't officially go into details now but you willbe able to have the opportunity to hear something written by YongJunHyung, shortly.

EG: As a rapper, whom were you most influenced by?
JH:Black rapper, Lil Wayne.  He's able to show a side that we've neverseen before, which makes him a cool musician.  Although it may justappear he's standing around rapping on stage, he never performs "forthe sake of doing it"... at times I feel that he does little thingsthat people may often overlook.  

EG: Who do you think is the coolest male figure?
JH:Few days ago when I came back to the dorm to check on my voice mailmsgs, there were msgs left from one of my high school friends, who hadrecently left for mandatory military service.  When I tried to call himback, the cell was already turned off and he had already left.  I felthorrible.  
I think a person who's found success and are able tocontinue to be in close contacts with his cronies is what defines a manto be cool.

EG: DW, is this "serious mode" a concept or are you normally this silent type?
DW:Normally, I'm very talkative but every time the camera turns on me,this part of me starts to disappear.  I'm the only one like thisamongst our teammates.  However, my tongue will soon be loose.

EG: Do you know personally that you're good looking?  Like a male sculpture figure?
KK: Jang DongGun, WonBin, Kang DongWon and then he says that it's him... hahaha
DW:That was just a joke.  I think when I was young I thought I was a goodlooking kid.  Apparently, when ajummas from the neighborhood would passby and often comment... My mom would said that I would turn to her andask "why is that ajumma telling me I'm good looking?"

EG: As you turn 20, what is it that you want to do most?
DW want to go to a club. Actually, not to long ago, all of the hyungsperformed at the club.  I was the only one who wasn't able to attend. Was left by myself...eating cup ramyun noodles at the training room,and was watching uploaded videos captured by fans who were at theclub.  I was very bitter.

EG: As a 6 member group, what are your future dreams for B2ST?
DJ:Korea's longest standing group.  I want for us to be like this for along time. This is what I tell the members all the time, "let's havefun together as long as we can".
JH: The mark of being ableto participate in the first album, to showcase distinct personaltalents and to perform freely on stage is what makes B2ST membersattractive.   As we continue to develop these skills, we hope to oneday make people recognize and say "ah that's B2STly style"... that'sour target.  
KK: Considering we will probably be going tostart overseas activities next year, I would like for us to receiveAsia's Best Male Group Award.  

EG: As the Christmas season is slowly approaching, do you have any plans coming up?
DWf we have anything scheduled, I would like for all 6 of us to go outand eat something good.  Then again, it worries me if we don't haveanything scheduled coming up.  
KK: Don't you remember, DJ and HS are going to be on New Wheel (variety show) on Christmas Eve?
JH: I heard they make you do random things on New Wheel.  You should prepare a lot.
DJ:We'll continue to be active non-stop till the end the year.  Beginningtomorrow in Incheon, we'll be starting our countrywide fan-signingevents.  
KK: Woah.  Are we finally starting to"make 10,000 fans"? (it was show back in the day)


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:35 PM | Show all posts
091219 Jun Hyung Café Daum Entry

Hello Its Jun Hyung.

December 19…Its my birthday Haha

Yesterday the fans gave much attention on celebrating my birthday.
It was a very happy and memorable birthday.
Before debut I didn’t get as much support but I would like to thank everyone
and I will work hard for Beast in the future.
The weather is suddenly so cold and there are a few days left in the year so I wish they are good for you.

So far so beast! This was Jun Hyung.

Credits:playb2st (SOURCE)-b2uty(sharing) + xmyheart @ B2ST Rising (TRANS)

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 Author| Post time 20-12-2009 01:49 PM | Show all posts


this is the fanmade "Junhyung's Facebook" - the accounts do not exist...
seriously this is genius! major props to the person who made these! I found
myself laughing at this because it shows so much about their characters or
so what we have seen from them (:

credits to gillian g/                                                                                                                                                                        &icedmonster17@soompi

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Post time 20-12-2009 02:03 PM | Show all posts
sukebintang Post at 20-12-2009 01:00 PM

Besday KiWi sama ngan mak aku!!! yay!! yay!! dah sama besday ngan mak mertua.. kompom leh jadik menantu yg baik nih..

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