AIR ASIA - PART 5 [update: SOMETHING BIG, 28/3/12, 00:00 (GMT +8)]
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Salam..saya baru kat sini.. n tak terer lagi bab2 tiket AA.
bulan nov aritu beli tiket ke BDO.. ...
long73 Post at 2-2-2012 00:51
mungkin flight tu dah retimed kot...cuba masuk manage my booking dan tgk balik tiket untuk flight status.... |
Reply 798# long73
cek dgn no flight bukannya masa penerbangan..
jika no flight takde bermakna tiket dah sold out... |
husben dpt sms smlm dr CIMB AA CC,bitau arini cam ade promo
02/02/2012 utk fly 1/5-30/6 but tngok kt web td xde plak lg...
kt FB pn mcm dh ade intro..apa ke benda nye le nih..
supriseeeeeeee... |
Post Last Edit by hairul123 at 2-2-2012 09:22
husben dpt sms smlm dr CIMB AA CC,bitau arini cam ade promo
02/02/2012 utk fly 1/5-30/6 but tngok k ...
sicomel123 Post at 2-2-2012 08:56
Priority Booking utk CIMB start ari ni.... Esok baru open to Public... Start From Rm 50 (guilin etc...)
Tapi link x kuar lagi utk priority
Public punya
http://www.airasia.com/my/en/promotion/rr0100203b.page?mb |
Priority Booking utk CIMB start ari ni.... Esok baru open to Public... Start From Rm 50 (guili ...
hairul123 Post at 2-2-2012 09:12
ape destinationnye..?? |
hairul123 Post at 2-2-2012 09:23
tq tq... tapi harga tak berape menarik... |
nak tanya otai2 yang selalu naik kapal terbang...
kalau kita preggie kan...sampai berapa bulan boleh naik kapal terbang? dah nak due boleh naik lagi ke? |
tq tq... tapi harga tak berape menarik...
azradiza Post at 2-2-2012 09:29
rasa silap link.. bukan yang ini.. heheheh sorry.
Should be start booking esok... Promo sempena 100th airbus.. |
nak tanya otai2 yang selalu naik kapal terbang...
kalau kita preggie kan...sampai berapa ...
juita77 Post at 2-2-2012 10:20
Pregnant Passengers: It is the duty of pregnant passengers to advise us of the progress of their pregnancy at the point of booking of Seat and at the check-in counter. Our carriage of pregnant passengers are subject to the following conditions: - Pregnancy up to 27 weeks (inclusive): Guest must sign AirAsia/AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the time of check-in to absolve AirAsia/Airasia X against any liabilities arising there from.
- Pregnancy between 28 weeks to 34 weeks (inclusive):
- Submission of an approved doctor's medical certificate required. Doctor's medical certificate confirming the number of weeks of pregnancy and that she is fit to travel which certificate shall be dated not more than thirty (30) days from either the scheduled outbound or the scheduled inbound flight departure date as the case may be .
- Guest must sign AirAsia/AirAsia X Limited Liability Statement at the tine if check-in to absolve AirAsia/AirAsia X against an liabilities arising there from.
- Pregnancy 35 weeks and above: carriage not permitted on AirAsia/AirAsia X.
terima kasih otai2 semua... |
~Tony Fernandes, "Its an amazing day. Launch of our 100th plane. Wow in 10 years 30 million passangers and 100 planes"
~~~walalee..pak tony aku pakai baju kaler gold occay! bg speach...dh 100 bijik eroplane AA nih..hebat!!! kipidap...hhahah |
tarikh tak cantek....
masih menunggu promo untuk bula 9 ke atas...huhuhu... |
kalau naik AA pergi beijing kan turun aiport mane eh..... |
nak tanya otai2 kat sini..
10hb ni nk pegi kuching..ni baru nk beli seat yg rm6 tu..mmg kena guna CC ek?
maybank2u xleh ek? |
Reply 818# puteri_q
boleh ajer pakai maybank2u.. |
Alhamdullilah baru petang semalam at 3.30pm saya selesai beli tiket KUL-MEL dan balik SYD-KUL, KUL-MEL cuma RM300/pax! Cun2 pulak waktu cuti sekolah! Untuk sesiapa yg nak cover both Melbourne & Sydney, sale sekarang lagi bagus dari waktu AAX buat promo ke Sydney dulu. Nampaknya seats masih banyak... tapi baik cepat! |
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