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Resepi Roti UdangRoti Udang RecipesRecipe Category: Resepi Roti (Bread Recipes)
Recipe submitted by: Chef Dino
Masakan China (Chinese Cuisine Recipes)
Bahan-Bahan: [Ingredients]Bahan-bahan
10 lembar roti tawar, bentuk kotak, potong masing-masing menjadi 4
50 gram biji wijen
200 cc minyak
250 gram udang, cincang halus
1 butir telur
1 1/2 sendok makan tepung sagu
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1 sendok makan air jahe
1 1/4 sendok teh garam
1 sendok teh gula pasir
1/8 sendok teh merica bubuk
1 sendok teh minyak wijen
1/2 buah bawang bombay, iris kecil tipis
20 gram bengkuang, iris kecil
2 buah jamur hioko, rendam air, potong kecil
1/2 batang daun bawang, iris halus
Cara Memasak: [Cooking Instruction]Cara membuat
Isi: campur semua bahan, aduk dengan tangan sampai rata dan lengket, sisihkan.
Ambil 1 potong roti tawar, letakkan 1 sendok teh adonan isi di atasnya, lalu taburi dengan sebagian biji wijen hingga rata.
Panaskan minyak, lalu masukkan roti udang, masak di atas api kecil hingga matang dan berwarna kecoklatan, angkat, tiriskan.
Biasanya roti udang disajikan bersama-sama dengan Sambal Cabai Jeruk Nipis.
Resipi : Cucur udangJanuary 11th, 2007 | Posted in Recipes
I love cucur udang but usually avoid buying them because they are normally very oily and doesn抰 have much goodies inside like fresh prawns. What we mostly get is flour only.
However, last weekend, when I was Tampin to visit my hubby抯 brother, I stumbled on this nice, sos kueh udang. It was sold in bottles, sealed and labelled.
Sos cucur udang Alor Gajah - Melaka Best! RM3.50 per bottle.
Here抯 my agak-agak recipe for cucur udang:
1 cup flour (add some breadcrumbs/bicarbonate of soda for extra crispiness)
1 handful of beansprouts - wash clean
2 stalks chives or spring onion, cut finely
1 teaspoon of tumeric powder - to flavour and also to give it a nice yellow, golden colour
1 egg 1 small handful of shrimps - or anchovies or dried shrimps
pepper, fish sauce or salt to taste
Translation :
1 cawan tepung
Segenggam taugeh
Seikat kecil daun kuchai (atau daun bawang)
1 camca tepung kunyit
Sebiji telur
Segenggam kecil udang, udang kering ATAU ikan bilis
Lada putih, sos ikan (thai) dan secubit garam
Gaulkan kesemua bahan di atas. Goreng dengan minyak panas.
Bind all the above into one thick paste. Add a little water if it refuses to stick all the beansprouts together. Add a bit of flour is there seems to be 憀oose |