Sephiroth posted on 13-2-2014 10:39 AM
Mashimaru83, you are a fool to continue to believe in this Arabic nonsense called Allah and Islam. B ...
Mashimaru83, you are a fool to continue to believe in this Arabic nonsense called Allah and Islam. But then again, it is your choice, I really don't care. You will never find God, for that I'm certain. We have concluded our discussion here as it is USELESS to talk to a blind, deaf and foolish person such as you.
Feel free to run away. It is proven that you don't have any evidence to support your unbasis claims. When you come back please bring the evidence. Remember, the truth stands out very clear.
Actually, it is you who has no idea what you are doing. Neither does Muslims, Christians or atheists which makes up 70% of the World population, therefore, you could add the whole human race to your level of stupidity.
"What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason."
- Voltaire in "A Philosophical Dictionary ver. 2, 1843, page 473.
Voltaire was a Deist, where he believes in God but not the load of crap the Roman Church had them believed in at that time. So do yourself a proper research next time.
Furthermore, Voltaire was ANTI-Islamic that he viewed Muhammad as "an imposter", false prophet, fanatic and a hypocrite. I agree with him.
than your kids (if you are married) grows up without morals, no respect for parents and sending u in old folks home..
once there, u feel lonely and than u beings to understand GOD rules and laws
In 391 Christians burned the library of Alexandria fearing what knowledge and enlightenment might sprout out of these books to endanger the christians' one and only true book.
240 years later muslims who captured egypt by force did the exact same shameful behavior with the exact immoral and illogical conviction that their book was better than those of the infidels.
562 years later crusaders destroyed Imperial the Library of Constantinople due to religious sectarian bigotry and lust for power that was brewing in the christian west.
54 years later Mongolian christian friendly general Hulagu took over Baghdad and the Grand Library of Baghdad, containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Survivors said that the waters of the Tigris ran black with ink from the enormous quantities of books flung into the river and red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.
740 years later in 1998 the stupid Taliban islamists still didn't figure it out and destroyed Pol-i-Khomri Public Library in Afghanistan containing 55,000 old books and manuscripts most belonging to the times of the silk road passing through the flourishing ancient afghani civilization.
When is humanity Planning to learn from its dark history?!!
How many Hypatia's must die or be oppressed by our stupid religions to realise that this regressive self destructive behavior will lead us to extinction? I shall fear no books!