AL BURAQ ----Pagan ??? Lets examine the source
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adakah mereka di dorong dgn ayat quran??
ya lah seperti sura 5:51,
syurga dan lain2?
mereka di dorong oleh kefahaman yg salah tentang ajaran islam.
berkenaan ayat 5: 51 yaitu,
Wahai org-org yg percaya,
janganlah kamu mengambil org-org yahudi dan nasrani itu sebagai wali-wali.
sebahagian mereka itu wali-wali akan sebahagian yg lain.
sesiapa yg berpaling kpd mereka maka sesungguhnya dia itu dari mereka.
sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak memberi petunjuk kpd kaum yg zalim.
adalah berkenaan larangan mengambil org-org yahudi &nasrani sebagai para wali/pelindung/wakil/kawan/saint dsbnya.
bukan Tuhan suruh mengebom mereka.
tapi saya tengok orang2 muslims ini macam reserved lah....
tak suka gaul dgn none muslims
kalau yg bukan islam,
saya tengok dia all ini ok aja
itu perkara lumrah dlm agama/cara hidup.
Menurut AlQuran,
Tuhan ALLAH telah menegaskan bahawa org-org yg percaya kpd Nya dan hari akhir tidak akan berkaseh sayang dgn org-org yg menentang Nya &rasul Nya yaitu muhammad.
Tidaklah kamu akan mendapati suatu kaum yg percaya dengan ALLAH dan hari akhir itu berkaseh sayang akan org-org yg menentang ALLAH dan rasul Nya.
dan walaupun adalah mereka itu bapak-bapak mereka,
atau anak-anak mereka,
atau saudara-saudara mereka,
atau keluarga mereka.
mereka itulah yg telah Dia tuliskan di dalam hati mereka akan kepercayaan,
dan Dia telah menguatkan mereka dengan ruh dari Nya.
dan Dia akan memasukkan mereka itu akan syurga yg mengalir dari bawahnya sungai-sungai,
mereka tinggal di dlm nya.
telah redha oleh ALLAH daripada mereka,
dan telah redha lah mereka daripada nya.
mereka itu Parti ALLAH.
Ingatlah! sesungguhnya Parti ALLAH itu, mereka lah yg akan berjaya.
Al-Mujaadalah: 22
Org-org yg percaya itu adalah di dlm Parti ALLAH.
mereka itu ialah org-org yg telah memdedikasikan diri mereka hanya utk ALLAH shj.
maka sudah tentu lah logiknya mereka akan memusuhi org-org yg memusuhi ALLAH &Rasul nya & musuh kpd seluruh Parti Nya.
walaupun musuh-musuh itu adalah anak bini mereka seperti Nuh (noah) &anak isterinya.
juga seperti ibrahim (abraham) dgn bapaknya.
juga seperti musa yg di tentang oleh fir'aun.
juga seperti jesus yg di tentang oleh bani israel &yahudi.
juga seperti muhammad yg di tentang seluruh kaumnya.
ini suatu perkara yg lumrah jika di kaji berdasarkan teori dialektikal materialism,
yaitu bahawa setiap kelas itu berkonflik dgn kelas yg lain.
seperti komunis yg memusuhi kapitalis dsbnya.
ini adalah undang-undang ALLAH di dlm alam ini
ia adalah hukum Nya yg universal.
kalau non muslim tidak menentang islam &org-org yg percaya,
mengapa pula islam & org-org yg percaya mesti menetang non muslim?
itulah logiknya.
Al buraq ni macam naga kot, sama macam serpent dalam bible |
the problem with you and muslims, they think holding the truth....actually not
study deep on other faith before jumping to conclusion
one example is, the ancient hindus never worship idols but one God concept
if u study it, i would give thumb up ...because they more peace loving peoples
Truth.8 Post at 22-7-2010 17:07 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
every religion claims that their religion brings the Truth lah deyyyyyyy...
YOU study religion first, THEN you can conclude. |
dia pun apa kurang nya.....suka maki orang lain
yang kau nak sabitkan perangai orang Islam dengan ajaran Islam apsal? sapa ajar kau? |
yang kau nak ...
gunblade712 Post at 23-7-2010 09:57 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
so, muslims who pray 5x , fasting all vain lah
anyway, can u answer this question:
I would like post question to all who believed in Buraq who took your so called seal of prophet to layer of sky or whatever you call it. the question as follows:
According to Muslims , the buraq a mystical kind of animal. Meaning it from heaven ? |
every religion claims that their religion brings the Truth lah deyyyyyyy...
YOU study religio ...
gunblade712 Post at 23-7-2010 09:54 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yes true...but any religion says do not make friend this kind of peoples....is not my kind of faith...is consider fake |
Post Last Edit by Truth.8 at 23-7-2010 11:33
berkenaan ayat 5: 51 yaitu,
Wahai org-org yg percaya,
janganlah kamu mengambil org-org yahudi dan nasrani itu sebagai wali-wali.
sebahagian mereka itu wali-wali akan sebahagian yg lain.
sesiapa yg berpaling kpd mereka maka sesungguhnya dia itu dari mereka.
sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak memberi petunjuk kpd kaum yg zalim.
adalah berkenaan larangan mengambil org-org yahudi &nasrani sebagai para wali/pelindung/wakil/kawan/saint dsbnya.
bukan Tuhan suruh mengebom mereka
sirrikhafi Post at 22-7-2010 18:17 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kalau macam itu, islam, quran and allah is not my faith
i do not see such kind of verses in any faith and urging not to make friend with them
come to think of it, it might be man made verses
in any races , yes we hve problem
herre in malaysia :
malay are lazy or like easy living.....not all
chinese cheat.....not all
indian words double talk or snake....not all
can we conclude this and put in written book?
...but we can careful with such peoples .....
so, muslims who pray 5x , fasting all vain lah
we're praying for Allah, not for YOU or any other creature. So it's up to ALLAH to decide whether it's in vain or not, NOT YOU.
if you wanna judge Islam according to Muslims, then you would have to judge Christians by it's followers, too.
And last time I check, one forumer claimed that he's a Christian but he believed that the idol of Siddharta Gautama gave him blessings, so Christianity is a paganistic religion who believed in the power of Siddharta idols lahhh..
plus Christian follower ate pork, so Christianity allows the consumption of pork lahhh...
the problem with you is that you applied your mentality unto Islam but you didn't apply it unto other religion. Biased mentality.
anyway, can u answer this question:
I would like post question to all who believed in Buraq who took your so called seal of prophet to layer of sky or whatever you call it. the question as follows:
According to Muslims , the buraq a mystical kind of animal. Meaning it from heaven ?
Truth.8 Post at 23-7-2010 11:11 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
I think they've open up a new discussion on M&M about buraq. feel free to join as a silent reader and see the explanations from the experts. |
Reply 67# Truth.8
it has been explained many times but you always runs away when people explained it to you.
the arabic word used is "awliya' " a plural form of the word "wali" ...
tell me, Truth.8, does "wali" means "friends" ?![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
Post Last Edit by Truth.8 at 23-7-2010 12:37
we're praying for Allah, not for YOU or any other creature. So it's up to ALLAH to decide whether it's in vain or not, NOT YOU.
so, next time dont judge the Christians and other faith also. if i kiss touch gautam feets and come with reason that blessing...is not ur concern...is God will judge me.....come to think of it, it seem my life getting better...not cursed from God
if you wanna judge Islam according to Muslims, then you would have to judge Christians by it's followers, too.
we dont judge but muslims does it
And last time I check, one forumer claimed that he's a Christian but he believed that the idol of Siddharta Gautama gave him blessings, so Christianity is a paganistic religion who believed in the power of Siddharta idols lahhh..
thats is ur not ur business...so what? i will still touched the Gautam feets....such great teacher......not compulsory but i touched it
plus Christian follower ate pork, so Christianity allows the consumption of pork lahhh...
i seen muslims who eat clean meat according to quran but going around taking bribe, incest, homo, killed in name of allah...plus minang tudung who behave like harlot in lake....atas tutup and bawah buka hmy3:
the problem with you is that you applied your mentality unto Islam but you didn't apply it unto other religion. Biased mentality.
....does other faith bomb place of worshipped and hijacked building and plane???
only in islam |
I think they've open up a new discussion on M&M about buraq. feel free to join as a silent reader and see the explanations from the experts.
not interested going to MM....totally bias and double standard.
I would like post question to all who believed in Buraq who took your so called seal of prophet to layer of sky or whatever you call it. the question as follows:
According to Muslims , the buraq a mystical kind of animal. Meaning it from heaven ? |
Reply Truth.8
it has been explained many times but you always runs away when people explained i ...
gunblade712 Post at 23-7-2010 12:02 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
wow now wali pula?
is this how quran describe is it?? |
wow now wali pula?
is this how quran describe is it??
Truth.8 Post at 23-7-2010 12:40 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
wali pula?
it has always been "wali" .. looks like you always runs away when people explain to you.. kantoi.. har har har har
tell me, does "wali" means "friends" , Truth.8?
tuh lah.. orang nak explain kau lari.. lepas tuh dok bising2 mende yang sama.. no wonder you're afraid to meet me in person.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
Reply 71# Truth.8
bias? M&M? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
you've never been to M&M, have you? ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Post Last Edit by gunblade712 at 23-7-2010 13:07
so, next time dont judge the Christians and other faith also. if i kiss touch gautam feets and come with reason that blessing...is not ur concern...is God will judge me.....come to think of it, it seem my life getting better...not cursed from God
I didn't judge Christianity, I judge YOU.
The Bible judges you, not me.
those words are not MY words, it's the word of the Bible... ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif)
we dont judge but muslims does it
kau yang bising pasal perbuatan Muslim dengan ajaran Islam. kami persoalkan KITAB kau, bukan PERBUATAN kau...
thats is ur not ur business...so what? i will still touched the Gautam feets....such great teacher......not compulsory but i touched it
of course it's not, that's why I didn't say anything.. I'm just quoting what the Bible say about people who believe in the idols..
if you wanna reject the Bible, reject lah.. kami memang dah tau kau sanggup jual agama untuk cover kesilapan kau.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
i seen muslims who eat clean meat according to quran but going around taking bribe, incest, homo, killed in name of allah...plus minang tudung who behave like harlot in lake....atas tutup and bawah buka hmy3:
at least those people really did something wrong and will be persecuted if they were trialed under both syariah and/or civil law....
hehehehhe.. what about Christian pope who screw BOYS and STILL CAN BE THE LEADER OF CHRISTENDOM?? HOMOSEXUAL BUT STILL CAN BECOME LEADER OF CHURCH? CHRISTIAN DON'T OPPOSE THIS?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
....does other faith bomb place of worshipped and hijacked building and plane???
only in islam
Truth.8 Post at 23-7-2010 12:35 ![](http://mforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
only in Islam? well how do you proof to us those people are "Muslims" in the first place?
they can be stupid Christians who believed in Siddharta Gautama if you asked me... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Post Last Edit by sirrikhafi at 23-7-2010 15:57
kalau macam itu, islam, quran and allah is not my faith
Tiada paksaan dlm agama/cara hidup.
sungguh telah jelas oleh petunjuk dari yg kesesatan.
maka sesiapa yg ingkar dgn taghut dan percaya dgn ALLAH,
maka sungguh dia telah berpegang dengan tali yg teguh yg tidak akan putus bagi nya.
dan ALLAH itu maha mendengar lagi maha mengetahui.
Al-Baqarah: 256
Katakanlah: Kebenaran itu dari Tuhan kamu.
maka sesiapa yg mahu, maka nescaya dia percaya.
dan sesiapa yg mahu, maka nescaya dia ingkar.
sesungguhnya kami telah sediakan bagi org-org yg zalim itu akan api yg telah meliputi dengan mereka oleh gejolaknya.
dan jika mereka meminta minum,
mereka minum dengan air yg seperti logam mendidih yg menghangus kan oleh wajah-wajah.
seburuk-buruk minuman dan seburuk-buruk tempat berehat.
Al-Kahfi: 29
i do not see such kind of verses in any faith and urging not to make friend with them
Ye ke,
bukan ke dalam agama hindu ada mengamalkan sistem kasta?
so, mengapa setiap kasta tidak boleh "berkawan" dgn golongan kasta yg lain?
cuba kita tengok jawapan budha terhadap wanita.
Ananda yaitu murid kesayangan Budha,
pernah bertanya kpd Budha:
"Kenapa wanita tidak di beri taraf dan hak yg sama seperti lelaki dan wanita?"
Budha menjawab:
perempuan itu berhati panas.
perempuan itu cemburu.
perempuan itu dengki.
perempuan itu bodoh."
(Sumber rujukan: Indian Thought and its development)
skrg kita tengok bible pulak.
Bible kata: Cintailah musuh kamu!
jadi mengapa kristian mesti benci ALLAH?
mengapa mesti benci muhammad?
mengapa mesti benci muslims?
and last not list yaitu mengapa kristian benci setan?
mengapa kristian mesti benci segala setan& segala dosa& segala kejahatan?
jadi sebetulnya kristian itu menganjurkan kaseh kpd semua org & kaseh kpd semua perkara walau pun dgn setan, dosa & kejahatan sekalipun.
begitu ke ajaran kaseh kristian???? :re:
come to think of it, it might be man made verses
Dan jika adalah kamu itu di dlm keraguan dari apa yg telah di turunkan ke atas hamba Kami,
maka kamu datangkanlah suatu surah dari yg seumpama akan nya,
dan kamu seru lah akan saksi-saksi kamu dari selain ALLAH,
jika adalah kamu itu org-org yg benar.
Maka jika tidak kamu lakukan dan sekali-sekali kamu tidak akan melakukan,
maka takutlah kamu akan api neraka yg bahan bakar nya ialah manusia dan batu.
telah di janjikan bagi org-org yg ingkar.
Al-Baqarah: 24
in any races , yes we hve problem
Wahai manusia! sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan wanita,
dan telah Kami jadi kan kamu itu sebagai berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu kenal.
sesungguhnya yg paling mulia akan kamu di sisi ALLAH ialah yg bertakwa akan kamu.
sesungguhnya ALLAH itu maha tahu lagi maha mengetahui.
Hujurat: 13
Di Malaysia,
org melayu khususnya,
takde problem pun dgn races.
tapi kalau di india,
US dsbnya,
races adalah suatu problem bagi mereka.
ini menunjukkan Islam lebih toleran.
Bible kata: Cintailah musuh kamu!
jadi mengapa kristian mesti benci ALLAH?
mengapa mesti benci muhammad?
mengapa mesti benci muslims?
and last not list yaitu mengapa kristian benci setan?
mengapa kristian mesti benci segala setan& segala dosa& segala kejahatan?
jadi sebetulnya kristian itu menganjurkan kaseh kpd semua org & kaseh kpd semua perkara walau pun dgn setan, dosa & kejahatan sekalipun.
begitu ke ajaran kaseh kristian????
To love is to forgive![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Let's examine:
Article source: Solomon's Temple
As an ascending/descending transportation or for worshipping?
Jz like Jesus a.s. will descend with his both hands holding on to the wings of two angels.
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