Balas #60 areguard\ catat
kalau tidak silap22 dah jadi citer high noon |
itu la sebabnya tak sesuai utk bagi setiap org lesen pistol nih, baru ada pistol dah nak tunjuk samsengkat semua orang.... itu baru bodyguard.... coba kalu tak der sepetol, ingat bodyguard tu berani nak tengking2 org tak tentu pasal? sepetol nih hanya akan membuatkan pembawanya lufa daratan dan menjadi bodoh sombong....macam kes kat kl sentral tempohari...P.A. to one dato' nih, brandished sepetol dia kat one auxiliarry policeman yg cuma menjalankan tugasnya menghalau kereta2 yg suka parking ikut suka hati kat tempat yg tak leh park.... what the society has become with pistol bawah ketiak? |
Originally posted by windof at 22-5-2009 14:59
itu la sebabnya tak sesuai utk bagi setiap org lesen pistol nih, baru ada pistol dah nak tunjuk samsengkat semua orang.... itu baru bodyguard.... coba kalu tak der sepetol, ingat bodyguard tu ber ...
Bodyguard dan Dato tu berlagak sebab dia orang dia aje ade pistol. Kalau semua orang boleh bawa pistol, you have to treat everyone like they are armed because they might be. Tengoklah body guard tu, bila orang ada pistol juga kecut dia. An armed society is a polite society. A 45 don't care if you are a Datok or Mike Tyson. Kat sini, tempat paling banyak ada senjata (south and west) kat situ lah orang paling sopan sekali |
bile semua dah ade sepetol.... pas ni berlumba2 le plak tunjuk rifle plak.... nak lagi hebat tunjuk RPG plak..... |
Its a sad state of a civilization when it require everyone to carry guns to create a polite society...can't we all be polite because we are a civilized people..our society have been living together in harmony for the last four decades without the need to carry around a saturday night special |
Nice info kawan-kawan....
MAcam ni la bagus, tak perlu gaduh2... aku yang takde ilmu tang pistol/rifle/shotgun ni pun buleh belajar sekali...
Keep it up.... |
Reply #65 areguard's post
Lepas tu jangan pulak keluar ayat 'my gun is bigger than yours' |
Balas #66 matdue77\ catat
nak info lagi pasai keburukan kalu sepetol mudah diperolehi terutamanya oleh samseng2 jalanan...
ni aku sendiri tengok... beberapa tahun dulu, tengah dok drive dalam jam kat ampang, tiba2 drebar sebelah kereta aku keluaqkan sepetol, menjerit2 macam orang gila kat drebar depan kereta dia...pas tuh bang! bang! terkezut jugak aku dibuatnya...real live shooting depan mata aku.... pas tuh dia boleh gelak2 ngan geng2 dia dlm kereta tuh.... aku tak tau la sepetol tuh pakai peluru kapur ke betul pasai tak der pon nampak kesan tembakan kat mana2 kereta depan tuh... tapi still la...macam setan perangai lahanat2 tuh... |
Reply #68 windof's post
mcm kt US daaaa..... tak pun mcm GTA |
Balas #69 LT\ catat
macam ni ka? amik dari yahoo news tadi...
2 dead, 4 hurt in Ariz. graduation party shooting
1 hr 1 min ago
MESA, Ariz. – Police in Arizona say two people are dead and four others wounded after a shooting at a high school graduation party at a home.
Mesa Police Sgt. Ed Wessing said Sunday that a police officer and a 10-year-old boy were among those injured. The suspect, a 37-year-old man, is in custody after a four-hour standoff at a home near Phoenix.
Wessing says a party guest got into an argument at about 11:30 p.m. Saturday, then got a handgun from his car. The suspect returned and began shooting.
A man and a woman were killed. The 10-year-old and a man were grazed in the head and another man was shot in the wrist.
Wessing says when police arrived, patrol cars were hit by gunfire and one officer was shot in the left arm.
[ Last edited by windof at 24-5-2009 20:40 ] |
And they can also be used to save lives http://www.wsbtv.com/news/19365762/detail.html . 15 tahun aku hidup kat sini tak pernah pula aku tengok orang keluarkan pistol kat jalanraya. 5 yrs ago I was involved in a fight with 3 of my buddies against five people. All 4 of us were armed but since none of us felt that our lives were in danger, nobody pulled out their gun. We just used our fists and feet. Got some bruises, gave some too but no one died and no guns were pulled. I don't know if anyone in the other group had guns too but if they did, they didn't show theirs too.
Here if you brandish (show your gun), you are threatening someones's life. They can justifiably shoot you and you can also be arrested for threathening with a gun (at least 5yrs in most places). Your firearm can only be shown if your life is in imminent danger. If anyone brandishes a gun at me, I would assume they will shoot me and will shoot them first.
Just found this http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/5/24/nation/3973242&sec=nation and http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/5/23/nation/3969981&sec=nation. Strict firearms laws have not stopped criminals in Malaysia, only the law abiding are disarmed. |
Wessing says a party guest got into an argument at about 11:30 p.m. Saturday, then got a handgun from his car. The suspect returned and began shooting.
aku wonder this guy ada lesen ke dak nih.... aku rasa bukan criminal nih.... tapi argument got out of hand...tak leh contol manchos lagi....sepetol jugak dia pi cari...
btw benzo, hang gaduh pakai kaki n fist main koboi ker atau bukak silat/kali hang? |
Reply #71 benzo's post
it also showed that firearms does not stop criminals.
if it did, the criminals should have surrendered once he realized that he has been surrounded by armed police.
by the way, found this in wikipedia
In 2005, 75% of the 10,100 homicides committed using firearms in the United States were committed using handguns, compared to 4% with rifles, 5% with shotguns, and the rest with a type of firearm not specified. Due to the lethal potential that a gun brings to a situation, the likelihood that a death will result is significantly increased when either the victim or the attacker has a gun. The mortality rate for gunshot wounds to the heart is 84%, compared to 30% for people who sustain stab wounds to the heart.
In the United States, a quarter of commercial robberies are committed with guns. Robberies committed with guns are three times as likely to result in fatalities compared with robberies where other weapons were used, with similar patterns in cases of family violence. Criminologist Philip J. Cook hypothesizes that if guns were less available, criminals may likely commit the crime anyway but with less-lethal weapons. A significant number of homicides result as a by-product of another violent crime which escalates, with the offender going into the crime without a clear or sustained intent to kill or be killed. |
Originally posted by windof at 24-5-2009 18:46
nak info lagi pasai keburukan kalu sepetol mudah diperolehi terutamanya oleh samseng2 jalanan...
ni aku sendiri tengok... beberapa tahun dulu, tengah dok drive dalam jam kat ampang, tiba2 drebar ...
tu pasal kena semua orang ada sepetol. samseng ni nak timing kalu, semua kereta keliling dia acu sepetol kat dia.
sama gak macam dlm airplane. kalau sume passenger bawak sepetol, camane nak hijack? before 60s pun airline selamba je benarkan passenger bawak pistol.
anyway, aku pun subscribe to NRA punya point of view ni. benzo dah cover all the main points. criminals by definition dah memang tak peduli law, pistol legal ke tak legal, dia tetap ada pistol jugak. yg law abiding citizen ni yg kena ada pistol for self defence.
utk naysayers, tengok kat irak atau desert societies yg ada firearm culture. everyone is well behaved. pegi masjid bawak je la guns, apa ada hal. aku kat peshawar dulu kat masjid member tu selambak je bawak M16 letak tepi nak semayang, yg lain pulak dgn AK nye..no hal pun.
yg irak pun, bila taim saddam haritu, satu picture tu was very illuminating; saddam naik berdiri atas kereta with irakis keliling dia tembak AK ke langit. how much trust is that?
malaysia pun takla asing sangat dgn firearms ni. sebelum merdeka punya ramai org ada firearms. takdemasalah pun.. |
Balas #74 saden\ catat
itu pasal la negara2 yg hang mention tuh tarak aman...berzaman2 bergaduh dan berperang sama sendiri...masing2 ikut kefala ego masing2.... kalu semua orang bawak sepetol dlm kapalterbang lagi la hancus...satu peluru kena tingkap, pecah kalu, berapa punya suction power depa mau tahan.... pelot2 pon rasa tak selamat ngan adanya koboi2 dlm kapai....silap haribulan, kena yg weng masuk kokpit, tembak dua2 pelot, semua habih jalan... |
Balas #74 saden\ catat
kan dolu sebelum merdeka dah darurat...sampai lepas merdeka lagi...pasai commie pon mau right utk pegang firearm....siapa kata tarak masalah?
negeri2 desert yg tak bawak firearm kehulu-kehilir macam emirat arab bersatu lagi sempoi jer... lagi maju dan tarak masalah, lu refer kat negeri desert mana? somalia ka?
[ Last edited by windof at 25-5-2009 01:32 ] |
Reply #71 benzo's post
BTW in which city do you live in? And in which part? |
Balas #75 windof\ catat
hang cuba ingatkan aku, bila civvies boleh bawah guns dalam kapal..setau aku enforcement officers aja boleh bawa, itupun kena declare kat bawah dan pelot kan....dan kalau nutin spesel kena serah kat pelot jugak.. |
Reply #78 mmc's post
setaww wa, pistol mmg kena declare dan diserahkan kepada pelot melainkan law enforcement officer. tapi law enforment officer pon kena declare dia punya sidearm dan backup sidearm. apapon, terpulang kepada budi bicara pelot sebenarnya samada untuk benarkan law enforcement officers retain depa punya sidearm atau kena surrender pada pelot. |
Balas #78 mmc\ catat
tak pernah dibuat orang daa...gilo ko apo? US paranoid pon tak buat lagu tuh... u can never know dalam kefala orang semua ada apa...even the closest and most trusted bodyguard sekalipon...kalu dah sampai masa tiba2 jadi weng, dia weng jugak.... |
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