Spammer is someone who is bored to death, nothing to do n love no ethics. |
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Spammer ni somwbody yg tk cukup kasih sayang/perhatian
Annoying |
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Give us the opportunity to get to know various kind of people in this word. |
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lol.. ni pun boleh jadi satu topic thread kan. hihi
tp yelah, spammer ni takde keje lain. kalau kat forum maybe nak kumpul kredit la tu kot.
kalau kat socmed lain i.e fb, ig, ramai spam iklan. so nak boostkan sales.
kalau spam emel pulak, ntah apa tujuan. obviously masuk terus dalam spam mailbox kot. |
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spammer have no life ya know? |
memang diorang takde life sangat. kalau utk kes promote barang, mungkin acceptable sebab tu mungkin (berapa banyak mungkin daaaa) salah satu cara diorang guna tetapi kena la tempat yg betul jugak. jangan main sembrono je. macam kat ig, orang2 yg promote barang diorang ni selamba badak je komen kat post orang. sampai kita terpaksa scroll utk baca benda2 yg penting. kadang2 tu komen2 yg berkenaan dgn post tu sikit je. post dari spammer ni yg melambak2 |
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spammer, kalau kat email i dah lali dah dgn email spam ni.
tp sekarang spammer ni kawan sendiri yg jual insurans.
sepanjang masa dok spam kat wassap.
nk block kang kawan kan.
so, ignore je lah. smpai kadang2 dia text biasa pun i tak perasan sebab dah bercampur2 dgn dia punye insurans tu.
haihhhh. |
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So, how we gonna do that?
Talking Back to the Spammers
By John Kelly
Tuesday, September 7, 2004; Page C09
I don't think I'm alone in hating spam, the unwanted sludge that clogs your e-mail inbox. I'm all in favor of legislation that allows convicted spammers to be punished in the most awful ways possible: shaved, rolled in bread crumbs, then deep-fried in peanut oil, for example, or forced to listen to 12 straight hours of a fourth-grade band concert.
What I find so amazing about spam is that the spammers must think we're complete idiots. They think we'll hand over our bank account information for a chance at some portion of a $27 million Nigerian fortune or that we'll suddenly decide that right now is the time to whiten our teeth/enlarge our bust/refinance our house/ improve our sex life/purchase a tiny, remote-control car.
_____By John Kelly_____
• Answer Man: The Word on Science (The Washington Post, Sep 6, 2004)
• Around and Around and Around It Goes (The Washington Post, Sep 3, 2004)
• On the Road to Some Good Stories (The Washington Post, Sep 2, 2004)
• Expressing Yourself to the UPS Computer (The Washington Post, Sep 1, 2004)
• More Columns
_____Live Discussions_____
• Washington Live (Live Online, Sep 3, 2004)
• John Kelly's Washington Live (Live Online, Aug 27, 2004)
• John Kelly's Washington Live (Live Online, Aug 20, 2004)
I suppose that's the way it works. You have to send out millions of stupid e-mails in the hope that you'll hit it big with one or two dolts.
But I confess that as much as I hate spam, I sort of like the subject headings spammers use. Trying to catch your attention or outsmart your spam filter, spammers often employ language that has a sort of inscrutable, idiot savant poetry about it.
For the past few months, I've been collecting my favorite subject headings from messages flagged by my spam filter. Looking at them, I can imagine a conversation . . .
Uh, hello.
long time no see . . .
Well, I've been busy. You know how it is.
do you love me?
There are only a select few people who are allowed to ask me that. And all of them are more likely to ask me in person rather than via e-mail. So excuse me if I refuse to even dignify that question with a response.
looking for a man
I am, technically, of that gender.
looking for a real man
Already with the conditions. . . .
is your wife satisfied? conferring
Now I ask you, what sort of question is that? And whaddya mean "conferring"? Who is? The United Nations High Commissioner for Wife Satisfaction? And why are you asking me anyway? Shouldn't you be talking to my wife?
The complete guide to find that special so . . .
"That special so . . ." ? Do you mean that special so-and-so? That special sob sister? That special soap bubble? Soda fountain, soda cracker, soda jerk? Sodium-vapor lamp? Sousaphone? Souvlaki? I hope it's souvlaki. Because if it's souvlaki, I'd like to know. Special souvlaki is worth finding.
take a moment to protect yourself from lar . . .
Ah, here I'm fairly sure they must mean "from larrigans," a larrigan being a type of oiled-leather moccasin worn by Canadian woodsmen. Personally, I protect myself with Larrigan Away, available in either roll-on or spray at a pharmacy near you.
Important Message
And here I was just about to delete this just because it came from someone named [email protected]. Good thing I noticed that it said "Important Message." You wouldn't put that on an unimportant message, would you?
See above.
How about I treat as toxic waste and drop it into the Marianas Trench?
get vicodin and anything else here
Anything else? Even some special souvlaki?
My testimonial about skuper viakgra
"Hekre's my tesktimonial: Skuper Viakgra wkorks greakt! Thkere's onkly one skide effkect. I tkalk fkunny nokw."
Kellyj shuck warplane greatcoat butternut
Wow, man, that's deep.
I know, I know: Can't live with them, can't live without them.
Did ya ever notice?
Andy Rooney, is that you? You know I have a restraining order.
=?iso-2022-jp?q?=96=A2=8F=B3=91=F8=8DL=8D . . .
Either my computer is trying to tell me something or someone has e-mailed me the closing moves of a particularly exciting chess match.
If you can't even spell the word "what," how can I trust that your get-rich scheme/generic Levitra/gross of Chinese-made carborundum drill bit is all that you claim it is?
Egypt's best e-marketing offer
Egypt, huh? Well I . . .
Egypt's Best Seminars in July 2004
But I haven't made up my mind about that e-marketing offer yet, and I . . .
tipsy baseball egypt
Well I'm not going to go to Egypt if you're going to spout gibberish.
greetings from the netherlands
Please don't treat me like Egypt.
Worldwide Canadian Generic Drugstore
Aren't "Canadian" and "generic" sort of redundant?
MAYBE!!! What are the benefits? Major medical? Dental? Snapple in the break room?
lonely and horny
It's been my experience that the horny do not stay lonely for long.
This is not another useless 3 Ring Binder . . .
I am touched that you can sense my deep disappointment at the three-ring binders that, until now, have been a constant, irritating presence in my life.
[no subject] (from [no sender])
Finally, truth in spamvertising.
Why do I get so much spam? Probably because I'm fool enough to print my e-mail address. It's [email protected]. Or write me at 1150 15th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071. Or call me at 202-334-5129.
refer:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A1329-2004Sep6.html |
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Talking about spammers
Dear Spammers...
Roses are red violets are blue
Comin' into mah chatroom being a n00b
You're worse than the flattest boob!
I think your mentally retarded
Go get discarded
Not caring at all if you get banned
Get the hell out before we're all dAmned!
I hoped you liked my poem
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Edited by cheergirlz at 12-5-2017 12:08 PM
Yup...it is annoying and no doubt about it, they are everywhere in this world..
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spammer ni jenis yg ksunyian kot..tu nak sgt spam org. minta perhatian |
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get lost spammer
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Profile of a spammer
Personal Characteristics
– Predominantly male
– 16 – 35 years old
– Single
– Living in or working from home
– Technically competent (these guys are not idiots)
– Tendency to be involved in other illegal activities (e.g. credit card fraud)
– Consider their activities to be harmless
– Can/will work with other spammers on large campaigns
Methods Used
– Familiar with spoofing also known as “E-mail Phishing“.
– Uses open relays
– Never uses the same IP address twice
– Sets up a webpage/portal that looks exactly like that of a well known company.
– Sends out spam mail to this companies customers advising them to update their payment information or billing details.
– The customer responds to this by going to the website and entering their login or credit card details.
– The spammer then uses the acquired information to perform other illegal activities as the new identity.
Favorite Spam Software
– News Blast
– MailBomb
– Prospect Mailer
– Spammers will often have software custom written for them if necessary.
Amount of Spam
– A single spammer can, potentially, send 84,000,000 (84 million pieces of spam per day).
Income Potential
– A “good” spammer can easily earn $100,000 per year. Spammers work on a piece rate so the more spam they send the higher their income potential.
– On average 1,000,000 pieces of junk mail sent out will result in 100 “sales” or leads. This in turn generally means big profits for the spammer.
Spammers are people, too—-just really sick people. |
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Spammer ialah
- tengah2 syok layan Didi & friends kat youtube tetiba keluar iklan
- terkejut tengok byk notification kat fb rupa2nya tagged nama aku suruh beli barang dia jual
- dah lama x email dlm inbox ada 100 iklan judi. Bila masa aku main judi pun x tau |
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When a spammer invades a forum, somebody may point it out using one of these images or something similar, which lets everyone know there's a dirty low down spammin' skunk in their midst.
Save a life, kill a spammer.
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Alamak salah vote! Nak kata setuju sebenarnyaaa. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi