cubajaya replied at 9-5-2017 08:03 PM
saya selalu kena camni
Saya ketua unit tp org bwh semua max 2 portfolio...saya sampa ...
I feel you... bertabahlah.. |
Sometimes terpaksa senyap2 je jangan tunjuk bagus sgt. Just buat apa yg suruh cukup2 makan
Sbbnya bos selalu suruh kita je buat if dia tau kita bagus
Memang selalu tanam niat utk bekerja dgn ikhlas so gaji yg dpt tu berkat
Tapi if asyik kita je yg kena.. ikhlas pun menipis la kot..huhu |
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Dkt office mcm2 ragam.. yg paling stand out yg pandai ckp. Geng yg buat kerja nama pon x ada. Pastu boleh memilih task, task yg x deal directly ngn boss bg org lain . Nk nama punya pasal. Bully lah nih |
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My case, more workload = incriment/bonus so so. No workload = incriment/bonus lebih kot. Terpaksa pujuk hati, xpe hopefully gaji yg berkat. |
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Byk kali kene smpi dh x rasa apa. Tapi tiap kali kene serahkn semua pd Allah. Alhmdlh life ok..anak2 n family pn ok. Org yg membuli sampai hr ni life dia x ketentuan |
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seribulan replied at 20-1-2017 07:32 AM
Perancis pun dah haramkan mesej2 kerja afterhours ni...work during work only...
sekarang ni ar ...
pernah pkl 2,3 pg Telegram berbunyi bos bg arahan keje untk esok...stressss... |
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biasa kat tempat keje sy,pekerja yg tak byk komitmen kat umh n mr/Mrs Yes Sir yg selalu kena buli..kesian tgk diorg...huhuhu |
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Edited by ninja boy at 10-5-2017 01:16 AM
masalah2 skrg ni ada staff yg byk cakap dari buat kerja. ada staff yg rehat 2 jam sehari tanpa bos perasan, ada staff yg suka provoke cakap bukan2 cakap pusing sana sini, manager yg tiada kuasa kontrol pekerja sbb bos besar lantik org lain utk sain kedatangan dan arahan kerja. ada 3 org senior manager x de fungsi apa pun hidup makan gaji buta. ada staff org tua2 umur 65, 70 tahap tunggu mati masih bekerja ygsebenarnya mereka makan gaji buta juga. ada staff yg tiada kelayakan memegang jawatan tersebut. ada staff a yg perasan dia paling bagus bekerja dan mengganggu staf b dan c diskas sana diskas sini samapi staff itu x dpat siapkan scop kerja mereka sendiri kena buat luar waktu pejabat. semua staff x faham job skop masing2 ada yg buat kerja org lain ada yg x tahu buat kerja mereka adayg pas kerja kpd org lain, ada manager yg bodo piang senag2 kena tipu pejerja. sampai managr2 saling bertikam lidah dan baling kerusi hempuk sana sini dengan aku sekali join hempuk hammer spt pesta keganasan gituh |
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Jenis malas nak bising2 pun kena buli. Syok betul si pembuli dapat buli orang mcm ni |
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Penglaman i kena buli di tempat kerja :
I kerja as IT and admin. So semua kerja admin i kena assist la and amek tahu.
i jenis menurut perintah, tak tegas, tak reti melawan sebab nak suasana harmoni jela dekat office kan.
sampai HR pun mintak tlg i buat keje dia, receptionist pun panggil i ganti dia .
Tu belum tambah dgn keje i yg kalau ade problem IT, i kena handle sorang.
Sampai 1 masa i giveup sebab HR sesuka hati nak balik pukul berapa, and kalau boss cari HR i yang kena assists boss buat kerja HR, lepas tu receptionist sesuka hati nak keluar pegi memana and minta tolong i takeover tempat receptionist. i nak marah, semua dah tua dari i. so I layankan.
company tu mmg asal boleh je sebab takde punch card pun, so thats why boleh masuk lambat, balik awal.
At the end, i decide untuk resign sebab tak membantu untuk expand my knowledge in IT pon, byk buat kerja admin je.
Then after my resignation, diorang tak henti2 contact i setiap hari untuk tanya pasal kerja.
padahal i dah tender notice 2 bulan, but still last minute baru nak cari orang which is 2 hari terakhir i last kerja kat situ. mmg tak sempat la nak takeover kan.
padan muka. hahah. sekarang i dah bahagia kat tempat kerja baru~
//panjang pulak post |
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Ak mmg senang dibuli.. laki ak pon marah.. sejenis tak bole tgk kerja bertimbun walaupun bukan keje ak.. awal2 dulu sendiri offer utk siapkan org punya keje.. skrg org da assume keje bersama pulak.. salah sendiri la sbenanya |
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oh, memang sama dengan pengalaman i
pum pang pum pang, macam bagus tapi bila kita take over kerja dia baru lah kita tau punya banyak kerja tak lengkap & tak siap
lagi menambah pedih di hati bila bos kata kita tak secekap buat keje macam dia, macamana nak cekap deyy asyik nak beklog kerja lama
orang yang banyak cakap ni advantage dia itulah, selalu nampak wangi
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Belum pernah experinece buli kat tempat kerja sebab i jenis yang tak suka orang yang take things for granted. Kesah sangat jawatan u. I just buat kerja sendiri. Ada rezeki untuk promotion, Alhamdulillah. |
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pernah ada pengalaman..tapi tempat baru...suka suki die jer bg kja..bos plak dgr ckp kakak tue (mentang2 org lama)..errmm buat jgk lah walau hati geram..end up, ckp kat die bila dah setel kja kita baru tolong ...errmm kna stayback sbb kja org lain..sedangkn kja kita setel on time.
satu lagi bab outstation, bayangkan dh g outing brape hr, msuk ofiz hr khamis, jumaat smpai weekend plak kna pergi lagi sedangkan ade lagi budak2 lain...saja jer...nasib dah pindah..(ringkas) |
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Edited by cheergirlz at 11-5-2017 11:51 PM
Ten Tips For Dealing With Being Bullied At Work
1. Don’t get emotional. Bullies take pleasure in emotionally manipulating people. Stay calm and rational to diffuse the situation.
2. Don’t blame yourself. Acknowledge that this is not about you; it’s about the bully. Don’t lose your confidence, or think you are incapable or incompetent. They are usually beating you at a mind game, not based on your actual work performance.
3. Do your best work. The bully’s behavior will seem more justified if you aren’t doing your best work, or if you do things like come to work late, take long lunches, turn in work late, etc.
4. Build a support network. Instead of allowing the bully to make you retreat into your office, work on building your relationships with your coworkers so that you have support and the bully doesn’t turn them against you as well (although she will try and may even be successful).
5. Document everything. Keep a journal (on your personal computer or in writing, but never leave it in the office) of what happened when (and who witnessed it) so that if you need to escalate this problem to Human Resources, you have the information you need to make your case. Keep emails and notes.
6. Seek help. If you think you’re being bullied, it’s time to start talking to others who can help you manage this situation. Try a mentor, advocate, seasoned/experienced friend, even a legal advocate who specializes in bullying and inappropriate or discriminatory behavior in the workplace. Tread lightly when approaching your human resources department. They work for the company, not you, so you have to be careful about what you share depending on how well liked and supported your bully is within the organization. HR doesn’t have the luxury of keeping everything you say confidential so don’t treat a meeting with them like a counseling session where you should share everything you think/feel or assume that they can or will fix the problem for you.
7. Get counseling. It will help you deal with the stress, especially if the bullying is already affecting your physical and mental health. You have to take care of yourself.
8. Stay healthy. Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle outside of work to help you cope with the madness at work. Work out, get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy diet.
9. Educate yourself. Learn everything you can about bullying, your company’s policies on inappropriate behavior and occupational law regarding this kind of experience. The more you know, the better your chances of successfully dealing with this situation.
10. Don’t expect to change the bully. Real behavior change is difficult and it takes time. You have no control over a bully’s willingness to accept that they have a problem and to work on it. You can do your best to manage the situation, but it’s really the company’s responsibility to be observant and responsive to the needs of their workers and the general work environment. In the worst-case scenario you may need to leave your job or be prepared for a long hard fight with your bully and your employer.
To read more from Dr. Michelle, visit her website, www.DrMichelle.com, or visit her on Facebook.
© 2011 Dr. Michelle Callahan
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Category: Belia & Informasi