Daesung chosen as the celebrity netizens would like to celebrate Black Day with [NEWS]
On April 14th the celebration of “Black Day” began (Korean tradition where people who are single get together and eat jajangmyun/noodles with black bean sauce) and we’re interested in knowing who people want to spend it with.
Music portal “Bugs” conducted a survey in the theme of “Black Day” asking, “who’s the singer you’d like to eat noodles with alone?“.
From April 5th to April 11th a total of 881 persons voted and with the recently released special edition album with stylish music and fashion, Big Bang’s Daesung received 1st place with 37% of the people’s votes.
Netizens left comments such as, “For Black Day I want to eat noodles together with Daesung oppa“, bringing him to the top spot.
Meanwhile, Big Bang’s Special Edition album has swept various charts and is gaining a lot of popularity. “Love Song” is currently all the way at the top on Bugs TOP50 real-time music chart.
Daesung and IU cuts on "Night after Night" (110405) [SUBBED]
Source: shiareagy.tumblr.com
Chynez Post at 18-4-2011 18:29
da tgk yg ni...comeynye iu.. da la tgh mood dream high motip ajushi tu yeye nk iu pilih die kan daesungie..omo2 {:1_126:} comey gile time dia dok compete2 nk suh iu pilih die
unnie beli tak? nnt ah chy lawat uniqlo tu,nak bwk cukup2 59.90 je voleh : ...
Chynez Post at 18-4-2011 15:48
nanhado la nk bwk ckup je...nyesal nti..aku dah rambang mate confius nk bli daesung design or gd..dua2 cantik... kalau blh nk je grab sume..hari2 pki tshir bigbang
nti nk dtg lagi..nk gak bli gd punye design walaupun colour pinkk kemainnn
nk crik kt mana baju nih? smlm ada nmpk sorg chinese tu pakai...santekk2
SuJu Post at 18-4-2011 09:23
kat mall bru tue fahrenheit..kedai Uniqlo..btol depan pavi...g grab cpt..byk lg design n size sbb bru restocked! cuba hoodie je dah tinggal 2 design stock lame..
akak pon tak tau... tgk sini harganye not bad... tu ar tgh tggu sesape nk beli lg, leh hantar sekalitanpa kene delivery charge...
kata nya hgga end april... adeyyy,.. nk pi sane tah biler la jejaknye....
nae btol,kena decide cepat2 sbb tix tu offer now..klu btul nak p,kite beli ...
Chynez Post at 18-4-2011 17:57
pasal promo tu, rasanya kalo bole dpt murah lagi, lagi best. my fren dpt less than RM600 return tix korea ari tuh. ok chy, pepepun kite discuss pasal ni kat fb ek!
motip kan jidi ambik gmbr gitu
Chynez Post at 18-4-2011 18:15
ha'ah...asyik moncong je dia skarang ni. seb baik la cute giles. snagat sesuweeiii dia moncong2 manja camgitu tabi...mg cam uncle handsome yang lain sume in happy moods and comey. park so hyun....dah tangkap suka sama dia ngan won jun dlm WGM
hehhe thanks a lot kak ana teman kan g beli
shareena88 Post at 18-4-2011 22:22
no prob sherry, my pleasure btw, tshirt gd yg pink tu cantik kalo dah sarungkan kat badan. i prefer the pink one to the grey one. so, to those yg tak beli lagi...gi beli cepat. sempat sembang ngan mamat sales person kat situ (cute gak, bubbly...sesuweeii la utk korang yang berumur awal 20an ke pertengahan 20an ) - katanya, ini dah kali ke-tak-tau-yang-keberapa UNIQLO KL kena restock BB nye tshirts and hoodies. the best part, katanya disbbkan range BB tu, he has to learn to get to know BB and now he knows about BB and the mvs. hehehehehe....nice!