KIM JONG KOOK (김종국)~LoVeAbLe FrOm HeAd tO ToE~4th HAVEN~
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nak try tepek
sape2 nampak gambo ni bagitau ye 
nanti iols tepek bebyk terus

Last edited by syue86 on 26-5-2014 12:12 PM
syue86 posted on 26-5-2014 11:59 AM 
nak try tepek
sape2 nampak gambo ni bagitau ye
nanti iols tepek bebyk terus
x nmpk apa2 pun 
nk emel iols ke??
iols pm
라라 @rara82hy
[RATING] 140525 (nation) RM : 10.7% ||| Roommate : 6.3% ||| 1N2D : 13.6% ||| Real Man : 13.2%
hurmm hope akan rating kan terus up. macam bahaya jer kalau cont macam ni. tak ready lagi nak dengar berita RM kena cancel (tak ready lagi untuk tak dapat tengok KJK tiap-tiap minggu sebenarnyer ) |
@syue86 , aku bagi step2 mcm mana nak upload gambar. Pastikan ko save semua gambar2 dulu dalam pc ko. Harap2 paham la no!
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clara_nur posted on 25-5-2014 02:36 PM 
harap2 masa oppa datang nanti, tkde kontrobasi mcm taun lepas yg mana tetiba ramai plk tetiba jadi ...
dah muncul dah ustazah jadian
dekat fb KJKMalaysia tuh
yg aku xpaham
ko pehal muncul kt fb tu klu xsuke die
budus! |
Running Man: Kim Jong Kook became flustered when faced with a “Yoon Eun Hye attack.”
During the episode, Kim Jong Kook’s Kangwon University team advanced to the semi finals in the National Collegiate Ddakji Championship by default. Due to Kim Jong Kook’s immense energy, the team was able to score two consecutive, sweeping wins.
At this time, college students from the opposing teams launched a sudden attack on Kim Jong Kook by shouting “Yoon Eun Hye! Yoon Eun Hye!”, causing an embarrassed Kim Jong Kook to strike out. Yoo Jae Suk commented that “This strategy was quite effective,” amusing those present.
SPOILER ALERT- Ultimately, Kim Jong Kook was defeated 2:1 by Ji Suk Jin.
The May 25 episode also included the selection of a “Ddakji King” from among eight competing collegiate heavyweights.
(credit soompi)
laa, me igt Jaesuk yg mulakan usikan pasal YEH ni rupanya team lawan yg first start
students pon pandai cr kelemahan KJK guna nama YEH..
clara_nur posted on 26-5-2014 03:47 PM 
haaa..ramai dh bg tjk ajar..harap2 uolls berjaya chaiyok3!!
tak berjaya
macam ade kuota jek
sengal betul
tggu esok la plak
if xdpt gak
emel je la kt @intan_smsb |
syue86 posted on 26-5-2014 04:01 PM 
tak berjaya
macam ade kuota jek
sengal betul
ok.. blh je..
kau ikut tak yg aku ajar tu
camne ni sue nnti nak tepek pica oppa kt the strand  |
intan_smsb posted on 26-5-2014 04:06 PM 
camne ni sue nnti nak tepek pica oppa kt the strand
aku dh cakap awal2
aku nk emel je kt sape2 tepek
aku guna cara yg cik_ted ajar
tp seems mcm ade kuota
memula die tulis 1GB pastu tetibe tggl 0GB
yg guna hp tu pyh
koser aku |
ada peluang lagi nak menang VIP pass 
contest link
In less than 100 words, share with us: What would you say to Kim Jong Kook if you had the chance to meet him in person? Impressive entries win!
Papitus ‘Good day’ with JK on May 24, 2014 ~cr star news {x} via ruby826@tumblr
syue86 posted on 26-5-2014 04:22 PM 
aku dh cakap awal2
aku nk emel je kt sape2 tepek
aku kalau tak boleh upload sbb ada yg kecik la, besar la..aku upload dalam FB je. pastu aku copy, tepek kat sini. then, baru la delete gambar2 kt FB tu. senang cite!
kaz2y5 posted on 26-5-2014 04:44 PM 
ada peluang lagi nak menang VIP pass
dah join dah contest ni
xtau la dapat ke tidokkkk
yg lain sume website chinese
anyway mall ni pun aku rasa target chinese as pgunjung
aritu aku sorg je melayu bkeliaran kt situ
nnt aku try yg ni plak
wah..dpt pelajaran tepek menepek arini
kikiki |
cik_ted143 posted on 26-5-2014 04:49 PM 
aku kalau tak boleh upload sbb ada yg kecik la, besar la..aku upload dalam FB je. pastu aku copy, ...
fb xbley buka kt opis ni..
klu tak senang nk dptkan url kan? |
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