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Author: Alion

Kajian Makin Kuat Agama Makin Bodoh?

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Post time 10-5-2015 05:16 PM | Show all posts
apam replied at 10-5-2015 05:14 PM
Lu main dgn cewek indon berapa round? Tak yah kira dosa dulula, sbb mesti boleh offset punya sbb p ...

jab....wa nak pi toilet dulu...


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Post time 10-5-2015 05:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 10-5-2015 04:58 PM
Ribu ribu tahun dulu apasal tuhan boleh berkata kata.. Boleh bercakap...boleh berfirman... Semacam?  ...

Tak tau la pasal tohan kau.....tapi Tuhan aku sejak Nabi Muhammad takdak berkata2 dgn manusia di alam sini.....zaman tu pun tadak kau bebudak BBNU?

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Post time 10-5-2015 05:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lavaAnggur replied at 10-5-2015 05:16 PM
jab....wa nak pi toilet dulu...

Laa lu tak payah pegi indon,,,,kat toilet pun jadi.....tak tau la plak pakai self service ni dosa ke tak? Dosa ke tak eaa? ......hihihihi

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Post time 10-5-2015 05:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adakah laba telah lawas di tandas atau tewas di tandas?? Sama2 kita nantikan... @lavaAnggur sejak harni buka thread pelacur asyik berulang ke tandas ja laba...

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2015 06:00 PM | Show all posts
apam replied at 10-5-2015 04:34 PM
Kau ni mmg slow laa......dah berbillion manusia tak kira kaya,miskin,educated,uneducated,hidup,dah ...

Saintis teroka yg boleh dibuktikan wujud. Tapi Tuhan memang tak boleh dibuktikan wujud.

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Post time 10-5-2015 06:13 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 06:50 PM
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 02:33 PM
Sains - sesuatu itu tak wujud jika tak bukti wujud. Tuhan tak boleh dibuktikan wujud. Jadi sesuatu ...

Sains boleh silap so it's not 100% reliable all the time.

Sains pernah tarak bukti dinasor wujud ketika tulang pertama tak di temui lagi oleh saintis , tapi dinasor tetap pernah wujud dulu kala tu .

Adakah kau nak kata ketika sains tarak bukti dinasor wujud tu , maka waktu tu dinasor layak bergelar tuhan ?


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Post time 10-5-2015 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 06:51 PM
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 06:00 PM
Saintis teroka yg boleh dibuktikan wujud. Tapi Tuhan memang tak boleh dibuktikan wujud.

Tak semua perkara boleh di lihat dengan mata dan boleh di pegang dengan tangan memanjang.

Emosi tak boleh di pegang dan tak boleh di lihat, yang kita nampak hanya kesan emosi ke atas wajah dan perilaku manusia dan bukannya emosi tu sendiri.

Tapi sains tetap iktiraf kewujudan emosi manusia kerana bukti di perolehi dengan melihat kesan yang ditinggalkan oleh emosi tanpa perlu melihat emosi sendiri.

Jadi memandangkan Tuhan tak boleh di lihat dan tak boleh di pegang maka bukti perlu di perolehi dengan melihat kepada alam semesta yang merupakan kesan kekuasaanNya. Tak perlu lihat Tuhan sendiri pun boleh perolehi bukti kewujudanNya haih.


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Post time 10-5-2015 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 07:01 PM
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 11:03 AM
Jin tak faham bahasa manusia jika jin bukan spesis manusia. Tapi macamana pengamal perubatan Islam ...

Jin di beri keupayaan oleh Tuhan untuk berfikir yang bermakna jin boleh belajar bahasa manusia kalau dia nak .

Orang yang di rasuk boleh cakap bahasa siam walau seumur hidup dia tak pernah belajar bahasa tu , bermakna jin tu pandai bahasa tu dek kerana bergaul dengan bomoh siam yang bela jin tu .


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Post time 10-5-2015 07:02 PM | Show all posts
apam replied at 10-5-2015 05:20 PM
Tak tau la pasal tohan kau.....tapi Tuhan aku sejak Nabi Muhammad takdak berkata2 dgn manusia di a ...

Lu semayam tuhan apa?

Eh... Bukan ke dulu dulu tuhan cakap sama nabi nabi?

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Post time 10-5-2015 07:06 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 07:09 PM
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 10-5-2015 04:58 PM
Ribu ribu tahun dulu apasal tuhan boleh berkata kata.. Boleh bercakap...boleh berfirman... Semacam?  ...

Firman Allah diturunkan pada manusia bila ada keperluan aje , so dalam Al Quran dah ada segala hukum hakam untuk memenuhi keperluan manusia dari zaman nabi hinggalah ke hari kiamat , maka tak perlu diturunkan firman lagi dah la.

Manusia je yang suka cakap tak ketahuan tarak faedah macam pak maslan tu malah adakalanya tak perlu cakap pun dok cakap jugak pot pet pot pet


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Post time 10-5-2015 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 06:00 PM
Saintis teroka yg boleh dibuktikan wujud. Tapi Tuhan memang tak boleh dibuktikan wujud.

Sapa saintis yg tak boleh buktikan tu? Kau ke? Ekeke

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Post time 10-5-2015 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 10-5-2015 07:02 PM
Lu semayam tuhan apa?

Eh... Bukan ke dulu dulu tuhan cakap sama nabi nabi?

Lu bodo ka apa? Tadi lu kata zaman internet....skrg nabi pun dah takde,,,zaman nabi pun tadak, yg mana satu?......ekekekeke

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Post time 10-5-2015 07:18 PM | Show all posts
apam replied at 10-5-2015 07:11 PM
Lu bodo ka apa? Tadi lu kata zaman internet....skrg nabi pun dah takde,,,zaman nabi pun tadak inte ...

Wa cakap 2 2 lah lu tarak faham ka?

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Post time 10-5-2015 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 10-5-2015 07:18 PM
Wa cakap 2 2 lah lu tarak faham ka?

Apa yg lu cakap lu sendri tarak paham......apadaaa.......skrg, lu kasi cerita betul2, ada internet tadak internet ?....... apa lu mau cerita zaman pra internet, semua manusia bodo2 belaka, tadak boleh pikir kan?.......apa lu ingat kecerdekan dan spritual sense manusia ada betambah ka post internet?   Skrg ni zaman internet facebook,forum cari, insta itu semua,,,masih lagi ada org bodo percaya kaki kenceng tak kisah la pasal ketuhanan ka, pekerjaan ka, bisnes, how? ......

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Post time 10-5-2015 07:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 07:49 PM
Orange1 replied at 10-5-2015 04:13 PM
Hellooooooo.....aku takde sentuh langsung isu kiblat tak kiblat ni. Aku maksudkan ketaksubannn ummah suciiii isle terhadap kaabahhh tu, bery d terroristttsss sgt nampakkk sungguh menakutkannn, bertolakk tolakkkan berhimpit himpitqn sampai berpijakkk pijakkan kerana taksub dgn benda tu, serupa berperang walaupun katanya tgh beribadah.. Kahkahhkahhhh....sampaiii polis bagaiii kena kawal ketat katanya sbb thp ekstremmm pentaksub yg ada dtg dr pelbagaiiii pelosokk donia, atleast kaperrr lehanattt sembahh tokong buatan dorang takde ke tahapp ekstremmmm gitu, aman2 jah rasanya. Aku lebih rela masuk church or tokong china or kuil dr bergasakkkkk kat kaabahh tu lol

Dekat kuil di india berlaku stampede sampai berlambak mati ketika perayaan hindu , lagi brutal , banyak kali plak tu berlaku bukannya sekali je

------------------------------------------------ ... ndu-festival-finale

South & Central Asia

Outrage in India as temple stampede toll hits 115
(UPDATED) Outrage mounted over safety at the festival which was also the scene of a similar tragedy 7 years ago

Rachel O'Brien, Agence France-PressePublished 8:44 AM, Oct 14, 2013
Updated 11:53 PM, Oct 14, 2013

STAMPEDE AFTERMATH. Bodies are pictured on a bridge following a stampede outside the Ratangarh Temple in Datia district, India's Madhya Pradesh state, on October 13, 2013. AFP/Stringer
DATIA, India (2ND UPDATE)- Outrage mounted in India Monday after at least 115 devotees were crushed to death or drowned near a Hindu temple, the site of another deadly stampede only seven years ago.
As survivors of Sunday's tragedy on a bridge recounted how desperate mothers threw their children into the water below, authorities came under fire over policing levels amid claims the panic was aggravated by baton-charging.
Medics were also battling to save the lives of 10 people classified as critically ill after the stampede in the town of Ratangarh in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.
"The death toll has now gone up to 115 and more than 110 injured," deputy police inspector general D. K. Arya told AFP.
"Ten of those are in a very critical state."
In a sign of the anger towards the state government, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh was heckled as he made a tour of one of the hospitals where victims were being treated.
The tragedy cast a long shadow over celebrations marking the finale of the nine-day Navratri festival, dedicated to the worship of the Hindu goddess Durga.
Police and witnesses said the panic had been sparked by rumours that the bridge was about to collapse.
Up to 400,000 devotees were already inside or around the temple when the stampede took place, while there were around 20,000 people on the bridge, which spans the river Sindh.
The disaster comes only 7 years after another stampede outside the same temple. Then, more than 50 people were crushed to death while crossing the river, after which authorities built the bridge.

'Sheer ineptitude'
"Cops learnt no lessons from 2006 stampede," read a headline in The Hindustan Times, saying the tragedy "underlines the sheer ineptitude of the authorities responsible for the safety and security" of devotees.
Jagdish Prasad Goswami, a railway official whose wife was knocked unconscious in the crush, described a scene of utter panic.
"Someone at the front shouted the bridge was collapsing so everyone started to turn back and people fell down and died," he said as he visited his wife in hospital.
Rashmi Pal, who was being visited in hospital by her husband and two-year-old son, described how she lost consciousness after being toppled from the bridge.
"My child was on my shoulders and I don't know what happened - my child fell down and someone pushed me in the river" she told AFP, her face heavily bandaged. "I don't remember anything after that."
Manoj Sharma, another of the survivors, said many had drowned as they were unable to swim.
"  People were jumping off the bridge to save themselves, but they could not swim against the tide. I also saw children being tossed from the bridge, only to be washed away," he told the Times of India.
Several eyewitnesses said the situation was exacerbated when police charged into the crowds, wielding baton sticks known as lathis.
Arya, however, denied that the police employed such tactics.
"One would be stupid to use lathis on a crowd which was 25,000 strong," he said.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, a senior figure in the Bharatiya Janata Party, was facing calls to resign over the tragedy.
"Had there been adequate police, administration and health officials at the temple site, the loss of lives could have been averted," said Kantilal Bhuria, the leader of the Congress party in the state.
Speaking on a visit to a hospital in the Datia district to meet some of the victims, Chouhan said a commission of inquiry would establish exactly what had happened and who was to blame.
"This is a great tragedy which has shaken me deeply," he told reporters after being heckled at the hospital.
Judicial probe
"By tomorrow a judicial commission will be set up and I will request it to complete its probe within two months.
"It should decide within 15 days of the completion of the probe what action is to be taken and assign responsibilities for this disaster."
India has a long history of deadly stampedes at religious festivals, with at least 36 people trampled to death in February as pilgrims headed home from the Kumbh Mela religious festival on the banks of the river Ganges.
Some 224 pilgrims died in September 2008 as thousands of worshippers rushed to reach a 15th-century hilltop temple in


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Post time 10-5-2015 07:55 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 07:59 PM

Chinese stampede pun ada gak berlaku ketika perayaan depa di shanghai seramai 37 orang mati .   Church stampede pun ada gak berlaku di zimbabwe 11 orang mati.

Sementara atheist kat negara barat plak mati kena stampede kat stadium je sebab kemaruk soccer atau kemaruk konsert artis , nak sronok terkenja2 punya pasal .

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2015 08:29 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 10-5-2015 06:13 PM
Sains boleh silap so it's not 100% reliable all the time.

Sains pernah tarak bukti dinasor wuj ...

Tiada bukti wujud ialah ciri Tuhan. Jika nanti ada bukti Allah ialah makhluk asing yg pandai cipta manusia maka Allah bukan lagi Tuhan.

Begitu juga dinasor. Dulu Tuhan. Jika kini ada bukti wujud maka bukan lagi Tuhan.

Hantu juga Tuhan. Jika nanti ada bukti hantu wujud maka bukan lagi Tuhan.

Jadi bilangan Tuhan adalah infiniti. Manusia sembah Tuhan yg mereka suka.


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 Author| Post time 10-5-2015 08:33 PM | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 10-5-2015 07:00 PM
Jin di beri keupayaan oleh Tuhan untuk berfikir yang bermakna jin boleh belajar bahasa manusia kal ...

Di sekolah mana jin belajar bahasa. Adakah jin lahir terus pandai pelbagai bahasa dunia.

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Post time 10-5-2015 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 10-5-2015 09:19 PM
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 08:29 PM
Tiada bukti wujud ialah ciri Tuhan. Jika nanti ada bukti Allah ialah makhluk asing yg pandai cipta ...

Kau yang kata tiada bukti wujud adalah ciri tuhan so itu kepercayaan kau  , bukannya kepercayaan kami.  

Aku dah buktikan teori sains boleh silap lalu kau tu yang bergantung kat teori sains maka kau lah yang boleh silap. Dari conclusion teori sains kau tu lah yang boleh jadi dinasor dah layak jadi tuhan lah plak .

Kami tak bergantung pada teori sains barat untuk membuktikan tuhan wujud , so kepercayaan kami berbeza dari kau, jadi kau tak boleh simpulkan dari kepercayaan kau yang tak reliable 100% tu bahwa kepercayaan kami salah plak .


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Post time 10-5-2015 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Alion replied at 10-5-2015 08:33 PM
Di sekolah mana jin belajar bahasa. Adakah jin lahir terus pandai pelbagai bahasa dunia.

Manusia memang tak di beri oleh Allah pengetahuan yang luas mengenai jin so aku tak nak jadi macam kau yang suka teka teka nonstop .


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