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Author: SoalnyeSiapa

MLM -- Everything abt MLM

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Post time 16-10-2009 01:59 AM | Show all posts

hai...kenal x sape dalam gambar diats?...Dia bekas Pengarah Urusan.Disebabkan masalah kesihatan Beliau terpaksa melalui liku2 kehidupan yg mencabar sblm sampi ke thp yg tinggi.
Jika Anda ingin bertemu dgn SIFU dan Ketahui Bagaimana SIFU boleh membimbing anda untuk menjadi jutawan..boleh pm sy..

INI PULA YANG TELAH Keluar dalam akhbar metro...Terdapat 7 org yng berjaya dididik oleh sifu untuk mencapai income 5 angka melalui HEALTHY WEALTH WEALTHY HEALTH PROGRAM

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Post time 9-12-2009 04:23 PM | Show all posts
"If you need to make a million dollars for your future,
then you need to be more aggressive in order to make that money"


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Post time 7-4-2011 01:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2# riss_1688

ok, memang aku pernah dengar pasal mlm ape semua ni...tetapi bagi pendapat aku la tiada faedahnya kalau kita stay dalam mlm...pasa perniagaan ni lebih ke arah ketidak adilan...bagi aku lah sebabnya mlm ni lebih menguntungkan orang atas...tapi x kisah lah yang penting korang semua boleh berjay dalam mlm ni asal rajin...ehhh korang pernah dengar x pasal Jason Tan. ok kalu korang berminat korang boleh klik link di bawah ini

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Post time 7-4-2011 12:21 PM | Show all posts
berita sedih untuk mereka yang sertai HAI-O

Hai-O 3Q net profit falls 65pct to RM6.34m from RM18m yr ago

]’s earnings fell 65% to RM6.34 million for the third quarter ended Jan 31, 2011 from RM18 million a year ago as revenue shrank following lower sales from its multi-level marketing (MLM) division.
The company said on Wednesday, March 23 that revenue fell to RM57.60 million from RM131.28 million a year ago due mainly due the poorer performance of the MLM division, which is principal subsidiary. Earnings per share were 3.18 sen compared with 9.02 sen.
“However, the retail division had registered higher revenue, increase by about 37% and pre-tax profit increase by almost 85% due to strong festive sale during the Chinese Lunar New Year, as compared to last year, which fell in the fourth quarter of the last financial year.
“Whereas the higher external revenue generated from the wholesale division has been offset by the lower inter-segment sales from the MLM division, which had resulted in lower pre-tax profit,” it said.
For the nine-months period, net profit fell nearly 63% to RM21.20 million from Rm57.18 million while revenue declined 60% to RM165 million from RM412.22 million.
Hai-O said the higher revenue from the wholesale and retail divisions was offset by the larger drop in revenue from the MLM division.

p.s.: hanya setia pada HPA...

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Post time 22-9-2011 04:29 PM | Show all posts
mohon share di sini, sy baru join internet selling iaitu
masih baru lagi di malaysia ni, antara otai yg ada yg sy kenal iaitu aridz dari score A.
Pelancaran Jus Maqui Berry bagi Malaysia, akan diadakan di MATRED KL pada 01 Okt 2011 nanti. Jus Maqui Berry merupakan jus/minuman tambahan untuk kesihatan. Ia mempunyai anti oksidan yang tertinggi didunia. Untuk melihat khasiat atau kelebihan Jus maqui Berry atau daftar percuma sila layari ahli VIP akan dibimbing secara maya (webinar) pada malam Isnin dan ahli percuma pada malam Rabu. Ahli percuma yang taja VIP akan diberi $100 (dari admin).
kalo ada yg berminat klik link diatas untuk info. dan leh join di FB [email protected]

p/s: admin kalo sy letak pada salah thread harap maaf.

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Post time 21-9-2012 06:38 PM | Show all posts
MLM is evil!! It's not a sincere type of business or trading. From the get go, we can already see its pyramidal structure is going to bring out all kinds of forms of supression, opression and even slavery!! It's already banned and illegal in the US, in the UK it's in the process of being banned, the Europe...and one of the factors that brought down the Eurozone to its knees was MLM businesses..can you believe that?

Kalau org putih boleh nampak, kenapa org melayu tak boleh nampak? Nak kata bengap tak juga.. Pegi universiti jugak..
I hate this Hai-O thing, one of my family member Bankrap sbb mender MLM dajal ni..berutang sana sini..tertindas..
It is lurking with evilness, selling through indirect force and opression!
Yang atas2 upline tu jadi lintah darat sedut jer darah sampai kering..dasar mata duitan!! Bila org marah, counter attack, condemn, kata kat orang jgn dengki orang lain punya rezeki periuk nasik... Banyak cantik?? Yg korang ingat carik rezeki lagu tu halal sgt lah menindas, menipu orang lain??

Yang paling saya pantang, is MLM health products... Saya ni doktor kat hospital, tiap2 bulan dok jumpa patient masuk ward sebab liver failure, kidney failure, side effects sbb herbal products MLM-4life lah, alpha lipid lah, gluthathione la, transfer factor lah, herbalife lah, hydroxycut lah....memanglah kesian, nak marah pun ada, tapi diorang makcik2 pakcik2 tua yg tertipu dengan mala'un2 MLM ni...

Woii, orang MLM korang tak sedar ke yg korang jual tu bokeh mrmbunuh orang lain!! Sedar la sikit, kalau sabit kesalahan boleh consider second degree murder tau!!

Yg pakcik makcik ni dok la cari nafkah tiap2 bulan forking out huge amount of cash nak beli pil2 kesihatan MLM ni, when diorang tak sedar, lagi membahayakan kesihatan diorang...You tindas dgn bebanan cost beli barang tu, you tipu kata pil2 ni mujarab boleh sembuhkan penyakit mujarab, you bagi diorang masuk hospital pertaruh nyawa diorang!!

Aku cerita dua kes patient yg aku jumpa kat hospital ehh:
1. Patient ni dok makan warfarin, diabetic meds, segala maknika penyakit ada. Dia beli pill transfer factor baru seminggu, terus masuk hospital sbb bleeding besar haematoma kat kaki dia. Tengok2 INR sampai 8. Kidney failure pulak lagi. Sapa malaun MLM yg jual transfer factor tu mmg mangkuk ayun, kalau mati patient ni macam mana?
2. Patieng mmg ada penyakit buang pinggang sebab SLE, dah bertahun2 sihat walafuat dok mkn steroid dan immunosupressant, tetiba kena approach alpha lipid... Kata bagus utk buah pinggang bla2... Tiba2 patient jadi penat lelah tak boleh bernafas, letih lesu, kaki bengkak2...tak boleh tidor mlm sbb sesak nafas..tanya penjual MLM alpha lipid...boleh diorang kata 'dont worry, nanti hilang la tu, tu namanya HEALING CRISIS'....healing crisis mangkuk hayun kau... Patient tu dtg hospital dgn nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, acute left heart failure... Sapa nak tanggungjawab Nih??

Sesapa kata MLM tu bagus kalau buat betul2..,THINK CAREFULLY... How are my actions will affect others from here onwards??
Ko agak2 further down the line tu ada harmful effects tak??

Sesapa MLM nak mai promote kat saya or family saya... Be prepared, im going to grill you until youre fried, bone-dried until not an ounce of water droplets left in your body!!

Geram sangat2....first Hai-O, then transfer factor, then alpha lipid... Ni mende2 yg dah affect family member aku!!
Adik aku pulak nk beli corset premium beautiful apa ntah.. Ada teknologi FIR infra red, boleh bakar lemak.. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!!
Toksah mengada...

Ada sesapa MLM yg tak puas hati, boleh message saya... Im ready..

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