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Author: Hana_Hirokawa


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Post time 18-2-2008 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Jan.30.08 FRH's Wu Zun Buys Brand Watches to be a MAN

Chun's clothes: LV's spring/summer collection, price unavailable. Watch: SWATCH Eternal Tribal, $2,750.

Calvins's clothes: Shirt $10,300; Jacket $45,500; Tie $4,800, all from Paul Smith. Watch: IWC Portofino Automatic $96,000.

Source: UDN
Translated by Cmiley @ Asianfanatics

What'sa considered a man? Fahrenheit members each have different answers; WuZun: Has a career and has plans for the future, and willing to hear theothers opinion. Jiro (Da Dong): Have a shoulder where it can be leanedon for support. Arron: Serious attitude, give it 100% at anything youdo. Calvin: Have a broad mind, and not childish at handling matters.

Thereis no doubt, "Fahrenheit" is a "Boy Group", words to describe themwould be Sunshine, Handsome, Cute. But in reality, within the 4 guys,Wu Zun, Jiro and Calvin are all over 25 years old, the broad mindthat's described as MAN is slowly boiling up, Calvin directly says:"I'm currently learning how to be a man." Wu Zun's speech was even moreinteresting: "In Taiwan I'm a boy, returning to Brunei, naturally Iturn in to a man; because being an owner must show the characteristicsof an owner, my career affects many employees living, I must facematureness."

Fahrenheit's newly produced album is called "DoubeFaced Fahrenheit", expressing they're both boys and men. That being thecase, taking advantage of inviting them to chat about fashion tastesopportunities, why not just invite them to wear LV, RALPH LAUREN, LOEWEand PAUL SMITH other spring summer suit attires to show their manlyattractions.

Among them, the reporter had a special favortowards Wu Zun, accessorizing with IWC with a value of $218,000 NTengineers automatic watch, he usually buys Tujian watches research,once he saw a brand named watch; his spirits was immediately excited.Wu Zun began collecting watches 2 years ago, at the time he startedwith 1 OMEGA, spending about $80,000, the reason was to "be a man". Hesays: Because of opening up a gym, the thought of being an owner shouldhave a nice watch to match the status."

Wu Zun usually likesthe sporty styles, the watch dial it self big or small, thickness,shape or style design are all considered when he chooses for hiscollecting. He discloseds to reward himself for the hard work lately,he has to immediately buy another one, is expecting to spend about$20,000, he's already seen a few brands already, asking him doesn't hefind brand names are expensive? He says: "Not really, if I were to buybags or clothes, I'm reluctant, but watches can be passed on to thefamily, why don't you think about it, wearing if for life, once you'veaveraged the amount you spent, it actually works out to be very costeffective".

Jiro, Aaron and Calvin have not added into Wu Zun'swatch collecting hobby yet, but speaking of the man subject, all ofthem have their own opinions. Wu Zun admitts being in the entertainmentindustry makes a person not grow up, Aaron actually thinks he's theopposite making him mature a lot quicker, Calvin says: In thisindustry, warmth and reality are both able to add to the experience, togrow up or not it depends on the choice of the person."

Jiro wasonce said by an ex that he was too childish, he said in the past he wasthe sticky type, once he was ditched, he grew up overnight, now hedoesn't rely on the girlfriend.

Around Calvin he has many highschool friends getting married, becoming fathers, watching the processof classmates from "boys becoming men", he says in the past he usuallysets plans for a year inadvance, now I think about plans of 3, 5 years,seems like you gradually mature.

As for the youngest age Aaron,says his thoughts has matured to a certain extent, but will keep somehearts of a boy, interestingly he said his target is Wu Zun and Calvin,he says: "Actually when the two starts working; they're really mature,making people feel secure, this is a side where fans don't see."

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Post time 18-2-2008 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Jan.2.08 FRH's opinions on betrayal in relationships

Can two-timing beforgiven? This was discussed between Wu Zun and Selina on Kang Xi LaiLe the day before, Wu Zun disclosed, he was someone who could notaccept a defective relationship, Selina said that everyone would makemistakes, once lost would treasure it even more, but worried thatothers would link her words to Show Luo, she immediately clarified,"But I've never been like this."

▲Wu Zun on Kang Xi Lai Le revealed that he was a perfectionist when it came to relationships and friendships.

Asfor Wu Zun's perfectionist take on relationships, Selina explained,"You're still young, when you get older you will become indifferent."Arron and Calvin strongly supported Wu Zun, Jiro also revealed that hehad had such experience, "I could not forgive it then, but afterbreaking up I still felt regretful, would still think of her." Jiroexpressed that even now he could not forget the other party, "Eventhough I felt very hurt, frankly speaking, if she wants to return now,she can still return." Wu Zun then said that he was silly.

WuZun said that not only was he a perfectionist when it came torelationships, he had the same strict standards when it came tofriendships, "I hate people who betray me the most." Wu Zun revealedthat he previously opened a car modification shop with a friend, butafter half a year he discovered that the friend's accounts were notclean and immediately dissolved partnership, "If this person lets mesee him again, I will definitely break his leg.",4434,content+110511+112008010200295,00.html

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Post time 18-2-2008 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Feb.15.08 Jiro: willing to take her back - FRH's valentines

Source: UDN
Translated by Cmiley

Yesterdaywas the western Valentine's Day celebration, a rare reunion togetherFahrenheit spent it together with their fans, Wu Zun worried about hisfather from Brunei to Taiwan to cure his father's leg injury, hisfather earlier had hurt his lumbar back while moving somethings inBrunei, after his injury his left leg was in so much pain that hecouldn't even climb the ladder, he felt Taiwan's medical facilities isbetter, two days earlier he met up with his father to go to Taipei tosee the doctor, Aaron's father was enthusiastic to recommend TaiwanUniversity's bone specialist, Wu Ba Ba's examination report willprobably be available sometime next week.

Calvin Chenrevealed last Valentine's they "imitated as gay" to eat the Valentine'sdinner's funny situation, he said: "that day we had about 10 peoplespending the celebration together, within the group there were 4couples, leaving just me and another guy friend, we were looked at witha supicious eye by the waiter, we couldn't help but say to the waiter,"What, can't GAY celebrate Valentine's? GAY can't order Valentine'smeal?" the two guys not embarassed and enjoyed their Valentine's meal.

Jirowas the most emotional, admitted that he's willing to eat "turn aroundgrass" Its original phrase goes like : 好馬不吃回頭草. (literally translatedas a good horse won't go back to eat grass that it has already eaten.),3 1/2 years ago his ex-girl friend had abandoned him for anotherperson, Jiro was devasted and was crying in pain for days, hehumorously says: "Hearing she and last time's "lost direction" personhas separated. Even though we had dated for half a year, but latelyI've discoverd to meet with a person that is compatible is verydifficult, old love is still beautifu! Becuase of the work now, I won'ttake the initiative to contact her, but if she comes back, I wouldaccept."

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Post time 18-2-2008 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Feb.17.08 Boys to Men

Source: Teenage, March edition
Witha sizzling new album under their belt, the boys from Fahrenheit areback with a flaming vengeance! Bang Wei-Tin checks in with the red hotboyband to find them all grown up...
Visibility is sometimes allthat matters for an artiste to climb to the top of the game, and inFahrenheit's case, the band certainly has no problems being in thelimelight. Since releasing their debut album, Fahrenheit, in 2006,Jiro, Calvin, Aaron and Wu Zun, quickly rose to become the most popularboyband the Mandarin music industry has seen since F4's heyday in 2000.Their latest album, Two-Sided Fahrenheit, which dropped in January thisyear, is a phenomenal success in every sense of the word.

Don't Stop The Music
Tofans though, it has been an excruciating one-year-and-four-month waitfor Two-sided Fahrenheit to materialise. But don't expect it to soundlike anything Fahrenheit has produced before; it's bigger anddefinitely better!

"2007 is very important to us, as the four ofus have our own solo projects. But for our album, we've pushed back therelease from last summer till now, and spent more than half a yearrecording it, just so that we can present a more thorough,well-prepared and 'two-sided album for everyone."

Their hardwork has certainly paid off. Over 50,000 copies of the album weresnapped up by zealous fans even before it was officially released. Asthough that in itself isn't impressive enough, the album went on theachieve platinum status, a feat that's even more remarkable consideringthe current downturn in the pop scene.

While their previousalbum is typically ballad-heavy, the songs in Two-Sided Fahrenheit areconsiderably more diverse; there are pop-rock and even rap elements!Speaking on behalf of the band, Calvin chirps enthusiastically, "Yeah,I actually got to rap on one of the songs for the first time. It'sdifficult but also quite a fresh attempt for me!"

Wu Zun adds,"Honestly, every one of these songs is challenging. For example, afterwe finished recording Living For You, we will listen repeatedly andrecord it again to obtain the right feel we want. And in Don't Know HowTo Love, we are really proud of our four-person harmony. But the mostdifficult track is The Art of Love as it requires us to change from onepitch to another smoothly. Tough!"
Difficult as it may be to producethe album, the band confessed that they really enjoyed the entireprocess, particularly when it comes to filming their music videos.Together with fellow label mate girl group S.H.E, Fahrenheit's video ofNew Home saw the seven of them playing, waltzing, and even sharing a"bed"! In the video of Living For You, the boys transformed intoangels, complete with harps and flower laurels in their hair.

Thesong, according to the band, is dedicated to all lovers in the world-especially the single males. The foursome cheekily quips, "If onlythere really were angels in this world who would help us fulfill ourwish of finding nice, wholesome girls for girlfriends!"

Winning Ways
Unfortunatelyfor Fahrenheit, and their legion of adoring female fans, that wishisn't likely to come true anytime soon as they are all bogged down withnumerous filming commitments; all of them, with the exception ofCalvin, are currently in the midst of filming!

Their busyschedule and solo careers may be keeping the quartet from having asocial life, but that doesn't stop Fahrenheit from embarking on theirfirst ever Asian tour this December! Wu Zun could hardly contain hisenthusiasm as he exclaimed, "The four of us have always harboured thedream of holding our own world tour, and we've been working really hardtowards that goal. Now I can't believe we're actually going to have ourown concerts!

Jiro adds, "We can't wait to be able to tour the whole world, and perform in front of all our wonderful fans!"

Nomatter how the show turns out to be, we're sure the boys will put on agreat one for their fans, who are surely their number one priority-it's been reported that the boys even stayed up until 1am to finishsigning autographs for all their fans who showed up at an autographsession!

Calvin jests, "These days, whenever I see the otherguys wake up at four in the morning to film, and arrive in theafternoon for album promotion, they all look so tired. So since I'm theonly one who gets to sleep my full eight hours, maybe I shouldrepresent everyone and do all the album promotions myself, then theothers can rest!"

To which Jiro answers, "Calvin is the cheeryone in the group. Even if we're really tired, so long as he cracks oneof his jokes, we'll get all the 'power' we need!"

Brothers For Life
Withso much camaraderie between the boys, we really wonder where therumours of them falling out with one another came from! Jiro and WuZun, who are constantly pitted against each other by the media, quellthe rumours instantly. "There is really no dislike or anything. Allfour of us play and joke together all the time, just like brothers."

Judgingby their easy banter during the recent press conference in Hong Kong,the boys look like good friends more than ever. Aaron chirps, "Duringthis one year and four months, our friendship, chemistry, singing andacting techniques have all changed. We've really grown a lot."

Asusual, it is Calvin who sums up their friendship perfectly. "Maybebecause we were all familiar with each other when we released our firstalbum, so it gave the impression that we're not really close. However,after working and promoting our album together for some time, wedefinitely have more chemistry now. Whenever we have any disagreements,we will just say it out and solve the problems.We are so much moremature now."

Boys will Always Be Boys
When Calvin, Aaron, WuZun and Jiro interact, we get a sense that they're still the youthful,fun-loving lads they've always been! Here's an example of their playfulinteraction with one another...

Teenage: Since the album is called Two-Sided Fahrenheit, tell us about a side of you no one knows about...

Calvin give people the impression that I am a very quiet, decent andsoft-spoken person, but in fact, I am very bubbly and I will alwaysplay crazily when we go out, like in the KTV room.

Aaron: Don'tworry Calvin, i think you are very noisy and bubbly all the time! Hmm,for me, I am an impatient person, maybe a little childish sometimes. Haha...

Jiro: I may act in all sorts of comedies but in fact, I ama very quiet person. I will always be in a corner quietly and deep inthought. Maybe, I am a typical Virgo, a perfectionist, and someone whothinks a lot.

Wu Zun: Many people may not know this but Jiro will often act like a small boy and whine to his mum.

Jiro: Hey!

Wu Zun: Ha ha... For me, I love to eat all the time!

Fahrenheit rules...
It's our street issue!
So,the boys from Fahrenheit think they've made it to manhood? How wouldthey survive if they had to rough it out in the 'hood'? We put them tothe test and rate just how 'street' they are!

Wu Zun:
Bornwith a silver spoon in his mouth, hunky-dory Wu Zun will probably neverlive off the streets in desperation, but that;s not saying he hasn'tgot the street-smarts. The resourceful entrepreneur has the businessbrains to make it good in the 'hood! Not only does he own a gym inBrunei, we heard that he's planning on expanding the business, andSingapore could be his next stop! The cash cow is officially also thehighest earner of the group, milking fame for all it's worth throughfilming, advertisements and endorsements.
King Pin with The Moolah
Street stat: Wu Zun knows where the money is at, and he'll rule the ghetto with his sharp business acumen!

Theyoungest of the four, Aaron is truly the baby of the group, but thatdoesn't mean he won't be able to fend for himself. Aaron's best form ofdefence is his good sense of humour- he oftens teases his older bandmates during media outings! But we dug deep into our archives and foundAaron showing off a softer side. He admitted, "It's good being in agroup. I;m just so thankful that I have three "brothers" who truly carefor me!" Oh dear, looks like cherubic face Aaron won't be able tosurvive the mean streets after all!
Loyal Little Brother
Streetstat: He may be more of a follower than a leader now, but loyal,idealistic Aaron sure is a great guy to hang around with!

Withhis stylish clothes, latest 'do and sharp features, Jiro literallylooks as though he has just leaped off the pages of a manga! Having hadto take up the responsibility of supporting his family since a youngage, the 26-year-old now works doubly hard to make up for lost time.Just check out his amazing body of work within the last year- he'splayed all sorts of characters with much-needed panache!
Japanese Yakuza with a Vengeance
Street stat: To-die-for looks and unbridled passion for his art earn hot-blooded Jiro lots of R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

Tall,lanky Calvin may not stand out as strongly as muscular Wu Zun orrebellious Jiro, but we think that's precisely why this group spokesmanmight just turn out to be the ultimate mastermind! Armed with a Mastersdegree in Economics at University of Victoria and a soft gentledemeanour that instantly puts one at ease, Calvin is the calculatingyet meticulous head honcho all the homies would be in awe of.
The Brainy Mafia boss
Street stat: Smooth, calm and always sure of his next step, Calvin executes his every move with precision.

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Post time 22-6-2008 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Dorang ni skang model digicam Canon ker? Sbb hari tuh nampak dorang nyer iklan kat TV. Pas tuh ade release single Jepun yek?

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Post time 22-6-2008 08:54 PM | Show all posts
aku pon nampak iklan tu

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Post time 22-6-2008 09:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #686 limau's post

sky pon nmpk semalam...speaking english lgk tuh...
neway.. mmg cute abis la...

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Post time 11-7-2008 03:29 AM | Show all posts
tau tak... aku tak penah nampak pun iklan tu kat tv.... kuar kat ntv7 je ke??? aku dpt tgk pun dari clip kat youtube....


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Post time 11-7-2008 07:29 AM | Show all posts
la.. aku rase mmg kat ntv7 je la... mase slot citer cina tuh ade la iklan nih...

tv len.. aku tak penah la lgk nmpk...

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Post time 9-8-2008 11:32 AM | Show all posts
berita baik buat peminat2 fahrenheit... 1st fahrenheit concert kat malaysia akan diadakan pada 15 nov 2008 kat bukit jalil... nantikan berita seterusnya...

cr. to

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Post time 9-8-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #690 eyka's post

konsert ...

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Post time 15-8-2008 03:00 PM | Show all posts
wheeehehehe...i'm going..    <3

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Post time 10-10-2008 10:58 AM | Show all posts

:bd: :flower:Oct. 10th! :bd: :flower:

:pompom: ~ May success, love, joy & happiness be with u man.. ~ :pompom:



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Post time 10-10-2008 11:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #693 Yuni's post

happy birthday wu chun...:bd: :bd: :bd: :bd: :bd: :bd:

wei..aku tgk iklan kat 8tv..derang nak buat konsert kat sini ker???

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Post time 10-10-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #694 skymania's post

wo pu chi tau o! actually aku x minat sgt ngan lagu2 fahrenheit nie.. BUT I just love wu chun coz of Romantic Princess!! kalu ko naks tau, dulu punyalah aku doks kutuk dia jambulah, hapalah! skali bila dah tgk RP, amek ko!

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Post time 10-10-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #695 Yuni's post

memula benci..lelame sangkut..standat la tuh...
dr mata turun ker hati...

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Post time 10-10-2008 11:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #696 skymania's post

haha.. pandai ko eks? tp betullah 2! btw, betullah kot pesal concert diorg 2.. ko baca & tgk posting cik eyka #690 kat atas nun!

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Post time 10-10-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #697 Yuni's post

ooo..wo chi tau la..xia xie nie..

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Post time 11-10-2008 10:26 AM | Show all posts

Happy B'day WuChun... 10.10.2008

terlewat post

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Post time 11-10-2008 10:33 AM | Show all posts
adeh... 2nd Japanese single "Treasure" tu tak ngam la. VC pun nampak cam typical jek   

terpaksa gak sedut sbb Jiro

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