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Author: eyka

Memories Of Bali (So Ji Sub,Ha Ji Won,Jo In Sung) ~ INDEX PAGE 1 ~

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 30-9-2005 11:02 AM

:ah::ah: tak sanggup rasanya nak tengok ... tapi kalau tak tengok, takde closure lak ...:cry: marilah kita nangis beramai-ramai nanti .....:cry::cry::cry:

marilah kita nangis ramai2.tak sanggup nak bayangkan ending dier nanti.

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by acquiller at 30-9-2005 10:12 AM
best ke citer piano tuh princess...
tapi citer2 korea skang ade multi language kan.

kita beli tahun 2000 kot...masa tu setengah vcd tak de korean version.

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by acquiller at 30-9-2005 09:56 AM
tak yah cubit2...gigit jek terus...

baru la hilang geram, betul tak... :cak::cak:

uish.... bahye tu gigit2 ni... aku kene jd pelakon korea dululah kalo nak gigit dia..
huehuehuehuehue.... lollollol
ganas toll la ko ni acquiller... naquts aku... :malu:

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:31 AM | Show all posts
hahaha....suggest jek la cloud9 oit...
kang tak pasal2 kene saman, JIS masuk spital sebab bibir brutally kene gigit...

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:34 AM | Show all posts
jeng...jeng...jeng...salah satu scene terakhir yg membuatkan aku tension pas tgk cite nie..


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Post time 30-9-2005 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 30-9-2005 11:34 AM
jeng...jeng...jeng...salah satu scene terakhir yg membuatkan aku tension pas tgk cite nie..

sedih bel tgk muka dia dlm ni...hingga membuatkan bel x sabar2 nak tgk ending dia..

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Post time 30-9-2005 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 30-9-2005 11:44 AM

sedih bel tgk muka dia dlm ni...hingga membuatkan bel x sabar2 nak tgk ending dia..

sedihnya tak leh ckp pas ngan lagu dia lagilah sedih...

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Post time 30-9-2005 12:09 PM | Show all posts

This is Kim Ki Ho (man) and Kim Sun Mi (woman)...Kim Ki Ho got credit for WHIB's script and won the best script for 2004 Baek Sang award.

Let us hear about the casting episodes.
Lee Sunmi - At first we contacted Jisub. we worked together with Jisub in the drama "love for a thousand years" in 2003, and i saw a very heart-breaking scene and thought that Jisub really suits a character with the shadows, and i'd like to make Jisub act as such a character.this drama ended in may 03, i called him at the end of may or beginning of June and explained him the synopsis and got his consent.
with Jiwon, i thougnt it's only her who can play Soojung. so i met her with my husband and said without you, we wouldn't write this drama. we thought Soojung's image and her way of life matched exactly with the actress, Ha jiwon's image...and of course, Insung was a pinch hitter. (laugh)

Was he? Insung who's on the top of his career after this drama? then who was casted originally?
Lee - We had Yoo Osung in mind. But he gave up due to his movie schedule. What we had first on mind was Jung Jaemin over thirty years old.

Yoo Osung was Jung Jaemin? I just cannot imagine that(laugh)
Lee- I still can't. Jaemin's lines were originally written with the setting that he was older than Inwook,so it didn't fit into Insung. If Jaemin were originally Insung's role, then, the lines would have been written with the setting that he is much younger.

So, the casting was changed after several episodes of scripts were written. did you revise the script afterwards?
Kim Kiho - no, we went on as it was. Insung said he wanted to do it that way. I think he was willing to challenge himself as an actor.

So, you mean Insung adapted the completed script to himself, little by little?
Kim - of course, when an actor performs, the writer does nothing but trust him. After all, it is the actor who performs, and as an actor he should plays the character wholly with himself. But he showed us such a great performance than we ever expected and surprised us.

Lee - When I saw ep. 1 on TV, i got surprised "oh, isn't Insung so good"
Insung seemed to be very much excited after finding himself so into Jaemin and we had such a good time while working together.

Did you ever counsel about their acting?
Lee - We talked a lot on the phone when the drama was shooting. especially with Jaemin.
"I think this emotion is like this, am i right?" he asked, then i said "just do as you think" everybody was put his 100%.

It seemed that Insung and Jisup become the character itself.
Lee - the viewers think Inwook and Jisub, Jaemin and Insung as one same character. We also analyzed them that way. Obviously, they were just the characters themselves. (laugh)

Tell us about the best scenes as a script writer.
Lee - in the Ep. 7, when Inwook and Soojung having dinner together without saying anything. and in the Ep. 9, when Soojung got fired and on the corridor she was passing by inwook who saw her but pretended he didn't, and in the Ep. 20, when Jaemin got his nose red and said "i can stand anything (skip) but I just can't stand seeing you turn your back to me" with a crying this scene, insung was complete Jaemin.

In the end, Soojung confessed Jaemin that she loved him. did Soojung really love those two men?

Kim - that depends on how you feel. (after thinking) I think Soojung loved Jaemin.

But it wasn't love at first?
Kim - At first, she turned him down. because she could see how their love could end, she tried not to give her heart to him. but I think Inwook is also kinda fantasy to Soojung.
Lee - She is a femme fatale who led those to men into their ruin.
Kim - if Soojung gave Jaemin her heart from the beginning, then all the relationships had their ending more earlier.
Lee - Then, we would have a story like "lovers in Paris" (laugh)

Who got more close-up than it was planned?
Lee - if we have to pick up one, then it's Jaemin...he speaks with his money.
I think the viewers see the character in real with the character in the drama, so they think a character with no money like inwook has no power. as a scriptwriter, we intended to write about all the 3 characters with the same weight, but a character like Jaemin seems to attract female viewers.

Please tell us the work you're most attached to.
Kim - We love every works we've done, but if we have to name one, it's "a man in crisis" and "what happened in Bali"
Lee - a drama that made us keep emotions till the end remains in our heart, for a very long time, to any scripwriters or any actors...and what is amazing to us is that it's only these 2 dramas that we see the actors in private.

Originally taken from wiwi's post

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Post time 30-9-2005 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 30-9-2005 11:44 AM

sedih bel tgk muka dia dlm ni...hingga membuatkan bel x sabar2 nak tgk ending dia..

heheheeheheh... bel, aku konpius nie, ngko gelak guling sakan  nak tgk ending sedih....?? :stp:

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Post time 30-9-2005 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by captain_f4 at 30-9-2005 01:33 PM

heheheeheheh... bel, aku konpius nie, ngko gelak guling sakan  nak tgk ending sedih....?? :stp:

tu guling sakan sbb x sabar nak tunggu ending...:lol

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mamako This user has been deleted
Post time 30-9-2005 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 30-9-2005 11:34 AM
jeng...jeng...jeng...salah satu scene terakhir yg membuatkan aku tension pas tgk cite nie..

xsaba nk nengok ending dier...
dier nanges wk2 ni la jae min ni...sp suruh main tembak jee...

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mamako This user has been deleted
Post time 30-9-2005 02:27 PM | Show all posts



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mamako This user has been deleted
Post time 30-9-2005 03:13 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-9-2005 03:42 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-9-2005 04:11 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-9-2005 04:23 PM | Show all posts
aw mamako... org tgh marah..mane pk ape kan... tau nk lepas kan marah jek..
tuh tertembak kot...

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mamako This user has been deleted
Post time 30-9-2005 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by acquiller at 30-9-2005 04:23 PM
aw mamako... org tgh marah..mane pk ape kan... tau nk lepas kan marah jek..
tuh tertembak kot... jae min x tembak mst leh kawen ngan in sung..
bini dier 2 ceraikan laa...xpn kawen lari ker...:hmm::hmm:

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Post time 30-9-2005 05:08 PM | Show all posts
rasenye bukan young joo tk bagi, mak ngan bapak die pun mmg 100% tk kasi kot..
bapak die tuh kecik je, tapi kalau hal2 belasah jae min, bagi jek die...haha..siap sepak2 sampai bawah meja lagik

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Post time 30-9-2005 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by acquiller at 30-9-2005 04:23 PM
aw mamako... org tgh marah..mane pk ape kan... tau nk lepas kan marah jek..
tuh tertembak kot...

jae min ader tertembak sesapa ker???:cry:

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Post time 30-9-2005 05:55 PM | Show all posts
haha...tatau a nmi...tapi kat mv spoiler yg saye donlot ade babak jaemin tembak soo jung kat bali...rase2 die tembak in wook sekali kot..

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