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Author: AeriSha


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Post time 30-3-2021 04:43 PM | Show all posts
likecandy replied at 27-3-2021 09:05 PM
Tapi I perasan, ramai jugak pelakon top jepun kahwin dengan laki muka biasa2
Macam Horikita Maki  ...

yup Maki tu comel kot tp suami dia so so aje
bak kata anak perempuan kaka x sepadan lgsg walau pun suami dia pelakon
tp kan Yamada Yui kawen dgn Oguri then Jin Akanishi kawen dgn Meisa tu sepadan plk
now si erika toda tu kawen dgn tori matsuzaka bg kaka okaylah walau anak kaka x approve
erika dulu kaka suka tgk lawo tp sekrg bila dah kurus x rasa dia lawo lg


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Post time 30-3-2021 04:56 PM | Show all posts
hari ni hidup kaka agak kelam kelibut
insyaAllah esok kaka akan update drama tamaki lg

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 06:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:32 PM
kaka kan jns x sabar klu kaka suka, itu yg marathon
bukan aje yg remake 2019 (yg sekrg tayang kt  ...

Huhu bestlah kaka..
Animax rupanya tak sambung ke season 2 pun nanti.Menciiikkk..
Nape ntah susah beno Astro neh.Cer kalo Animax ni kuriya punya.Mesti laju jah update..

Suka iols kaka dah clarify pasal Kyo×Tohru..Iols yg 2001 dulu pun tengok ala kadar tak habis pun sebenarnya..
Kaka baca manga kat mana?
Curious plak iols nak tahu rom com mana yg menjadi pujaan hati kaka yg lain?

Shigure tu memang memang nampak macam sesuatu..Yg kaka tanya hari tu sape?Akito?Yg macam rapat dgn Yuki tu? Kenapa dia nampak macam pelik jah?

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:36 PM
anime tu cuma khayalan aje sbb tu bila buat live action sure susah nk cari yg muka cam girly eve ...

Ikemen ni boleh tak kita apply kat pompuan? Sbb hari tu ada terbaca sorang member Kalafina kadang2 digelar "ikemen",dlm Kalafina,sheols sejenis penyanyi yg akan nyanyi lagu2 yg rock dgn vocal power..Pastu sheols sejenis cool lah kot..

Hehe iols nak tanya lagi,hari tu iols ada jawab kaka dgn "wakarimashita"..Betul ke penggunaan iols tu? Iols nak cakap "ok" gittew..Kadang2 rasa tak betul plak..

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 07:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:37 PM
betul tu

cerita anjeli tu mmg menjerut hati kita

Hehe tu lah iols dah cakap kalau kita jenis pilih cite nak tengok ikut pelakon,susahlah nak jumpa yg hebat2 secara berterusan..Maksud iols ada satu ketika dulu tahun lepas ke,yg Astro siar movie Tamil best2 setiap hari,non-stop..Skrg jah dok siar cite 80-an,iols takleh masuklah cite2 zaman batu ginih..
Vijay tu kan superstar,memanglah banyak movie heols yg lebih ke arah komersial..hehe..Tapi memang majoriti movie heols hebat2 jugak sebenarnya..

Banyak jah movie Tamil iols jumpa yg takdek lagu langsung kadang2,cintan cintun pun jarang sgt,ada tapi tak fokus sgt..Tu yg buat iols jatuh cinta ngan movie Tamil,selain hero2 yg macho manly lah kan..
Tamil paling best dark comedy,cite2 yg realistik pun best..Tapi paling best,Tamil paling banyak movie yg girl power habis..

Haa gitoh iols promote..

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 07:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:41 PM
dulu kan arwah suami kaka kijer astro jd dia dpt rate yg murah dan ada 3 deocder
hr tu kaka nk te ...

Eh yg kaka kata tak berbaloi ni Astro ke Netflix?
Aiseh konfius plak iols..

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by AeriSha at 4-4-2021 07:29 PM
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:46 PM
anime kt animax tu sbb time kaka nk tido maka kekdg kaka layan juga Fairy Tales tp x concentrate s ...

Anak bujang kaka tu sejenis gangster kah kaka?

Oh ye kaka Rurouni Kenshin live action movie yg baru nak kuar dah kan?Bulan ni katanya..Tak sabar iols nak tengok..Dahlah iols nampak Issei Takahashi dlm senarai pelakon,tapi mesti extra habis haha..

Kaka kalau boring2 buka lah thread Rurouni Kenshin ni kaka..Nanti tag iols..

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2021 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:50 PM
insyaAllah nnt kaka update dr masa ke semasa
xperlah walau yg msk sini x ramai

Anyway lahai semalam nak masuk forum ni takleh,hari ni masa bz boleh plak..grrr..

Kaka teruskanlah hidupkan thread Jdrama kita ni..Kaka buat je lah list apa pun,bebel je lah pasal papepun..Iols masih bz la hehe..Gambare..Gambatte..

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Post time 7-4-2021 01:04 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 06:53 PM
Huhu bestlah kaka..
Animax rupanya tak sambung ke season 2 pun nanti.Menciiikkk..
Nape ntah s ...

itulah pasal animax tak sambung season 2
nyampah plk sbb jd tergantung
mmglah kaka dah hbs tgk tp klu yg lom tgk lg patut sambung ajelah

season 2 penuh warna warni
nnt akan terserlah byk momen ttg Kyoru (kyo + Tohru)

kyo mmg dah tahu perasaan dia tp tohru cam lembebs sikit
x igt episode hujung jugalah ms Rin (zodiac kuda) tanya kat tohru siapa yg paling precious bg dia
selalu kan tohru akan terus kata mak dia but ms tu dia cam teragak2/speechless
maka tahulah dia mmg kyo tersgt istimewa dlm hati dia
dgn kyo, tohru xkn control ayu, dia share sisi huduh cam menangis etc

tp dgn yuki, tohru sentiasa senyum dan ceria

kita pun tahu kyo tu jns short temper dan ikut suka dia aje
tp kaka menyampah dgn character lain cam Yuki, kwn2 tohru (Uono & Saki) sbb diaorg suka panggil kyo dgn Baka Neko then Uono suka hati tendang kyo dan mcm2 lg dan sgt berbeza kwn2 tohru layan Yuki yg selalu dipanggil Princess
kat situ lah kaka cam kureng sikit dgn kwn2 tohru termsk si Yuki dan Haru

kaka baca kat sini
ada masa baca lah dan klu rajin tgklah season 2
sekrg dah start season 3 tp kaka x tgk lg sbb nk tunggu at least half way dulu

nnt jenuh nk tunggu hbs

ada kisah antara Shigure dan Akito
dan shigure tu buat kaka selalu geram
satu lg character, hatori, bg kaka dia lg telus drp shigure

dan ada kisah knp Akito jd cam tu but still kaka x suka dia
dia suka psycho zodiacs dan juga suka guna keganasan
dia mmg syg sgt kat Yuki dan dia anggap Kyo tu cuma sejenis monster yg patut disingkirkan

romcom yg kaka tgk berulang kali

Ore Monogatari
Maid Samah

yg tgk sekali lalu plk cam Nisekoi, Love Lies (ni cerita paling vangang) dan adalah few yg dah lupa


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:06 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 07:02 PM
Ikemen ni boleh tak kita apply kat pompuan? Sbb hari tu ada terbaca sorang member Kalafina kadang2 ...

klu kt perempuan biasanya sbb penampilan diri yg nampak cool dan macho
not so lady like camtuelah

"wakarimashita" tu refer pd yea saya faham

klu pemahaman kita okay tu pun ngam juga
as long kena jer dgn keadaan xde masaalah


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:09 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 07:17 PM
Hehe tu lah iols dah cakap kalau kita jenis pilih cite nak tengok ikut pelakon,susahlah nak jumpa  ...

Tamil ni kaka tgk pelakon klu yg kaka suka biasanya langgar aje x kisah apa genre
tp klu yg kaka so so aje depends juga
selain dark comedy, realistic dan juga ttg family kaka tgk juga yg horror dan misteri
tp siaplah asal bunyi lebih sikit aje kaka dah tutup telinga dan mata
ada sekali tu tgk cerita yg misteri cum horror ya rabb meremang bulu roma kaka bila hantu tu menjelma
hantu tu xdelah menakutkan tp cerita tamil ni bab mata yg cam nk terjojol dah buat hati kaka limbang limbung jdnya
satu lg musik back ground pun leh tahan juga
itu yg buat kita dup dap dup dap aje


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:11 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 07:19 PM
Eh yg kaka kata tak berbaloi ni Astro ke Netflix?
Aiseh konfius plak iols..

Astro ler x berbaloi, byr sebulan dekat nk RM150 tp tgk pun berapa kerat
kat rumah kaka astro dlm bilik kaka jer
Netflix plk kita leh tgk kat mana2
jd astro ni mmg satu beban but x blh nk terminate lg


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:15 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 07:24 PM
Anak bujang kaka tu sejenis gangster kah kaka?

Oh ye kaka Rurouni Kenshin live action mo ...

anak kaka tu kategori bad boys
hr tu dia dgn kwn2 tgk movie anime Demon Slayer ke tajuknya
blk bukan main lg bercerita
ni tgh tunggu another movie xtaw apa
lg satu dia kan boys so dia selalu kata apa barang tgk cerita lembik
adik dia kan suka tgk anime Haikyu so dia sukalah kutuk sbb boring
dia kata boring sbb rival yg cam x real
compared dgn slam dunk lbh berbaloi tgk

br ni dia marathon cerita Re: Zero sbb hr tu dia kena drop coz SPM
kaka tanya lah xde ke yg sedih sbb dia ni klu tgk anime selalu nanges
dia ckp ending tu cam lame sgt, sabo ajelah


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:16 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 4-4-2021 07:28 PM
Anyway lahai semalam nak masuk forum ni takleh,hari ni masa bz boleh plak..grrr..

Kaka terusk ...

these few days mmg busy namatey
tunggulah lps hbs contract kt Firma ni
nnt kaka akan update cerita yg kaka dah tgk


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Post time 7-4-2021 01:29 PM | Show all posts
sambungan drama tamaki hiroshi

7. Jiken Kyuumeii imat no kiseki

On the grounds of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the IMAT (Crime Scene Medical Assistance Team) are conducting a joint training exercise on a bus hijack with the SIT (Special Investigation Team). IMAT member Hyuga Akira (Tamaki Hiroshi) is wearing a bulletproof vest and giving aid to the “injured” but is rather ineffective because of the unfamiliar surroundings. In contrast, SIT member Kageura Takuma (Tanaka Kei), who finished the exercise flawlessly from charging onto the scene to arresting the “criminals” with a realistic sense of tension, is irritated to be the slowed down by the presence of the IMAT and has a run in with his superior Arai Kenzo (Takahashi Katsunori). Arai pacifies Takuma, who has a tendency of getting combative, telling him that besides hostages, the IMAT also deals with police officers when they get injured. But Takuma is unhappy that criminals have even been included among the human lives at the scene. Then, one of the SIT members suddenly has a fit and faints. IMAT member Miyama Yukari (Kanjiya Shihori) and others diagnose a cerebrovascular disorder from the situation, but Akira is the only one who suspects that it is a disease of the aorta. He hurriedly and decisively draws out the blood accumulated in the pericardium; a treatment that is difficult even in the operating theatre. With an impressive nimbleness hardly recognisable during the training, he succeeds in saving a life. Several days later, a blast occurs at a park. The criminal, along with many of the injured, is brought by the IMAT to a hospital’s emergency centre. Takuma who has been dispatched to the scene, marches into the emergency centre. Showing signs of anger, he demands to question the seriously injured criminal. However, Akira asserts that his job is to prioritise human lives, and he turns Takuma away. The two of them clash head-on over their convictions … … After that, it emerges that the criminal has associates and there is a possibility that a big volume of explosives remains. The explosion at the park is no more than a prelude to a bigger stage … … The SIT members have a feeling that there will be a new incident. This anxiety quickly becomes a reality. Armed with guns, the group of associates have taken people hostage at a bank. Among the hostages is a pregnant woman who complains that she is feeling unwell. Finally, there is an injured person. The IMAT and SIT who have been dispatched to the scene have to confront right and wrong, life and death

cerita ni agak berat jugalah tema dia, bagi kaka gitulah
tp agak interesting sbb ada history yg x best bg Hyuga Akira dan Kageura Takuma

8. Love shuffle

Three men and a woman living on the same floor of an upscale condominium just happen to become acquainted with one other. In order to prove the notion that “there is only one destined soul mate for every person” the pair decides to try out a “Love Shuffle”. Eight individuals gather to play by the rule of “swapping” partners every week. Is it love that connects them, or is it simply compatibility? Having opened the “Love Shuffle” Pandora’s box, what will become of their fate?

drama ni bg kaka cam lain dr yg lain sbb diaorg cam tukar2 pasangan cuma kesian sgt kat tamaki sbb dia cam naive aje but he's so cute as usual

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Post time 7-4-2021 01:52 PM | Show all posts
9. Dissapointing Husband

Yoichi Haruno (Hiroshi Tamaki) is 35-years-old and works for a company. His wife, Chisato (Kana Kurashina), is 28-years-old. Before they had a child, their marriage life was easygoing. After having their child, their relationship changes. Yoichi feels that Chisato is cold to him, but he doesn't know why.

cerita ni lightlah cuma kaka yg juga seorg mak dan wanita bekerjaya x faham dgn perangai si Chisato ni, dia ni bg kaka cam ada satu sindrom mak2 muda yg ada masaalah dalaman. Adalah conflict smp diaorg almost bercerai tp penasihat diaorg tu x menhn

10. Nusumareta Kao

Shirato Takamasa is a detective at the Investigation Cooperation Section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. His job is to catch wanted criminals by only relying on their faces. One day, he sees Sunami's face who was a senior detective, but had a mysterious death 4 years ago.

cerita ttg polis yg kerjanya adalah utk cam muka penjenayah, mula2 tu cam boring tp lps satu episode then teruskan dgn jayanya
ada sesuatu yg girlfriend dia cuna sembunyikan dan juga kisah ttg si Shirato yg jadi target geng mafia cina

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Post time 9-4-2021 06:19 PM | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 03:52 PM
utk addicted mystery tu kan

disbbkan kaka ni peminat tamaki jd kaka jd bias sikit

Tu lah, tgk rating kat mydramalist addicted to mystery tu agak low jugak
Nanti2 bila I dah tgk I akan comment balik hahaha

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Post time 9-4-2021 06:28 PM | Show all posts
takayama replied at 30-3-2021 04:43 PM
yup Maki tu comel kot tp suami dia so so aje
bak kata anak perempuan kaka x sepadan lgsg walau pu ...

I x sangka si Toda Erika tu kahwin jugak
Dulu I ada ship sheols ngan Kase Ryo time drama SPEC Pastu dorang pon ada bercouple tapi break up
Si Maki tu berlakon best jugak tapi sayang dah retire dari showbiz katanya
Dulu I ingat selalu je ada si muka Takei Emi kat mana2 drama
Tuptup terus kahwin ada anak terus x active lagi

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2021 06:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 7-4-2021 01:04 PM
itulah pasal animax tak sambung season 2
nyampah plk sbb jd tergantung
mmglah kaka dah hbs tgk t ...

Tulah..Astro ni memang benci dgn iols kot..Semua benda berlawanan dgn kehendak iols..Dah alang2 siar tu sambung je lah ke season 2..

Iols kalau anime2 ni kalau boleh taknak download illegal macam Jdrama sbb nak sokong para animators..Kan ada pendedahan pasal dark side of anime?Kat Netflix ada ke kaka Fruit Baskets ni?

Amboi kaka,Kyoru teruss.. Tu nama gabungan kaka sendiri buat ke atau dah ada fanclub nama tu?

Laaa kaka,iols ingatkan layanan kasar kawan2 rapat Tohru tu terhadap Kyo menunjukkan yg dorang mesra dgn Kyo..Layanan formal dgn Yuki sbb dorg macam tak mesra dgn Yuki..Iols silap ke rupanya..Tapi nampak mcm dorang berseronok jah..

Shigure ok kot pada iols setakat ni,yg iols rasa agak nyampah sikit kat Akito..Haish lambat lg la nak tau kenapa dia jadi camtu,tapi kebencian melampau dia pd sesuatu atau seseorg buat iols nyampah tengok dia..

Rasa kalau dah lambat sgt nak sambung,iols baca je lah manga nya..Thanks link tu kaka..

Kenapa vangang Love Lies tu?

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2021 06:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 7-4-2021 01:06 PM
klu kt perempuan biasanya sbb penampilan diri yg nampak cool dan macho
not so lady like camtuelah ...

Owh patutlah sbb dlm Kalafina dulu,biasanya Hikaru yg ikemen ni mmg berperwatakan agak tomboy,kadang2 sheols sorang jah pakai seluar panjang..Walaupun pemalu & agak lemah lembut jugak,tapi sheols berubah 100% jadi macam org lain bila dlm konsert,huhu..

Selama ni iols agak risau takut tak kena jawapan iols tu hehe..Nasib baik ok..

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