MM neh skrg dah ada web shopping online sendiri ke?tak penah nampak pun ad neh sblm neh.selama neh harapkan update diorg kat fb je.kalo IG susah la...aku takde akaun
cepheid posted on 9-5-2014 01:11 PM
kat butik pre-order jugak ke?
mrk amik ukuran sbb custom made for the client.....unless online.....sapa yg x cover size biasa tu akan ada certain charges still ok the price.....dlm 30 extra...thats what i gather yesterday....
nak tempah baju me n my doter yg both eropean size hehheheheheh
kelip2_07 posted on 9-5-2014 03:58 PM
taun nie kaler tema utk ry emerald green..igt mls mk tempah..mane dpt nie..ade jual yg siap ke??
uols kalu nk tempah terus ngn dia pun skang she ols blk australia coz atok sdare dia baru passed away..nanti dia balik uols tnaye k...i mmg tahun ni emerald green