Balas #619 impiansetaman\ catat
kalo project risk engineer untuk oilfield project?
sila bantu,wahai otai |
skg xde bukak jawatan kosong ker..
klau ade post ler |
Balas #621 tajul186\ catat
project risk engineer utk oilfield ke? masyuk tuh bro. tapi aku bleh agak2 aje la job scope die. itu pon info dari member aku yg keje oilfield. aku pon bukan keje oilfield.
project risk engineer utk oilfield nih normally buat risk analysis of safety, environment and health before any drilling, completion or any exploration activities could be performed. kire mcm loss prevention engineer utk oil and gas production. cume risk engineer utk oilfield nih lebih kpd risk management and assesment.
bro, kau ade lobang risk engineer utk oilfield ke?
P/S : pressor, aku tak hebat la bro. cume info dari pembacaan dan bercampur gaul dgn experienced people and seasoned professional, a.k.a rakan2 mengular kat yard.
hawhawhaw |
Reply #623 impiansetaman's post
...bagus ah tuh rakan ngulor yang berilmiah..hehe
aku ade dgr Talisman nak guna ramai pekerja...utk projek oil drill....jom pakat try..best man win lah..ehehe |
Reply #611 pressor's post
mane buleh bgtau byk2 beb..privacy mau kene jaga |
Reply #609 mysaza89's post
kalau ko boleh bawak physics dgn maths,amiklah chemical..cume kalau ko minat chemistry tp nak jugak amik chemical..aku takut ko frust jerk nanti sebab x blaja kimia pun..
as stargazers said, chem eng mmg hardcore physics and maths...org mesti pelik amenda yg physics sgt dgn chemical engineering..physicsnye adelah pada estimation of fluid properties..drpd fluid properties tuh,ko boleh design reactor nak besar mane,pipe nak besar mane,nak rate berape,nk insulation tebal mane..kalau ko betul2 minat kimia and mmg x nak langsung physics dgn maths,i guess u just have to say bye bye pada engineering kot..aku suggest ko amiklah pure chemistry.
mmg aku tau ko berminat nak masuk O&G tp tepuk dada tny ape ko minat..jgn sebab ko rs keje mcm ni masyuk so ko amik engineering..tp end up ko x minat,x suke lepas tuh result pun ntah ape2,nk masuk O&G pun x dpt..pd aku soal duit no 2..yg penting ko betul2 minat.bende yg kite wat tuh kalau betul2 minat,insya-Allah boleh bawak kite pegi jauh.. |
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Reply #617 diananisa's post
O&G byk cabang..kalo nak pegi offshore,mmg engineering je lah kot aku rs...
tp kalau sekadar nak keje dgn O&G,byk boleh..procurement,tax,sales marketing..byk la...tp kalau bercakap tentang O&G,yg masyuk sbnrnye yg keje engineer..unless ko masuk bahagian commercial jadik manager..ha tuh mmg masyuk jugaklah.. |
Reply #623 impiansetaman's post
Yup,risk engineer aku rs kat company aku lebih common dgn SHE..(petronas yg panggil HSE,kitorang sebut she hahahah)..
betullah skop kerja yg ko cakap tuh.. |
Reply #626 MeLaMaL's post
buleh...x kesah degree ape pon..yg penting masok ko willing nak blaja..aku pun masuk2 keje blurrrr jugak..tp kene byk belajar dan bertanya lah |
Balas #631 farfar\ catat
cmne ekk nk mohon?ingat nk mohon la skang..sbb skang ni sy final year manufacturing UKM...abes dlm bln 4 ni la...so pas abes,sy kene wat Latihan industri..sbb ms taun 3 dulu skip sbb tauliah ROTU..so ingat nk cari jek keje terus...LI dlm 2 bulan...so apply mane2 company,nk mntk keje terus la kirenye...leh ke apply O&G nih?klu mntk kt sapura ok x?xtau la mane lg nk mntk...huhu... |
Reply #627 farfar's post
..main2 je lah.. |
chemical engineering menarik gak...byk peluang kot kat petchem... |
Reply #632 MeLaMaL's post
nak mintak bile2 pon boleh..kalau company besar2, new hire programme die bukak sepanjang tahun...ko try je anta cv kat sumer company..no harm trying |
owh.... cam tu ek..
klu engnereing, keje mcm menarik je..
klu sains kimia cam ne plak... klau sains kimia, bleh ke keje offshore ke?
[ Last edited by mysaza89 at 21-1-2009 01:16 AM ] |
Reply #638 mysaza89's post
sapa2 pun bleh keje offshore.. |
mcm best jek keje offshore...
org pompuan bole apply tak?? |
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