waser lps operasion ari tuh dia lom bek btl...sian dia... tuh minik dia dh tubik...hehe aima maner ko? nampyeon sakit pg carik namja len ek?
se7enstarz Post at 26-8-2009 11:38
junsu operation ape??asal tak tau ni
sukebintang Post at 26-8-2009 12:00
It has been known that group 2PM members had taken part in their first fanmeeting even though their health conditions were not at their best.
2PM had their 1st fanmeeting with their official fanclub Hottest on 15th August in GwangWoon University. It was known that members JunSu had a nosebleed and TaekYeon has suffered much from singing as he had previously undergone a surgery for his vocal cords.
JunSu has undergone a surgery for rhinitis during early August after ther group’s 3rd single’s activities ended. And still recovering from the operation, he has suffered bleeding during their performance at the fanmeeting. And that was why he appeared at the fanmeeting wearing a mask.
And for TaekYeon, he has undergone surgery for his vocal cords a week before. And for the fanmeeting, it was known that he has over-exerted himself during the practice for the fanmeeting. But still, for his solo performance at the fanmeeting, he has received great responses from the fans present.
He also performed together with Baek Ji Young, special guest appearance on the fanmeetin, with ‘My Ear’s Candy’.
hehe..JAY tu sume org suka sbb dia kelakar, talented, comey...(motip pomot jay)...N tu mmg wat nebes sume org....yng ni tak yah pomot sbb tgk dia jer dh suka...hehehe...
biniwills Post at 24-8-2009 16:45
btul2.... N x yah lg promot sb skali pndang compom jtuh ati... hehehe..... btul x minik2 nichkhun?? hehehe...
ni nk pomot utk kali ke 2
sile tgk idol show yg ade shinee jd guest
nickhun sgt2 la comel dlm nih
dorky gile die
lps tgk ni la kasih iols xberbelah bagi kat khun
zeleia Post at 24-8-2009 16:59
btul 2... tym 2 nichkhun cute btul... nseb bek la ngan shinee 2 sh0w je... hehehehe.... tp jeles jugak ati tgk dia romantik tul ndan bdak shinee 2... huhuhuhu....
lawok part nih...ntah aper SL kaco mat ssanti smpi tubik flying kick... magnae nmpk cam dh pancit...kwonnie ades cam ghu ...
se7enstarz Post at 26-8-2009 11:33
adei...ak da tgk full cite nih...mmg dirty x hengat r~opppsss.....haahaha
making mmg xleh blah gle....mmg kene ttp mate skt2...18sg tao...wakaka
part yg wy sepak ni,tetibe si SL ckp mende yg mengong kot...tu yg die cam nk sepak SL tuh
bajet ala2 aigoooooo~hahaha
pehtu part diorg g umah mewah tu,aish..barang2 yg diorg ad dlm beg...kiut je..
oh...siap wat rate tahap bersih kaki kot..stoking memasing...hahaha
cam da byk pokes junho da.....at least he got air time...hahaha..cian laki jean tuh...keke
ok la,setakat ni je spoiler epi6 *tgk ptg td b4 buke* kurus p0se den..hahaha *x tahan napsu kekdahnye~*
kannn..kannn madus kannn
khun sgt2 la comeynye ms idol army dgn shinee tuh
tatau dh bape kali ulang tgk episode neh
dok ulang2 part dorg wink2 tu
rs nk tercabot jantung tgk
zeleia Post at 25-8-2009 15:58