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Author: mamaque

Friends Club (DCHL) MLM penipu melayu!

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Post time 28-4-2010 01:22 AM | Show all posts
kata mengata..sesama buat koje sia sia..bila board slow salahkan fb.baik si june FC atau guarblur and the gang's same je dalam blur...ape kesudahannya?

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Post time 28-4-2010 08:59 AM | Show all posts
tak faham betul la komen ko tu anuar, ko skang tengah bt apa?? maybe bg ko, pendapat ko tu je yg bernas, org lain sume tak..sbb tu ko cakap orang lain asyik kata mengata..kalo rasa thread ni sia-sia, baik tak ya bagi komen.ko jadi je silent reader.

standard la bila kita berkata benar dan mengingatkan org lain, dituduh mengata..kalo tkd yg mengingatkan, ramai la menjadi mangsa.

ape kesudahannya?

ko tanya macam tu??? ko tak baca ke ada sesetengah forumer yg hampir nak joint MLM. siap nak isi borang loan TAPI after baca thread ni buat diorang berfikir balik baik buruk tindakan least dapat membantu..

gua pon tak tau ko ni macam mane? cakap pon asyik nak pusing2 je..

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Post time 28-4-2010 11:51 AM | Show all posts
bincang secara ilmiah dan jangan cepat tersentap k....
kalau usahawan x bleh cepat melatah ni... hati x kering lagi tu...

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Post time 28-4-2010 12:28 PM | Show all posts
kawan aku penah ajak aku gi dengar pasal one team kat sunway!adus pening kepala aku dengar asyik betol betol betol!menjerit2 diorg konon2 membakar semangat!last2 dah habis dia nak terangkan2 kat aku-aku dengar jelah then dia kata buat pe sekarang-aku plak kata study lagi-terus malas diorg nak terangkan!bila tau laki aku keje gov-sambung balik semangat diorg siap minta no tepon laki aku!huh!
aku senyum aje-pasal  nak jaga hati kawan!kawan aku dah join-diorg suka carik org gomen!-kesian dia sampai sekarang aku rasa dia x dapat carik2 lagi org bawah-downline!
yang upline dia-siap nak berenti keje gomen!adus!org punya lah susah nak keje gomen dia nak berenti!sengal!!

aku dah x percaya dah MLM ni pasal adik aku sendiri kena tipu!LUXOR dia tu!dah lah student lagi-memang kami satu keluarga kena badi dia!sekarang kami yg menanggung hutang dia!nasib baik kami bekerja dan alhamdulillah dah hampir habis hutang nyer kami bayar!
lepas musibah MLM kami dah x percaya lagi!!so nasihat aku- x salah MLM tapi better beringatlah..kalo nak suruh buat pinjaman yg berpuluh2 ribu tu nak dapatkan sesuatu yg belom tentu-ermmm..susah tu!

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Post time 28-4-2010 02:42 PM | Show all posts

betul tu zidlan..then cuba ko terangkan kat gua apa beza MLM ko..nape ada system cr downline gak?gua tak faham la

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Post time 28-4-2010 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 613# pobedah

june bunge pls defend le FC koa yg kononnya akan membawa kpd title org terkaya kat m'sia.....

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Post time 28-4-2010 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pseudo_kl at 28-4-2010 16:41


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Post time 28-4-2010 04:41 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-4-2010 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 617# pseudo_kl

hahaha giler hebat marketing diorg, Hitler pon joint gak

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Post time 28-4-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
hurm.. aku dah dapat complain pasal thread ni...
aku harap thread ni dijadikan topik perbincangan s ...
elle_gogo Post at 24-4-2010 14:44

fida rasa thread ni amat bagus dan amat membantu...kalau ada yg komplen...logiklah...sure mereka ahli sindiket FC tu...ramai bakal MANGSA berjaya di selamatkan....duit mak bapak mereka berjaya diselamatkan...dan kerjaya mereka berjaya diselamatkan....di opis fida ada seoarang rakan sekerja baru dibuang kerja sebab dah lama tak datang kerja tanpa sebab...siasat punya siasat....rupanya join FC....kayo? haprak....kehidupan tunggang langgang...hutan menimbun sebab buat loan 41k...kesian...

rasanya thread ni dah berjaya menyelamatkan bakal-bakal prospek dari tertipu.....maklumat dihujung jari...taip jer kat google...akan keluar maklumat...

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Post time 29-4-2010 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 608# PrintChez

sis..x yah sebut hukum hakam segala..dorang tu bila dapat title duke ke mq ke dah kira al-hafiz tuuu..dah boleh kuar fatwa sendiri..termasukla satu mlm yg toyyiban kehulu toyyiban kehilir

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Post time 29-4-2010 01:35 AM | Show all posts
#guarblur..tak de ayat ayat gua yg  pusing tu yg asyik tanya soklan yg same jee.Hujah hujah lu jenis old school zaman tahun 70'an!hujah lu SEKADAR ayat lazim je..  Hujah hujah Guarblur# / #dainese utk PANCUNG  June Bunga,FC TAK cukup POWER  nak SEMbELIH PASAL TAK DE ILMU.aku maksudkan ilmu MLM.kalo ada pun cetek sangat..kesannya June Bunga makin rancak bebuih berhujah.

(ILMU LU YG POWER jenis SERANGAN PERIBADI!(dainese tak buat kerja ni pulak yg aku nampak tahniah..)aku tak minat nak berhujah cara serangan peribadi.malu pada diri sendiri,sykt yg aku joint,industri MLM..kalo terpaksa aku tembak le guna peluru getah(aaa..haa.. mcm askar yahudi israel).

Gua tabik spring sal perjuangan lu menentang FC ni  ramai yg dah dpt diselamatkan,maklum le kebanyakannya penjawat awam,graduan..mcm mcm golongan kecuali org muflis.Org org yg terjebak ni ada beberapa golongan .
1) tiada daya menolak pujukan.
2)tiada ilmu..takut tak tentu pasal..Hal ini mmg terjadi kepada kakak ipar saya sendiri! akhirnya terpedaya ngan kawan sekuliah.
3)mmg jenis tamak haloba.kebiasaannya agen FC/MLM akan menunjukkan nilai wang keuntungan tanpa menyedari wang modal yg besar,risiko,contoh labur RM 50k dapat 100K sedangkan hakikatnya mungkin hanya dapat 5k.(it pun kalo dapat!)
4)Bekas agen agen MLM yg dah bosan perniagaan MLM yg ada produk asas..kerana terpaksa menjual produk,menerangkan kebaikan,cara penggunaan.Sesetengah sykt mmg ada produk tetapi sekadar mengaburi mata sahaja.( dummy)
kepada june Bunga..kalo peluang bisnes awak bagus sangat cerita la kat sini seikhlas ikhlasnya ttg: produk,comp-plan.apa no lesen sykt(akta jalan langsung)
kepada MODERATOR:bagi le peluang kat june seluas luasnya..

kepada Guarblur...kalo lu pandai sangat mampu tafsir comp-plan tiap tiap sykt sila le tafsirkan comp plan sykt yg saya sedang laku kan.


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Post time 29-4-2010 05:38 PM | Show all posts

ayat ko mmg tak pusing2 ??  takpe la then . sebab penat gak if ulang2 benda sama ngn ko ni..hujah old skool?? then hujah yg tak old skool mcm mane lak ?? ko leh jd cikgu BM ni..

ko di dok ngaku MLM ko bagus then MLM org lain tak bagus..ko joint Ape?? daripada aku yg terang kan comp-plan utk MLM ko, baik ko je..kan bisnes ko??? kalo gua ada ape2 persoalan leh la gua lontarkan..yg penting, gua nak tau ada tak MLM ko ni buat system yg if ada downline leh dapat BONUS??..sebab stakat ni sume MLM gua tengok ada product ko apa??? sbb bukan apa..if ko cakap produk ko mahal sbb R&D, leh gua tengok kan..ada tak produk lain yg sama ngn produk ko tu..lagi best kalo ko nak promote produk ko..ko paste je katalog..mana tau org nk beli.

serangan peribadai macam mane yg ko cakap kan ni?? mcm ayat aku kt atas ke??leh ko jelaskan??

nape style ko sama je ngn june bunga ni..tak abis2 nak bersidang kat luar??? mmg MLM ajar marketing plan macam tu eh??? nape tak leh nak berhujah kat sini je?? korg ada apa2 masalah ke??

Gua tengah excited nak baca comp-plan ANUAR ni

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Post time 29-4-2010 08:12 PM | Show all posts
satu aja aku nak bertanya pada MLM'ers nih...
kenapa bila dah ada pangkat dan darjat dalam satu2 organisasi MLM'ers tuh, kenapa mesti korang membeli kereta mewah...?
bab melancong2 tuh takpa la, maybe sebagai satu bonus atas inisiatif hanpa...
nih yg MLM'ers lain yg aku pernah tanya...
contohnya hai-o geng 369...maaf tercakap...

aku tanya..kenapa mmesti pakai bmw??takboleh ke pakai camry ke,lavina ke,etc..
dia cakap takboleh...leader dah tetapkan mesti pakai bmw...
so..aku terpikir balik...kenapa jadik gitu...
duit kita..suka hati kita la nak beli apapun..


duit nak beli bmw tuh guna tabung kereta yang memang dah ada pakatan dengan dealer2 bmw tuh untuk sama2 kaut komisen lagi dan lagi setelah mengaut komisen anak2 ikan yang dah terpedaya...

maaf kalau ada yg terasa..kalau nak repot kat la lagi dan lagi....kat PM pun takpa......
dainese Post at 26-4-2010 12:27

apsal takda sorang MLM'ers jawab soalan aku diatas...??

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Post time 29-4-2010 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 623# dainese
sabar bro..june munge tgh tanye mq camane nak jawab..sbb dia sendiri kena paksa beli BM, tu pun kalau dah cukup "haul"

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Post time 30-4-2010 02:50 AM | Show all posts
Guarblur..insyallah akan saya jelaskan..masa tak mengizinkan...sorry...mintak maaf tak dpt cerita panjang masa tak mengizin kan..
bro..apa barang tulisan awal kaler mera?(611#)gua cuak gitu..gua kat sini ikhlas nak kongsi apa yg
seraangan peribadi kepada sesiapa sahaja tak mau le..kutuk comp plan tak pe...
Nak ccerita comp plan kat sini khuatir salah faham.misi tak trcapai..ceritanya panjang pulak tu..mcm ne pun permintaan awak akan di usahakan..
Lu punya nada ayat 622# tenang se macam jee..aku rasa may be ko post jam 17:38 hati dah tenang agaknya...kerja dah siap..agaknya..selalu pagi jam lunch...)
malam ni malam jumaat..buat  ibadah lbh sikit..

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Post time 30-4-2010 07:55 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by guablur7 at 30-4-2010 08:03

Reply 625# anuar

soalan simple gua pon ko tk jawab..apa MLM ko???

tulisan gua kaler merah sbb  saje nak bg nampak kat org2 mcm ko..tanya "apa kesudahan" dok kata kat thread ni asyik kata mengata je..padahal byk membantu org dari kene kencing ngn skim MLM.

Aku rasa kt thread ni bnyk menyindir..tkda pon nak kutuk sampai melibat maruah family sume.

Gua nye post lambat semalam sbb kene attend meeting..pagi tak masuk office, gua jarang online kt umah.baik spend ms ngn family cume pagi tergerak nak tengok comp-plan MLM ko..tapi hampa, nama MLM ko pon tk dijawab lg.

Gua tenang nak reply ko sbb gua dah tahap leh trime org2 mcm ko ni..mcm byk contractor yg gua jumpa, cakap itu ini tapi..malas nak teruskan nati rosak mood gua pagi ni.

gua tengok ko cuba potray kan diri ko ni mcm beriman..bagus la kalo betul..hopefully bukan pura2..tapi gua selalu pegang prinsip ni ni " Jgn tengok sapa yg bagi nasihat, tengok isi nasihat tu"..aku pon banyak kekurangan.

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Post time 1-5-2010 02:33 AM | Show all posts
salam..sykt yg saya joint..?kalo bleh tak nak jawap khuatir bias pulak..tak jawap umpama main sorok sorok dlm kelambu pulak..bro..kat signature tu dah ada.. google le..4liferesearch/ :transferfactor.
Soklan awak yg belum dijawap:
Q"ada downline bleh dpt bonus?sume MLM gua tgk ada..
A:kat 4life takde downline pun layak dapat bonus.Ada  2 kategori:setiap kategori dibayar 25% dari nilai produk.
Saya agak awak maksudkan Bonus Generasi.MMg secara asasnya MLM ada bonus ni..mesti  ada kalo tak buat apa joint MLM.!!!Bonus generasi ni insentif penat lelah leader memperkenalkan,melatih rakaniaga/downline kepada  sykt selama mana downline setia bersama sykt.(MEMBUAT BELIAN ULANGAN MINIMUM)Jika tiada bonus generasi ni umpama sykt telah melupakan dan zalim jasa leader dalam memperkembangkan perniagaan kepada sykt.Kat 4life bonus ni bersyarat!!!!BONUS GENERASI TERHALANG APABILA  DOWNLINE,SUB-DOWNLINE SAMA RANKING.ANDA HARUS MENCAPAI RANKING LEBIH TINGGI UTK DAPAT SEMULA BONUS GENERASI NI...
guarblur...,awak kata saya sama ngan june bunga..?asyik nak jump kat luar...
kerja utama ahli MLm ni ngan mulut..bercakap,bercakap dan terus bercakap ttg sykt,produk,comp-plan.kaedah melalui forum internet ni rumit,menimbulkan  salah faham je...
ok lah harap faham and clear nape june nak jumpa kat luar..bukan nak tunjuk kereta..

dainese# kat 4life tiada bonus kerete,rumah..ini adalah kerana 4life pembayar bonus tertinggi dalam industri MLM ni.64%.32% dibayar kepada ahli part time..maksudnya dari downline 3 level terawal.sekian...trima kasih...selamat bercuti..

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Post time 1-5-2010 03:18 PM | Show all posts

gua tersenyum baca ko nya post ni..gua mmg 1st time dengar pasal MLM ko ni..4 life..ermm mcm jual ubat eh?? gua ada gak browse psl 4life ni..then terjumpa artikel ni
Noraini wrote in with a request for the MMR to promote “Transfer factor”

Transfer factor is currently a product being sold in an MLM scheme. The 4Life TF product you refer to is a product which has no proven value in any illness. Claims of it “boosting the immune system” are unsubstantiated by any peer-reviewed journal publication. I cannot find any reference in a Pubmed Medline search.

Medicine Man is an interesting article which tells of how this product is being sold via the MLM mechanism

    But 4Life Research is not a typical health supplement supplier, either. The various Transfer Factor products generally are not sold in retail outlets, but by self-employed distributors who operate within a classic multi-level marketing plan. Their goal is not only to sell the products, but to entice others to become distributors as well as that’s where the real money is. A distributor who spawns others, who in turn spawn still others, supposedly can make five or even six figures per year with shockingly little effort

What is “transfer factor”?

    The term “transfer factor” has various unrelated meanings in science. Its first use related to immunity stems from research performed by Dr. H.S. Lawrence of New York University in the 1940s.
    In Lawrence’s work, transfer factor referred to “an extract of human white blood cells that could transfer a type of immunity called cell-mediated immunity,” says Dr. Burton Zweiman, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who worked in Lawrence’s lab 40 years ago. “Investigation of TF has been somewhat erratic over the years, with both supporters and deniers of its biologic importance.”
    “I am not aware of any studies of transfer factor being obtained from cow colostrum and [transferring] immune reactivity to humans,” says Dr. Zweiman. “Nor could I find any reference to it in a Medline search of the medical literature.”
    A spokeswoman for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, says, “NCCAM has not funded any research on this therapy, nor have I heard of it before now.”
    But Dr. Fudenberg, reached at his office in Spartanburg, SC, says the report — which he described as the results of a review of other scientists’ work — stated nothing of the sort. “The conclusion,” Fudenberg says forcefully, “was that the commercial firms making this for humans were invariably run by people who were not scientists and who didn’t care whether their products were harmful or not.”

and more:

    City Paper forwarded a transcript of 4Life’s promotional audio cassette “From Here to Immunity,” which was distributed at the seminar in Valley Forge, to various immunologists, microbiologists and biochemists. Those who responded were skeptical.
    “Speaking from a standpoint of mainstream medicine, there is not a lot of familiarity [with] or support for this kind of practice,” says Dr. James T. Li, professor of medicine at the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, MN, and member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “This is a form of alternative treatment,” he says, which, he adds, almost by definition means there is little evidence to support its proponents’ claims — at least not the kind of evidence doctors and scientists generally like to see.
    Li hesitates to call 4Life’s claims misleading or false, but says, “I would be skeptical, and I would advise others to be as well.”

    Others are more blunt.

    “Most of the clinical studies of transfer factors have been based on the specificity of each transfer factor,” says Dr. Charles Kirkpatrick, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology — who says he once declined 4Life’s offer to act as a consultant.

    For example, he explains, “a transfer factor that is specific for Herpes simplex will prevent recurrent infections with this virus. The approach being used by 4Life and other companies is to ignore the specificity issue and make non-specific claims for boosting the immune system.”

and there is the usual disclaimer

    And in the fine print, 4Life Research’s own materials include startlingly blunt disclaimers such as this one: “Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus do not claim, nor should it be interpreted, to cure, prevent or mitigate any serious disease.” And this: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

You claim that it is a “highly recommended as an alternative medicinal help to many chronic diseases especially by the Russian Ministry of Health.” I am sorry but claims like these need to be backed up by solid clinical studies and sound scientific evidence. I can’t find any.

**Testimonial evidence is NOT scientific evidence**
ada apa2 nak komen??

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Post time 1-5-2010 03:18 PM | Show all posts

gua tersenyum baca ko nya post ni..gua mmg 1st time dengar pasal MLM ko ni..4 life..ermm mcm jual ubat eh?? gua ada gak browse psl 4life ni..then terjumpa artikel ni
Noraini wrote in with a request for the MMR to promote “Transfer factor”

Transfer factor is currently a product being sold in an MLM scheme. The 4Life TF product you refer to is a product which has no proven value in any illness. Claims of it “boosting the immune system” are unsubstantiated by any peer-reviewed journal publication. I cannot find any reference in a Pubmed Medline search.

Medicine Man is an interesting article which tells of how this product is being sold via the MLM mechanism

    But 4Life Research is not a typical health supplement supplier, either. The various Transfer Factor products generally are not sold in retail outlets, but by self-employed distributors who operate within a classic multi-level marketing plan. Their goal is not only to sell the products, but to entice others to become distributors as well as that’s where the real money is. A distributor who spawns others, who in turn spawn still others, supposedly can make five or even six figures per year with shockingly little effort

What is “transfer factor”?

    The term “transfer factor” has various unrelated meanings in science. Its first use related to immunity stems from research performed by Dr. H.S. Lawrence of New York University in the 1940s.
    In Lawrence’s work, transfer factor referred to “an extract of human white blood cells that could transfer a type of immunity called cell-mediated immunity,” says Dr. Burton Zweiman, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who worked in Lawrence’s lab 40 years ago. “Investigation of TF has been somewhat erratic over the years, with both supporters and deniers of its biologic importance.”
    “I am not aware of any studies of transfer factor being obtained from cow colostrum and [transferring] immune reactivity to humans,” says Dr. Zweiman. “Nor could I find any reference to it in a Medline search of the medical literature.”
    A spokeswoman for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health, says, “NCCAM has not funded any research on this therapy, nor have I heard of it before now.”
    But Dr. Fudenberg, reached at his office in Spartanburg, SC, says the report — which he described as the results of a review of other scientists’ work — stated nothing of the sort. “The conclusion,” Fudenberg says forcefully, “was that the commercial firms making this for humans were invariably run by people who were not scientists and who didn’t care whether their products were harmful or not.”

and more:

    City Paper forwarded a transcript of 4Life’s promotional audio cassette “From Here to Immunity,” which was distributed at the seminar in Valley Forge, to various immunologists, microbiologists and biochemists. Those who responded were skeptical.
    “Speaking from a standpoint of mainstream medicine, there is not a lot of familiarity [with] or support for this kind of practice,” says Dr. James T. Li, professor of medicine at the Mayo Medical School in Rochester, MN, and member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “This is a form of alternative treatment,” he says, which, he adds, almost by definition means there is little evidence to support its proponents’ claims — at least not the kind of evidence doctors and scientists generally like to see.
    Li hesitates to call 4Life’s claims misleading or false, but says, “I would be skeptical, and I would advise others to be as well.”

    Others are more blunt.

    “Most of the clinical studies of transfer factors have been based on the specificity of each transfer factor,” says Dr. Charles Kirkpatrick, professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology — who says he once declined 4Life’s offer to act as a consultant.

    For example, he explains, “a transfer factor that is specific for Herpes simplex will prevent recurrent infections with this virus. The approach being used by 4Life and other companies is to ignore the specificity issue and make non-specific claims for boosting the immune system.”

and there is the usual disclaimer

    And in the fine print, 4Life Research’s own materials include startlingly blunt disclaimers such as this one: “Transfer Factor and Transfer Factor Plus do not claim, nor should it be interpreted, to cure, prevent or mitigate any serious disease.” And this: “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

You claim that it is a “highly recommended as an alternative medicinal help to many chronic diseases especially by the Russian Ministry of Health.” I am sorry but claims like these need to be backed up by solid clinical studies and sound scientific evidence. I can’t find any.

**Testimonial evidence is NOT scientific evidence**
ada apa2 nak komen??

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