[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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snazzydaisy replied at 19-7-2021 07:53 AM
Hmmmm... nak royal christening for baby Betty!
Owh..coming for someone yg tak hadap jd royal..rasa royal mcm tak bebas..pffttt |
Takde la ugly mana pun bg saya...cuma sbb yg pakainya ugly...terus baju tu nampak burok

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Post time 19-7-2021 03:26 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 19-7-2021 06:44 AM
Fendi dress yg sgt ugly, mcm pakai langsir aje..
Klu kate atau org yg tinggi lampai pakai .. sbnrnya ok je .. cuma boot tu go to the plain one ..
Tengok siapa yg pakai .. |

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Post time 19-7-2021 03:27 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 19-7-2021 06:46 AM
Priyanka before & after...
Lain nya rupa after ...
Ehek ... Tapi still dna kelly tu kuat |

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Post time 19-7-2021 03:33 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 19-7-2021 07:38 AM
Found this on tumblr...
Semua yg dia summary tu is what we'd been discussing since she married thay prince ... |
Khenzzz. Ni gigih pula nak royal christening whatsoever. Iolls geram je dengan smeg ni. Macam macam sangat.

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Post time 20-7-2021 12:55 PM
From the mobile phone
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Post time 20-7-2021 12:56 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by adelea at 20-7-2021 12:58 PM
huehue replied at 20-7-2021 03:53 AM
Khenzzz. Ni gigih pula nak royal christening whatsoever. Iolls geram je dengan smeg ni. Macam maca ...
Kan dah byk rumours actually its not megxit, its brf yg halau ...
So nak control damage la tu ..that she is still welcome to the family  |
hahahaha... statement you kelakar & juga tepat!
Buktikan dulu kewujudan baby Betty tu, then baru talk about christening kan. Christening utk baby August and baby Lucas pun belum buat lagi. Mak bapak si Betty ni patut take a chill pill.
Edited by snazzydaisy at 21-7-2021 06:18 AM
Desas desus ttg Harry nak publish a memoir ni dah kedengaran kat tumblr since Jan 2021. I tak pay attention sgt coz I ingat rumor ni tak betul, tup2 betul. Tumblr community mmg terer lah.
Well, now kita dah tahu kenapa Random House sangup published The Bench yg sampah tu. Mesti Sussexes tetapkan syarat, if you want Harry, u have to accept Meghan too. Meghan is nothing without Harry.
TBH, I rasa Harry is making a mistake by releasing the memoir now. Dia patut release it AFTER their divorce. Smeg pastinya akan tulis her "tell-all" lepas cerai nanti as part of her victim narrative. Bodohnya Harry ni, plan laaaa baik2... 
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Sussexes pastinya testing the water re Betty's christening, their usual MO...
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BTS re Diana's statue unveiling... prior to the event, William & Harry disuruh utk tunjukkan draft ucapan diaorg...
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snazzydaisy replied at 21-7-2021 01:37 AM
hahahaha... statement you kelakar & juga tepat!
Buktikan dulu kewujudan baby Betty tu, then ba ...
Eh c jenglot dtang menyembah bumi uk ke? Bodoh yahamat jenglot ni.. Nak christening konon..klu dah kena buang brf buat rentung jer.. |
Priceless reactions re Harry's memoir! 
selain drpd "out of body" nye syarat, adakah royal baby juga perlu jalani royal christening utk layak tersenarai dlm line of succession (LoS) ekk?
snazzydaisy replied at 21-7-2021 02:41 AM
selain drpd "out of body" nye syarat, adakah royal baby juga perlu jalani royal christening utk la ...
Dah tu kalu sugoret buat nak christening mlainkan tu baby lili di lhirkan sana uk.. Nak masuk line of successsion setau guwe kena ada prsetujuaan dr Queen or parliment.. Skrg pndai pula takut tendang dr BRF.. Nak guna ank2 c jenglot..dia ingt smua akn pandang..takdo la tu. |
Proposed covers for Harry's memoir... 
Credit to: KYLIEER
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Edited by snazzydaisy at 21-7-2021 06:25 AM
$20 million Harry Plotter! 
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This is funny! 
"A book by Harry, as written by Meghan" - royal insider.
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