Artis bogel kinabalu dikecam orang ramai
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Iols xsalahkan matsalleh bogel tu since konsep kehidupan dieorg mmg mcm tu, tp nak salahkan sbb dieorg bbogel sabah kene earthquake yg tu salah, semue tu kuase tuhan anytime boleh gempa xperlu bogel ke ape,iols anggap this is natural caused je,xgune marah matsalleh bogel tu the damage has been done already.. |
selayaknyalah dihencap 
bangsat sangat kokesen pprt ni tak hormat culture orang
Canadian siblings barred from leaving Malaysia following earthquake
Lindsey and Danielle Petersen of Saskatchewan were part of a group blamed for the earthquake by posing naked on the mountain. Two Canadian siblings have been barred from leaving Malaysia after being blamed for an earthquake that struck Mount Kinabalu, in Malaysia Borneo, on Friday.
According to Malaysian police reports, Lindsey Petersen, 23, and Danielle Petersen, 22, are two of five tourists who have been identified as disrespecting the mountain, considered a sacred place in the indigenous culture of Sabah.
According to a Malaysian news outlet, rescuers recovered the bodies of 19 climbers from the 4,095-metre peak after it was struck, six days after the errant tourists’ visit, by a magnitude 5.9 quake that sent rocks and boulders raining down on trekking routes, trapping dozens of climbers. Nationalities of those killed have not yet been released.
Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan, of the eastern Sabah state, blamed the earthquake on the group that included the Canadians because they “showed disrespect to the sacred mountain” by stripping down to pose naked on the morning of May 30, at the 8 km mark of the two-day trek up Mount Kinabalu, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Ten tourists undressed and took photos, which was reported by their protesting guide, according to police. Only five have been identified by name so far. According to police they are Canadian brother and sister Lindsey Petersen and Danielle Petersen, two Dutch citizens named Eleanor Hawrins and Dylan Thomas, and a German citizen named Stephan Pohlner.
Nicolas Doire, a spokesperson for the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirmed to the Star that they are aware of reports that two Canadians have been barred from leaving Malaysia. He said the Canadian High Commission in Malaysia is prepared to provide consular services as needed. Due to privacy issues, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to release the travellers’ names or any additional information.
When the Star reached the siblings’ father, Floyd Petersen, in Wood Mountain, Sask., south of Moose Jaw, by phone on Saturday, he was unaware of their current situation. Petersen said he had not spoken to either of his children for a couple of days. They typically only phone home periodically, he said.
He did confirm, however, that they were travelling together in Malaysia and weren’t due to return to Canada for a couple of weeks. He did not know who they were traveling with. Mount Kinabalu, the country’s highest mountain, is considered a sacred site by the indigenous people of the area. It is believed that Mount Kinabalu is where spirits reside after people have passed away.
“When the earthquake occurred it can be taken as confirmation of what the consequences would be when these people decided to bare it all on top of the mountain. We cannot play around with the spirits on our sacred mountain,” the Huguan Siou (paramount leader of the Kadazan-Dusun Murut people), Tan Sri Pairin Kitingan, told the Borneo Post.
A ceremony is planned to appease the spirits of Mount Kinabalu after Saturday’s earthquake. Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun told the Borneo Post that the government had yet to decide on the date of the appeasement ceremony. “Our priority now is on the search and rescue of the missing climbers. But it will be an inter-faith ceremony,” he said.
http://www.thestar.com/news/worl ... ing-earthquake.html |
Acong replied at 8-6-2015 01:42 PM
ada orang maki mak ko hijau
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10155630731050290&set=a ...
mak ko hijau tu sejenis carutan ke? |
chazey yang pro kokesen
dan beragama kristian
sama dengan kokesen tu
pun still percaya 'semangat gunung'
ka apa ka
kini baru @chazey sedar
yang kokesen yang sama anutan
dengan dia pun jelas tak hormat
budaya pagan sabah |
kat sabah kan ada bitas,
bitas je la geng mat salleh ni.
biar ilang totei tu kjap. |
Bitas adalah panggilan orang Semenanjung Tanah Melayu untuk satu amalan sihir yang memindahkan kemaluan mangsa ke bahagian tubuh badan yang lain seperti dahi atau tapak tangan.
Amalan ini kebanyakannya ditemui di kawasan Sabah dan diamalkan oleh wanita bumiputera Sabah terutamanya dari suku Orang Sungai.
Lazimnya digunakan sebagai ilmu pertahanan diri dan memalukan musuh ; seandainya ditipu lelaki setelah meniduri perempuan tersebut tetapi enggan bertanggungjawab, menghina dan lain-lain sebab. |
mat salleh mana reti hormat negara org lain...sama macam pakistan pendatang ...same je la mereka tu |
Modngengade replied at 8-6-2015 01:29 PM
ada saper2 yg boleh post gbr bogel emil tak? kakak nk tgk samada beliyau layak berbogel atau cuma me ...
Amboi sis gatal burit dah ke nak tgok gmbar bogel org tua itteww.sunggug yucksss bogelnya hahaha... |
kakak tgk muda dan can do muka dia sis....kalau dh kertu memang kakak tk sudi tgk
sibuk sgt nak menayang tello..
biar dinilai dulu..agak2 layak di bg makan anjeng atau di sepit ketam..
Modngengade replied at 8-6-2015 04:28 PM
kakak tgk muda dan can do muka dia sis....kalau dh kertu memang kakak tk sudi tgk
zaman dunia tanpa sempadan ni sis bole je gugel "kokusen bogel gunung Kinabalu" kompem bersepah gmba nya kat situ.yg iols lehat hanya lah ponggong kokusen dan rakan2 nye itteww.sungguh meloyakan ponggong yg hauk itu. |
ada tak mcm punggung channing tatum sis?
ok sila hantar peluru berpandu dgn kadar segera. |
Abu Sayaff tangkap ani orang! jangan bawa pulang cni  |
Modngengade replied at 8-6-2015 04:34 PM
ada tak mcm punggung channing tatum sis?
Ala2 rikishi atau pemain sumo jah.hahahaha... |
Padanlah muka takde civil sangat. Kan dan kena sumpahan semerah padi. Yahooooooooo. lantaklah sapa2 nak kata aku percaya batu ka kayu ka. Janji nya kapir takde tamadun tu dah kena hencap.  |
Serius geli tengok tekstur jambang tak sama dgn rambut 
di bawah akta ape ye kalau dia didakwa?
'melanggari ketenteraman awam'
nanti dia kata : mencabul hak asasi manusia?
dari satu aspek
apelaa nak diharapkan dengan manusia yg BEBAS nilai?
yg tak tahu apa itu akhlak - ni dari aspek morallah...depa nyer pemahaman tentang akhlak ni a bit funny . sebab ia tak menyeluruh - kalau public places tak boleh bogel , then apa yg menghalalkan dia bogel di kalangan ahli kumpulan tu ? konteksnya di atas gunung??
see pincang sistem nilai . |
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