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Author: planb

Mahathir is right: Jews do rule the world

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Post time 5-11-2003 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sniper_Wolf7 at 5-11-2003 09:39 PM:
Bow to agung and sultans? we don't bow, but say, "Daulat tuanku!"

You think i am living in a juggle or what... I have seen live telecast, where the muslims bow to Agung and sultans. When you bow towards a person that means you are bowing to that person.

And the thing about "I will die for my agama, bangsa dan negara" stuff... sounds so robot likelah... like a parrot repeating what been said.

And the thing about American marine and our military... guess our guys did better than the American, if not you will not bring that up, right?
Anyway, in real would, mighty bombs decide the winning side...and not mighty warriors... that would have help if you are in the 7th century.

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Post time 6-11-2003 10:01 AM | Show all posts
faith healer,

not that we didn't recognize israel, but they are the ones who didn't recognize palestine.

that's a big problem as they keep widening their area and oppress palestinians. they refuse to recognize palestinians right to the land. do you like it if your neighbour keep moving the fence towards your area, and keep saying that they deserve this, as this is their promised land, whole you already spend your hard earned cash to gain this land, and they take it away easily? sure you don't!

i believe you did not read in details about islamic history. nabi muhammad was so tolerance towards jews. check it out, please.

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Post time 6-11-2003 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SFE talk at 5-11-2003 10:26 PM:
American soldiers are very tough and strong but generally have less stamina and endurance compared to Asian soldiers because they are muscular and heavy.

Since the good point is for asians..... I dun want 2 argue with u on this! CHEERSSS......!!!

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Post time 6-11-2003 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-4 06:58 PM:
You are wrong.
Not only there is "evil" among the Jews... there is "evil" among any race. God is unable to curse anyone lah..... let the "Alien" rest in peace..

n u r wrong
when i said theres evil among the jews, i'm responding to ur statement Since the "prophet" Mohd and his friends started invading, killing and converting the Jew to his version of religion, the world is not a safe place for the Jews.  ur statement is wrong.  its the jews 'emselves who r making 'emselves unsafe to stay with non-jews.  look at the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict.

n it goes without saying its not god's intention to curse every bad dick tom harry.  if thats his intention bishop robinson would have received a divine whack by now

The fact is Jews community exist in Arabia particularly in and around the present land called Palestine, long before Islam was invented by Mohd and gang... right?

n hows the word arabia being coined?
irrespective islam came after or before judaism, the jews r living among the arabs.  n PALESTINE is part n parcel of arab lands until un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  but jews r lustful lot.  they want more of PALESTINE lands.  read

Jerusalem is a well established place by the Jews. right?.

jerusalem has been well established socio-economically but with jews' terrorism, its progress is badly hindered.  read

It makes no difference to me, whether the Jews community have a  place to call thier MotherLand in America or Africa or Middle East. The Jews think they deserve a place in Middle East particularly in Jerusalem as thier root is deep there... and they are there to stay...thats a fact you have to accept. The muslim world have accept the fact and recornise Isreal as a nation.

the world has recognized israel.  thats why un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  but the world didnt like the way israel terrorized the remain part of PALESTINE.  thats why the world is protesting but impotently, the consequence of the us veto

When UN established Isreal, they did it because there was a need for it.
The Jews are Nomads no more, they have a place to call their home...

theres a need for israel to eixist coz eu nations dont want to share their lands with israel.  simple.  hence un forces PALESTINIANS to share their land instead with the jews.  as it is, the israeli PALESTINIAN conflict is not about religion but about territory.  :bg:


Economic and Social Council

29 July 1998


1998/32. Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan

The Economic and Social Council,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 52/207 of 18 December 1997,

Recalling also its resolution 1997/67 of 25 July 1997,

Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, affirming the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and recalling relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, 465 (1980) of 1 March 1980 and 497 (1981) of 17 December 1981,

Reaffirming the applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, 1/ to the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967,

Stressing the importance of the revival of the Middle East peace process on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973 and 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978, and the principle of land for peace as well as the full and timely implementation of the agreements reached between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, the representative of the Palestinian people,

Reaffirming the principle of the permanent sovereignty of peoples under foreign occupation over their natural resources,

Convinced that the Israeli occupation impedes efforts to achieve sustainable development and a sound economic environment in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan,

Gravely concerned about the deterioration of economic and living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population of the occupied Syrian Golan, and the exploitation by Israel, the occupying Power, of their natural resources,

Aware of the important work being done by the United Nations and the specialized agencies in support of the economic and social development of the Palestinian people,

Conscious of the urgent need for the development of the economic and social infrastructure of the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and for the improvement of the living conditions of the Palestinian people as a key element of a lasting peace and stability,

1. Stresses the need to preserve the territorial integrity of all of the occupied Palestinian territory and to guarantee the freedom of movement of persons and goods in the territory, including the removal of restrictions on going into and from East Jerusalem, and the freedom of movement to and from the outside world;

2. Also stresses the vital importance of the operation and construction of the Gaza airport, the seaport in Gaza and safe passage to the economic and social development of the Palestinian people;

3. Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its measures against the Palestinian people, in particular the closure of the occupied Palestinian territory, the enforced isolation of Palestinian towns, the destruction of homes and the isolation of Jerusalem;

4. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the Palestinian people and the Arab population of the occupied Syrian Golan to all their natural and economic resources, and calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, not to exploit, endanger or cause loss or depletion of these resources;

5. Also reaffirms that Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan, are illegal and an obstacle to economic and social development;

6. Stresses the importance of the work of the organizations and agencies of the United Nations, and of the United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories under the auspices of the Secretary-General;

7. Urges Member States to encourage private foreign investment in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, in infrastructure, job-creation projects and social development, in order to alleviate the hardship of the Palestinian people and improve living conditions;

8. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its fifty-fourth session, through the Economic and Social Council, a report on the implementation of the present resolution and to continue to include, in the report of the United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories, an update on the living conditions of the Palestinian people, in collaboration with relevant United Nations agencies;

9. Decides to include the item entitled Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan in the agenda of its substantive session of 1999.

45th plenary meeting

29 July 1998


1/ United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, No. 973.


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 6-11-2003 at 02:39 PM ]

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Post time 7-11-2003 01:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 6-11-2003 02:35 PM:
n u r wrong
when i said theres evil among the jews, i'm responding to ur statement Since the "prophet" Mohd and his friends started invading, killing and converting the Jew to his ver ...

Whats so wrong about that?
Lets face reality. Jews have a history. The Bible is mostly about them and made by them. They live and established their custom in the middle east region for a very long tiime.

Then came Mohd who was not a follower of thier custom. He tried to teach them his version of religion. Mohd claimed to be a prophet, they didn't believe him, his own uncle didn't believe him, he called him a liar (refer to hadiths). The Jews(and perhaps the pagans) chased him away, an outsider(non-Jew)  who is making chances to their religion, (Judaism) which they think is the right one.

So, what does Mohd do? He runs to another town. He crys foul, he says he had been attacked, he seek revenge. He and his handful of friends attack saying its defence and in name of the Jews God renamed Allah. Defensive war becomes Offensive war, Mohd attack and fought, he wins, he takes the losers land, their possesion, their womens, sells them as slaves.  He gain power and wealth(1/5 of the war booty goes to him) and women... all belonging to the Jews, Pagans and Christians....
You can't deny all this..its history...

This is one of the instruction left by Mohd.
Qur抋n Repentance, 9:29"Fight against those who have been given the scripture but believe not in Allah nor the last day, and who forbid not that which Allah has forbidden by His messenger, and who follow not the religion of truth, until they pay the tribute willingly, being brought into submission"

After Mohd抯 dead, his friends like Abu Bakar, Umar,  Khalid etc continue to spread this new religion by invasion. Palestine was invaded by Khalid.
Unable or refusing to pay the heavy tax/protection money, some Jew convert to Islam, some flee to other countries.

After British took over from Ottoman, the Jews in Palestine and outside Palestine asked for Palestine back , but got only a portion of it...named Israel.

Jerusalam is thiers. They are back in their land of their ancestors.

And how many muslim countries have recognized Isreal?

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Post time 7-11-2003 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-7 01:42 PM:
Whats so wrong about that?
Lets face reality. Jews have a history. The Bible is mostly about them and made by them. They live and established their custom in the middle east region for a very long tiime.

n lets face reality in the real sense of the word.  sure jews covenant with god ie judaism comes first before religion be it islam, christianity etc.  n as much as the jews have lived n established their custom in middle east region, likewise their arab brethren.  they came from the same root.  
unless u can give HARDproof that adam n eve r jews, middle east is more arab lands than jews land for the simple reason arab population constitutes a vast majority against minute minority jews.  

Then came Mohd who was not a follower of thier custom. He tried to teach them his version of religion. Mohd claimed to be a prophet, they didn't believe him, his own uncle didn't believe him, he called him a liar (refer to hadiths). The Jews(and perhaps the pagans) chased him away, an outsider(non-Jew)  who is making chances to their religion, (Judaism) which they think is the right one.

irrespective mohd is bad towards the jews, middle east is arabs' nations for the simple reason they constitute a majority against minority jews.  if u read the bible in the right context, u will find god has cursed 'em (the jews) to be nomads till eternity.  
its only thru un's grace n with callous lobbying from the jews 'emselves that PALESTINIANS r forced to share their PALESTINE so that israel can exist

So, what does Mohd do? He runs to another town. He crys foul, he says he had been attacked, he seek revenge. He and his handful of friends attack saying its defence and in name of the Jews God renamed Allah. Defensive war becomes Offensive war, Mohd attack and fought, he wins, he takes the losers land, their possesion, their womens, sells them as slaves.  He gain power and wealth(1/5 of the war booty goes to him) and women... all belonging to the Jews, Pagans and Christians....
You can't deny all this..its history...

u can give oceanful of reasons why jews have a share in middle east.  the fact remains god has cursed the jews to be nomads till eternity.  
christians, pagans etc also constitute minority in arab nations

This is one of the instruction left by Mohd.
Qur’an Repentance, 9:29"Fight against those who have been given the scripture but believe not in Allah nor the last day, and who forbid not that which Allah has forbidden by His messenger, and who follow not the religion of truth, until they pay the tribute willingly, being brought into submission"

paste wotever excuses u like.  the bottomline is only thru' un grace n with the jews' callous lobbying that israel is able to exist at the expense of  their brethren the PALESTINIANS

After Mohd’s dead, his friends like Abu Bakar, Umar,  Khalid etc continue to spread this new religion by invasion. Palestine was invaded by Khalid.  Unable or refusing to pay the heavy tax/protection money, some Jew convert to Islam, some flee to other countries.

now u get the picture.  some jews have fled coz god has cursed 'em to be nomads till eternity.  simple.  
n u cant blame mohd, their god, their bible etc as to why the jews r minority in arab nations.  its all becoz god has cursed em for their failure to abide by his teachings

After British took over from Ottoman, the Jews in Palestine and outside Palestine asked for Palestine back , but got only a portion of it...named Israel.

dont fool urself.  PALESTINE is never jews' land.  PALESTINE r for PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc.  PALESTINE is never jews' land.  read history in the right context.  
n whos the british to give away arab lands to the jews?  why cant the british give a piece of britain instead to the jews?  well?

Jerusalam is thiers. They are back in their land of their ancestors.

u r lying.  jerusalem is in PALESTINE n PALESTINE is PALESTINIANS' land not jews' land.  if u think the jews have the right to jerusalem n PALESTINE, then the canaanites would have more right than 'em

And how many muslim countries have recognized Isreal?

thats inmaterial.  the fact remains the world has recognised israel.  wot they dont recognize n r disgusted with is the jews/israelis/zionists' cruelty against their brethen the PALESTINIANS.  they rape n slaughter the PALESTINIANS as they (the jews) chant piously luv thy neighbour as thy neighbour.  
shame on the jews.  first they came as beggars now they wanna rule arab nations.  only donkeys dont c the jews' cruelty aginst their brethren, the PALESTINIANS.  thats why god has cursed the jews in the first place, all becoz they go aginst god's teachings  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 7-11-2003 at 02:54 PM ]

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Post time 7-11-2003 10:36 PM | Show all posts
i see whats wrong with you, your repeated reference to the bible quote that the Jews are condamn to be nomad for eternity, shows that you are unable to accept the facts.

Get real, your verse from your bible is wrong, the Jews are no more nomads. They have a land .. a country to call home.

Muslim countries accepting the fact is vital for the security of the Israel citizens.. Jews, Muslim and Christians alike.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 7-11-2003 02:48 PM:
u can give oceanful of reasons why jews have a share in middle east.  the fact remains god has cursed the jews to be nomads till eternity.  
christians, pagans etc also constitute minority in arab nations

I gave the reason why because of Mohd, a region namely Palestine had a large population of Jews is now in the present state, where the Jews don't call themselves Jews but muslims. Palestine was a Jews region before Mohd friends invaded, thats history, can't be changed.

You call yourselve a Christian, you should know Jesus was a Jew and he lived near Jerusalem where they had a large Jews temple... a large jews population at Jerusalem and minorities were other pagans.

Tun Dr.M talked about muslims giving sheltes to the Jews when the Europeans are killing the Jews... he forgot to mention that the killing of the Jew by the muslims were the reason the Jews fleed to the European countries in the first place.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 7-11-2003 02:48 PM:
n whos the british to give away arab lands to the jews?  why cant the british give a piece of britain instead to the jews?  well?

The Ottoman empire fell to the British empire. You know what that means. Winner takes all, but the british didn't take all... they gave it back...with strings attached.

Why should british give part of its land to someone who do not want it? The Jews don't want a HomeLand in British or Africa, they wanted a HomeLand in their HolyLand. They wanted back Palestine. They got back only a portion of Palestine back.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 7-11-2003 02:48 PM:
thats inmaterial.  the fact remains the world has recognised israel.  wot they dont recognize n r disgusted with is the jews/israelis/zionists' cruelty against their brethen the PALESTINIANS.  they rape n slaughter the PALESTINIANS as they (the jews) chant piously luv thy neighbour as thy neighbour.

The recognition of Israel by the muslim world is vital for Israels security...and peace in Middle East...

You say Jews/Israelis/Zionist rape and slaughter Palestinians.... but you cannot see that Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians does the same to the Jews/Israelis/Zionist... thats hypocrisy.

What you can't see is that the condition Palestine is in now is the result of the Arabs attacking an independent state Israel. The occupied areas are the result of the Arabs attacking and losing the battle with Israel.
If the Arab nations recognize Israel, the Palestinian problem will be a minor Issue...which can be solved.... but ohhh no... there comes the muslims who cannot tolerate a non-Islam state in the Middle East.

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Sniper_Wolf7 This user has been deleted
Post time 8-11-2003 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 5-11-2003 10:31 PM:
You think i am living in a juggle or what... I have seen live telecast, where the muslims bow to Agung and sultans. When you bow towards a person that means you are bowing to that person.

may be you right. about the bowing to the Sultans. To bow to show the  respect, may be your right. but consider the person a god, that is out of my akidah. May be i bow to him for his act as a leader but not to that person.

Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 5-11-2003 10:31 PM: And the thing about "I will die for my agama, bangsa dan negara" stuff... sounds so robot likelah... like a parrot repeating what been said.

You can said it like a robot if that what you think. but that what give me the spirit to live in this world. that is good that I would like to fight for my people. rather than being a drug addict or terrorist (more like PKM, Al maunah etc...) If that you consider a robot than I am.

You may think it like a parrot. it is just like when you meet your first love. saying that she is the only one in your heart. and I'll die for you or something like that. then you say it to another, and another lady the same words. How romantic those words are. Are those word meanning less? to the playboy maybe. but what for the real gentleman.

Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 5-11-2003 10:31 PM:
And the thing about American marine and our military... guess our guys did better than the American, if not you will not bring that up, right?
Anyway, in real would, mighty bombs decide the winning side...and not mighty warriors... that would have help if you are in the 7th century.

The American are too proud of their Tech. and some time fire at their own allied. Mighty Bombs ain't decide the winning of any thing. it's the human spirit that count. May be the bombs can help a bit. look at the Vietnam war. the viet cong loose because they think about their people and surrender. If the USA hasn't used the orange gas, they will still keep fighting on. the warriors strehgths are the same. but more important is the tactic of the war. who have the advantage using their surrounding can give the more advantage approches. using nature advantage at it's best can determine the wining or loosing. even with high tech weaponary, they can't fight the nature. don't you think a human spirit is more deadly that any weapon?

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Post time 8-11-2003 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-7 10:36 PM:
i see whats wrong with you, your repeated reference to the bible quote that the Jews are condamn to be nomad for eternity, shows that you are unable to accept the facts.

Get real, your verse from your bible is wrong, the Jews are no more nomads. They have a land .. a country to call home.

show me the correct verse then

Muslim countries accepting the fact is vital for the security of the Israel citizens.. Jews, Muslim and Christians alike.

why insisting on muslims countries?  is it not enough for un n the world to recognize israel?  which muslim countries u have in mind?

I gave the reason why because of Mohd, a region namely Palestine had a large population of Jews is now in the present state, where the Jews don't call themselves Jews but muslims. Palestine was a Jews region before Mohd friends invaded, thats history, can't be changed.

how large is large when u're talkin bout population of jews?  HARDfigures plz

wrong.  the jews call 'emselves muslim jews when they're muslim.  likewise they calll 'emselves christian jews when they're christians.  otherwise they stick to jews be they practizing or non practizing judaism jews

wrong agin.  PALESTINE is never a jews region.  PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS be they muslims, christians, jews etc.  PALESTINE is not jews land per se.

history tells u the first settlers r the canaanites, then the philistines n the israelites, then persians, romans, muslim PALESTINIANS, the ottoman, ending with the british.  now obviously PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS.  dont change history to suit ur deceptive facts

You call yourselve a Christian, you should know Jesus was a Jew and he lived near Jerusalem where they had a large Jews temple... a large jews population at Jerusalem and minorities were other pagans.

yup jesus is a jew.  n trinity christians believe hes god.  inother words they have racist god.  but thats beside the point.

back to ur postin, which large jews temple u're talking about?  n wots the population ratio around the site?

Tun Dr.M talked about muslims giving sheltes to the Jews when the Europeans are killing the Jews... he forgot to mention that the killing of the Jew by the muslims were the reason the Jews fleed to the European countries in the first place.

u're talkin bout malaysian ex pm mahathir mohammad right?
lets get this straight.  how many jews that europeans murdered against the number of jews murdered by the muslims?

The Ottoman empire fell to the British empire. You know what that means. Winner takes all, but the british didn't take all... they gave it back...with strings attached.

they gave wot back?  n wots that "strings attached"?

Why should british give part of its land to someone who do not want it? The Jews don't want a HomeLand in British or Africa, they wanted a HomeLand in their HolyLand. They wanted back Palestine. They got back only a portion of Palestine back.

how u know the jews dont want british lands?  did the british openly offer 'em?

so u're sayin PALESTINE is the jews holyland right?  how u come to that conclusion?

n u're sayin the jews r not satisfied with the portion of PALESTINE that un forces the PALESTINIANS to part with right?  thats ur proof that jews r bloodthirsty sinful lot.  thats why god has cursed 'em to be nomads till eternity

The recognition of Israel by the muslim world is vital for Israels security...and peace in Middle East...

how u come to that conclusion?
u think u will offer ur land to ur neighbour to ensure his security?

You say Jews/Israelis/Zionist rape and slaughter Palestinians.... but you cannot see that Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians does the same to the Jews/Israelis/Zionist... thats hypocrisy.

thats exactly wot the jews/israelis/zionist regime r doing right now to their brethren the PALESTINIANS right?  guess how many jews r murdered by the PALESTINIANS n how many PALESTINIANS r murdered by the jews in the current israeli PALESTINIAN conflict?

What you can't see is that the condition Palestine is in now is the result of the Arabs attacking an independent state Israel. The occupied areas are the result of the Arabs attacking and losing the battle with Israel.
If the Arab nations recognize Israel, the Palestinian problem will be a minor Issue...which can be solved.... but ohhh no... there comes the muslims who cannot tolerate a non-Islam state in the Middle East.


the HARDfact remains if the us has not donated billions worth of arms to the jews/israeli/zionist regime, the arabs would have won the war pants down  :bg:


Following the defeat of Turkey in World War I, Britain strengthened its power in Palestine. Massive immigrations of Jews from many countries raised the Jewish population in Palestine from about 50,000 buy the beginning of 1900 to approximately 300,000 before World War II.
The Palestinians staged a general strike in April 1936 protesting against this massive immigration of Jews which they saw as a danger threatening their rights.

The British, from their side, put forward a plan for the partition of Palestine into three states, a  Jewish one in the north,  another state for the Arabs in the south and a third section to remain under the British administration in the Jerusalem-Jaffa (Tel Aviv) corridor. The plan was categorically rejected by the Palestinians and lasted until 1939. London was forced to give the partition idea and set limits to the Jewish emigration to Palestine.

Britain submitted the whole to the newly-established United Nations in the aftermath of  World War II.

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

To drive the Palestinians from their land, a detachment of the Jewish terrorist organization Irgun, commanded by former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, raided the village of Deir Yasin on  the 9th of April 1948, killing 254 civilians. The wave of terror  drove 10,000 Palestinians from their land.

Israel unilaterally proclaimed itself an independent country on the 14th of May 1948. Armies from the neighboring Arab states attacked immediately, but failed to stop the consolidation of the newly-proclaimed Jewish State. The new Jewish state had, in fact, emerged from the 1949 war against the Arab armies with a land area larger than one proposed by the United Nations.

More than half of the Palestinians had to abandon their homes and headed towards the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where they lived as refugees. The West bank had been annexed by the then Hashemite kingdom of Tran-Jordan , a territory which had been annexed by the Hashemite kingdom of Transjordan; the Gaza Strip was then under the Egyptian administration.

To the United Nations and, consequently, in the eyes of the international law, the Palestinians were not a people but simply refugees, i.e. a “problem” to be solved, although the 780000 Palestinian refugees were a direct result of war and forcible displacement to accommodate Jewish immigrants from Europe and the Arab world.

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misled_youth This user has been deleted
Post time 8-11-2003 02:40 PM | Show all posts
Sniper and Faithhealer:

Dropping bombs for peace, is like raping for virginity.

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Post time 9-11-2003 05:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 8-11-2003 02:29 PM:
show me the correct verse then

Bible...Quran.... makes no difference, those books are man made with plenty of gibberish.... errors.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 8-11-2003 02:29 PM:
why insisting on muslims countries?  is it not enough for un n the world to recognize israel?  which muslim countries u have in mind?

UN recognizing Israel is not enough. Israel is an independent country, and thats not going to chance. Muslim nations must recognize them...especially those countries that have attached them... Syria, Jordan, Egpt, Lebanon Iraq.

After the withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs proclaimed (May 18, 1967):
As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.

Such anti- Israeal sentiments still lingers... and is being echoed by people like Tun Dr.M

Pakistan had shown sign of recognizing Israel... but the notion is being opposed because ... it's an non-muslim state in the Islam invaded land.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 8-11-2003 02:29 PM:
how large is large when u're talkin bout population of jews?

PALESTINE is never a jews region.

back to ur postin, which large jews temple u're talking about?  n wots the population ratio around the site?

how u know the jews dont want british lands?

so u're sayin PALESTINE is the jews holyland right?  how u come to that conclusion?

your questions show that you don't know much about Jews history.
heres goes ... there was a large population of Jews in the Palestine region was based on bible stories and from claims made by Jews.
For HARDfigures... banji was not done
There were many tribe shattered all around were water is available .... large population at ancient time are quite small compared to todays standard.. example(from hadiths) when prophet Mohd invaded and killed all the surrenders able males Jews... the figure was abt 600~800. And that was a large tribe.

Your refusal to accept the facts about Jerusalem,which in the HolyLand as claimed by Jews show that you are reading a different history book that what is claimed by the Jews.

The Arabs have chosen to call the present war "Intifada El Aksa" (El Aksa is one of two mosques which were built on the Temple Mount). Although the name supposedly resulted from Mr. Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount, it inadvertently expresses the true essence of the present war. It is indeed a war for "El Aksa" -- for the Temple Mount and for Jerusalem, and by extension, for all the Land of Israel. For Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Land of Israel. .... read more here from Jews source...
Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Land of Israel.

For all I care, the Africans can claim that Jerusalem is theirs.. claiming... all humans come from Africa.. so whereever humans set foot is their land and thats with DNA and acheological evidence..

About Israel defeating the muslim nation... the Arabs who by the way got weapon from Rusia... read this article.. from the other side of the coin..that is Jews view..Six-Day War

[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 on 9-11-2003 at 06:03 AM ]

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Post time 9-11-2003 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-9 05:58 AM:
Bible...Quran.... makes no difference, those books are man made with plenty of gibberish.... errors.

done.  i forgot u're a pagan

UN recognizing Israel is not enough. Israel is an independent country, and thats not going to chance. Muslim nations must recognize them...especially those countries that have attached them... Syria, Jordan, Egpt, Lebanon Iraq.

After the withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs proclaimed (May 18, 1967):
As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.

liar.  the world including arab nations syria, jordan etc have or r forced to recognize israeal.  otherwise saudi arabia wouldnt have come up with a peace plan when they saw theres no end to israeli's pious butchering of PALESTINIANS including babies as they (jews) chant piously luv thy neighbour as thyself.  read

Peter Valenti
World Press Review contributing editor

In a surprising development in the intensifying Arab-Israeli conflict, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz leaked to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman a plan for Arab nations’ normalization of relations with and recognition of Israel. The proposal calls for Israel’s withdrawal from lands occupied in 1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Abdullah plans to formalize this offer at the Arab Summit in Beirut on March 27-28. In a press conference on March 19, Amr Musa, the secretary-general of the Arab League, indicated that Abdullah’s plan will get strong support in Beirut.

Contrary to common belief, Saudi Arabia has been no stranger to the peace process, albeit usually behind the scenes. As Aluf Benn commented in Israel’s Ha’aretz (Feb. 19), a U.S. official reportedly advised the Israeli government “[to] lay off Saudi Arabia. It’s not your enemy….Saudi Arabia may be extremist in religion, but it is politically very moderate, and it’s important not to act against it.” Abdullah has been credited in both the Arab and American press with being the impetus for President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell to verbalize their vision of a Palestinian state.

Such anti- Israeal sentiments still lingers... and is being echoed by people like Tun Dr.M

liar.  read PLANB's postin
Originally posted by planb at 2003-10-28 06:39 AM:
from: ... 29-FD61176D52F9.htm
The Malaysian prime minister has condemned the ''double standards'' of those who criticised him for saying Jews rule the world.

Mahathir Muhammad said the international community's indignation was in stark contrast to their reaction when the Prophet Muhammad was called a ''terrorist''.

He said on Monday: "Are we not allowed to say that we are angry with the Jews? Are the Jews some kind of creature who cannot be condemned in any way?"

Mahathir, who is due to retire on 31 October, said he knew a lot of Jewish people and was not against them

read more -- > ... 29-FD61176D52F9.htm

"When I criticise the Jews, the whole of the European Union wants to condemn me... But when somebody... calls my Prophet a terrorist and all that, did the European Union say anything? Which shows that they are under the thumb of the Jews"

Mahathir Muhammad,
Malaysian PM

Pakistan had shown sign of recognizing Israel... but the notion is being opposed because ... it's an non-muslim state in the Islam invaded land.

irrespective pakistan is non muslim state that got raped by muslims or its basically a muslim state, saudi arabia has come up with a peace plan thats not favoured by israel.

your questions show that you don't know much about Jews history.
heres goes ... there was a large population of Jews in the Palestine region was based on bible stories and from claims made by Jews.
For HARDfigures... banji was not done

u said bible n quran r gibberish right?
how come u're quotin bible stories?
n how come u're believe in the jews claims n not on archaelogical HARDproof that PALESTINE has been changin hands from canaanites to the present PALESTINIANS?  why?
There were many tribe shattered all around were water is available .... large population at ancient time are quite small compared to todays standard.. example(from hadiths) when prophet Mohd invaded and killed all the surrenders able males Jews... the figure was abt 600~800. And that was a large tribe.

agin why refer to the muslims bible when u said holy books r gibberish?
should i say u're fu+kin spinner of lies?  i guess not.  otherwise MODERATOR JUKEBOX gonna get a fit.  hehe

so the figure is 600-800.  n wots the figure looks like for non jewish tribes then?

Your refusal to accept the facts about Jerusalem,which in the HolyLand as claimed by Jews show that you are reading a different history book that what is claimed by the Jews.

irrespective who claimed wot, u should go for archaelogical n international historical HARDproof.  read agin

When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

The Arabs have chosen to call the present war "Intifada El Aksa" (El Aksa is one of two mosques which were built on the Temple Mount). Although the name supposedly resulted from Mr. Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount, it inadvertently expresses the true essence of the present war. It is indeed a war for "El Aksa" -- for the Temple Mount and for Jerusalem, and by extension, for all the Land of Israel. For Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Land of Israel. .... read more here from Jews source...
Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Land of Israel.

n who the hell ask sharon to visit the site n tell the world its his?  so wot malaysian pm mahathir mohammad said is true that jews rule the world by proxy.  read

AL-Aqsa Intifada, Palestine

The current crisis was ignited on 29 September 2000, when Israel’s likud Party Leader, Ariel Sharon, “visited” Al Haram Al-Sharif, Al Quds site sacred to Muslims. Accompanied by hundreds of Israeli Occupation Military Police, Sharon stated “The Temple Mount is in our hands and will remain in our hands. It is the holiest site in Judaism and it is the right of every Jew to visit the Temple Mount”. Demonstrations by Palestinians followed Sharon’s visit, with stones being thrown at Israelis over the Buraq Wall. Israeli riot police respond with force including rubber bullets and live ammunition and several Palestinians were killed and at least 200 were injured.

Demonstrations and violent clashes erupted throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip to protest the killings at the Haram Al-Sharif. The Intifada escalated when the killing of 12-years- old Palestinian boy, Mohammed Al-Durah, in Gaza was captured on television and broadcast around the world. The Intifada continued throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip and spread to Arab towns beyond the Green Line, resulting in numerous martyrs and injuries among Palestinian people. The total number of martyrs and causalities in Alquds, West Bank, and Gaza Strip was 313 and 10,956 respectively during the period 29/9/2000-31/12/2000

For all I care, the Africans can claim that Jerusalem is theirs.. claiming... all humans come from Africa.. so whereever humans set foot is their land and thats with DNA and acheological evidence..

archeological evidence proves that PALESTINE is for PALESTINIANS be they muslims, jews, christians etc.  PALESTINE is never jews' land per se.  n jerusalem is in PALESTINE.  its not for the jews/israelis/zionist regime tor rape it n call theirs.  read

Resolution 181 also declared Jerusalem to be a corpus separatum - a separate body, to be run under an international UN administration. The area  to be run in this way included all of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Beit Sahour, to encompass the Christian holy sites.

About Israel defeating the muslim nation... the Arabs who by the way got weapon from Rusia... read this article.. from the other side of the coin..that is Jews view..Six-Day War

wots russia's weapons compared with the us' billions worth of arms donation to the jews/israelis/zionist regime?  read  :bg:


Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion.  Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.

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Post time 9-11-2003 11:03 AM | Show all posts
i know u're a pagan n u dont believe in religions n holy books although u favoured the jews.
thats ur prerogative
nonethless 'eres part of wot TERONG PIPIT says about muslims prophet muhammad, jews n trinity christians.  :bg:


Six hundred years after Christ, Muhammad (pbuh) is born. He follows the religion of Abraham (pbuh) which was handed down to him and all Arabs from the father of the Arabs, Ishmael, the eldest son of prophet Abraham (pbut). Upon reaching the age of 40, God sends the angel Gabriel to Muhammad to teach him His final message, the message of Islam. He tells him that the "people of the book" have changed the religion of Jesus (pbuh) and have altered it from a religion of submission to one God to a religion where multiple gods are being worshipped. He is told that he will be the final messenger, and that his message is to be directed to all of mankind including the Jews and Christians.

The Jews and Christians claim that Muhammad (pbuh) is a liar, a lunatic, deceived by the Devil, and a false prophet. They claim that he has just copied the Bible in order to write his Qur'an. Just as many Jews refused to accept Jesus (pbuh) as a true messenger of God, so too do many Jews and Christians refuse to believe Muhammad (pbuh).

Muhammad (pbuh) passes away. The Trinitarians continue with their burning at the stake any Christian who opposes the "Trinity" or openly speaks about the discrepancies in the Bible. They launch campaigns of "inquiry" to cleanse the earth of all remnants of believers in one (monotheistic) God. They slaughter the Jews at every opportunity. The sentences of death by these inquisitions become so unbounded in their nature that whole nations are sentenced to death. A single holy decree of the Trinitarian church in 1568 would later condemn three million men women and children of the Netherlands to the scaffold as heretics. In the end, over twelve million people were put to death through the authority of the "Inquisitions."

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Post time 10-11-2003 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
done.  i forgot u're a pagan
thats a first time anyone refered to me as such. and thats not nice... FaithHealer don't worship no freakin' imaginary theist do.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
liar.  the world including arab nations syria, jordan etc have or r forced to recognize israeal.  otherwise saudi arabia wouldnt have come up with a peace plan w ...

When did i lie. Show me... if the facts don't agree with you, that doesn't mean others are liying. Grow up.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
u said bible n quran r gibberish right?
how come u're quotin bible stories?
n how come u're believe in the jews claims n not on archaelogical HARDproof that PALESTINE has been changin hands from canaanites to the present PALESTINIANS?  why?

Canaanites? Are these people seeking a HomeLand in Palestine? Pls enlighten me..will you.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
agin why refer to the muslims bible when u said holy books r gibberish?
should i say u're fu+kin spinner of lies?  i guess not.  otherwise MODERATOR JUKEBOX gonna get a fit.  hehe

so the figure is 600-800.  n wots the figure looks like for non jewish tribes then?

Read correctly first. FaithHealer said plenty of gibbrish... that does not mean the whole book is gibberish... anyway, I FaithHealer refer to the freakin' book because sonny boy still belief in the book, so refering to that book will show you, the stories regarding the existence of the Jews in Plaestine for a long time....
..and the figure for non-jewish tribe..not stated..let me know if you find out.

You want to use dirty word with me you feakin Jews hating SOB. You want to talk civilised or you want to get dirty? I can entertain you either way sonny boy.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.
and i have given you, that Islam is the reason why there were few Jews in Palestine region and why the Jews are forced to flee to other parts of the world... and you act so blind... so FU sonny.. I give sh*t about your hypocrisy.

Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 10:49 AM:
wots russia's weapons compared with the us' billions worth of arms donation to the jews/israelis/zionist regime?

And with SuperPowers like Yahweh bend on his curse of making the Jews a nomad race for eternity plus Allah's determination to rule the wolrd... can't help all the Arab countries to defeat a frekin tiny state.

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Post time 10-11-2003 02:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 2003-11-9 11:03 AM:
i know u're a pagan n u dont believe in religions n holy books although u favoured the jews.
thats ur prerogative
nonethless 'eres part of wot TERONG PIPIT says about muslims prophet muhammad, je ...

I don't favour the Jews, I don't like the religiously crazy Jews either. I just don't like blind discriminations.

And what HARDevidence do anyone have to say that Mohd get message from God via Angel? Any witness?.... FaithHealer asked muslims before about the witness, and none can give any acceptable answer. How about you?.
And do God the almighty the most compasionate need a Arabian who claimed can't read or write, to do his dirty work by killing?
And it sure looks like Mohd didn't finish his work. 1400years have gone by and Allahs message have not reached everyone. And the world is getting bad press about Islam...Maybe Allah need a new messenger....

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Post time 11-11-2003 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-10 02:00 AM:
thats a first time anyone refered to me as such. and thats not nice... FaithHealer don't worship no freakin' imaginary theist do.

so wot u worship?

When did i lie. Show me... if the facts don't agree with you, that doesn't mean others are liying. Grow up.

u said this right?  read.  UN recognizing Israel is not enough. Israel is an independent country, and thats not going to chance. Muslim nations must recognize them...especially those countries that have attached them... Syria, Jordan, Egpt, Lebanon Iraq.

After the withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs proclaimed (May 18, 1967):
As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.

hence i call u a liar.  why?
coz at the end of the day, saudi arabia has come up with a peace plan which is supported by the us n yet not favoured by the israel.  why its not favoured by israel?  
coz israel wants the whole of PALESTINE.  they dont care whethere theres more PALESTINIANS than theres jews in PALESTINE.  they wanna genocide the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as the us did to american natives (red indians) n america.  

is that wot yahweh teaches the jews?  to genocide their brethren, the PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE as they (the jews) chant piously luv thy neighbour as thyself?  well?

Canaanites? Are these people seeking a HomeLand in Palestine? Pls enlighten me..will you.

who said PALESTINE is the jews' homeland?  who?  
if u said PALESTINE is the jews' homeland, then its more the homeland of the canaanites since they're the first settlers.  
n its (PALESTINE) more the homeland of the PALESTINIANS compared with the jews for the simple reason, the PALESTINIANS constitute the majority while the jews (+ imported jews) r minority.

Read correctly first. FaithHealer said plenty of gibbrish... that does not mean the whole book is gibberish... anyway, I FaithHealer refer to the freakin' book because sonny boy still belief in the book, so refering to that book will show you, the stories regarding the existence of the Jews in Plaestine for a long time....

so u're sayin u're bias right?
u said the bible n koran have plenty of gibberish right?
yet u wanna say that part pertaining to the jews r not gibberish right?
why being selective, the biasness?

..and the figure for non-jewish tribe..not stated..let me know if you find out.

in otherwords, u couldnt substantiate ur claim based on the bible right?
the bible didnt talk about population ratio between jews n non jews right?
thats why, fairminded intellect look for archeological HARDproof backed by international history HARDproof instead of biblical claims unlike u.
ur lame claims favouring the jews using descriptive words like large, many etc is nonsensical compared with HARDproof like wot i paste right?  read

United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.

if u study the figures carefully, u will know why theres suicide bombs among the PALESTINIANS.  coz they've been abused physically, sprititually, mentally not only by the jews but by the world itself.

here u have a total of 1,246,000 arabs against 507,250 in PALESTINE.  n yet un is dumb enough to divide PALESTINE knowing very well the 497,000 israeli PALESTINIANS gonna be raped by 498,000 jews in israel.  the HARDproof is 100s of 1000s israel PALESTINIANS become refugees in the remaining part of PALESTINE, in arab nation n other parts of the world.

where u c arab PALESTINIANS rape jews PALESTINIANS?  where?

the bottomline the jews r rapists of other people's lands.  without raping others, they gonna stay nomads as yahweh promised 'em to be

Heb. 3:7-14

So, as the Holy Spirit says: “ Today, if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.  That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’  So I declared on oath in my anger, they shall never enter my rest.”

You want to use dirty word with me you feakin Jews hating SOB. You want to talk civilised or you want to get dirty? I can entertain you either way sonny boy.

change my mind.  i wanna keep this thread at the top forever n it shouldnt be trash but objective discussions based on HARDproofs n data.  deal?

and i have given you, that Islam is the reason why there were few Jews in Palestine region and why the Jews are forced to flee to other parts of the world... and you act so blind... so FU sonny.. I give sh*t about your hypocrisy.

lets backtrack.
u said the killing of the Jew by the muslims were the reason the Jews fleed to the European countries in the first place.  right?

subsequently me question how many jews that europeans murdered against the number of jews murdered by the muslims?  HARDfigures plz

And with SuperPowers like Yahweh bend on his curse of making the Jews a nomad race for eternity plus Allah's determination to rule the wolrd... can't help all the Arab countries to defeat a frekin tiny state.

its not difficult for divine superpowers like yahweh n allah etc to give u a divine whack.  as u grow old n gray n senile n worst u pizz n shit in the pants without knowin, then u know god is remindin u of ur past deeds.  n more a-coming when u're 6 ft under the ground.  but thats beside the point

sure its looks like divine superpowers yahweh n allah couldnt compete with superpower us afterall wots yahweh's curse n allah's determination compared with us' billions worth of arms to tiny israel right?
but come doomsday then u'll know.
u can howl n cry u dont believe in no god, in no hell, in no purgatory, only in heaven.  but god gonna tell u ie the bad jews n ally "uh huh, no deal".  right?  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 11-11-2003 at 01:35 PM ]

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Post time 11-11-2003 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 2003-11-10 02:18 AM:
I don't favour the Jews, I don't like the religiously crazy Jews either. I just don't like blind discriminations.

lets elaborate on this blind discrimination.  evil is evil.  holy is holy.  rght?
theres no blind discrimination bout evil n holy right?

1. when un divided PALESTINE n leave 497,000 arabs in israel at the mercy of  498,000 jews there, is that holy or evil deed?

2. when the homes of 100s of 1000s of israel PALESTINIANS r destroyed by the jews/israelis/zionist regime to give way to imported jews, is that holy or evil deed?

3. when the us donated billions worth of arms to the jews to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE, is that holy or evil deed?

4. when israel build 200 illegal jewish settlements for imported jews in the occupied PALESTINIAN territories, is that holy or evil deed?

5. when israel build 600 kilo security wall 6 kilo inside the occupied PALESTINIAN territories, is that holy or evil deed?

6. when the us vetoes the un's protest over the security wall, is that holy or evil deed?

7. when israel murdered PALESTINIAN innocents including babies as they assassinate hamas, is that holy or evil deed?

8. when israel destroyed the homes of PALESTINIAN innocents along with the homes of suicide bombers, is that holy or evil deed?


And what HARDevidence do anyone have to say that Mohd get message from God via Angel? Any witness?.... FaithHealer asked muslims before about the witness, and none can give any acceptable answer. How about you?.

simple.  thats wot the muslims claim.  so be it.  it dont affect ur live or non muslims' lives right?

on the other hand when u claim the jews' homeland is PALESTINE based on the bible, that gonna affect the PALESTINIANS' lives right?
hence u should look for HARDproof for ur claim right?
n that HARDproof shouldnt come from the bible but from archaeological n interantional history HARDproof for the simple reason jews may believe in the bible while the PALESTIANS (the majority muslims) believe in the koran.  right?

And do God the almighty the most compasionate need a Arabian who claimed can't read or write, to do his dirty work by killing?

so how many jews did the muslims murder n how many jews did christians murder?

And it sure looks like Mohd didn't finish his work. 1400years have gone by and Allahs message have not reached everyone. And the world is getting bad press about Islam...Maybe Allah need a new messenger....

yup, god may need a "new" messenger in the form of jesus.
n jesus gonna condemn all those who dont believe in the existence of god.
he also gonna condemn all those who worship him as god  :bg:


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 11-11-2003 at 02:10 PM ]

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misled_youth This user has been deleted
Post time 11-11-2003 06:00 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 12-11-2003 05:11 PM | Show all posts
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  :re:

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Post time 14-11-2003 01:36 AM | Show all posts
hi sonny

You should not use words like liar if you don't know all the facts... if you disagree than you should say you disagree or that I am wrong. Thats civilized.

and no need to humour me with doomsday or threaten me with the nonsence of heaven and hell.. that don't work with guys like me.
And no mather how hard you pray or believe, you too gonna die, if you live long enough you too will suffer the natural sickness caused by old age.. so don't humour me with that.

okay here are some facts which I gathered, see if can agree with any of these....(in ancient time hardly any census was done so no HARDfigures so don't go around cring wolf)

1)The Jews from the time of Roman rule were been suppressed or killed... some fleed to other parts of the world... ( i assume you know this already)

2) The Jews during Mohd time were also suppresed converted to Islam or killed... from Medina to Mecca. During the caliphs rule the Jews were continuously suppressed, converted or all parts of Middle East....Jerusalem included. Many Jews fleed mostly towards Eropean.

3) The Jews in Europe was again suppressed or killed.

4) Some Jews in British felt the need to return to their land of their ancestors, Jerusalem, hence the formation of Zionism.

5) British was ruling the area after invading and taking over from the Ottoman empire. The British started to call the area as Palestine. There was no such a state as Palestine when British took the area from Ottoman Empire.

6)Thru hard work and "lobbing" the british, the Jews was able to buy some land in and around Jerusalem from Arabs there.

7)The zionist group informed others Jews in Europe to return to Jerusalem. The return to homeland was called "aliiyah"... Jews from all over started to pour in and around Jerusalem...the population of the Jews incresed in and around Jerusalem.

8)Thru the "lobbing" the zionist convinced the british to return/give the land to them as a independent state.

9) The Arabs thru instigation by Arafat's uncle Hussain started the "fire which is still burning". The first clash between the Jew and the Arabs was stated by false information that Jew going to destroy the mosque at temple mount. The Arab as true muslims started slaughtering the Jews. The British did nothing to stop the slaughter. In retaliation the Jews namely the gang Betar hit back and chased the Arabs. ( so claims the Jews websites)

10)The once hebrew land was divided into 2 portions. Israel and Palestine. Jews and Arabs were swaped/chased out from both sides. Some remain.

11)Once Israel was established by the UN, the Arab states actacked the new Israel to destroy it. Arabs lost... as they often do...
Winning side, Israel gain more territory.

12) The Arab states again plan to attack (or just treatenning with army position to attack). In the 6day war, Israel attacked and captured more territory. Jews call it disputed land and Arabs call it occupied land.. golan height, west bank etc. more importantly the whole of Jerusalem.

13) The Arabs who felt discriminated/humiliated lead by Arafat commit suicide attacks against Israel public. In retaliation the present nuclear power Jews attack and terrorize the Arab terrorist as well as the public. A tit for tat as they call it.

14) Muslim nation (who by the way are fighting amoung themselves) refuse to recognize Israel as a state even though it has been recognised by the UN. As such, Israel is in danger of being attacked by the Arab nation anytime.

... to be continued later.

[ Last edited by FaithHealer3 on 14-11-2003 at 02:13 PM ]

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