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Author: genchi

[SELANGOR] Nurul Izzah tidak perform di PDalam betoi atau auta

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Post time 11-4-2013 03:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lupe lagi mantion hang... @kittycomel

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Post time 11-4-2013 04:46 PM | Show all posts
mmg x perform pun.. parents aku duk pantai dalam.. Raja Nong Chik mmg perform la, fofular gitu.. jln kat pantai dlm br pas tar, dh mcm litar f1.. best je bwk keta.. kat taman medan x de lak camtu.. huhu jln betampal2 je..

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Post time 11-4-2013 06:15 PM | Show all posts
tugas ahli parlimen dgn adun pun  x tau..ingat depa tu pekerja jkr? pegawai kebajikan?..

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Post time 11-4-2013 10:18 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 11-4-2013 08:53 AM
very interesting that semua negara2 MAJU sering silih berganti tukar parti pemerintah. Negara yg m ...

is not impossible to be the first...kenapa la plak nak nengok negara lain, negara singapore pon takde la tukar pm macam tukar baju kan tapi negara tu maju sometimes not becoz leadernya but becoz setiap individu tu sendiri yang ada jati diri, yang bangga jadi warganegara, yang berbangga contribute untuk negara.. macam jepun, japanese tu memang jati diri sayangkan bangsa, bangga sebagai seorang japanese. malaysian lak dalam otak fikiran selalu percaya bangsa lain lebih bagus dari diaorg..

I was staying in pantai dalam even before tahu izzah bertanding kat pantai dalam, dah memang sedia maklum, plan for bangsar south is wayyyyy before.. ntah2 izzah baru keluar universiti kot.. setinggan2 kat situ dah demolished dan diganti ngan petempatan flat2 dbkl dsb rasanya izzah pon dok dalam universiti lagi

aper2pon itu pendapat aku, and pada aku jangan pandang rendah pada kemampuan pengundi semua parti... coz walaupon 100 K tunjuk kesungguhan nak mengundi PR, apa pula kata 28 juta rakyat yang lain. kalau pon 300K yang pergi ceramah bersama PM tu, bagaimana balance rakyat yang lain. ada yang bersikap "ada aku kesah? 1 vote je kot... bila pilihanraya aku ngundi ler, tak yah dok bertengkar sana-sini tegakkan benang yang basah, yang untung sape gak, ahli politik dan keluarga2 mereka jugak... yang penting aku bina career aku untuk diri aku dan family aku. Ahli politik? biarla mereka dengan labu2nya"

yang penting bila rakyat dah bagi mandat, tunjuklah kesungguhan, buat sesuatu bagi orang ingat... yang dok atas pagar jadi pemerhati ni, kita tengok je.. ada yang bagi can, bagi canla.. but jangan ingat diaorg ni dah selesa dgn sesuatu mende, diaorg tak leh berubah.. apa2pon saya cakap pom pang2 pon saya hanya sumbangkan 1 vote apa yang saya pilih, itulah rahsia..

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Post time 11-4-2013 10:22 PM | Show all posts
mnaa posted on 11-4-2013 10:18 PM
is not impossible to be the first...kenapa la plak nak nengok negara lain, negara singapore pon ta ...



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Post time 11-4-2013 10:27 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 11-4-2013 10:22 PM

ataupon.. Be Until The End... no worry dear.. sape pemimpin yang menang pon, belum tahu dia kenal kite personally.. 28 juta kot nak kene jage.. yang penting kita pikir camne nak guna ape saje pemimpin sediakan untuk kita bina career kita, kehidupan kita ke arah yang lebih baik.. harap sape pon pemerintah, MRT tetap diteruskan... aku nak mende tu wujud!!!! hokkay??

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Post time 11-4-2013 11:12 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 11-4-2013 08:53 AM
very interesting that semua negara2 MAJU sering silih berganti tukar parti pemerintah. Negara yg m ...

bila bandingkan dengan negara MAJU... pikir yang American hanya pikir American American American, Japanese diaorg hanya pikir Japanese Japanese Japanese.. apa kata Malaysian pon pikir Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian.. Malaysian can do this, Malaysian can do that, Malaysian is the best! then timbul semangat jati diri untuk pandang apa yang menguntungkan rakyat. Kata kat diri, sape pon pemimpinnya, Malaysian tetap akan hidup coz kita tak berggantung pada pemimpin, but diri sendiri..

renung2kan selamat beramal..

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Post time 12-4-2013 09:12 AM | Show all posts
mnaa posted on 11-4-2013 11:12 PM
bila bandingkan dengan negara MAJU... pikir yang American hanya pikir American American American,  ...


corruption will kill any kind of organisation

PR pon boleh buat MRT....but with less costs sbb telus. Kita jugak yg untung. Cukoplah kes skru berharga 5.00 mark up jd 150.00 for example.

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Post time 12-4-2013 02:44 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 12-4-2013 09:12 AM

corruption will kill any kind of organisation

aku rasa semua parti ada corruption.

thats why la kate walaupon dapat 1 negeri sekalipon, u have to prove u have done ur part.. tak yah critic banyak2 but tunjuk bukti u boleh buat lagi baik dari mana2 orang lain.. aku tak sebut parti, sbb selalunya based on calon yang dipilih

datum jelatek yang jadi project pkr tu katenyer first launch kat singapore.. aku yang nak beli ni, terkujat la dengan harga yang hamboih.. memang amat tak layak untuk orang2 malaysia. mmg aim orang singapore beli hartanah kat malaysia ke?  

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Post time 12-4-2013 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Interesting baca view di sini dan inipun nampak interesting gak ... -about-nurul-izzah/

A blatant lie about Nurul Izzah
April 10, 2013
FMT LETTER: From Rebecca Jane Thomas, via e-mail
I was reading the April 8 Malay Mail article, ‘Lembah Pantai back to BN?’ by Nadya Ngui and my blood rose. I was so furious with the following opening paragraph:
“The Barisan Nasional’s (BN) chances of recapturing the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat look promising as voters in the constituency say Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) representative Nurul Izzah Anwar was a “no show” after 2008.”
I am here to say that this is a blatant lie. I have personally witnessed the dedication, the sensitiveness towards the people’s concern, the humility and hard work of this MP in my area, Taman Bukit Angkasa especially Block 14 in Lembah Pantai.
When I approached the MIC and Umno leaders in 2010 to do something about the burst pipes in our block, I was told that since this place is now under MP Nurul Izzah, I should go to her and that they cannot do anything to help me.
I remember very clearly the MIC and Umno leaders mentioned that the government has no money to help replace the pipes which was causing a nightmare and a burden to its residents.  They just did not bother about our problems and wanted us to continue suffering.
But I kept on with my fight.  Even the PR Officer of Syabas at that point of time questioned our support for BN if they were to come in and help us.
So I took MIC’s and Umno’s advice and communicated with Nurul and she came to hear us out.  She said she will raise our issue in Parliament and this was confirmed by her former assistant. This former assistant is now serving Raja Nong Chik.
I found out the following touching characteristics in Nurul throughout 2010 and 2013:
Punctuality: Despite heavy rains, she never missed her appointment time with the residents.
Humility: She always respected the elderly with praying hands and with a bow.  She spoke very  politely and even when the odds were against her, she kept her calm spirit under control.  She will never let an elderly and sick person come to her.  She goes directly to their door step and if she has to climb the steps, which is what she exactly did in terms of giving away household provisions.
No campaigning: She never campaigned during her visits and asked any one of us to vote for her each time she met up with us
Quantity was not her concern: Even though there were a few of us, she took time of her busy schedule and came to meet up with us and hear our concerns.
When the Umno leaders saw that Nurul was making inroads, they sprung into action.  They decided to take matters into their hands including Raja Nong Chik. They felt threatened by her presence.
If I did not go to Nurul Izzah, all our pipe woes would not have been solved. I had to find my own sponsors to pay the 20% deposit for the funds under the TP1M scheme and Block 14 was the first block in Taman Bukit Angkasa which had its pipes upgraded in 2011.
Raja Nong Chik grabbed the golden opportunity to gain name and favour by providing funds for the remaining 18 blocks to upgrade their pipe systems. This was only announced last Saturday (April 7, 2013).  Why could he have not done this earlier?
Highlights of Taman Bukit Angkasa’s problems have been brought to the attention of the former Lembah Pantai MP Shahrizat Abdul Jalil since 2004. Did she actually serve the people? The evidence is so alive that she did not serve the welfare of Taman Bukit Angkasa’s residents.
Raja Nong Chik in fact screwed up in the issuing of the strata titles for the house owners. I was informed that if the long outstanding maintenance were not paid, the strata titles would not be issued to the owners.
The developer mentioned that Raja Nong Chik is giving out only the photocopies of the strata titles and not the originals. The people were upset with him and he instructed the land office to issue the original strata titles later in the day although there were large amounts of maintenance money to be collected.
These are the same owners who are key members of Umno and MIC who did not turn up for the formation of a JMC including the likes of Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman, ex SPR Pengerusi, who owns a internet cafe/restaurant at Block 14 and owing a huge sum of maintenance money to the developer.
The developer, Nakkon (M) Sdn Bhd, is now supported by UOA since Nakkon (M) Sdn Bhd, has no money to run its operations. Block 14 was purposely not invited by the Umno office to attend the meeting with the Land Office and the other heads of blocks because they know that I would make a lot of noise if strata titles were issued without the settlement of the maintenance fees since Nakkon has issued lawyer’s notice to the residents of Block 14 to pay up their outstanding maintenance fees.
For those who did not comply, a fine of RM150 was levied. Nakkon has not issued any lawyer’s notice to the other blocks until today because of the Umno and MIC heads who controlled these blocks.  In my point of view, it was really dirty politics here.
When I approached Raja Nong Chik to clear away the illegal stalls in Taman Bukit Angkasa, I quote his exact words:
“Vote for BN first and if we win, we will clear these stalls after the election”
The head of these illegal stalls are also a key member of Umno and under the Hawkers Association. I have reported these cases to DBKL and they are not stepping in because of these stupid characters behind these whole operations.
Nurul continued to serve Block 14 by providing free clinics which was not well received by the Umno and MIC leaders and she did come to meet up with us each time I invited her. When I invited both Nurul and Raja Nong Chik to have a dialogue session with the residents on two different dates, Nurul accepted the invitation but Raja Nong Chik turned down the invitation because his secretary said that he was busy until end of March 2013.
When Nurul came on Feb 17, 2013, a funeral service was going on. Even though I got clearance from the immediate family members to go ahead with the programme, Nurul cancelled the talk when one of the relatives of this family member objected.  I was furious but Nurul calmed me down and told me that it was fine and that she will come another day.
She apologised to the family members and left in peace. I had more respect for her that day and I knew this is truly a lady of good character. However Raja Nong Chik immediately held a tea session the following weekend under the umbrella of MIC in the vicinity of Block 14 itself.  He felt threatened again.
In summary, Raja Nong Chik and his leaders only reacted after Nurul came into action.  If she did not make any inroads, I can guarantee you that we would have been suffering until today. My bold approach of bringing Nurul to our Block 14 opened doors for the betterment of the people in Taman Bukit Angkasa.
Thank you YB Nurul Izzah.  We owe it all to you!

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Post time 12-4-2013 03:12 PM | Show all posts
mnaa posted on 12-4-2013 02:44 PM
aku rasa semua parti ada corruption.

thats why la kate walaupon dapat 1 negeri sekalipon, u hav ...

Heran gak aku. Salu gak aku borak2 dgn totok hameno dan kdg aku dngr ceramah puak2 be end/umngok kt you tube - mmg perkataan KALAU..perkataan always in their vocab. Tp bila aku tanye mereka2 ni - bg contoh kes corruption kt negeri2 bwh PR , hader tak takat ni? Bg contoh kes rasuah kt negeri kelantan , hader tak? mereka terkulat2.

lame n stup** excuses gak kdg2 bila berselindung dgn  perkataan KALAU / RASA nih. It means the person who uses that word dah xdpt nk jawab persoalan corruption itu.

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Post time 12-4-2013 03:21 PM | Show all posts
nordiana87 posted on 10-4-2013 10:52 AM
setuju plak aku ngn ako..yes..mmg btl..
aku pn xobses mne2 party..klu izzah nmpk BN tu slh n slp. ...

Kt area uncle aku pulak , selama bwh BE END mmg tempat tu terabai habes. Beberape kali PRU ghuper tu jugak. Sekali last PRU org kpg tukar n pilih PAS. Terus kelam kabut wakil be end dok mai buat itu dan ini. Byk duit di tabur. Jln serta merta di repair.

tp uncle aku ckp org kpg tetap sokong PAS lagi this PRU. Uncle haku ckp projek repair2 n pembangunan tu punyer ler byk budget di keluarkan. Mark up habis2an bg projek kt kroni2. Tapi org kawasan tu x tertipu pon.

tak tau la kalo2 benda yg sama jadik kt nurul izzah ni. Mmg la nmpk cantik nong chik buat itu dan ini tp kdg kita wonder jugak whether projek2 tu di mark up kaw-kaw mcm kes skru yg harganye naik 300X ganda tu. Yg rugi rakyat jugak nanti. Setau aku any projects bwh negeri2 PR , ia lebih transparent. The public can hv access easily to know transaction details etc. So aku x impressed sgt dgn ape2 pembangunan yg be end buat sbb dah byk kali sgt sgt sgt mereka2 ni seleweng kaw-kaw dari segi budget dan kos. Jgn lupa bhw projek2 itu semua menggunakan duit2 kita semua juga.


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Post time 12-4-2013 11:03 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 12-4-2013 03:12 PM
Heran gak aku. Salu gak aku borak2 dgn totok hameno dan kdg aku dngr ceramah puak2 be end/umngok k ...

aduhai.. aku kan satu je yang aku prasan pasal yang fanatik PR ni.. bahasa yg digunakan.. gelaran tak elok untuk orang.. selalu sangat digunapakai.. hmm, walaopon katanya fight for Islam, ingatlah amanah Allah ini…

Firman Allah Taala : Ayat 11 Surah Al-Hujerat yang bermaksud:

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah sesuatu puak (dari kaum lelaki) mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak lelaki yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka dan janganlah pula sesuatu puak dari kaum perempuan mencemuh dan merendah-rendahkan puak perempuan yang lain, (kerana) harus puak yang dicemuhkan itu lebih baik daripada mereka dan janganlah setengah kamu menyatakan keaiban setengahnya yang lain dan janganlah pula kamu panggil-memanggil antara satu dengan yang lain dengan gelaran yang buruk. (Larangan-larangan yang tersebut menyebabkan orang yang melakukannya menjadi fasik, maka) amatlah buruknya sebutan nama fasik (kepada seseorang) sesudah dia beriman dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang tidak bertaubat (daripada perbuatan fasiknya) maka merekalah orang-orang yang zalim”.

Sekadar mengingatkan...


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Post time 13-4-2013 01:10 AM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 12-4-2013 03:21 PM
Kt area uncle aku pulak , selama bwh BE END mmg tempat tu terabai habes. Beberape kali PRU ghuper  ...

yup..yg tu aku xnafi kn..dr zmn tun lg..BN mengamalkan sistem kronism..yg tu amat2 aku xpuas hty..
ble dorg suap kaw2 prt depa..tebal kn kaw2 poket depa..n paw kte kaw2 tuk cover blk n top4 dt..n ble d bg 500 rkyt nmpk itu pngrbanan bsr krjn..pdhl itu amat ciput lau d banding kn dgn ape yg depa dh mkn..ble 55 thn pgg ptrjy br skg nk bg pd rkyt.sdg kn klu kte kaji blk profit negara dlu lg masyuk berbanding skrg..n persoalan nye knp ble negara kurang berpendapatan br terhegeh nk pg pd rkyt? sb dlu sokongan PR xkuat..n org muda pn sng d skg rmi dh bka mata..dh celik..ape yg ko ckp aku stuju..aku nmpk sume persoalan nye tuk thread ni izzah xperform..aku pn xtaw la sjauh mna btl ke nmpk die slow je..ble nk msk PRU br nmpk muka..

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Post time 13-4-2013 01:12 AM | Show all posts
mnaa posted on 12-4-2013 11:03 PM
aduhai.. aku kan satu je yang aku prasan pasal yang fanatik PR ni.. bahasa yg digunakan.. gelaran  ...

ala umno same pn..ble bercakap sal politik..sal bhsa y d gne akn terbiasa..nobody perfect der..


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Post time 13-4-2013 12:18 PM | Show all posts
nordiana87 posted on 13-4-2013 01:10 AM
yup..yg tu aku xnafi kn..dr zmn tun lg..BN mengamalkan sistem kronism..yg tu amat2 aku xpuas hty.. ...

kroni ni semue ade.. DAP pon ade kroninya.. tapi mslh bila kroninya bukan bumiputera... Anwar Ibrahim pon banyak kroni, salah seorangnya saudara saya sendiri.. thats why saya tahu.. but for me, sometimes, bila kita ada project, kita nak bagi kat orang yang kita kenal, kita percaya or kita boleh marah2 kalau jadi apa2.. jadi wujudlah kroni2 tu...


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Post time 13-4-2013 12:20 PM | Show all posts
nordiana87 posted on 13-4-2013 01:12 AM
ala umno same pn..ble bercakap sal politik..sal bhsa y d gne akn terbiasa..nobody perfect der..


so jangan2lah dok cakap nak memperjuangkan Islam then.. malu ngan orang bukan Islam..


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Post time 13-4-2013 01:32 PM | Show all posts
galaxie83 posted on 8-4-2013 11:00 AM
yes mmg ada terbaca gak... tp biasa la blog politik ni.. bias ke arah parti mereka je... so sapa2 or ...

Rakyat2 pantai dalam, citer ler apa kemajuan yang dibawa oleh YB Nurul Izzah selain 'bercakap'? Tolong sokong YB anda please.. anda yang memangkah 5 tahun lepas kan...


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Post time 14-4-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
ros lebih prefer izzah dr kak ijat not has  a higher expectation from all wakil rakyat coz peruntukan nan hado... mana mungkin nak buat mcm2 ..... contoh kelantan...... kerajaan PAS pegang tp Pusat Umno pegang...depa sekat duit..sebab dana  kerajaan malaysia akan terus ke pusat dulu then bla.... bla......  reti???  kalau lembah pantai tu.... nong chik la punya pasal..... apa2 pon aku xsuka politik samseng...mana2 aku pergi skang ni...kalau yg edar flyersss BN tu semua muka pecah rumah (setakat dpt upah 50hinggit, ko ingat YB nak pandang ko sebagai org yg buat kerja..... konon2 dpt 'nama ' atau job best????? jgn harap oi....)
muka2 samseng mesti berbadan gempal + kulit tak badan tak berberus dawai + muka BANYAK 'nur'..
akhir kata semoga kita pilih pemimpin yang baik dan mampu bimbing keluarga dia dan rakyat sama....
mood lagu: sayangi selangor yakini BN ...errr

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Post time 14-4-2013 02:55 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 10-4-2013 03:02 PM
Mesti ingat bhw setiap kerusi yg kita bg kpd wakil BN akan memberi mandat kpd BN utk pegang putrajay ...

yes indeed.... PR go to PUTRAJAYA>.>......


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