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Author: SoalnyeSiapa

MLM -- Everything abt MLM

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-10-2003 03:42 PM | Show all posts


wah..alhamdullilah...dapat taja lagi seorang hari ini...dlm sebok sebok pon curik masa untuk buat..i feel better and better now.saya semakin bersemangat untuk membantu diri saya dan bangsa saya...

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 17-10-2003 03:48 PM | Show all posts

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FHR This user has been deleted
Post time 12-11-2003 01:25 PM | Show all posts
betul apa yang IVtec cakap tu... i am also one of the anti mlm before but now, after i use the products, i know the company marketing plan, culture and their vission & mission, and bila i bandingkan my income buat MLM buat masa sekarang ni and my income kerja, sama dengan i kerja 10 tahun....

tapi kalau nak buat MLM ni, hubungan sesama manusia yang paling penting...

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-11-2003 02:20 PM | Show all posts


satu kepuasan dlm diri saya bila melihat downline downline saya mendapat income yg macam mana saya dapat.....
Do the right way of MLM..insyallah.pasti jaya.....
tak kenal maka tak cinta...dah kenal MLM tergila gila....hingga sanggup pikir nak berenti kerja..tukar kerjaya ...berniaga dlm perniagaan ini...

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ayn This user has been deleted
Post time 29-11-2003 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by IvTEC at 17-10-2003 03:20 PM:
Binary tu...
1. Lebih utamakan cari org dari cari business partner.
2. Downline biasanya berkembang dua kaki, dan product yang dijual entah apa apa tak proven pun,dan biasanya mahal hanga barang  ...

u mean Prime BANK?

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ayn This user has been deleted
Post time 29-11-2003 02:24 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 29-11-2003 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ling at 22-9-2003 11:12 AM:
bentuk perniagaan MLM dan insurance tak sama, tak boleh compare langsung.

apakah tujuan ayn nak buat comparison kat sini?

wey! la nie kan MLM pung ader insurans skali ngan kredit card tau! ING ngan Citibank! huhuhu! sapow nak apply boleh la PM haku!

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Post time 3-12-2003 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ayn at 29-11-2003 02:24 PM:

Also look back the successfull MLM i.e Cosway,CNI,Amway.

BTW...SKYBIZ was not MLM, it Affiliate Program (using Binary system).

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-12-2003 06:42 PM | Show all posts

Make ur desicion & Think positive & Act

What I am trying to say here..
Time pass by...month to month..year to year..
is whether u improve or not ur life..time goes....this nobody can't deny this.
Whether u join MLM or not..time the time pass by, we see people success and improve the life style ,getting rich with MLM..such as amway..cosway...cni..zhulian.revell..luxor ..and .at the same time we see people failed with the same time we see people success with omega cost.which is know as pyramid the same time we also can see our fren failed ..loose their money from skim pyramid ..
at the same time the time goes by..we see people getting rich ..imrprove the income  by bynary skim ..and some people don't..

In my sorrounding..i have lots lots of fren at the above condition...
People keep asking..why?
Now people are smart enough to think that " is not the company that u join make u fail or success" yourself...
SO..always think positive..make a wise decesion..
if we keep grumbling or think that, this is not good..that is not harm done..BUT..we go no where...we will still like changes..
so....learn and find something that is good..
if u found pyramid skim is not good..look for something better...if u don't success with cni..maybe u can try amway...
u have to move...once decesion made..buat betol betol..
tiada benda yg datang bergolek atau melayang...
I have to grab it...

so..instead thinking of this and that bad..not good.etc..
.look for something good.. n do... u will see the result..nobody can help u except u urself..
I am doing MLM now..lots of people say the one that  I join not good...etc etc... but I just do..and I got the income...but I see some of them which is offer me to join theirs..still no halfway..eventhough they claim the company that their join is plan good etc..but nothing...modal pon tak balik..
lots of fren ask me to join cni etc..but until today..they have no income from it..whereas..wlwpon I baru, i already generate income from it and happy to see my downline also getting an income as well..results!!..very important!!..
so..whatever people say to us acctually has no different.. what u have to do is .made a wise decesion n DO!!!..
Its nothing to do with whether this one good or not..but how u do it is most important...even  if the marketing plan is veryy goood, but u don't do it..its result..
There is a thousand way of doing CNI..there is a thousand way of doing amway..there is a thousand way of doing zhulian..lots of people fail n sucess..SO..why dont u grab a chance to learn fromm the succesfull people how to do it in a correct way and get the income..
Don't listen opinion from unsucessfull people...listen from successfull people..
tak ada guna nyer kita interview org yg gagal " hari tuh aku dengar ko buat CNI kan..tapi tak jadik kanm..."..tak guna... is better for u interview the succesfull people "..I know u have a very good income with u do it ah..can u share with me ur sucess"..

so... pengaruh sekeliling memang ada..but is wether u success or not..u sendiri yg tentukan...lets think positive..

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Post time 4-12-2003 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SoalnyeSiapa at 3-12-2003 06:42 PM:
What I am trying to say here..
Time pass by...month to month..year to year..
is whether u improve or not ur life..time goes....this nobody can't deny this.
Whether u join MLM or not..time ...

:2cool: Good....nak tambah..

" Samething,same process will produce same result."

Dok berangan nak dapat finacial freedom, still doing the same way, sure will produce same result.

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 4-12-2003 05:27 PM | Show all posts

Financial freedom

People fail and success with MLM...

There is thousand way of doing amway....there is a thousand way of doing zhulian..there is a thousand way of doing cni...there is a thousand way of doing revell ....

why don't u grab the chance ..learn from succesfull people of the right way of doing MLM ?...

Like myself..I just give a chance to myself to learn form succesfull people...
And the result is superb..

I give myself chance to learnnnnn......not only money that i am earning..but I earn knowledge..skill....softskill..

sekadar berimpian dan berdoa ,tapi tiada tindakan..tidak menjanjikan apa apa... this nobody can deny it.

kalau nak pikir minat ke tak minat...
cuba kita pikirkan...kdg kdg kita pergi kerja nih minat sgt ker?..tapi hujan ke..ribut kerr...pergi jugakkan..sbb..nak duit..true?
same goes with MLM...usaha tangga kejayaan..

pada yg berimpian nak mengubah me...
pada yg nak tahu apa itu MLM, pada yg nak tahu beza MLM dgn skim call me..tak salah cari ilmu dan tahu lebih mengenai sesuatu..
mungkin anda tak minat..tapi nak carik ilmu lebih..apa salah nyer..


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Post time 5-12-2003 08:12 AM | Show all posts
Tahniah buat u Nora dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan financial freedom. Apa yang U perkatakan saya sokong 200%. Sememangnya terdapat beribu cara untuk kita menjalankan perniagaan MLM tak kiralah Zhulian, CNI, Revell, Cosway, Amway dan yang seangkatan denganya. Yang penting, kita mesti terus berusaha dan tak patah semangat dan rajin-rajin belajar dan terus belajar.

Siapa sangka, dah tua-tua ni pun kena belajar lagi tapi itu yang menentukan kejayaan kita dalam MLM. Thanks for your tips. Tapi bagi pendapat saya, kita harus concentrate pada satu ajer MLM kalau nak berjaya, walaupun sebelum ni kita dah masuk macam-macam MLM.

Sebenarnya ada tiga kumpulan manusia di luar sana.

Kumpulan pertama - mereka yang tidak tahu apa itu peluang dan membiarkan peluang berlalu begitu saja.

Kumpulan Kedua - mereka yang tidak berani merebut peluang. Sentiasa rasa tidak yakin mampu melakukan.

Kumpulan Ketiga - mereka yang berani merebut peluang, sanggup bekerja keras untuk berjaya.

Moga kita-kita semua berada dalam kumpulan ketiga. Usaha dan terus usaha dan tak patah semangat walaupun ribut mendatang, taufan melanda. Kali ini saya harap saya akan berjaya dalam MLM ni berkat tips-tips dari successfull MLM macam saudara-saudari dalam topic ni.

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Post time 6-12-2003 12:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by harleena at 5-12-2003 08:12 AM:
Tahniah buat u Nora dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan financial freedom. Apa yang U perkatakan saya sokong 200%. Sememangnya terdapat beribu cara untuk kita menjalankan perniagaan MLM tak kiralah Zhuli ...

Ada golongan keempat - Mereka yang tidak berjaya melakukannya, lepas tu cakap MLM camnila..camtu la..padahal diri tak mampu...

Successfull MLM people = ordinary people, the different =t heir income is extra ordinary.

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Lord Elrond This user has been deleted
Post time 6-12-2003 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Peluang di dalam internet more dan network franchise marketing macam Mc D adalah peluang utk berjaya. Saya ade templete franchise untuk saudara/i lihat. Kalau nak tau more pasal business, bole call say atau e-mail saya. Ramai dah berjaya dalam business dan ianya bergantung pada diri sendiri. - D' (012-6641829 / [email protected])

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Post time 6-12-2003 01:20 PM | Show all posts
hehehe! kalu rajin dalam MLM sure cepat kaya! and MLM nie kurang risks berbanding dgn skim piramid!

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BioNutric This user has been deleted
Post time 9-12-2003 09:36 AM | Show all posts

MLM Memang Confirm Boleh Kaya!

Apa pon MLM yg kita buat kalau tak de first step dan continous support dr leader, byk yg gagal. That is why pemilihan MLM juga amat penting takut nanti tersilap pilih yg pyramid pulak.

Di sini saya syorkan satu halaman web saya khas utk sesiapa yg ingin menceburi MLM atau yg mengintai peluang lain yg ada sekarang.

MLM yg ini tak memerlukan anda membeli/ maintain barang bulan2. Hanya setelah income anda cecah RM1900 and above shj barulah sistem akan autoship product kepada anda.

Kelebihan program & produk ada dibincangkan:

Selamat mencuba dan hubungi saya jk perlukan info dan support (juga MODAL!!)

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Post time 9-12-2003 02:09 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya MLM nie bergantung pada usaha kita juga.....kalau nak cepat kaya kena le berusaha. mana ada org kaya dgn sekelip mata ....

so sapa2 yg berminat nak join MLM nie.....juju rasa Revell le paling senang...disamping produk yg murah dan untuk kegunaan harian.

p/s e-mail me for more detail at [email protected]

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mrizs This user has been deleted
Post time 9-12-2003 03:36 PM | Show all posts


kita ni kadang-kadang bukan tak boleh kita sendiri yg tak nak diri kita berjaya....
so if u want to be success u need try more than the others....
mana ada atas dunia ni....satu bisnes yg tak kayakan org lain...
klu bukak kedai runcit pon kayakan org lain gak...
ex: u ader kedai...n then u beli brg ngan u still kayakan supplier tu...n then supplier tu amik barang kat kilang...still kaya kan kilang tu...n then kilang tu amik bahan mentah tu...still kaya kan pengusaha bahan mentah tu...dan seterusnya...
ok pada org yg tak pecaya ngan MLM ni. bagi saya dia adalah org yg kecewa...penah kecewa ngan MLM ni...
MLM ni sebenarnya klu nak buat duit firstly, kita kene faham dia punya marketing plan...klu kita tak faham dia punya marketing plan lepas tu main cakap jer...itu tak bagus ini tak saya itu bukanlah silap company..itu silap kita...mana ada atas dunia ni org bisnes tak nak untung...
company pon nak untung kita kene study n bg diri kita peluang untuk mengenali MLM tak marah klu kita tak joint pon...cuma bagi peluang kat otak kita fikir....belum lg masuk news org kene bunuh sbb tak masuk MLM......

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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 10-12-2003 01:30 PM | Show all posts

PV PV PV !!!

From the very negative person and skepticle..
now.. I AM MLM LOVER!!!!............. buat sambil sambil...bulan bulan ribu ribu masuk...
sambil sambil..tapi bukan sambil lewa...
nak bersedekah pon duit dah byk..boleh dah nak beri lebih pada org lain...
kekayaan dunia dan akhirat...alhamdullilahh..

trust me..everybody can do it...provided u put effort... takkan lah dgn tak perlu berusaha ,duduk rehat rehat sentiasa...boleh dpt income besar kan...??..

And those yg masih confuse or tak faham..apa itu MLM ..apa itu skim pyramid..apa itu binary system..pls call me...tak salah anda cari ilmu lebih..
beza dan jurang pemisah antara org berjaya dgn org yg tak berjaya adalah " ILMU nye "...

org berjaya akan mendengar..cari jawapan kalau ada apa apa yg tak clear or have doubt....
org yg tak berjaya adalah org yg suka bercakap hasil dr cerita org...sendirk pon tak pernah cuba..cerita lebih sudu dari kuah...padahal..dia sendrik pon tak paham...lepas tuh suka cerita benda negative....
kalo pernah gagal pulak..tak nak revise or carik sbb nyer..tapi dok sebok kata MLM tak bagus..cni tak bagus..amway tak bagus..zhulian tak bagus..padahal...melambak lambak org yg berjaya dgn menjalankan perniagaan secara MLM.
Kalo konsep pon tak paham tapi dok kentong sana sini kata itu tak bagus ini tak bagus ..dan tak berhenti henti membandingkan itu ini.buatnyer tidak.....agak agakk..ada tak hasil nyer? sebok cari kekayaan dunia dan akhirat..kita sebok carik alasan...
takde point kan?


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SoalnyeSiapa This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 10-12-2003 06:10 PM | Show all posts


cuba lah....
dah cuba baru tahu..

tak kenal maka tak cinta..dah kenal tergila gila..sehingga sanggup nak berhenti kerja..

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