dia reply "tiada maaf bagimu" + smiley yang jelir lidah tu...
Org kalau marah betul, takde masa nak jawab mcm tu siap smiley bagai.
I rasa colleague you ni mengada2 lebih. Or maybe dia suka attention yg you bagi kot. |
dat girl suka kat TT
cuma dia kebudakan, kalu ai suka kat guy, ai cuba buat sematang yg mungkin. se'professional' yg mungkin, walo nak nagis ke kat belakang, kat depan org mesti mcm kebal |
gedik nye perempuan ittew |
dia ada hati ngan en king kong..takkan itu pon tak tau |
pompuan klu dia marah kt org, xkn nye dia nk go on buat keja, reply ko punya IM smbil hntr smiley jelir lidah tu...kt ctu pn da bleh nmpk, dia nk ko pujuk byk2 kali...
dia ada buat2 muka x bila berdepan ngn ko??
aku rsa mmg dia ada hati kt en.king kong |
pe kata TT merajuk balik kat ppuan tuh .... ppuan tu ngade2 nak attention, nak buat TT rasa besalah...
lagi TT usaha, lagi dia demand, try lah TT plak yg merajuk balik, sure dia plak yg cuak....kui2 |
Post Last Edit by auntieagony at 26-2-2012 00:26
Auntie minta maaf dulu if auntie's POV mungkin menyebabkan KK jadi hijau/pink atau apa2 kaler jer lah.... Do you want to know the truth from auntie's perspective or do you want me to just agree with u? But auntie knows - KK macho man - tahan kena debik bagai.... Thousand apologies dulu....
Here goes...
Mmg KK bersalah in your treatment towards the female colleague (FC). FC tu tergamam agaknya, dia just dashed off begitu saja, mungkin with 1001 curses directed to you....
FC menanya KK sbb dia nak clarification ttg isu2 yg dia tak tau... Mungkin FC respect your knowledge and expertise in your field of work, that's y she asked so many questions...
Ok, u may raise your voice but do you need to inadvertently threw the folder although KK aimed at other direction? Tindakan tu mcm sama jer spt KK TERbaling folder tu ke muka dia... sama tapi tak serupa gitu...
Auntie rasa KK tak boleh justify your actions by saying that you had a bad day on that day. Sama juga female workers wouldn't use PMS as their justification why they behave terribly... Mcm men kata senang kerja dgn men, woman pun kata senang kerja dgn woman gak... Fair + square kan...
Jgn ler KK address a woman as "betina" - buruk benar bunyi org yg melafazkannya dan auntie yg membacanya.... Jgn ler attack her personality such as rambut karat dan pakai lens biru. You may criticise her job performance but not a person's personality... That's her prerogative - negara demokrasi...
Ok, what's done is done... How to pujuk? Cadangan auntie yg dah 3 thn tak bekerja - so maybe outdated and obsolete actions.... But at least auntie cuba to put forward some ideas ok...
- KK need to talk to her again face-to-face quickly + openly. Gunakan all your manly charms and persuasion skills to get her to respond. Kalau still dia diam membeku, you just continue apologizing and give valid reasons for your action.
- Try small talk or invite her to teh tarik session. Kalau dia tak nak, ajak ler a few of her colleagues along... Masa session tu, loosen up and cerita ler sikit2 pasal yourself, so that ada ler sikit rasa nak memaafkan KK yg mmg bersalah tu... Rub it in, yer dak?
- U don't have to like each other cuma terpaksa bekerjasama (work together). Kalau she still doesn't want to talk to u, gunakanlah email, sms, whatever electronic means of communication... At least u can get the message across... Masa kena practise, practise ler dgn dia - inform her on the date and venue and walla....
- Set the ground rules and be professional (including KK sekali tau). Kalau kena discuss berdua, just notify her and berbincang ler. I'm sure she's also a professional. If FC is not good enough, the mgt wouldn't pair both of u together to do the presentation....
Ok, my advice might not be what you want to read but they're sincere. Sorry ok kalau auntie tak memahami situasi KK but that's how I see it... I may be wrong..... Kalau auntie silap fakta, minta maaf ok? Nur-Nur....{:4_237:} |
mengada sgt minah nie.
aku rsa dia minat kt tt neh. komfem. |
aku cadangkan ko buat derk aje kt die. kasi die cool dulu.
jgn pndang die lngsung.buat2 dia tak wujud.
mungkin lepas tu dia rsa bersalah kot. |
Reply 47# auntieagony
auntie tgk case ni dari perspektif auntie...which is i faham dan respect your opinion..
tapi auntie takde kat situ mase benda tu terjadi..
maybe kalau auntie was in my shoes mase tu...auntie mungkin naik darah jugak...
...first time dia tergedik-gedik tanye soalan bodoh di mase i tengah betul-betul bad mood, i kate kat dia...please wait, i need to cool down first dan i bagitau dia yang i betul-betul takde mood sebab baru lepas kena marah...give me some times nanti i'll attend lah apebende yg dia nak..
common sense lah dah tgk orang cakap serius macam tu...lagi dia buat...cakap i don't care u bad mood ke ape...dia nak jugak i explain ape bende kejadah yang dia nak tanye tu...i cakap nanti lah..give me like 10 minutes..susah ke...lagipun i tau sangat la apebende dia nak tanye tu...benda yang boleh carik kat dbms, boleh google....tapi tak..dia nak dengar jugak i explain...kepala hotak dia...orang tengah mendidih ni lagi nak siram minyak kat bara api...tapi takpe..i okay lagi..
lepas tu boleh pulak dia poke poke i cakap "eleh baru kena marah sikit dah cembeng bla bla bla bla"...sape tak meletup?...itu pun kejap je sebab i cepat-cepat snap out bila tengok kertas-kertas semua dah melayang...bila mase i baling folder tu pun i tak sedar...
cepat-cepat mintak maaf..i cakap i tak sengaja...i mmg tengah not in the zone mase tu...
esoknya i mintak maaf lagi..cakap tak patut buat itu ini...siap beli aiskrim lagi untuk dia...
tapi dia still dengan perang dingin dia kat i..
which is fine by me...lantak la..tak mati pun...sekali boleh pulak keluar arahan kena buat presentation kt senior mgmt..dengan board members pulak tu...i tau i tak boleh buat sorang2...again i mintak maaf...kalau tak nak maafkan pun takpela...at least be professional lah...i jumpa dia face-to-face to clear the air like TWO ADULTS...tapi dia buat tak layan...dia tuduh i kate i bolot kerja sorang-sorang mase weekly meeting...
basically i dah buat hampir semua yg auntie cadangkan...tapi dia still dengan merajuk dia tu...tak malu, dah tua bangka perangai macam budak2...
yeap..i call her betina, i attack her appearances...but hey..that's my prerogative too..free country maa...my justification? she deserves it..
dan benda ni menguatkan lagi teori i...kerja dengan lelaki lagi senang...
director i ni pun satu...punyala banyak jantan lain yang boleh jadi partner i...pompuan tu jugak dia pilih
lepas satu..satu...tak abeh2 bencana... |
Reply 49# lalanoi
memang tak pandang dia langsung pun...dia tingkat 18 aku tingkat 5
mase meeting takkan nak buat perangai jugak depan committee...so nak tak nak kena la tunjuk yang aku dengan dia "okay"...just dia je tak play along...aku pulak yang nak kene mengcover untuk dia... |
Post Last Edit by auntieagony at 26-2-2012 00:22
Reply 50# cmf_king_kong
Agreed that auntie is neither in your shoes nor in FC's (Female Colleague @ Fan Club) shoes. Cuma pandangan nuetral saja.
Noted that you had a bad day... Auntie faham - auntie had worked for so long and there were great days and lousy days as well. That's working life is all about... Kalau KK rasa nak meletup pun, you could hv avoided the situation. KK boleh excused yourself and go to the toilet and cool yourself. Then address the issues with her... Or you could just walk away and say you kena balik cepat and ada something urgent to attend to....
Ni from auntie's working experience. Customer complained giler2 dan mcm2 kat auntie. Cakap apa pun tak jalan. Since customer is always rite, we just hv to keep a straight face - senyum pun tak boleh - nanti diaorg ingat kita being cynical or smirking at them. So what we (other staff as well) normally do is excused ourselves kejap, get away from the place - pergi toilet ker, meeting room ker, my own room ker. Then let go all the anger, menyumpah ker, make faces ker and keluarkan semua kemarahan tu...
Ok, kalau sesiapa cakap "eleh baru kena marah sikit dah cembeng bla bla bla bla" pd masa yg tak sesuai, auntie pun akan meletup...
Tapi tak cool ler bila KK TERbaling folder tu walaupun secara tak sedar. Jgn marah, gurau jer....
Auntie applauded your action when you apologized ASAP but perempuan ni from planet Venus kan - KK dah menjatuhkan airmuka dia dan mengaibkan dia - tak semudah itu, she can forgive you...
Ala... tak payah lah marah2 kat FC lagi.... buang energy and buat sesak fikiran jer... KK kena mengaku gak yg what you did was not right either...
As a professional, it is encouraged not to attack staff/colleagues/superior's personality. KK can attack her lack of knowledge on her job function and her incompetencies but not her personality.... Tak baik (mengikut tona suara ibu2)... Suatu hari nanti, u might need FC's help....mana tau kan?
director i ni pun satu...punyala banyak jantan lain yang boleh jadi partner i...pompuan tu jugak dia pilih
Hahaha - dia nak test samada KK boleh bekerjasama dgn female colleagues. Sbb diaorg mmg tau KK boleh bekerja dgn male staff.... Bukan ker skrg you must be versatile - your ability to work with both sexes is an advantage sbb skrg ramai female staff.... Anggaplah sbg your boss nak naikkan pangkat you, so nak tengok kebolehan KK bekerja di dlm adverse situation.... Your boss pun wanita jugak kan?
Ujian yg diberikan hanya akan beri lebih pengalaman kpd KK on how to handle situations like this in future....
Move forward, resolve your issues wz FC cepat. Focus on what's important, that is the presentation itself.
Goodluck and break a leg.... |
Post Last Edit by cmf_king_kong at 25-2-2012 01:40
Reply 52# auntieagony
customer lain auntie...kalau deal dgn customer, kita kena berpandukan SLA which lebih memihak kepada customer hence "customer is always right"...tapi colleague is totally different matters...we supposed to understand each other la kan...personally and professionally...
dah tak sempat nak buat apa2 dah...i kalau dah snap apa yang ade kat tangan tu la pergi baling...i jarang nak marah-marah ni tapi macam orang lain jugakla...kesabaran i pun ade had jugak...yeap i'm not that cool...i got weakness...nak buat camane..
i tak pernah la nak attack personality dia...kat sini jer la..which nobody knows her anyway...lainla i cakap depan-depan..or mengumpat pasal dia dengan orang yang kenal dia...
actually i tak marah pun dekat dia, cuma i rase dia tu annoying....i tak kisah pun dia nak perang dingin, i dah buat macam-macam kan to apologize, i even mengaku memang salah i dan tak patut buat macam tu kat dia setiap kali i cuba apologize, dah macam terhegeh-hegeh dah..tapi dia still dengan ego dia..so be it lah...bukan i kisah pun...tapi yang menaikkan darah i ni, attitude dia tu boleh menjahanamkan reputation i...if i don't do something about it...i yang akan kena nanti..bukan dia..
i takde masalah nak kerja dgn female colleague..i mean my boss is a lady..takde masalah pun...just that i prefer to work with guys...senang..not because we are guys tapi sebab lelaki ni tak banyak songeh...based on my experience lah..atau mungkin i tau psikologi lelaki ni camane so senang nak di adjust...as for women, i just cannot understand them..
and yes i am moving forward...sebab tu i nak settle kan personal problem ni cepat..but how?...i sampai bukak thread dah ni ha..
i followed one of the forumer punya idea...smsed her pasal kalau dia camtu jugak i terpakse break the silence lah dgn PD...just expose everything dan face the consequences...
tadi dia sms balek
"bagilah tau. I x mind. Ini balasan u. biar u rase :p ...x tido lagi? "
see..how immature dan kurang ajar nyer dia... |
Reply 55# srikandi_negara
agree....awek tu syok kat KK....apalagi KK ajaklah dia gi lunch.....her message to u pun ala2 nak bermanja gitu...icon jelir lidah lah....tanya tak tido lagi lah.....kan showing concern tu.....hehe... |
Reply 56# midori888
Salam Midori...
Hehehe.... Senang sok nak gi kerja, satu kereta jer... Save costs.... |
cer hantar rombongan nikah kat rumah dia dengan hantaran rm20k dan 12 dulang.....tengok dia nak mintak maaf ke x |
Reply srikandi_negara
agree....awek tu syok kat KK....apalagi KK ajaklah dia gi lunch.....her ...
midori888 Post at 25-2-2012 10:49
tahnya...nk kta si kOng neh x tau ka x perasan ka mustahil...
forumers kt sini seniri pn leh terlah kn!!per kata dr aiskerim kO transfOrm bg bunga
lak kOng...msti dia ckp!!!"ader maaf untuk mu"..dr icon jelir jd icOn plak |
tahnya...nk kta si kOng neh x tau ka x perasan ka mustahil...
forumers kt sini seniri pn leh te ...per kata dr aiskerim kO transfOrm bg bungasrikandi_negara Post at 25-2-2012 11:03
Auntie punya cadangan lak - bagi note pad yg sweet-mueet tu....Boleh jot down notes semasa buat discussion... Atau pun thumbdrive dgn "tali" yg cute2 tu.... Boleh pakai semasa buat project - I'm referring to the work project!
Logical dan practical kan cadangan auntie senja ni... Tapi tak berapa nak lomantik ler....{:4_233:} |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki