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Author: julia5094

Halal Ke makan Jerung ???

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Post time 24-2-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts

Balas #35 obelisk\ catat


bukan niat nak susahkan agama sendiri dan cpt menghukum (tapi sy nmpk anda yg lebih cpt melatah kat sini, so please refer to my post #4.
stu ada guidelines yg sy pernah berlajar dulu, kalu ada tertinggal sila tambah.
tapi kalau saudara/i still tak puas hati, sapa2 yg lebih arif, silalah jelaskan kemusyiklan ini

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Post time 24-2-2009 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by idaxzibit at 24-2-2009 11:27 PM

bukan niat nak susahkan agama sendiri dan cpt menghukum (tapi sy nmpk anda yg lebih cpt melatah kat sini, so please refer to my post #4.
stu ada guidelines yg sy pernah berlajar dulu, kalu ada tertinggal sila tambah.
tapi kalau saudara/i still tak puas hati, sapa2 yg lebih arif, silalah jelaskan kemusyiklan ini

opocot! well saudari, walaupun saya cepat melatah sekurang-kurangnya latahan saya tidak kosong. hujah-hujah saya disokong oleh dalil2 hadis dan alquran.  

sapa2 yg lebih arif, silalah jelaskan kemusyiklan ini

nak jelaskan apa lagi? dalil sudah saya kemukakan sebagai bukti....kalau benar haram maka sila lah saudari tunjukkan bukti ikan jerung haram dimakan...dalam bab agama ni saudari jangan judge ikut rasa ok...

setakat posting no. 4 tu takleh dijadikan asas yg mengharamkan ikan jerung dimakan sebab hujah dibuat mengikut ingatan and andaian...sila kemukan dalil yang sohih sebagai sokongan dakwaan saudari

[ Last edited by  obelisk at 25-2-2009 12:01 AM ]

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Post time 25-2-2009 07:56 AM | Show all posts

yess..kan In?

Originally posted by indah1285 at 24-2-2009 11:04 PM
Malangnya nasib mu Noordalina berpayungkan laki tiada punya akal.

singgy tuh untuk awek avatar tu ker abg cong...

back topik:

kena cari tips hilangkan hanyir ikan jerung.... agak2 r ...

siggy Acong ~ from the subconscious to the written words......apah hal acong?

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Post time 25-2-2009 08:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #43 mbhcsf's post

what is M.H. stand for?

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Post time 25-2-2009 09:00 AM | Show all posts

Balas #42 obelisk\ catat

eh eh awk ni, ckp baik2 pun still nak melatah.
yg awk paste tu, maksud dia lain. kedua2 hadis tu bercakap pasal bangkai dan binatang buruan laut.
ye la, ikan dan hidupan laut yg kita tangkap tu kita tak sembelih, dia kan mati sendiri, sbb tu dalil tu ckp ia bangkai yg halal dimakan. ni yg cikgu agama sy explain ms sek.

ya allah, jgn suka main paste dan buat interpretasi sendiri...  
sy malas nk berhujah lagi. kalau lepas ini ada org yg lebih arif, tlg betulkan kalau sy salah k. and i'm willing to accept if i'm wrong.


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Post time 25-2-2009 09:23 AM | Show all posts
antara spesies yu yang dimakan orang.....


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Post time 25-2-2009 09:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #45 idaxzibit's post

arghhh....saya tak peduli!!! saya nak makan ikan jerung gak!! arghhhh!!!
saya nak turun ke laut, tangkap ikan jerung banyak2 then buat kenduri and ajak satu kampung makan!!! ikan jeruuuuuuuungggg!!! yearrgghhhhh!!! :geram: :geram:


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Post time 25-2-2009 12:21 PM | Show all posts
betul tu, hidupan laut semuanya halal... rujuk fatwa imam syafie.

Sup sirip yu (shark fin).... power!!!....

[ Last edited by  kupia at 25-2-2009 12:22 PM ]

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Post time 25-2-2009 01:39 PM | Show all posts
yu = shark ?

shark = jerung?


heh i dah tak faham dah  lah ikan apa semua ni

tapi ikan cencaru besttttttttt

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Post time 25-2-2009 01:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 Acong's post

micro gram eh? safety value for  human consumption apa yer Acong? this is interesting ....

then you are talking about magnifying the effect ? kesan berganda ker?

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Post time 25-2-2009 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by indah_iman at 24-2-2009 05:53 PM
Rasenye haram makan jerung. Sbb dlm islam x leh makan haiwan yg bertaring..Jerung ni haiwan bertaring soo haram laa

kalau gigi dia gongak cemana?

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Post time 25-2-2009 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by indah_iman at 24-2-2009 05:53 PM
Rasenye haram makan jerung. Sbb dlm islam x leh makan haiwan yg bertaring..Jerung ni haiwan bertaring soo haram laa

Sejak bila pulak jerung ada taring? macamana rupa taringnya?

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Post time 25-2-2009 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by indah1285 at 24-2-2009 23:04
kena cari tips hilangkan hanyir ikan jerung.... agak2 resepi paling bes daging jerung neh apa ek....

~ mngidam nak mamam piranha jerk...
masak dgn kepingan asam......!

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Post time 25-2-2009 09:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-2-2009 13:42
micro gram eh? safety value for  human consumption apa yer Acong? this is interesting ....

then you are talking about magnifying the effect ? kesan berganda ker?

refer nie........

Why Shark Fin Soup is bad for all of us

Shark fin soup is served by well-meaning hosts at Chinese business dinners, banquets, and weddings throughout the world. It is thought to be a source of good health and a symbol of prosperity. But, the truth is just the opposite.

Shark fins contain high levels of poisonous mercury.

Mercury is a dangerous poison to humans that enters the oceans from pollution. Fish absorb mercury and it accumulates in their bodies. As fish eat other fish, the mercury accumulates and concentrates further up the food chain.

Sharks have more mercury than any other fish because they are at the top of the food chain, can live for 50 years or more, eat many fish during that lifetime, and continue to store mercury in their bodies during that time. When we eat shark fin soup, a lifetime's accumulation of mercury is absorbed into our body.

Shark fin soup is incorrectly believed to increase virility, but its mercury content has been shown to do the very opposite: it lowers sperm count or can even cause sterility in men. Mercury produces damage to the human central nervous system and causes birth defects in infants. Shark meat is considered dangerous for consumption by women of child-bearing age and children. Many health organizations warn pregnant women not to eat shark while pregnant or if they plan to become pregnant. A recent study in New York City found that one in four Asian born women had dangerously high levels of mercury in their blood.  The problem is even worse with dried shark fin than with fresh shark meat because when you dry the fin, you're actually concentrating the mercury to even greater amounts. Of all the fish products tested, shark fin had the highest mercury concentration by far.

Shark fin soup is responsible for the destruction of shark populations throughout the world.

Shark fin soup has been a Chinese delicacy since the Ming Dynasty. Back then, only the Emperor and his guests ate it. Until about twenty years ago, shark fin soup was served mostly in Hong Kong and other cities with Chinese populations, but only rarely in China, itself. This relatively low consumption of shark fin soup did not result in a significant problem for shark survival.

But now, many of the 1.3 billion people of China are enjoying more prosperity. Shark fin soup has become popular, even obligatory, at  banquets, business dinners, and weddings. That addes up to a lot of shark fin soup, and a lot of sharks are being killed for this soup.

Over 100 million sharks are killed each year, and the greatest cause is the growing demand for shark fin soup. The fins from between 26 million and 73 million sharks move through the Hong Kong shark fin markets alone, each year. These sharks are generally not caught  for their meat, but for their valuable fins. The most prized shark fins can cost hundreds of dollars, with the average being about $40 per pound. Shark meat, in contrast, is worth less than most fish.

In large parts of the oceans, populations of sharks are already down by 90% or more in just the last 20 years. This problem is made worse because sharks reproduce very slowly, taking years to reach sexual maturity and then reproducing few young. Many species will not be able to out-reproduce the demands of the shark fin trade.

Why we need to keep sharks in the oceans and out of our soup bowls.

Sharks play a very important role in the oceans in a way that an average fish does not. Sharks are at the top of the food chain and keep populations of other fish healthy and in proper proportion for their eco-system.

Where sharks are eliminated, other bad events result. The fish that sharks used to eat become more plentiful. For example, no sharks means there will be more skates and rays which then eat more shellfish. The result would be no shellfish for humans, and shellfish won抰 be able to filter and clean the ocean water. This is not mere speculation: there are already several studies indicating that the elimination of sharks results in loss of other desireable species and major disruption of the ecosystem.

Sharks have survived for 450 million years and yet we are on course for killing them off within a few years. Then, there will be no more shark fin soup, other seafood species will disappear, and the oceans will no longer support the healthy balance of sea life that we need to survive. Even from the perspective of self-interest, shark fin soup is problematic.

We can do our part by not eating shark fin soup and encouraging our family and friends not to eat it. The taste of shark fin soup is not shark. It is usually chicken broth. Shark fin does not contain the traditionally believed high levels of nutrition content. Its value is cultural, but not essential. If we still want to have shark fin soup, artificial shark fin is worth considering, as it is less expensive and many people have trouble telling the difference from the real thing.

Balance and moderation are valued tenets of traditional Chinese way of life. We can all take pride and honor in recreating a balance to our ecosystem by choosing not to eat shark fin soup.

selain ikan jerung, ikan tuna pun mengandungi kandungan merkuri yg tinggi..........

elakkan makan 2 jenis ikan nie......

makan salmon laa........ lagik sodap........!

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Post time 25-2-2009 09:48 PM | Show all posts
What You Need to Know about Mercury in Fish and Shellfish

2004 EPA and FDA Advice for:
  • Women Who Might Become Pregnant
  • Women Who are Pregnant
  • Nursing Mothers
  • Young Children
Fish and shellfish are an important part of a healthy diet. Fish and shellfish contain high-quality protein and other essential nutrients, are low in saturated fat, and contain omega-3 fatty acids. A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fish and shellfish can contribute to heart health and children's proper growth and development. So, women and young children in particular should include fish or shellfish in their diets due to the many nutritional benefits.

However, nearly all fish and shellfish contain traces of mercury. For most people, the risk from mercury by eating fish and shellfish is not a health concern. Yet, some fish and shellfish contain higher levels of mercury that may harm an unborn baby or young child's developing nervous system. The risks from mercury in fish and shellfish depend on the amount of fish and shellfish eaten and the levels of mercury in the fish and shellfish. Therefore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are advising women who may become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children to avoid some types of fish and eat fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.

By following these three recommendations for selecting and eating fish or shellfish, women and young children will receive the benefits of eating fish and shellfish and be confident that they have reduced their exposure to the harmful effects of mercury.

   1. Do not eat Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel, or Tilefish because they contain high levels of mercury.
   2. Eat up to 12 ounces (2 average meals) a week of a variety of fish and shellfish that are lower in mercury.
          * Five of the most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish.
          * Another commonly eaten fish, albacore ( "white" ) tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna. So, when choosing your two meals of fish and shellfish, you may eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) of albacore tuna per week.
   3. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in your local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. If no advice is available, eat up to 6 ounces (one average meal) per week of fish you catch from local waters, but don't consume any other fish during that week.

Follow these same recommendations when feeding fish and shellfish to your young child, but serve smaller portions.

ops........ salmon pung ada merkuri...... sib baik prefer belut......

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Post time 25-2-2009 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 24-2-2009 21:35

ikan jerung merupakan hidupan yg dikategorikan sbg the top of the food chain dlm ekosistem laut......

bayangkan laa sekor kembung ada 0.1ug merkuri........ hang kira laa sendiri brape ekor ...

Sebenarnya Acong, di laut binatang yang betul2 berada di kedudukan teratas dalam kitaran makanan adalah Orca a.k.a Paus Pembunuh..

Jerung Putih yang terkenal dengan saiz dan sifat ganas itupun pernah dibunuh dan dimakan oleh Orca. Malah Paus Biru yang dikatakan sebagai mahkluk paling besar pernah wujud di bumi ini pun tidak terelak daripada menjadi lauk kepada kumpulan Orca.

Orca lebih besar, lebih pantas, lebih bijak serta gemar bersosial daripada jerung jadi merekalah yang sebenarnya layak digelar Raja Lautan...

[ Last edited by  Neraka Bulan at 25-2-2009 10:39 PM ]

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Post time 25-2-2009 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Neraka Bulan at 25-2-2009 22:35

Sebenarnya Acong, di laut binatang yang betul2 berada di kedudukan teratas dalam kitaran makanan adalah Orca a.k.a Paus Pembunuh..

Jerung Putih yang terkenal dengan saiz dan sifat ganas it ...
orca mmg mampu bunuh jerung..........

tapi tak semestinya makan jerung......

jerung nie orca pung makan kalu ada peluang...........

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Post time 25-2-2009 11:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #51 skicysonic's post

gigi dia pardon, me?
what 's that gongak?

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Post time 25-2-2009 11:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 mbhcsf's post

maksudnya tak ada gigi...
macam nenek tua gigi dua...

btw are u a malay or mixed?

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Post time 25-2-2009 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Orca yang biru putih tu kan?

itu hari aku tengok documentary dia attack humpback punya anak... punyalah besarnya ibu humpback ni... last-last dapat bawak anak dia lari ke tepi selamat...

great white shark jangan memain oi, bukan kita yang makan dia...
nasib baik kat selat melaka dia tak ada...

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