MYMODE - ADAKAH INI SKIM PENIPUAN TERANCANG? -155000 menyertai Skim Piramid?
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Kalau konsep pengagihan wang Yuran Keahlian kepada UPLINE diluluskan secara terbuka oleh kerajaan, mmm percayaan banyak program sampah dengan kaedah pemasaran seperti ini akan tumbuh macam cendawan. |
Di sini juga saya nak terangkan e-mail yg warga dapat tuh..
Sebenarnya itu adalah strategi mereka2 yg nak mencari/mendapatkan downline....
Ada pelbagai jenis sifat manusia di luar sana...yang suka menipu,tidak jujur,yg ikhlas,yg berterus-terang dan sebagainya...
Saya ada sorang downline..dia nak join mymode ni pon dgn sendirinya..saya langsung tidak promote mymode ni pada dia,cuma menjual topap sahaja pada dia..
Setelah dia sah menjadi downline saya,saya fotostatkan dia nota2..dan terangkan tentang mymode...then biz topap dia pon berjalan...tak lama kemudian,dia tiada modal utk jual topap...biz dia terhenti,sedangkan yuran ahli blum lagi dapat cover..
Kerana kasihankan dia,saya suruh dia jual topap..tapi modal,saya yang punya..kalau sales saya melebihi RM500 seminggu..Bonus Sales Pools saya akan bahagi 2 dgn dia...Sehinggalah masuk 2 bulan saya buat mcm nih....nak tolong dia..akhirnya,saya stop buat sales dgn dia sebab duit modal saya dia tidak pulangkan dalam masa yg telah ditetapkan...topap dia jual..tapi duit topap saya tu,dia pakai dulu.
Sudah banyak kali dia buat mcm tu..akhirnya saya nekad..tak bagi lagi dia jual prepaid saya..sekarang biz topap dia langsung tak bergerak..
Oleh sebab itu,selepas pada ini kalau saya nak cari downline,perkara utama yg saya akan ajukan ialah,"Awak ada modal atau tidak utk buat biz ni?' Kalau tiada modal at least dlm RM100-RM200 utk menten dalam akaun,lebih baik tak payah join.."Rugi aje..
So,buat masa ini,saya tak terfikir lagi utk dapatkan downline...saya mahukan downline yg aktif menjual..bukannya selepas mendaftar jd agen,terus senyap...saya juga akan rasa bersalah kalau duit pendaftaran dia sebagai ahli itu tidak berjaya dicover balik seperti yg berlaku pd downline saya skrg... |
Reply #42 Hyundai_2008's post
Saudara Hyundai,
Saya kagum dengan etika bisnes saudara.
Dengan etika bisnes dan disiplin dalam diri saudara saya pasti saudara akan menjadi usahawan yang berjaya satu hari nanti.
Tentang masalah dalam Plan Pemasaran MyMode, saya telah ajukan persoalan ini kepada pihak MyMode melalu emai untuk mendapatkan penjelasan. |
Reply #41 warganegara1957's post
Terpulanglah apa pandangan @ pendapat warga pada Mymode...sebenarnya bukan hanya Mymode yg jalankan biz prepaid melalui sistem MLM.. ada lagi syarikat2 lain yang sealiran dengannya..seperti Master Reload..Raja Prepaid dan lain2..
Tapi Mymode lebih terkenal dan kukuh berbanding dgn sykt2 lain..dan disebabkan itulah Mymode mendapat kepercayaan dari Maybank utk meletakkan satu slot Mymode di setiap ATM Maybank...
Cuma saya teringat balik kata2 yg pernah upline saya nasihatkan...."Berusaha bersungguh-sungguh utk mencapai matlamat yg ditetapkan..Jangan hiraukan apa orang lain kata..." |
Reply #43 warganegara1957's post
Terima kasih...semua bisnes kalau kita jalankan dengan niat dan hati yg ikhlas..insyaallah Tuhan akan permudahkan jalan rezeki untuk kita...![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Salinan Email kepada MyMode
Salinan Email yang telah dihantar kepada pihak MyMode hari ini, untuk mendapatkan penjelasan tentang isu-isu yang kritikal.
Mr. Edward Choong
MyMode Chief Operational Officer (COO)
Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn. Bhd. (618758-H)
C1-1, Dataran Palma Ampang, Jalan Selaman 1,
68000 Ampang,Selangor Malaysia
Dear Sir,
I came accross MyMode business , and initially gathered some information only from the following sources
(ii) http://prepaid4u.net/
Upon assessing the information provided in the both websites, it had created a curiosity within myself. In order to get the clarification on certain issues to clear my doubt, I had posted my questions under MyMode "Strategic Partner" forum site http://forum.prepaid4u.net under the Topic Title : MYMODE - SKIM PENIPUAN TERANCANG (http://forum.prepaid4u.net/viewtopic.php?t=2726).
The Prepaid4u Website Admin and other forumers had given their best cooperation in trying to answer my questions. Also, upon request, some forumers had given some promotional brochure to explain about the business.
However, I failed to get a clear answer to some of my questions. The Prepaid4u Website Admin had advised me to forward the questions directly to you to get the clarification.
The following advise is from Mr.Philip Ng to address the issue directly to you (can be found from the same Prepaid4u Forum Topic).
Dear saudara ,
I think the only person that able to satisfy you with a perfect answer will be the person working at Mymode, they are the one that operate this company.
Anyway, Feel free to call 03-42702703 and ask to talk to Mr. Edward Choong he is MyMode Chief Operational Officer (COO). Probably they has a better answer of your question. We are just an agent. And me myself actually answering more on my own opinion as an agent and as a prepaid user.
I hope you can contact them the first thing in the morning on Monday!
Thank you.
Lastly wishing you and all members
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Philip Ng
There are also some advise from other Prepaid4u forumers to pursue this issue to other authorities, which I will try to comply by sending this copy of email to others later.
These are the issues I seek clarification from MyMode.
1. MyMode business is marketted based on Multi Level Marketing Concept. My question is, Is this a Multi level marketing Company?
Some of the Prepaid4u forumers confirmed that this is a MLM Company, but please clarify this.
2. From my knowledge, all company doing business with MLM concept, required a Direct selling Licence.
I had done some search, and also confirmed by Prepaid4u Forumers that AMCP dont have a Direct Selling Licence.
Also, I was advised by them that AMCP falls under M-Commerce business and their business doesnt fall under Direct Selling Act.
Please clarify if AMCP has a Direct selling Licence or not?
If there is no Direct selling License, please clarify why this MLM based operation company do not require Direct Selling License?
3. From my understanding, every new MyMode member are required to pay an initial $65 as Membership fee.
This is a lifetime membership fee. Doest that mean the members can cancel their membership anytime after joining and get a full refund?
4. I had a thorough study on MyMode Reward Plan, based on the information from Prepaid4u Website, and I noted the following.
a) Membership fee = $65
b) $11 returned to new member
c) $54 balance is for MyMode
d) From the $54, a total of $37 is distributed to the uplines by the following manner
(i) $10 is distributed to the direct sponsor
(ii) $1 is distributed to every UPLINE from Level 2 Up to Level 10 UP (Total = $9)
(iii $8 is distributed to one UPLINE with MP Status
(iv) $10 is distributed as Leadership Bonus to STAR Level Agents
(v) A total of $37 from $54 = 68.5% Membership fee is distributed to the Upline
(Please correct if my above calculation is wrong)
A true MLM business concept shall only distribute the sales profit to the UPLINE . But why MyMode is distributing the 68.5% membership Fee also?
Is the Membership Fee being overpriced intentionally just for the purpose of distribution?
I was trying to get a clear answer on this, but no Prepaid4u forumers was able to give a clear answer.
I appreciate if you can clarify this matter very clearly.
5. I noticed that some Prepaid4u forumers are distributing promotional brochures to get new members signed up as MyMode Agent, which is unreasonable.
Dapatkan 8 (lapan) Direct Downline bawah anda untuk capai tahap CHIEF MOBILE (CM) dan pastikan agen anda klon atau tiru perbuatan anda. Lihat kuasa gandaan exponential ini:
L1 8 agen x RM10 RM80
L2 64 agen x RM1 RM64
L3 512 agen x RM1 RM512
L4 4,096 agen x RM1 RM4,096
L5 32,768 agen x RM1 RM32,768
L6 262,144 agen x RM1 RM262,144
L7 2,097,152 x RM1 RM2,097,152
L8 16,777,216 x RM1 RM16,777,216
L9 134,217,728 x RM1 RM134,217,728
L10 1,073,741,824 x RM1 RM1,073,741,824
TOTAL (Billionaire) RM1,227,133,584
Promotion is being made just based on sponsorship alone, to 1 billion population. Malaysian population is less than 30 million.
Does MyMode support those kind of promotions?
6. I understand that Maybank also allowed MyMyMode to be linked to their payment system. Maybankbank association with MyMode is being used by some Prepaid4u forumers to justify that MyMode Operations are truely legal and comply to all requirements of Malaysian law.
Does MyMode condone the practice of using maybank name to justify that MyMode business is legal?
For your futher info, I only referred all the source of information as from Prepaid4u Forumers, not MyMode Agents, because to my knowledge I dont have the fact to confirm that all those who posted the reply to my questions in the Prepaid4u forum is MyMode Agents or not. However, since Prepaid4u is MyMode Strategic "Strategic Partner", I assume their views do carry some weight.
I appreaciate if you can clarify all my questions above as detail and clear as possible.
I am also posting this letter to the Prepaid4u Forum.
Looking forward to your answer,
[ Last edited by warganegara1957 at 24-12-2007 12:06 AM ] |
Sesiapa ada komen tentang kandungan dalam email diatas? |
Reply #47 warganegara1957's post
Saya rasa pihak admin di prepaid4u dan agen2 mymode yang lain sudah memberikan komen masing2 di
sini dengan PANJANG LEBAR sekali di sini...>> http://forum.prepaid4u.net/viewtopic.php?t=2726
Saya pon tak faham kenapalah "supaiyah" tu emosi sangat dgn isu yuran yg hanya RM65 tu...
sedangkan yuran itu memang kita akan dapat balik...saya ulangi..akan dapat balik..Yang pastinya kena menjual topap lah...apa guna kita mendaftar sebagai agen pastu duduk dendiam tanpa buat apa2...pastu bila tak balik modal..nak salahkan orang lain...
Saya pernah terjebak dgn skim cepat kaya...RM500++ modal yg dikeluarkan,hilang macam tu aje..
Sebelum saya join Mymode,saya pon buat ulangkaji dahulu...takut pisang berbuah 2x...bila saya pasti yg saya boleh buat duit dgn bisnes ni..maka saya teruskan niat saya...
Dgn bermodalkan RM65 inilah saya boleh menjual prepaid...Cuba anda survey modal yg perlu ada bagi sesiapa yg berminat nak jual prepaid kad...??Berapa..??Cukupkah dengan hanya RM65??
Cuba anda pergi pada supplier dan hulurkan duit sebanyak RM65 pada beliau,dan bgtau..saya nak jual prepaid kad..boleh tak..??..hehehe..buat malu aje kan...
Oleh sebab itu kebanyakan agen2 yg dah join dgn Mymode,tidak ralat dgn modal yg dikeluarkan...sbb modal itu PASTI dapat balik...Kalau kita dah buat sesuatu keputusan utk join satu2 bisnes itu..buatlah dgn bersungguh-sungguh...Pasti akan dapat pulangannya....
Tak perlulah kita jadi seperti "supaiyah"...yang hanya tahu terpekik dan komplain..tapi tak berbuat apa2...orang lain dah ramai yg berjaya dlm biz ini...dia pulak timbulkan macam2 isu...
Bagi diri saya,selagi ada permintaan terhadap prepaid..selagi prepaid ni masih wujud di Malaysia..selagi itulah saya teruskan menjual..mungkin sehinga 5 tahun lagi..10 tahun lagi..15 tahun lagi....20 tahun lagi...
Selagi org ramai masih menggunakan prepaid, perniagaan saya ini tidak akan berkubur...
[ Last edited by Hyundai_2008 at 24-12-2007 10:31 AM ] |
Reply #40 Hyundai_2008's post
Saya setuju.Semua org atas berhak untuk mendapat komisyen mereka.Skim Piramid x salah sdgkan kita bekerja dalam sesuatu organisasi pun dlm sistem piramid gak.
Cthnyer anda bekerja dlm sesebuah company....dan company tersebut mempunyai byk branches...For sure branch yg lain kena bayar percentage profit kpd main company..apa yg kita takut sgt dgn skim piramid nie...
Asst Manager,Asst Manager,Asst Manager,Asst Manager
Antara semua position di atas...mana paling byk buat duit...pastilah CEO...padahal semua kerja kebanyakan di buat oleh org bwh.... |
Reply #48 Hyundai_2008's post
dear hyundai,
saya ucapkan tahniah atas hasil usaha anda, at least boleh mendapatkan pendapatan yg boleh anda banggakan dgn bermodalkan fund yg sgt minimal. mabbe pada org lain byk mempersoal pasal byk2 hal spt isu MLM takde lesen, isu downline or upline, namun kalau kita yg susah takde duit nak makan, sara anak gi sekolah atau miskin papa kedana, ada tak org2 yg sama tu akan hulurkan bantuan menolong anda. takde kan..
so, jgn hiraukan org lain, usaha tangga kejayaan. teruskan usaha anda disertakan dgn niat yg baik... insyaallah, klu niat kita menolong org maka kita akan berjaya... |
MYMODE ni dah lahirkan berapa ramai jutawan yer? nk tahu lah...
![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Originally posted by siriusb at 24-12-2007 11:00 AM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
dear hyundai,
saya ucapkan tahniah atas hasil usaha anda, at least boleh mendapatkan pendapatan yg boleh anda banggakan dgn bermodalkan fund yg sgt minimal. mabbe pada org lain byk mempersoal ...
MLM (pengagihan komisen dari jualan produk) tak salah, tapi Skim Piramid (pengagihan wang kutipan dari Ahli) adalah salah dari segi undang-undang.
MyMode adalah kombinasi MLM dan Skim Piramid.
Ramai yang tak nampak betapa liciknya Skim Piramid ini, yang bertopengkan MLM.
Kita kena teliti betul-betul.
[ Last edited by warganegara1957 at 24-12-2007 11:36 AM ] |
Originally posted by munkyG at 24-12-2007 11:16 AM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
MYMODE ni dah lahirkan berapa ramai jutawan yer? nk tahu lah...
Yang saya pasti, sorang dah jadi jutawan. Pengarah syarikatnya. |
Reply #51 munkyG's post
Tak payah sampai peringkat jutawan takpe..dh smpai peringkat ribuan / belas ribuan pon dah cukup baguih!! |
Originally posted by Cajole at 24-12-2007 12:03 PM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Tak payah sampai peringkat jutawan takpe..dh smpai peringkat ribuan / belas ribuan pon dah cukup baguih!!
Pada aku, ratusan pun cukup , asalkan perniagaan yang kita buat betul, dan tidak melibatkan Skim penipuan. |
[quote]Originally posted by nik2121 at 21-12-2007 10:53 PM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Kalau korang nak join mana |
| |
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