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Author: mahathirGX

Giants / Kaum Aad / Gergasi [merged : mahathirGX, sephia_liza]

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Post time 28-2-2006 09:38 AM | Show all posts

Biggest Fish Ever Found" Unearthed in U.K....

Leedsichthys problematicus is the biggest fish known to science. At 22 meters (72 feet), it is almost twice as long as the whale shark, the biggest fish in the ocean today. Illustration courtesy of Bob Nicholls, Paleocreations.

Fish tend to inspire exaggerated tales, as anglers know all too well.

But paleontologists digging up a giant fossilized fish in England have plenty of bones to back their claim that this really was one heck of a whopper. First, however, they've got to piece all the evidence together.

Discovered by two paleontology students in clay pits near Peterborough, the fossil is the largest known fish ever recorded.

Identified by experts from the universities of Portsmouth and Glasgow, Leedsichthys problematicus swam the world's oceans some 155 million years ago.[SIC]

"It's by far the biggest and most complete Leedsichthys ever found, which makes it the biggest fish ever found," said Mike Barker, head of paleobiology at Portsmouth University.

Equipped with massive, teeth-lined gills, experts say the creature was probably one the first giant planktivores. A Jurassic version of the baleen whale or basking shark, it would have filtered out huge quantities of tiny shrimp and other marine organisms while cruising over what is now central England.

The Peterborough specimen's estimated length is 22 meters (72 feet) lmost twice as long as a whale shark, the largest fish swimming today. Those working on the fossil reckon the species may have reached sizes to rival the blue whale.

Named after Alfred Leeds, an English farmer who first discovered Leedsichthys problematicus in the late 1800s, "problematicus"reflects difficulties paleontologists had in classifying the species, eventually linking it to an extinct group of bony fishes called pachycormids which had sickle-shaped pectoral fins and forked tails.

Leedsichthys is proving equally problematical for today's fossil experts. The Peterborough site contains a tangled mass of thousands of fractured bones, making the task of excavation akin to tackling a gargantuan, mud-caked jigsaw puzzle.

"It's far more complicated than digging up a large reptile or a dinosaur," said dig leader Jeff Liston, vertebrate researcher at Glasgow University's Hunterian Museum in Scotland.

"Its bones are exceptionally thin, and are crushed by the weight of clay over millions of years. Another problem is that many fish from this family had only limited calcification of their skeleton, so many parts simply do not preserve."

He added: "There's still a stupendous quantity of bones we're trying to get out. The previous biggest specimen, called Big Meg, filled about 20 museum drawers. We've already got almost 120 drawers of material."

In fact, Liston says he felt relieved when his team discovered the fish's tail section was missing, having been quarried out during clay extraction work in the late 1980s.

"The last time someone tried to excavate the tail of this animal it came out in just under 10,000 fragments," he said.

Liston and his team estimated the fish's age by examining other fossils and the sediment containing its remains. Tests showed this comprised eight to 10 percent organic material, such as algae and plankton.

This may provide a clue to the sudden extinction of Leedsichthys. Researchers have puzzled over the fact the fish isn't known before the Mid Jurassic period, while no remains have been found later than the early Late Jurassic.

One theory is that the fish's evolution was closely linked with a sudden rise in sea levels which engulfed much of Europe. As these plankton-rich seas started to recede, so the fortunes of Leedsichthys also began to ebb.

Extinction Theories

"Nobody's sure quite why it became extinct," said Barker. "But the collapse of the marine ecosystem due to environmental changes must be a leading contender."

Liston puts forward another possibility, linking its demise with the emergence of a brash new breed of bony fishes called teleosts. This group makes up around 95 percent of bony fish living today, including everything from tuna and cod and to halibut and salmon.

Liston believes teleosts would have had a crucial competitive edge over pachycormids due to their reproductive strategy.

While Leedsichthys relied on relatively small numbers of well-developed young to perpetuate the species, the newcomers produced huge quantities of small eggs.

"Teleosts start to radiate and diversify at this time," he added. "So imagine a numbers race taking place, where teleosts suddenly become far more successful because there are far more of them, then you can see the pachycormids are going to get edged out."

Once all the remains are removed from the dig site, Liston says it will take many months and even years to piece them back together, with further funding needed to complete the work.

But eventually the world's biggest known fish will be in a fit state to show the public. Provided, of course, they can find somewhere big enough to display it.

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Post time 13-3-2006 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 27-12-2005 10:15 AM

gog & magog ni macam yakjuj makjuj

I just have to return to this thread......

Found out that Magog was the grandson of Noah:

Magog settled in what is now Georgia, Russia and is said to be the father of the Scythians.

It is said that giants were the offsprings of "fallen angels" and human women. Some say there was a demonic invasion of the race, with sexual overtones, which brought into being a race of giants that were morally degraded. It began at Babylon, spread to Nineveh, and can be traced in history as it subsequently spread throughout the whole of the earth.

[ Last edited by hamizao at 13-3-2006 12:29 AM ]



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Post time 13-4-2006 03:12 PM | Show all posts


One of the last great barely known wonders of the ancient world is a Stonehenge-like monument sitting atop Israel's Golan Heights. Called Gilgal Refaim (The Circle Of The Refaim) in Hebrew, the monument consists of five concentric stone rings whose diameter is 155 meters.

The best preserved of the rings is the outermost, whose height reaches 2 meters and thickness 3.3 meters. Some of the stones used to create the ring weigh twenty tons. The total weight of the stones is 37,000 tons.

In the middle of the rings is a cairn, topped by a tumulus, measuring twenty meters across.

Despite the obvious attraction to archaeologists, the rings remained hidden while the suspicious Syrian regimes held the Golan Heights and were only opened to inspection after Israel won the area in the Six Day War of 1967.

One feature of the rings has particularly fascinated the few people who have studied them. It is the meaning of two large openings, somewhat like doorways, one facing northeast, the other southeast.

In 1968 Professor Yonathan Mizrahi of the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University and Prof. Anthony Aveni of Colgate University discovered that in 3000 BCE, the first rays of the summer solstice would have appeared directly through the northeast opening as seen from the central tumulus. At the same time, the southeast opening provided a direct view of Sirius.

One function of the circles then, was an astronomical observatory and stellar calendar. Or was it?

Prof. Mizrahi is doubtful. "Why would they have undertaken such a massive building project, collecting 37,000 tons of stone and painstakingly laying them down to last forever, when the same task could have been completed using one rock and a stick?"

In fact, no one knows why the site was built -- thus speculation is rife. Micah Ankouri, for instance, writing in Teva Ve'aretz (Land and Nature) spends five pages trying to provide a connection between the circles and Far Eastern mandalas. He concludes that Gilgal Refaim was an "astronomical observatory providing social harmony through its communal construction and proof of the perfection of the universe."

The astronomical dating confirms lichenometric tests and carbon dating of potsherds found on the site. In fact, the professors erred on the side of conservatism. The sherds dated to the Early Bronze Age, 3rd millenium BCE, 5000 years ago. A three layered burial monument was added to the central cairn a thousand years later. Thus, the circles pre-date the pyramids and Babylonian temples, making them the oldest astronomical complex in the Middle East.

The mysteries continue. Gilgal Refaim is the only megalithic astronomical complex on earth built of loose stones. It resembles more ruins found on Malta and in Zimbabwe than European sites built at the same time and possibly for the same purpose.

But despite the similarity of purpose, supposedly the simple nomads of the region had no contact with Europe. Nor were the shepherd tribes prone to massive building projects. Gilgal Refaim was the only such undertaking in the Middle East at the time. There was no apparent cultural reason for this unique engineering project.

For those seeking a possible UFO connection: the circles were built on a flat plateau. No one could have seen the shape of the monument from ground level and there were no hills nearby to gaze upon it. Yet the monument could only have been appreciated from above. It was as likely a message to the stars as a stellar observatory.

In the general region of the rings are hundreds of dolmens, similar in appearance to those found in northern Britain and France. Moshe Hartal, Chief Archaeologist of the Golan explains, "We have identified 8,500 dolmens of twenty separate styles on the Golan Heights. Each tribe had its own dolmen style. The biggest dolmen stones weigh over 50 tons and are seven metres in height. Graves are found within some domens but not all. Their function was not purely funereal."

If the dolmens surrounding Gilgal Refaim were an integral part of the site, then it was an enormous project encompassing more area than at the Giza pyramids. Hartel is reluctant to draw such a conclusion, taking the more conservative view that the dolmens were built over time around the attraction of the circles.

One fact stands out. The local nomadic tribes of the time did not build any other remotely similar monument. Circle building was not a fashion of the era among the herdsmen and that, combined with their unsuitable, primitive technology, seems to rule out their construction of the circles.

If the local inhabitants didn't build the rings, then who did? Surpisingly, there is strong evidence that the biblical giants or Refaim were the architects and engineers who constructed the monument.

Consider the following biblical clues, written in modern terminology (The Book, Tyndale House Publishers):

-- In Genesis 14:5, we are told the Refaim inhabit the place called Ashtherot-Karnaim. Just ten miles from the rings is the site of an ancient Canaanite city called Ashtherot. It is named after the Canaanite goddess of war and, contradictorily, love. Ashterot was the Canaanite name for Sirius, from which the Hebrew name Esther was derived.

-- In Joshua 12:4, we learn that "King Og of Bashan, the last of the Refaim, who lived at Ashtarot... ruled a territory stretching From Mount Hermon in the north...

-- In 1 Chronicles 6:71, we are told that the half-tribe of Manasseh later inhabited "Golan," in Bashan.

-- The most explicit description of the size of the people of Bashan is found in Deuteronomy 3. King Og is attacked and defeated. "King Og of Bashan was the last of the great Refaim. His iron bedstead is kept at Rabbah... and measures thirteen and a half feet long and six feet wide." In the same chapter we are informed that "The Sidonians called Mount Hermon, 'Sirion.'"

-- In Deuteronomy, we are told that the Refaim "were a large and powerful tribe, as tall as the Anakim (giants)."

-- In Chronicles 20, the last of the Anakim is killed. "A giant with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, whose father was also a giant,... was killed by David's nephew Jonathan. These giants were descendants of the giants of Gath and were killed by David and his soldiers."

The respected Jerusalem biblical author, Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg, hardly an advocate of ancient alien theories, nonethless confirms the possibility that giant heavenly beings or their descendants could have constructed the circles.

"The Jewish oral tradition says Og, the King of Bashan, stowed away on Noah's ark and was the only survivor of the flood outside Noah's family. Og was descended from the Nefilim, deities who fell from the heavens."


"No, more like fallen angels. Og had children with Noah's daughters and they were hybrid giants called the Anakim or Refaim. They existed in ancient times and the Bible records their presence in the Golan Heights. They could have built Gilgal Refaim."

by Barry Chamish

January 4, 1998 edition of CNI News.]

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Post time 13-4-2006 04:04 PM | Show all posts

Prehistoric astronomical activity is represented by a Stonehengelike megalithic circle and "Observatory" at Rujm-el-Hiri, near Yonathan in the Golan, the Westernmost sector of the historical Bashan plateau dating from the IIIrd Millenium BC.

Old Testament:

Star worship is mentioned in the Old Testament  as beeing common among the Canaanites*, but the Bashan inhabitants who built that Golan megalithic circle antedate the Canaanites. Very little is known about them and the presumably religous role of their edifice. To the IIIth Century BC Israelitis, they appeared as the work of giants (Refa'im, also Anakim, Emim, Zuzim), and this is probably the source of the legends about races of giants that had lived in Eretz-Israel prior to the Israelite conquest - including the characterization "a remnant of the giants" for Og, King of Bashan, in Deuteronomy and Joshua [3].

Indeed, the Rujm-el-Hiri circle is just one among many megalithic remains in the Bashan, probably at the origin in Greece and England (the "Giant's Dance" = Stonehenge

Gilgal Refaim:

5200-year-old monument believed by some to have been built by the biblical giants, also called Nephilim.

According to Barry Chamish :

One giant king was Og of Bashan. The bible records that his bed was thirteen feet long. Bashan's territory included the Golan Heights. Sitting on the Golan Heights is the Israeli version of Stonehenge. Called Gilgal Refaim, the Circle of the Refaim or giants in English, this site consists of five concentric rings whose beauty can only be appreciated from above. Unfortunately, there was supposedly no way for the simple nomads of 5000 years ago to see the circles from above.

The site is enormous. The outside circle has a diameter of 159 meters and over 37,000 tons of rock went into the construction of the complex. Two openings in the circles may have been used to measure the solar solstice and the rising of Sirius in 3000 BCE.

The fact remains that Israeli archaeologists are totally mystified by the Gilgal Refaim. No other complex built in the Middle East resembles it and it predates the pyramids by over 500 years. The indigenous nomads of the time did not engage in this kind of megalith building, so outsiders were probably the builders. According to the Bible, the only outsiders living on the Golan Heights back then were giants.


Maybe it's a longshot, but no one has come up with a better explanation for Israel's current UFO wave. I believe the ancient giants may be coming home. I conclude on a somber note. The biblical giants were God's enemy and Israel's armies were the means to their utter destruction. There is a legitimate reason to contemplate the recent rearrival of giants in Israel with a good measure of dread.

(Note: IM that was sent to Mary Sutherland  Dec. 11,2005 )
I heard about it from a friend. It was said a giant was killed in Iraq by  US servicemen and the body was shipped back to the US.  There was speculation that it was one of the Grigori that still walk the earth and so forth. You know, the angels that made the Nephilim that didn't get sent to the chasm.

The word which is translated, "giants", in the King James version of the Bible is, in Hebrew, "Nephilim", which means, "Those who fell, or ... the fallen ones". Jude, the brother of Jesus describes them as "angels, having left their first estate in heaven". These fallen angels came to earth for a serious purpose.
The "fallen ones" sought to merge with the bloodline of Adam, because of the promise to send a redeemer through Adam's kinsman. The Hebrew says that the Sons of God saw that the women were a fit "extension", for they sought to extend themselves into this realm from the spirit realm, as well as to extend themselves into the "children of the promise" the lineage of Adam. Satan tried to prevent the eventual birth, in the distant future, of the Messiah.

Scripture uses other names to describe these degraded fallen angels and their descendents in addition to the word Nephilim, they are. . . .

Rephaim - from the root rapha = spirits, shades Gen. 14:5
Anakim - race of giants Num. 13:33 descendents of Nephilim
Emim - the proud deserters, terrors, race of giants Gen. 14:5
Zuzim- the evil ones, roaming things Gen. 14:5
Zamzummims - the evil plotters, Deut. 2:20
Zophim - watchers, angels who descended Num. 23, distinct from "holy watchers" aligned with God
Sepherim - the many. . . .

The book of the Jubilees remarks that Jared or Yeh-red, an Old Testament patriarch, was so called because in his days the angels descended upon the earth - Yaw-rad "descend". It is interesting to note that "Jordan" comes from that same root word denoting "descent, coming down or falling" - Yar-dane "the place of the descent". Jordan, "place of the descent", is located in the ancient boundary of Israel. Israel is currently a major location for sightings, and the fallen angels in disguise as "aliens".

The Book of Enoch explains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain called Hermon which in Hebrew means desolation, in the land of Jordan the place of the descent. The rebel angels intended to thwart God's plan for the earth by destroying the descendents of Adam. Satan's goal in organizing the nephilim / human hybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce  Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer. Now that it is so close to the end times, satan has orchestrated human/rebel angel interaction on a grand scale. The plan is now to prevent any flesh from being saved.

By gentically manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of "alien abduction" or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology... there is currently being created humanoid hybrids who are not-quite-human. These gentically altered humans are no longer Sons of Adam, and no longer able to be saved by the Kinsman Redeemer. The second wave of hybrid "nephilim creation" is satan's last effort to destroy all Sons of Adam, so that none can be redeemed when Jesus Christ returns at the End of the Age.

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Post time 20-4-2006 11:34 AM | Show all posts
dah kater dah mesti kuar kat kosmo citer tentang tengkorak kaum ad...

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Post time 20-4-2006 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Manusia Raksaksa?



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Post time 20-4-2006 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 20-4-2006 11:49 AM

memang betul ke.....:besarnya...macam ultraman....mungkin manusia zaman dulu besar macam ultraman...macam mana pendapat korang....:hatdown:

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Post time 20-4-2006 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 20-4-2006 11:34 AM
dah kater dah mesti kuar kat kosmo citer tentang tengkorak kaum ad...

Kosmo ni....macam2 ceritapun jadi bahan berita. Nampak sangat............nya!

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Post time 20-4-2006 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Solving the mystery of the Giant Skeleton

Sanal Edamaruku

News appeared recently in a section of the media in India, Bangladesh and many other countries that a giant skeleton of enormous dimensions was excavated in some unknown desert. There was also a photograph of the skeleton with two investigators standing nearby. The skeleton's size can be judged from the height of the person standing near its skull. If calculated proportionately, the skeleton would be of a human having 60 to 80 feet height.

The first report appeared in the internet, telling that the skeleton was found somewhere in the deserts of western India. The Indian government had the area cordoned off by the Indian army and nobody was allowed to visit the site except a special National Geographic excavation team. For some unknown reason, all information about the discovery was kept secret. The report also mentioned about a stone tablet found along with the skeleton with ancient carvings in Sanskrit language on it. The inscription was deciphered and it revealed the secret of the skeleton. "In ancient times there lived giants who were called Rakshasas. They challenged divine orders and were eliminated for that."

The Indian mythology speaks about giants namely Rakshasas, who reigned over the forests. They ruled a country with the name Lanka and challenged the authority of the gods. In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Vishnu, the chief of the trio of supreme Hindu gods, incarnated in a royal family and killed the king of the Rakshasas. The report of the excavation of a skeleton of a Rakshasa was taken by some people as welcome proof for the reality of the Hindu mythological story. Without verifying the facts, the internet posting was further forwarded, spread widely and was taken very seriously by a large section of people.

A new version of the story appeared on 22 April 2004 in the Bangladesh newspaper The Nation. While reproducing the picture, a report by one Saalim Alvi from Riyadh told about a discovery in the south east of Saudi Arabia. In search of natural gas, a Saudi Aramco exploration team found a giant human skeleton in the desert. In the new version of the story, there is also a stone tablet, but the inscriptions are in Arabic language. They reveal that the skeleton is of a man of the ancient tribe Aad. The Aads were the descendants of the Quranic prophet Nooh (Noah in biblical mythology). They have been mighty giants, who were able to pull out big trees with one hand. The Aads were in charge of controlling the people of ancient times. But they challenged Allah's orders and were wiped out by him. The place where they lived is known as Rab-ul-Khaale, the empty place. The area where the skeleton had been discovered was overtaken by Saudi military, claimed the report in The Nation, and the picture was taken by a military helicopter.

Without any verification, the story of the discovery of the giant skeleton snowballed through magazines and newspapers around the world.

Genesis of the picture

The paranormal investigation center at the headquarters of Rationalist International made primary inquiries and found that no such discovery had been reported or confirmed by any independent source. The photo, experts suspected, could be manipulated with a photo-editing software. In fact, a close look at the picture revealed that the light falling on the catwalk and the two men in white shirts comes from a different angle and is of different intensity than the light falling on the skeleton. The long shadow in front of the skull does not match with other shadows in the photo. An extremely enlarged version gave further proof that the picture was coined together from different elements. It seemed to be an authentic photo of an excavation with a superimposed human skeleton. The investigation could have ended here. But we found more. With patience and verification of vast possibilities, the original excavation photo was traced in the internet:

This photo was taken on 16 September 2000 at an excavation site outside Hyde Park, New York. It is part of the documentation of a sensational excavation under the Paleontological Research Institution and the Department of Geological Sciences at Cornell University. What the team of more than 60 scientists, students and volunteers under paleontologist Prof. John Chiment discovered was, however, not the skeleton of a giant human being, but the skeleton of a mastodon, an extinct predecessor of the elephant. Actually, the find included one of the most complete fossils of a mastodon and possibly a less-complete mammoth. The animals lived between 10,000 and 14,000 years ago. More information at [ ... n/aerial-views.html]

There is an interesting detail: At the lower right of the photo is an intact tusk behind a plywood dam and under a protective coating of mud. A major challenge, explains the excavation report, is to allow this tusk to dry without having it shatter into fragments. This mastodon tusk is still visible in the manipulated photo of the giant human excavation!

The last station in the history of the picture is the website "Worth1000", which presents a wide range of altered pictures, some artistic, some humorous. The picture that was spread world wide as the Giant Skeleton of Rakshasa of Indian mythology or Aad of Islamic mythology was simply an artistic creation of "IronKite" and was submitted in a competition in the web site The original of the altered picture done by "IronKite" is available at

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Post time 20-4-2006 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Aerial Views
Since the bones were to be removed from the pit that Saturday and Sunday, a cherry picker was present to aid in documenting their positions before removal. Here are a couple of views from the overhead bucket of the cherry picker.

Aerial overview of excavation
This overview of the pit shows the catwalk and dams. The skeleton itself is mainly in the upper left quadrant of the image, with one tusk behind a dam below and to the left of the main skeleton. You can get some idea of the wet conditions; the green hose at the right center is perhaps 3 inches in diameter and is constantly pumping water out of the pit. Click on the image for a high-resolution version (973x875, about 1.2MB).

Detailed view of skeleton
Finally, a detailed view of the skeleton itself. This find is interesting because of the completeness (at least 90% at last report), preservation state, and articulation of the skeleton. Articulation means that many of the bones are still in their original positions relative to each other.

At the top left, the pelvis is visible. At the bottom center of the image, several vertebrae are still articulated, as are several just to the right of top center. An array of ribs is visible between these two groups. At almost the exact center of the image, the lower jaw is visible, with most teeth intact. The skull, which was in good condition, has already been removed from the pit. To the right of the jaw, among the ribs, a hole in the mud is visible; this is actually a spring, spewing water into the pit continously. Click on the image for a high-resolution version (1258x1032, about 1.4MB).

At the lower right is an intact tusk behind a plywood dam and under a protective coating of mud. A major challenge is to allow this tusk to dry without having it shatter into fragments. In fact, the whole skeleton was periodically re-wetted with a garden hose to keep it from drying in an uncontrolled fashion.

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Post time 21-4-2006 02:50 PM | Show all posts

A Bit More About Gog and Magog

Originally posted by hamizao at 13-3-2006 12:28 AM

Magog settled in what is now Georgia ...

According to one theory, Gog is short for Gomer, son of Japheth.

Estimated area of control of Magog, son of Japheth. Magog apparently controlled the area now known as Central Asia, comprised of the current countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan. Magog did not stay within his divinely mandated boundary, however, his descendants known throughout the ancient world as pillagers and plunderers. It is likely that the modern "Indo-Aryans" of northern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India are the descendants of Magogian invaders or their allies. Magog also spread into China and northwards, being in control of the Silk Road for thousands of years, and leaving behind numerous tall, Caucasian mummies clad in tartans very similar to that worn by the Celts of Europe. Eventually, the descendants of Magog, the Scythians, gradually wore down and drove Gog (the Gomerians) out of the Caucasus and the steppelands of southern Russia and the Ukraine, forcing them into Europe to become the Celts of Europe.

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Post time 22-4-2006 05:25 PM | Show all posts

The Giants of Yosemite Valley

The year, 1885. In California's great Yosemite Valley under the misty expanse near Bridal-Veil Falls, a party of silver and wannabe gold miners discovered what was to become the mystery of the decade. While having lunch, Mr. G. F. Martindale who was in charge of a party of miners, noticed a pile of stones that was placed against the wall of a cliff.

Seasoned miners, they were familiar with the natural formation of rock, this particular grouping struck Mr. Martindale as being unusual and seemed not to have been placed naturally. Realizing that if something in the wild is not placed naturally, he could only conclude human hands placed it there.

The miners set about removing the pile of stones. Behind the pile of stones they found a wall of rock that had been shaped and joined together with knowledgeable masonry. The joints between the rocks were all of uniform 1/8 of an inch in thickness and according to the reports from the men who were there, it was a beautiful job of stone work.

"As pretty as any wall on any building that I have ever seen" is the way one miner described it. Thinking that they had perhaps stumbled upon some lost treasure, the party of miners proceeded without delay and issuing great haste began tearing down the wall to get to the incredible riches that surely must lie within.

Disappointment fell heavily upon their heads as, in the end, they found the vault empty save a very large mummified corpse that lay on the ledge, which was carved from the natural stone for the express purpose of burial.

Lighting their carbide headlamps they set about examining the vault to see if perhaps they had overlooked something perhaps a map or some other clue to where the inevitable treasure might be hidden. Treasure of course being far more interesting than the fossil bones of a giant mummy.

What they found was another vault that had been carved from natural rock - 9 feet 3 inches high, 18 feet 6 inches deep and 8 feet 4 inches wide - containing a tall mummified corpse that was 6 feet 8 inches tall. The corpse was wrapped in what appeared to be animal skins and covered with a layer of fine gray power.

The miners removed parts of the animal skins to view the corpse and found it to be that of a woman holding a child to her breast.

The mummy was then taken to Los Angeles where it was placed before men, considered to be of great science in those days, most of whom agreed that is was a "relic" from a race that must have inhabited this country long before the American Indian. Tall people, they claimed, from a race which preceded the coastal natives?

All agreed that the height of 6 feet 8 inches tall in death must have represented an actual height in life of about seven or more feet. If their height relationship between men and women was approximately what it is today, then they concluded the males of the species could possibly have been some eight feet tall.

The most popular theory of the day was that the lady was a relic of some royal family of a lost Stone Age tribe of giants.

Interestingly enough, Captains Cooke and Magellan both wrote in their ship's logs of a race of giants that inhabited what we now know as the Pacific coast of South America. Cook was even supposed to have captured one of the giants reported to be nine feet tall.

Unfortunately, the giant escaped by breaking the ropes that bound him to the mast and jumped off the ship, overboard into the sea.

In an additional excerpt, Capt. Cooke wrote in his log that he was himself was 6 feet 3 inches tall, (which was very tall for those days when the average was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and under) and he could easily stand under the arm of the giant.

Cooke's report started a furor that was to last another 100 years and cause many to seek these giant people.

In the next century, many reports were filed stating that various of our major explorers had sighted the giants of what was then called Patagonia - but none had contact or for that matter even attempted to capture one of the giant men. Then suddenly, around the year 1650, the reports of sighting giants stopped abruptly.

Perhaps the giants moved inland, perhaps because they moved far away. They couldn't have just vanished. They could have simply become unpopular attractions and thus slipped gradually into oblivion. The fact remains that once up a time, they were there.

The Yosemite Valley, where the mummy was found has always been considered to be a place of great mystery by the Indians who lived there, the Ahwahneechees. The folklore of the Ahwahneechees relates a story of a giant who came into the valley long before the white man arrived.

The giant's name was Oo-el-en. They were vicious giants for they liked to eat the meat of the Indians. Oo-el-en would catch the adults and carry them away to a hiding place near the foot of Cascade Falls. Oo-el-en would then cut the people into small pieces, hanging their meat in the sun to dry into jerky.

The legend says that the Ahwahneechees finally killed the giants and burned their bodies. This rules out the possibility that the giant mummy of the Yosemite Valley might have been Oo-el-en.

However, if there was a giant, where did he come from and was there more than one of her kind. We may never know - sadly, all the Ahwahneechees are dead, the last having died in 1947.

The one thing the Ahwahneechees did leave was a written record of their long and complex burial rites. These Indians usually burned their dead - as they believed that by doing so they released the spirit of the deceased more quickly, so as to escape the evil spirits that lie in wait to grab it.

The important part of the ritual in relationship to the mummy of the Yosemite Valley was that they always wrapped their dead in skins of animals before they were burned. If you recall, the mummy of the Yosemite Valley was wrapped in the skins of animals and covered with a fine gray powder. Ashes, perhaps?

The learned scientist of that time, July of 1895, all agreed that the mummy predated the Christian era. It is therefore doubtful that the mummy was in any way connected with the Indians, as they were believed to have settled in the Yosemite Valley about 800 to 1000 years ago.

It is important to note at this point that the Ahwahneechees were also very small people, most being less than 5 feet 3 inches tall. However, there have been traces of a much earlier people that have inhabited the Southwest?.

[ Last edited by  sephia_liza at 22-4-2006 05:32 PM ]

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Post time 23-4-2006 04:38 PM | Show all posts

more giant skull...

Another giant skull in the Gold Museum collection. in Lima, Peru. This skull has a scar that is clearly surgical in nature, suggesting surgery or, perhaps more accurately, a lobotomy. Peru was one of the locations on Earth where the Atlanteans fled to escape the final destruction. Image from Light 1998.

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Post time 29-4-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts


Standing Tall in the Land of Genghis Khan

During the first of five expeditions to Mongolia, Roy Chapman Andrews photographed this seven-foot-five-inch (2m 13cm) man in 1922 in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar梑ut that wasn抰 the explorer抯 biggest find. In an automobile caravan following the ancient routes of Genghis through the Gobi desert, Andrew抯 party discovered one of the world抯 richest dinosaur fossil fields, featured in the June 1933 and July 1996 issue of the GEOGRAPHIC.

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Post time 29-4-2006 03:44 PM | Show all posts


CAPTAIN MARTIN BATES AND ANNA SWAN, the world's tallest couple of record, posed for this picture with friend Lei McFarland.
When the War Between the States broke out, Martin Van Buren Bates left Emma Henry College in Virginia to enlist as a private in the Fifth Kentucky Infantry. Although only sixteen at the time, he already stood a little above six-feet tall. Apparently the youngster conducted himself well on the battlefield, for over the next couple years he received several promotions, the last as a captain in the Seventh Confederate Cavalry.

But all through the war, and for several years afterward, Captain Bates kept growing. By his own account, he finally stopped in his twenty-eighth year, after having reached a height of seven feet and eight inches and a weight of four hundred and seventy pounds.3

After the war, the Whitesburg, Kentucky, giant earned his living by exhibiting himself in the United States and Canada. In 1870, Judge H. P. Ingalls, a well-known promoter, asked him to come to Elizabeth, New Jersey, and join a company he was organizing to tour Europe. There his eyes beheld Anna Haining Swan, a seven-foot, eleven-inch Scottish lass from Nova Scotia, and a courtship began.

In April, 1871, Judge Ingalls' company sailed for England. The two enormous sweethearts became an instant hit with the British public, and on June 2, Queen Victoria commanded their appearance at Buckingham Palace. Two weeks later, on June 17, the former Confederate captain and his fiancee, attired in her white satin gown with orange blossoms, spoke their vows before a large crowd in London's historic St.-Martin-in-the-Fields church. Wedding presents from Queen Victoria included a cluster diamond ring for the bride and a watch and chain for the groom. The wedding made world headlines and put the Bates in the record books as history's tallest known married couple.5

After a brief honeymoon, the couple returned to London where they gave a private reception for the Prince of Wales, who invited them to be his guests at Marlborough House. They appeared a second time before the Queen, at Windsor, then set out on a tour of the provincial towns in England and Scotland.

Upon their return to the States, the Bates decided to take a vacation tour of the West and Midwest, then buy a farm and settle down. While in Ohio, they passed through Seville. That country appealed to them, so Captain Bates purchased one hundred and thirty acres of good farm land near the town and drew plans for a house big enough to accommodate giants. "The house he built on that farm... astounded visitors of ordinary size for 70 years," writes Lee Cavin. "It had 14-foot ceilings in the principal wing. The doors were 8 feet high. The furniture was built to order. Captain Bates delighted in seeing normal-size people dwarfed in his house, saying, 'Seeing our guests make use of it recalls most forcibly the good Dean Swift's traveler in the land of Brobdingnag.6

"In 1878,1879, and 1880," continues Cavin, "the giant couple returned to the road as members of the W. W. Cole Circus. This circus, founded in 1871, was noted because it was the first to play many western towns. Its special train was close on the heels of railroad construction throughout the area. The reasons for the return to the road of the couple should be familiar ones to anyone who has built a new home. According to Seville contemporaries, the cost of the giant house exceeded expectations."

Mrs. Bates bore the Captain two children. During the second year of their British tour, an eighteen-pound daughter died at birth. In the winter of 1879, after a difficult delivery, she gave birth to a twenty-three pound boy that measured thirty inches in length. How-ever, the child died the next day. In 1888, after years of declining health, Anna Swan Bates also died. The Seville Times devoted three columns to her obituary.

About a dozen years later, Captain Bates married Lavonne Weatherby, a daughter of the pastor of the Seville Baptist Church, which he and his first wife had long attended. The new Mrs. Bates stood just over five feet tall.

Seville's most famous resident lived seventy-four years, but in January, 1919, he finally yielded to a lingering illness. (Also see Swan, Anna Raining)

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[ Last edited by  sephia_liza at 29-4-2006 03:47 PM ]

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Post time 29-4-2006 03:50 PM | Show all posts

Giants and Ancient North American Warfare

Per the author's request, his following submission is presented unedited as received, without standard revision for grammar or clarity. As part of our open forum policy, writers may freely express themselves in their own words. Editor.

Long ago in central North America, there was a great civil war. It was a war owning many battles, and had an incredible loss of life. It wasn't the North versus the South, although it sponsored a confederacy against a union. It probably spanned the geography of a number of present day states commencing from the area that is the boundary line of the ancient Mississippi. There, the great tribes of the west encountered for the first time the great nation of the east, and the resultant history. Nor shall we say prehistory, ultimately shaped the pre-Columbian world far more than can ever be understood. Our archaeological record holds relatively limited data of this time period, much less this proposed event, and thus we are dependent to some extent on the invaluable resource of Native American transmission.

The ancient homeland of the Adena and Hopewell cultures
cover five present day states. Were the previous tenants
of this region the Allegany People?

Our related science's present understanding of the pre-Adena (Archaic) inhabitants of the greater Ohio River valley is yet somewhat sketchy, what to say of the Adena themselves. However, many pieces to the puzzle are now thought to be in place. The timeline for the Adena begins around 1000 B.C.E. according to the carbon dating of Dragoo and others. The Archaic populous is not believed to have constructed mounds in the Ohio Valley region, although this is not known for certain due to several factors, including widespread destruction of the earthworks, without content cataloging, over the last 250 years. Most understanding is based upon the dating and trait-grouping of materials found in the diminished number of mounds and village sites yet existing after a formal discipline in archaeology and anthropology finally took over excavation and detailed record keeping.

There are Archaic era mounded structures, often intricate and complex, in the deep southern U.S., including Watson Brake, Poverty Point, Fig Island, and Sapelo. For this reason, theories have been put forth that the moundbuilding tradition came into the Ohio Valley around the time of the Adena from the southern Mississippi, thereby tentatively associating the Adena people with older cultures from the south. In one way of looking at this idea, it supposes that moundbuilding was a phenomenon peculiar to only one geographical source, necessarily having been passed on. Unlike the Adena mounds however, the more ancient southern earthworks did not poignantly suggest a very specialized "cult of the dead."

By their skeletal remains in the earlier studies, the pre-Adena people were known to have had slender or thin bodies, and been "long-headed," with "narrow" skulls (dolichocranic), i.e. having a breadth of skull small in proportion to length from front to back. The Adena people weren't physically akin to these Archaic people. Generally the Adena had more massive bone structure, according to these same studies. The pre-eminent theory of Adena origin at the time was that their ancestry had come from Mexico or even further south. However, the Adena body bone structure type was unusually difficult to trace with surety south of the Rio Grande where another distinguishing Adena-resonant trait was found practiced from earlier times. That practice was "cradleboard" head deformation.

The Adena were, as a group, more "short-headed" (brachycranic), i.e. the skull breadth was at least four-fifths its length from front to back. Shaping was an Non-Adena addition to this already distinguished skull type. This skull-binding of the By their skeletal remains in the  
Non-Adena skull-binding from
the writings of Schoolcraft.

earlier studies, thepre-practice of skull deformation was part of the prehistoric "long-headed" type Peruvian, Middle American, and Mexican people's customs. Indian Knoll population practiced a form of skull-flattening. Thus this "art" was part of the local lore when the Adena made their first appearance. Their subsequent and perhaps more 'evolved' version of cradleboarding had the effect of giving the skull a more round dome, and is thought by some to have been strictly for class distinction in a hierarchical society. Their skull type has the highest cranial vault ever found anywhere in the world. In this, Adena folk are sometimes referred to as "round-headed," for they had the roundish skull to begin with, further shaping the vault to a dome.

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Post time 29-4-2006 03:52 PM | Show all posts

Outline of the head of a
statue of a woman found in
the bottom land of the Ohio
River near Tolu, KY

Needless to say, these findings cast doubt on any exclusive Mexican head binding connection. That coupled with new studies suggesting the tough Adena skeletal type arriving not from Mexico, but from the southern margins of the Great Lakes, and the old pet theories were melting faster than the glaciers. New questions were being posed.

Since few or no other recognizable Mexican-type traits appeared among the Adena grave goods until the centuries-later Adena burials, why, after a many centuries lapse, did the traits indicating Central and South American influence appear in the Ohio Valley?

It was beginning to seem that everything distinguishing the Adena, with the possible exception of mounds for the dead, was already in the region for a very long time. It was no longer solid ground to theorize the direct ancestors of the first Adena moving out of Mexico and, after a time, up the Mississippi watershed just because there was skull shaping in ancient Mexico, and earthworks in the deep south.

Mexican emperor and attendants taken from Humboldt.
(Delafield, 1839)

Like a real mystery, there were more questions than answers. Investigators began asking whether a fresh, new scenario should be considered to explain the origins of the Adena.

Popular Theories
In about 800 years, and after Adena villages and towns became established throughout what is now Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania, a new stock or breed of people is, by inference, thought to have begun the process of transforming that culture very probably from within. So in a sense, after the Adena seemed to supplant an older culture in the Ohio Valley, another culture succeeded them in relatively linear fashion. Ultimately, this new culture redefined the older Adena. This proposed phenomenon of transformation and replacement characterized what is known as the "Hopewell" era, which term, like Adena and Indian, had been assigned by the inheriting whites. Anthropologists as archaeologists therefore ask these questions. How did the Adena begin, and why did they end, and in the same vein, how and why are they so intimately related to the Hopewell? Why did this supposedly "hybrid" Hopewell culture achieve such distinction and domination over their Adena predecessors, then, like small colonies of the Adena before them, seem to simply fade out from the Ohio valley?

The main theory holding interest for many years has been simply that after these round-headed people arrived in the Ohio Valley, they gradually (though not at first) interbred with the existing long-headed people, and over a few centuries slowly generated what we call the Hopewell culture. The Hopewell are believed, though not fully proven, to have evolved agriculture and art further than the Adena, and some of the accomplishments in the latter category amaze us yet today. What has kept our science most intensely interested about the Adena however, is that they constructed mounds for honoring the dead, and were selective about how they went about it. Then, like some sort of magnificent catalyst, the Adena graciously seem to have wandered away, followed into lost history not long after by their believed progeny Hopewell.

It should be stated that until now, DNA testing has found no specific match between the Adena-Hopewell and any existing Native American group. Thus has the mystery deepened immeasurably, leaving our anthropological science with its logic, wits, and sometimes questionable carbon-14 analysis. Who were these people?

There may be alternative explanations, however conjectural, for the Adena origin and exit. Based first upon the physical analysis, speculations and summations of Webb, Snow, Dragoo, and their colleagues and predecessors, the thoughtful entering of Native American legend into the analysis provides some clear fuel for that soon to be mentioned lamp shedding light on what has too long remained a dim prehistory.

As inferred, it is believed that the traits related as Hopewell began to show up around 200 B.C.E. or so. No Hopewell traits have been found in Adena tombs, and thus it has been suggested that Adena chronologically preceded and were culturally anterior to Hopewell. It required some time before the archaeological analysis discerned the Adena as separable from the Hopewell who themselves finally left the region about the middle of the first millennium of the Common Era. It was determined that within just a few centuries after Hopewell began to appear. The purely Adena traits were virtually gone from the Ohio Valley.

The Hopewell thus had the valley to themselves for a few hundred years. During this time they yet practiced some limited cradleboard shaping, once almost universal among the Adena. Moundbuilding continued, but changed internally, emphasizing single individuals more. There was evidence of the Adena skeletal type, though in a diminished capacity. Yet artifact evidence of the Adena showed up in points to the south (the Copena Culture), and far to the east, such as the St. Lawrence and Delaware areas, before becoming extinct. The absence of Adena traits in the mounds of the later times ascribed to the Hopewell has prompted a few interesting theories, including a forced exclusion of the Adena by the Hopewell. But this may or may not tell the true story, if we are to rely at all upon the traditional history or legend of a certain elder tribe, who now are called the Lenni Lenape.

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Post time 25-5-2006 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sephia_liza at 29-4-2006 03:44 PM

CAPTAIN MARTIN BATES AND ANNA SWAN, the world's tallest couple of record, posed for this picture with friend Lei McFarland.
When the War ...

Thanks for the link. Shall be a great read indeed...............!

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Post time 25-5-2006 03:42 PM | Show all posts

Chang Woo Gow

Chang Woo Gow
The Chinese giant Chang Woo Gow showed himself in England in 1865/1866 at the old Egyptian Hall in Piccadilly. A courtly gentleman and able scholar, he was invited to visit the Prince and Princess of Wales. He stood eight feet two inches. He was not the tallest in his family, however, for one sister measured eight feet four inches. On his British tour, the nineteen-year-old Chang was accompanied by his bride, King-Foo ("The Fair Lily") and by a three-foot dwarf named Chung, who always stood at his side during the giant's public appearances.2 (See Chinese Colossus; Chinese Giants, Other; Giants and Dwarfs; Melius, Angelina)

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Post time 25-5-2006 03:46 PM | Show all posts

Jack Earle

Jack Earle, who is a Deputy Sheriff from El Paso, Texas, has enrolled as a golf student in a Chicago golf school. He is 8 feet 7 inches tall, and is shown with a putter only 30 inches in length. (Dec. 12, 1928)

Born in Denver as Jacob Ehrlich in 1906 he took the screen name of Jack Earle when in the silent film industry. He was involved with circuses from 1926 to 1940 when he retired. Jack died at age 46 in 1952. "He was well proportioned, extremely likable, possessed a pleasing personality and remarkable intelligence."

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