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Author: missfaris

Jumpa instafamous/founder

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Post time 29-8-2020 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Penah jumpa safiey time dkt lowyat dgn exbf heshe siapa ke. James tu. Heshe pakai Gucci cap tgh queue ambik duit kt atm. Meols who are yuss kan je dh la lama kat atm tu

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Post time 29-8-2020 03:37 PM | Show all posts
tak pernah jumpa lagi. hidup di bawah tempurung lah katakan

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2020 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
siputpepel replied at 29-8-2020 03:37 PM
tak pernah jumpa lagi. hidup di bawah tempurung lah katakan

Alaa ye ke , ingatkan katak je bawah tempurung , siput pn sama jugak

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Post time 7-9-2020 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah jumpa
Che ta & zain.. che ta kecik gila, tp kasut dia tumit tinggi betul,  makeup mmg tebAi laa, kulit biasa2 je kategori cerah. Zain jumpa tselisih gitu je tapi putih gila weyy macam edward twilight tak dinafikan iols tk berkelip temgok dia.

El azman, kecik je tapi jenis laki terkinja tak duk diam. Mulut pon kecoh pokpek pokpek. Iols ckp mcm ni sebab dia pernab dtg booth iols pastu mcm attention seeker.

Wawa & aeril, dua2 good looking.. in fact lagi cantik depan2. Saiz bdn sama je macam dlm ig

Norman hakim... sumpah tinggi gila & buff shoulder heols menakutkn.. tak expect jumpa dia depan2 mcm tu.. mmg bukan figure asian la

Tila & Syifa melvin.. dua2 cantik tinggi kurus putih peramab tak sombong..

Nisa kay- makeup tebal & quite sombong

Leyana rahman & adik dia - friendly but no so friendly. Kecik je, putih macam pakai product timbang kilo. Sebab putih merah yg birat.. tahu tk haha beshe2 je sheols

Amira zaini - cantik n soft spoken. Very humble

Nonones - jenis sempointp to be honest lg cantik dlm ig. Depan2 besher2 je plus kurus kedinh dia ni

Nuramirah - kecik n putih melepak. Tp mmg makeup tebal. Based dia tebal, mata n bibir biasa je makeup.. sejenis kepoh2 juga

Bell amara - kecik n cantik sgt. Mmg ada aura dia ni. Really soft spoken.

Farahanim - very friendly.. and treat kita sgt baik.. even dia hijabista nampak mcm ayu2 kan actually i rasa dia jnis sempoi3 jee

Fafau - personality dlm tv n in real lain. Depan2 dia quite kerek & sgt menjaga gap btween kita dgn dia.. mcm kita hadap sgt dgn dia

Ramai lg i pnh jumpa tapi koser plak nak tulis semua. Knapa iols jumpa dorg no semua? Sbb iols one of the staff instafemes ni.. pa & admin business dorg.. so tahu la sikit2 psl dorg, gosip dalaman semua. Basically yg hijabista semua ni mmg makeup tebal & life in fake je huhu cukup la dlm dunia bersandarkan instagram jee hehe afteralls semua kt ig portrays yg indah2 jee hakikat sebenar kita je tahu

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Post time 7-9-2020 10:31 AM | Show all posts
jumpa cik epal dgn husband dia. cik epal kulit cerah, kurus,. laki dia pulak keding kurus nampak mcm budak sekolah hahahaha.

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Post time 8-9-2020 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah jumpa anzalna. Masa tu dia tak kawin lagi. Kecik je orangnya kurus tp baik friendly sgt. Bila tegur buat mcm kawan2.

Pernah jumpa mysaramuhd, mmg cantik real life ade aura yg buat orang nk tengok dua tiga kali, cuma real life dia kulit tanned dlm gmbr dia nmpk putih. I pun tgk dua tiga kali sbb tgk dia tanned sgt real life. Tp body dia mmg cantik mcm dlm ig.

Yuyu zulaikha, dulu selalu jumpa dia kat gig, sbb husband dia dulu main band. Jenis tak senyum langsung muka masam all the time. Tak tau la sbb ade problem ke ape time tu. kecik sgt orang nya.

Intan ladyana, cantik sgt real life, kecik kurus muka baby face. Tak tegur time tu tp muka tk kerek pun, nmpk friendly.

Fauziah gous, cantik mmg ade aura retis, tapi tk friendly sangat, tapi yela uolls retis of coursela.

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Post time 8-9-2020 12:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tomatome replied at 29-8-2020 12:59 PM
Jmp dr tengku leya apa ntah nma dia kt ppum.. br pas scan ultrasound ngan husband dia.. even pakai f ...

ptt dia perform operation husband i. tp sebab sRat so husband dia replace. soooo soft spoken lah this one

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Post time 8-9-2020 07:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
SyaJoyah replied at 29-8-2020 12:48 AM
Nadia bayu ni lama kan dah kahwin, sampai harini tak beranak, kesian sheols

yeke. ? aah padahal die bukan jenis bdn besor. kurus je. cume air muka die nampak kusam dan tak ceria.

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Post time 8-9-2020 10:43 AM | Show all posts
I pernah jumpa Nadhira Brundage last month kat midvalley..
Lawa gila and so slim and tall ,eventhough  dia pakai mask i boleh recognize..
Pakai floral midi dress and so gorgeous,terus i insaf bila tengok myself in jeans and shirt ja..
Pastu terus gigih i pun beli dress to look gorgeous gak..

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Post time 9-9-2020 08:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_misz1883 replied at 8-9-2020 12:46 AM
ptt dia perform operation husband i. tp sebab sRat so husband dia replace. soooo soft spoken lah t ...

Kan... i like her personality lembut je xdela kat ig potray yg sweet2 je.. n husband dia pn nmpk sopan orangnya..

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Post time 9-9-2020 11:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Byk Kali jumpa the nasirs , Dari dia orang tak famous lagi. Friendly sikit tapi selalu budget hot and famous. Biasa sajooo cuma dress up je lawa. Tgk dekat2 tak lawa.  Jumpa mia kat pavillion dia salesgirls kat situ sblm berlakon mcm skrg.

Jumpa tyra, badan lawa.

Namee, kecil je orang nya. Dress up dia simple.   

Azief dating ngan rose kat ttdi, typical instafamous muka rose Tu but azief pun I hampir tak kenal sampaikan Ada orang ckp eh azief anak tiri CT.

Jumpa cupcake aisyah kat pavillion, sama je mcm dlm you tube. Seksi.

Jumpa Aina, Manis juga muka dia. Walaupun Pakai jeans je, simple tapi sgt Manis muka dia.


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Post time 9-9-2020 07:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nononess jumpa kat ioi - poyo sikit mcm sombong. Makeup sekilo gak.cuma lawalah orgnya

Hafiz dgn aina - hafiz paling poyo ..eksen semacam aina ok

Eyka sulaiman - cantik x makeup pun sweet dan lemah lembut je

Youmehunny - eksyen

Aqo imran - polite org nya .berbudi bahasa .

Elazman - rupa sama kat ig  

Ashraf mazlan - ok  .tp x brp friendly .bini dia sombong ke moody waktu tu x taulah  (masa jumpa tu blm jadi bini )

Saifulnang - sombong time tu lah

Fiqa hafizi - mua .ok friendly

Kasih cicie -mua pun ok friendly

Ada sorang hijabista konon perasan korean x ingat nama - jumpa masa preview filem hijabista ballet ke hape ntah...ya ampun makeup berkilo kilo nak nampak mcm korea

Saifulnizam citraaida - baik .friendly

Adik beradik melvin - tila tu baik je , kakak dia mak dia pun x sombong.cuma mmg jenis happening. Sam pun baik je friendly.

Fazrena aziz - pun cantik tp x  brp flawless

Founder fayce kwn keknis - yg fatihin tu cantik walau hitam manis .friendly la . Aida je kurang friendly tp ok .fatihin tu flawless kulit dia.ayda x berapa

Syafiq ahmad-youtuber - ok baik


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Post time 9-9-2020 08:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tomatome replied at 9-9-2020 08:37 AM
Kan... i like her personality lembut je xdela kat ig potray yg sweet2 je.. n husband dia pn nmpk s ...

Tengku leya i still takboleh move on dia perampas

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Post time 9-9-2020 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by LadyCarefree at 9-9-2020 09:59 PM

Aazief - biase2 je. Kalau bukan anak tiri mekiti iols xpandang pon

Aina dngan laki - mekap 3kilo. Dedua biasa je rupa. Kategori hauk.

Nabelah Setilah - plg obvious kakinya yg mcam bentuk kaki ayam dn kulit hauk. Rupa pon hauk sbab xmekap tebak masa tu. Body pon hauk. Serupa adik dia si didi tp didi lg hauk muka lg besar dulang.

Opkos qiemkepampropa - hauk sehauknya. Dia ni kira ponder jugakla walau semua produk pon hauk dn lingkup

Syatila - sombong. Lakinya sangat friendly.

Serap dn bini - serap hauk. Bini tipikal hijabista mekap tebal.sombong gila.

Fathia latip - masa dia tengah famous. Cantik walau masa tu xmekap langsung. Dia ni ponder jubah dan tudung kan?

Ramai lg la iols jumpa. Ada yg siap sembang lg. Serina anak chef wan very friendly and kulit muka mulus sangat.

Datin tinted pon friendly and kulit muka dia elok chuols. Dia ni ponder jugaklah. Jual perfume dulu. Kawan iols bg iols sebotol sbab dia jual. sedap dn tahan lama. Bau pun xmcam perfume murah. Ac tinggi besar cakap banyak. Agak poyo eksyen gak memuji diri.

Eyka farhana tp dia bukan ponder kan?

Aerial pendiam. Wawa xpernah jumpa.

Juliana evans - cantik tp sombong.

Liyana jasmay sangat friendly. Muka desa2 ja.

Scha dan awal both friendly.

Nazim Othman - reserved gitu.

Mekiti - friendly..sweet gitu.

Wardina - kekwat. Hehehe

Zainal Abidin - and wife. Both sombong.

Lisa surihani - sweet, cantik in real life. Friendly jenis bukan down to earth. Agitchuuuuwwwwww

Semua kru brothers dah jumpa. Norman friendly tp bini sombong.

Ramai artis2 kru iols pernah jumpa dn sembang hehehehe

Panjang sangat la kalau nk tulis semua pastu kena perah otak ingat.

Oh ya achey. Friendly sangat. Hehehe

Dafi pun ok je peramah.

Khai Bahar pemalu.

Baby Pian boleh bawa sembang. Ponder bantal zikir. Lol

Wani kayrie, wani sorang lagi polite je dedua.

Afiq Shazwan senyum je muka.

Azzam Sham manis dan tak sombong. Suara live nyanyi sedap. Ni kira ponder gak la jual pizza hehehe

Eh panjang lak. Ramai lagi iols dah jumpa face to face. Retis antarabangsa yg mai sini buat show pun ada. Hehehehee


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Post time 9-9-2020 11:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols jmpa ig fames yg ‘fames’ dgn bg tips kecantikan... x salam lgsung weols msa wed my kazen merangkap bff dia..2hari event, nk dtg bersalam pn tidak...hello, jgn kata weols, mak iols n yg pangkat makcik2 pn x da nk hulur tgn salam eh..klu dh nk duk menempek je dgn pengantin rajin2 lh hulur tgn salam dgn family pngantin tu...
Tp btullah org kata klu kt ig tu filter je real life kusam mcm kita2 ni jugak je


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 Author| Post time 10-9-2020 06:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aechae replied at 9-9-2020 11:35 PM
Iols jmpa ig fames yg ‘fames’ dgn bg tips kecantikan... x salam lgsung weols msa wed my kazen mera ...

Sape ni ? Hahahah taktauuuu , sbb i cuma follow Dr Ingky je untuk skincare tips

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Post time 8-10-2020 01:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bella yunus. Lawa jugak. Manis.
Memey suhaiza - lawa manis.
Khairulaming - besar tinggi. X hensem. Manis tu ada.
Yang lain ingat2 lupa.

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Post time 8-10-2020 09:26 AM | Show all posts
aechae replied at 9-9-2020 11:35 PM
Iols jmpa ig fames yg ‘fames’ dgn bg tips kecantikan... x salam lgsung weols msa wed my kazen mera ...

tulahh sapakahh
i*** ke? hahahah

sbb covid  kot uols malas nak bersalaman

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Post time 8-10-2020 03:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lifeline replied at 8-10-2020 09:26 AM
tulahh sapakahh
i*** ke? hahahah

Cite 2018 covid pn x wujud lg dikk

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Post time 12-10-2020 09:28 AM | Show all posts
missfaris replied at 29-8-2020 03:47 PM
Alaa ye ke , ingatkan katak je bawah tempurung , siput pn sama jugak

Siput da bole keluar tempurung 😅

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