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Author: eva

psychological radio n s*x bomb

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Post time 30-6-2004 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Malik Al Hassan at 30-6-2004 04:09 PM:

& esp bab Singoh tuh...... (....:jeling::jeling::jeling:......)


Yes Sir!!!! Once again..... I'm Sorry Sir!!!!!


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Post time 30-6-2004 04:56 PM | Show all posts
heheheh ....SANG SAKA terlepas cakap, please forgive him, i know he mean nothing, but only want to give a simple example for every body, am i right SS.....

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Malik Al Hassan at 30-6-2004 08:09:

& esp bab Singoh tuh...... (....:jeling::jeling::jeling:......)


ermm yeah malik...
coz.. ini web universal.. org US pon paham :lol

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by farhan at 30-6-2004 08:35:
aku tak berapa paham sangat.

baca slow slow farhan dr topic no satu dulu... k ;)
ni pasal peranan radio time perang.. perang psychology namanya

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SangSaka at 30-6-2004 08:35:

Yes Sir!!!! Once again..... I'm Sorry Sir!!!!!


its ok Sas..
sas cuma nak ckp contoh je.. tapi terlebih excited hingga terkeluar.. ermm what supposed to be 'confidential' its ok..

dun worry too much k..

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Post time 30-6-2004 05:47 PM | Show all posts
oopppsss...baru dapat info sikit,
pasal psy war tu betul seperti yg SS katakan, kiter bleh kelasifikasikan sebagai perang saraf kalau nak dialih bahasakan, betul tak SS???

pasal silent war, ia ader bersangkut paut tentang maklumat dan infomation, espionage adalah salah satu elemen silent war nih, berlaku secara berleluasa ketika WWII, dimana maklumat adalah amat penting. boleh amik, tapi tak bleh di bawa keluar. all the infomation must be protect. proses menghantar ejen masuk utk mendapat kan maklumat pun dikira silent war, computer hacking juga silent war...maklumlah sekarang nih dah takder sempadan lagi dah...
got the idea 'bout silent war??? any commen????
tambah lagi info pasal silent war nih.
off topik nih sebenar nyer nih kak EVA...tak per ker???

[ Last edited by battleship on 30-6-2004 at 05:48 PM ]

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Post time 30-6-2004 05:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by antaboga at 30-6-2004 03:59 PM:


Tentang Silent War
Selalunya bab bab nie, LipanLapan atau mod Jazim yg terer menjawab. Tapi rasanyer.. jarang ada istilah SilentWar nie..  mod Jazim or LipanLapan ...

Memandangkan namenye pon  Silent War.....

lipanlapan pon ter"silent" skjp...


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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lipanlapan at 30-6-2004 09:59:

Memandangkan namenye pon  Silent War.....

lipanlapan pon ter"silent" skjp...

[img ...

:lol lipan..
ff: promotioan gambar julianne pulak eiks;)

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Post time 30-6-2004 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eva at 30-6-2004 03:53 PM:

phewww... mesti susah nak buat psych war eiks  
may be sbb s'pore nak uji kekuatan dia breaking kita punya telekomunikasi kot.. naper dorang tak try ngan indon eiks??  
semalam s'pore black out..  my fren kata semalam dorang black out..may be half kws black out

Try bace nih :lol :lol :lol

Blackout hits many areas after gas supply failure

By Woon Wui Tek

FROM about 10pm last night, a quickly spreading blackout plunged many parts of Singapore into darkness.

Darkness falls over Jurong East and even traffic slowed down, as street lamps and traffic lights also went out. -- WONG KWAI CHOW
Not just home lights, but street lamps and traffic signals winked out, causing traffic in Hougang and Sengkang to slow to a crawl as half-blinded motorists switched on their high beams.

Other anxious Singaporeans, thumbing their mobile phones as they wondered if there had been a terrorist-related disruption, only jammed the networks.

As it turned out, the blackout, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) said, was caused by a disruption of the supply of natural gas from neighbouring Indonesia.

It did not elaborate.

Restoration of power got under way almost at once, with generators switching to diesel: By 10.30pm, the darkness was beginning to be pushed back in places like Bishan.

Clementi and Sengkang went bright again at about 10.45pm and Eunos at around 11pm. By 12.15am, according to Singapore Power, power had been restored in all areas.

Though one taxi crashed in Queensway, police officers took to the streets to regulate traffic, while land lines in homes and train services were never affected.

Recalled Singapore MRT spokesman Chin Yen Yen: 'The first thing I did when my house in Bukit Batok had a blackout was look out to see if our trains were still running, and they were! We have back-up power for our trains.'

However, the Singapore Civil Defence Force responded to 20 calls of people trapped in lifts.

Some of those marooned in darkness at home, like Singapore Netball Association president Ivy Singh-Lim, 55, feared the worst.

She told The Straits Times from her Neo Tiew Road home: 'I tried calling the Neighbourhood Police Post on a 1800 number as well as 999, but all the lines were engaged.

'Actually, the police should have some kind of a backup to handle such emergencies.

'I can't believe this!'

So widespread was the blackout - it also hit Ang Mo Kio, Clementi, Woodlands, Toa Payoh, Serangoon and Ghim Moh, as well as the Holland Village and Mohamed Sultan Road leisure spots - that only a few areas, including Yishun and parts of the south, escaped.

Last night's was the third such significant incident this year, with the most recent one, lasting about 20 minutes, having been triggered on April 20, after the Nicoll Highway collapse. A week earlier, 80,000 households had to go without power for an hour.

In August 2002, a gas-supply disruption from Indonesia was also blamed for a 90-minute blackout after seven of Singapore's nine gas-fired generating plants shut down.

The Energy Market Authority may fine a company up to $1 million, or 10 per cent of its revenue, for negligence.

Its licence can even be revoked.

A cracking of the whip would suit the likes of an irate Madam Daisy Sum, who had to take a cold shower in candlelight in her Siglap home.

She said: 'Singapore is not a Third World country. We have every right to expect better.'

But others made the best of the blackout: Student Annabelle Danker, 22, and her friends at Holland Village lit up the night with sparklers and glow sticks.

'We can't go home anyway, so we might as well have some fun,' she said.

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Post time 30-6-2004 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Depa nak test reaction rakyat sendiri kut.. Singoh , bukan boleh predict.. tapi bergelap jugak depa.. hehehe.. dulu gelak kat kita.

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Post time 30-6-2004 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eva at 30-6-2004 06:07 PM:

:lol lipan..
ff: promotioan gambar julianne pulak eiks;)

terjumpe, embedded le kat sini



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Post time 30-6-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lipanlapan at 30-6-2004 18:48:

terjumpe, embedded le kat sini


[img] ...

dia nak ngusik 'mamat' tu la tue.. tue yg posting gambar makwe tue..
wakakaka   lol

jgn marah haaa.. tak baik keluar api.. :ketuk:

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by battleship at 30-6-2004 09:47:
oopppsss...baru dapat info sikit,
pasal psy war tu betul seperti yg SS katakan, kiter bleh kelasifikasikan sebagai perang saraf kalau nak dialih bahasakan, betul tak SS???

pasal silent war, ia  ...

betel.. no sweat.. off topic sat tapi hang kena bayar 2 cent lagi la sbb dah terlebih masa parking... bleh bubuh 2 cent tu dlm juke box.. nak putar lagu Olivia Newton..lagu  dlm film Grease tu.. kalau silap sila btolkan tajuknya yer... 'hopelessly devoted to you' sambil2 pekena kopi.. :lol

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lipanlapan at 30-6-2004 10:21:

Try bace nih :lol :lol :lol

Blackout hits many areas after gas supply failure

By Woon Wui Tek

FROM about 10pm last night, a quickly spreading blackout plunged many parts of Si ...

tu la semua org ingat serangan terrorist.. :hmm:
tapi kalau baca balik berita lipan bagi tu lawak la jadinya :lol

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by antaboga at 30-6-2004 10:40:
Depa nak test reaction rakyat sendiri kut.. Singoh , bukan boleh predict.. tapi bergelap jugak depa.. hehehe.. dulu gelak kat kita.

hehehe... sama2 rasa... tapi kita ari tu lama jugak kan..

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2004 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by antaboga at 30-6-2004 10:56:

dia nak ngusik 'mamat' tu la tue.. tue yg posting gambar makwe tue..
wakakaka   lol

jgn marah haaa.. tak baik keluar api.. :ketuk:

ada ke

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Post time 30-6-2004 09:11 PM | Show all posts
singoh black out!!!...air raid trining tak??? nak tengok sejauh maner rakyat dier bersedier....???? tak tahuu ler:hmm::hmm:

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Post time 1-7-2004 06:28 AM | Show all posts
Satu lagi bentuk perang saraf adalah pengguguran risalah terhadap gerila PKM ketika Darurat Pertama (1948-1960) yg berujuan memujuk mereka menyerah diri. Cara ini agak berjaya!

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 07:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jazim at 30-6-2004 22:28:
Satu lagi bentuk perang saraf adalah pengguguran risalah terhadap gerila PKM ketika Darurat Pertama (1948-1960) yg berujuan memujuk mereka menyerah diri. Cara ini agak berjaya!

ermm iyer ke mod jazim?? :hmm:
bagaimana dgn station radio dorang?

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2004 08:04 AM | Show all posts
ok sambung lagi sket...

i got info from internet.. ok.. ini berdasarkan sebuah buku...  title dia..

Love, S*x and War

John Costello

From Chapter 12: Black Propaganda and Sexpionage

The Salon Kitty
EVER SINCE RAHAB THE HARLOT harboured Joshua's spies before the capture of Jericho, sex has often played a part in clandestine intelligence operations as a means of extracting, concealing, or disseminating intelligence. World War I produced the legendary femme fatale Mata Hari, whose H-21 German code-designation was to expose her in 1917 after French counter-intelligence deciphered a cable to Berlin. Less notorious - because she was never caught - was 'Fraulein Doktor'. Dr Annamarie Lesser exploited her powerful sensuality to ensnare high-ranking French officers and stay one jump ahead of discovery while she spun a web of German espionage in wartime Paris that cost France one of her key fortresses.

It was not only spies who used sex in the cause of military and political advantage in World War I. British and French propaganda posters and cartoons luridly dramatized the so-called German rape of Belgium in a way that helped inflame American opinion against the Kaiser's soldiers, who were represented as raping murderers.

Twenty-one years later, the Nazi's regime had transformed propaganda into a sinister art. Dr Joseph Goebbels was able to exploit sexual and racial themes in broadcasts, films, and posters. For an outwardly puritanical regime which banned prostitution, abortion, and contraceptives and banished homosexuals to concentration camps, the German leaders had no private reservations about employing sexual themes in propaganda or using sex as both a weapon and bait in clandestine intelligence-gathering operations.

Although brothels were officially outlawed by the Third Reich, the elite Nazi SS security police had been authorized by Himmler before the war to engage prostitutes in intelligence gathering. The infamous Salon Kitty in Berlin's Giebachstrasse was the brainchild of the Deputy Reichsfuhrer SS, Reinhard Heydrich. The high-class brothel was set up to increase surveillance of foreign diplomats and visitors as well as to gather dossiers on the sexual indiscretions of Nazi party big-wigs and government guests.

Hand-picked girls were specially schooled in the arts of seduction to pry confidential information - as well as high fees - from their clients. Cameras were concealed in hollow walls and the luxuriously ornate bedheads were bugged with microphones that were cunningly placed to convey the most intimate of amorous whispers to the battery of listening posts and recording machines set up in the basement. But Salon Kitty proved an expensive investment whose 'sexpionage' value never lived up to Heydrich's expectations. Its recordings provided a great deal of bawdy entertainment for the SS listeners in the cellar but few significant political or diplomatic indiscretions were picked up by the time the outbreak of war reduced its usefulness. (pp. 241-242)

Black Propaganda: Sefton Delmer plays 'Der Chef

If the Axis efforts at using seductive female broadcasters to undermine the morale of Allied servicemen backfired completely, post-war evidence was to show that the intensive British and American efforts to turn sexually-loaded propaganda against the enemy met with no greater success.

Britain's 'black propaganda' was sponsored by the Government's Political Warfare Executive, which had been set up to counter Dr Goebbels' skilfully directed radio offensives. Stations were set up which purported to be broadcasting secretly from inside the Reich, run by various anti-Hitler groups. The German authorities' sophisticated direction-finders quickly identified them as an enemy propaganda operation and announced severe penalties for anyone caught listening to these unauthorized broadcasts. To attract an audience British stations often included salacious or pornographic material - a favourite theme was to broadcast the intimate details of the sexual eccentricities of Nazi officials or Hitler Youth Leaders.

The mastermind behind Britain's black sexual propaganda was Sefton Delmer, an Austrian expatriate who invented and played with great relish a tough Prussian character known as 'Der Chef'. Night after night he took to the airwaves to condemn the depravity and corruption of the Nazis. His scripts, a potent brew of patriotism and pornography, apparently attracted quite a following in Germany and Station GS-1, which was his identifying call-sign, was condemned by the German High Command for its 'quite unusually wicked hate propaganda'.

Nor were the Germans the only ones to complain about the diet of sex and sadism with which Der Chef was spicing up his reports of the Reich's administrative corruption and military bungling. A lurid account of an orgy broadcast by GS-1 in the summer of 1942, which supposedly related the graphic sexual acrobatics of a Kriegsmarine admiral, elicited a strong Foreign Office protest after the transmission had been picked up in Moscow. Sir Stafford Cripps, the austere British Ambassador to Russia, raised a bureaucratic storm about the propriety of such broadcasts. Delmer's chief submitted a retort that drew an interesting parallel about the way that the undercover war was being fought:

If the Secret Service were to be too squeamish, the Secret Service could not operate. We all know that women are used by them for purposes which we would not like our women to be used, but we say nothing. Has any protest ever been made? This is a war with the gloves off, and when I was asked to deal with black propaganda I did not try to restrain my people more than M. (the Head of the Secret Service) would restrain his, because if you are told to fight you just fight all out. I am not conscious that it has depraved me. I dislike the baser sides of human life as much as Sir Stafford Cripps does, but in this case moral indignation does not seem to be called for.

Delmer, who was described by his boss as 'a rare artist', was instructed to tone down the pornographic element of Der Chef's scripts, but was otherwise encouraged to continue his contribution to the black propaganda radio war with his gloves off. His artful exploitation of sexual themes was to find its way into the broadcasts made by the other 'secret' British wartime radio stations, such as the 'Atlantiksender' station, which beamed its transmissions to U-boat crews, and the various 'Soldatensenders', which broadcast news and music to German troops in Europe. Actual news was peppered with items reporting the scandalous sexual behaviour of Nazi party bosses with the wives of absent Wehrmacht troops; or revealing that Wassermann tests had shown that a large quantity of blood in German army field hospitals was contaminated with syphilis; or announcing the births of children to the wives of U-boat men who had not been on home leave for a year. These stations offered, like Tokyo Rose, plenty of music and a clever concoction of personal information and names of actual people gleaned from captured German sailors, soldiers, and airmen that was intended to upset the morale of the men at the front. They were reinforced by thousands of leaflets like those dropped over the French U-boat bases in 1943. These emphasized the high casualty rates in a captioned picture strip that stressed the awful suffering caused to seamen's widows and families in the fatherland.

Yet for all Delmer's acknowledged genius at inventing credible sexually-loaded propaganda - which was incorporated in the broadcasts made during the European campaign by Eisenhower's SHAEF psychological warfare teams - post-war evidence suggests that such broadcasts had little impact on Germany. As a leading member of Britain's wartime Political Warfare Executive put it: 'I am very dubious whether black propaganda, despite its brilliance in radio work, had any marked effect on the course of the war. It had to be so entertaining that it probably maintained morale!'

What is not disputed is that all the wartime broadcasts and sexually explicit leaflets had by their very nature initiated changes in Western society's definition of pornography. By exploiting sex as legitimate - and entertaining - content for propaganda, both the Allied and Axis powers may have unwittingly helped to initiate the shift in public attitude that permitted the explicit treatment of sex in post-war novels as well as the reinterpretation of the magazine publishing laws which made popular what came to be known as the 'Playboy Philosophy'. (pp. 244-247)

source: [url][/url]

wanna know more about apa yg eva paste tu.. click kat add tu..

[ Last edited by eva on 1-7-2004 at 12:09 AM ]

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