Post time 27-9-2017 06:41 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Benci tgk faz! Cantik nak mampos! Dunia ni mmg tak adil! Hahah. Tp seriously faz ni sejenis apa ekh. Pakai sempoi pun cantik je. Dress ni actually simple je tp nampak stunning sgt, without excess accessories bagai. Lovely sgt. Iols is jelly!
Post time 27-9-2017 06:47 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Apa pun status Fattzura skrg, seems like theyols ni mcm dlm fasa awal yg perasaan terasa di awang-awangan gitu. Agaknya tengah tido pun boleh tersengih sorg2 I'm so happy to see she happy :')
muke dah cramped... asyik tersengih since semalam... today tambah lagi... dapat 500 kuntum bunga pulak.... wowwwwwwwwww
to sum up fazura bithday celebration ..
Minta maaf tak share tadi chuols. Meols menikmati suasana..Tenung muka Faz puas2 simpan dalam memori. Meols fall in love with Faz alllllll over again.
Lagi pun meols pasti IG fattzura lain mesti akan buat live update
Post time 27-9-2017 08:23 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Happy fabulous birthday dearest Nur Fazura. You had been in a roller coaster ride for the past few years. Be it up or down, shine or rain, cry and laughter, your fazbulous warriors are always with you. Spread your wings, and fly higher but stay grounded and always be true to yourself (because being original is why we love you).
Post time 27-9-2017 08:36 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Pz ni pandai gak marketing sheolls... wlupun nmpk cm tk hype mcm Dato Alif or Dato Vida tpi pemilihan duta nmpk memihak pada sheolls. Slow n steady..
Even nyot nyot flawless Mike pun under puteri jugak.... nmpk menggalakkan jugak smbutan dia....