[SBS] Man from the stars [Kim Soo Hyun, Jeon Ji Hyun] PART 4 (Review: p 83)
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ayushuhada04 posted on 21-2-2014 11:24 AM
tu yg buatkan oppa suka kat SY...jujur dan suka berterus terang...
luahkan perasaan dia..tak kira ...
Cter pasal se mi ni bole berasap telinga ngn hidung. Haha! |
ayushuhada04 posted on 21-2-2014 11:39 AM
aah...agak pendek sikit....dlm 57 minit jer..
ermm...yg lion kata tu...ayu tk perasan le pulak. ...
Ooo...btul la pendek sikit ep ni.
Terbaca kt soompi tp sane kan lg berpage2 so tak sempat nak belek satu2 la...huhu |
kalo laa ending mcm gini 
After much thought, here's a scenario I thought of: WHAT IF....
MJ & SY did have a one night of love as the desperation of separation is looming near and MJ just doesn't care about the consequences anymore. Then one day, DMJ just doesn't show up anymore. He may have disappear like in the vision (but in actuality he's coming back as a human-self). SY then later found out that she's pregnant, is heart broken but continue to live her life treasuring the gift MJ left behind for her. She's still very good friend with HK, he tried again to propose to her when he found out she's pregnant to protect her but she refuses. Then one day (don't know how long) MJ came back looking for SY as a "new" man. He waited for her at her place and got nervous when she's approaching so he hides in a corner somewhere and see that she was joking a laughing with HK, and she's walking with a little girl (or boy)....and in his eyes they look like a beautiful family. Heart-broken MJ couldn't face her anymore and is devastated. He continue secretly following her around because he's so love-sick and missing her. And one of those time, she thought she saw someone that looked just like him (when it really is him). She was elated and in a panic manner trying to chase him down, calling out his name. He turns around to face her but pretends like he doesn't know who she is and that she got the wrong person. But SY was not fooled, then out from behind her came the little girl (or boy) and immediate jump into his arms calling him "daddy! you came back for us just like what mom says". MJ had tears and shock in his eyes looked at SY for a long time while hugging the child tightly. SY would look at him with tears in her eyes and said...."you know how long I waited for you, you bad, bad man". Than ran over to him and kiss him passionately (kikikiki, my wish inserted here). "You're never going to leave my side again, ever, araso?" We later found out she had all their precious pictures display all over the house and she would tell stories to the kid about who their father is and where he come from. And we get an explanation why and how he turned human.
Then we see some hilarious family bliss with even more kids running amuck and at night they climb into bed with each other. MJ look intently at her and said "I think we should make another baby". SY will be like "what? 5 is not ENOUGH for you???" And then MJ is like, "didn't I said 7 to you before?" And she's like, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING!!!" Then he gave her a wide grin. SY smiled up at him and told him to say it to her again and he said "aren't you tired of it after all these years?" And she impishly look at him and said "nope, NEVER!"...he smiled down at her sweetly and said "Saranghe Song Yi-ahh".....and he swoop down for the last kiss....................THE END.
cess posted on 21-2-2014 11:42 AM 
part ni mmg sgt2 terharu ler kan..
baru ler SY tau....yg sebenarnya oppa dh lama suka kat dia..
sblm SY suka kat oppa.....
cess posted on 21-2-2014 11:49 AM 
kalo laa ending mcm gini
After much thought, here's a scenario I thought of: WHAT IF... ...
ok gak ending mcm ni kan cess....
harap2 mcm ni le hendaknya...

ayushuhada04 posted on 21-2-2014 11:59 AM 
part ni mmg sgt2 terharu ler kan..
baru ler SY tau....yg sebenarnya oppa dh lama suka kat dia..
ayu...biasa laa approach laki ni kan beza ngn pompuan..mcm kite ni suka je nk luahkann..mcm laki ni lebih suka tunjuk dari segi cara dia banding luah2 nih..tu yg makin kite terharuu tu ngn oppa..
cess posted on 21-2-2014 11:52 AM
cess prasann...dari ari tu lagik tgk uols mmg berbuluu je ngn SeMi
cess pon sama...muka SeMi n ...
Haha...that obvious heh. Mmg la berbulu ade ke dia nak sama kan liga dia ngn sy. Reflect balik la Kenapa sy tu berjaya mcm tu, walaupun jatuh masih ramai support dia... |
lionsleepin posted on 21-2-2014 11:45 AM 
Cter pasal se mi ni bole berasap telinga ngn hidung. Haha!
tu le psl....dengki sokmo Se Mi tu kat SY ek..
ntah apa ler hati busuk sgt....dia terpengaruh dgn mak dia sendiri...
lionsleepin posted on 21-2-2014 11:47 AM 
Ooo...btul la pendek sikit ep ni.
Terbaca kt soompi tp sane kan lg berpage2 so tak sempat nak b ...
biasa pun dlm 59 minit....cite ni mmg tk sampai 1 jam pun..
tp kali ni mmg 2 minit kurangnya....
harap2 nti ending akan lebih berbaloi ler
cess posted on 21-2-2014 12:05 PM 
kat soompi cess baca...rasanyaa produksi sana pon rajin jgk skodeng kat situ..tu yg ada jgk part t ...
ohh kisahnya yer...ermm..harap2 ler kan...ending mcm ni le ..
at least oppa balik semula ke bumi...kiranya oppa berkorban ler kan..
sbb klu balik semula ke bumi...tkde power lg..hanya jd manusia biasa..
oppa rela jer..yg penting oppa dpt bersama SY...
wpun ada part2 yg agak sedey....tp akhirnya nti akan terjawab juga..
wah..best le cess..best ending mcm tu 
lionsleepin posted on 21-2-2014 12:06 PM 
Haha...that obvious heh. Mmg la berbulu ade ke dia nak sama kan liga dia ngn sy. Reflect balik la ...
sdgkann pekeje under SY pon masih lagii teringat keje ngn SY..betapaa laa dia leh folo..padan muka Semi..
paling obvious masa ex manager dia tu tutup radio tu...hahaha
ayushuhada04 posted on 21-2-2014 12:08 PM 
biasa pun dlm 59 minit....cite ni mmg tk sampai 1 jam pun..
tp kali ni mmg 2 minit kurangnya.. ...
cess kann dari semlm lagi tgk cite nih rasa mcm eh cepat nya abes..betapa nk lamaa lagik 
hahah sbb cara penceritaan dia tuu buatkan kite dok focus..and tak jemuu dok tgk..xde satu apa pon kite nk skip kann |
cess posted on 21-2-2014 12:25 PM 
cess dh mcm hepi sket nih kalo ending mcm ni ayu...
mengharapkann writer terima idea mcm ...
ayu pun rasa lega sgt2 ler klu ending mcm ni cess..
harap2 writer leh fikir mcm ni ler...cuma kasi olah agar nampak lebih real le kan...
apa2 pun...mmg nampak okay 
cess posted on 21-2-2014 12:26 PM 
cess kann dari semlm lagi tgk cite nih rasa mcm eh cepat nya abes..betapa nk lamaa lagik
ha ...
tu le kan..
ayu tgk mmg cite ni kejap...
ayu lagi ler rasa lega..sbb dh le tgk masa waktu keja kan...
tp ok ler..tkder gangguan langsung..cepat je habis..
tapi arini ni x der pun muka bokja, bokja kan minat giler dgn DMJ. pas tu org dh heboh2 pasal DMJ dgn superpower dia , mesti die pun tau sekali & x sangka org yg dia suka tu bf song yi.

Last edited by ruhanizza on 21-2-2014 12:49 PM
ayushuhada04 posted on 21-2-2014 12:08 PM
biasa pun dlm 59 minit....cite ni mmg tk sampai 1 jam pun..
tp kali ni mmg 2 minit kurangnya.. ...
2 min je beza? Haha...rase macam ep ni pendek. Hehe... |
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