Originally posted by airahthislove at 20-4-2009 15:37
CTP hardsub all parts already update at page 7....
komawo airah ssi
me dh abes dl sume n br lps abes tgk
xmenahan lwk tol part yadonghae tu
ske2 je ajusshi tu taww
xbek tuduh hae camtu
die insan inesen gitu
mntk2 CTP jemput dorg lg lengkap 13-13 sume ade *amin*
wahahahahha~~ tlg la abesung neh...mmg die neh plg weird la kalo heenim tader
adekah die subset kpt heenim
aku baru abis tgk CTP tuh... terasa impress jap.. sebab mase takder sub tuh aku le paham aper diorg ckp.. aku .. adakah my hangul improve... jinjja... part yesung ngan hyuk & satu lagi pasal yadonghae wakkakaa... aku riso salah huraian... at least kat situ akunyer pemahaman hampir 90% betul.. sonsaengnim!!!!!! na charaejyo!! mian boosting jap ekekekek .. tapi sonsaengnim slalu ckp klu nak improve languange kena tgk drama... tapi aku ckp aku suke tgk variety show akakaka.. dia kata veriety show suke guna bahasa pasar wkakakakak
actually hari tuh mase aku nek train ngan kia.. aku dok bayangkan letak iklan nih kat star... mase tuh ada iklan pasal art show kat KLCC... tapi aku dok bayangkan poster suju ekekekek... MYSJ tak nak wat ker? klu diorg wat aku nak join.. bagi contribution... bangga siot klu jumpa gambo suju kat mesia nih... jinjja!!!
aku ada terpikir nak wat sticker gambo suju nih kat keta... nak letak kat cermin belakang kete ekekkeke...tak pun tulisan jer.. I LOVE SUPER JUNIOR ekekkeke
[ Last edited by miss_mulan77 at 20-4-2009 21:54 ]
xdela bz mane..ekeke..
td pn xwat ape pn...bohsan gilos
ko tao,da kul 1 pn xde org g mkn g....siap time tu ad diskasen pasal journal g...berapi jew ak
da la ak tdo lmbt......bgn kene awl sbb ak berulang dr kl sban
pehtu ak wat2 g toilet....ekeke...
ape g....duk dlm surau tdo ngan nyenyaknye....seb bek ad org msk surau tu...terjage gak ak...klu x,alamat selamat r ak duk dlm tu
membe ak tu bz kot~
cube mung tgk kat ramen soup nye porem..rasenye yg yoona tu ad...if xde,ak kasi link mf..hehe*manyak sgt part*
the pdnims wrote notes to youngwoon on chinchin's site, posted together with these pictures. i won't be translating the notes but i'm translating the last paragraph of the post, it's what they want to tell us.
everyone, our kang DJ
please give him your support no matter where he is what he's doing
till the day kang DJ return again (to radio)
please watch over him
[090420/Kangin] Kangin & Yoonji will leave WGM on May 3rd
Basically, the article said that Kangin & Yoonji and the other 3 couples will leave WGM on May 3rd because of the low rating of the show. They will begin to promote 2 new couples on the episode on April 27th, a person in charge said that besides promoting 2 new couples, they also will change the concept and the format of WGM
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits
omo dh abes jd dj...pehtu show ni pon stop
kire die berlakon drama je la skang dgn pomot 3rd jib
[090420/Eunhyuk] Super Junior Eunhyuk "I want to sing Bang ShiHyuk's unreleased song"
Super Junior has revealed that they want to sing Composer Bang Shihyuk's unreleased song "30 minutes ago".
Super Junior Eunhyuk has directly asked Bang Shihyuk when he was the guest on the radio show "Super Junior's Kiss the radio season 2" on April 19th.
"30 minutes ago" is the last song in the Bang Shihyuk's 3-song series about parting after Baek Jiyoung's "Like being hit by a bullet" and 8ight's "Without a heart". "Like being hit by a bullet" is about parting's moment, "Without a heart" is about after parting and "30 minutes ago" is the story about right before parting.
Eunhyuk and Leeteuk said they wanted to hear the song so Bang Shihyuk had willingly sung the song's chorus part. Eunhyuk liked the song so much so he asked Bang Shihyuk to let him sing the song if no-one hasnt owned it yet.
After the radio broadcast ended, Bang Shihyuk said "I feel honored if Super Junior could sing it"
original article is here
translated by [email protected]
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits
Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 20-4-2009 21:52
actually hari tuh mase aku nek train ngan kia.. aku dok bayangkan letak iklan nih kat star... mase tuh ada iklan pasal art show kat KLCC... tapi aku dok bayangkan poster suju ekekekek... MYSJ tak ...
korg siap berangan nk poster suju dlm star ehh
tp mmg jinjja bangge la kalo kt mesia ade wat
terharu wei kalo me terjumpe poster suju kt ipoh
tp xpnh2 jumpe melainkan kedai jual kaset
kalo ko nk wat sticker suju..letakla muke dorg yg gojes tu br pueh ati
nnt kalo nk wat tempah utk me skali