Today`s show is super excellent, Jerry is great, Fans are great.
F4interact very well tonight. Jerry smiles and plays with F3 happily.They finally say hello to Hong Kong fans, Thai fans and Korean fanstonight. When Jerry says `Hello, fans from Hong Kong, how are you?` inCantonese, I scream loud.
Jerry wears the white shirt with alittle blink blink tie when singing One Meter and Close your eyestonight. Jerry looks super super super gorgeous with the white shirt.Tonight, after singing One Meter, Jerry acts that he hurt his righthand and is frustrated (the same story of Starlit) He stands in frontof the piano, however he can`t play the piano anymore. Jerry is verysad and then sings Close your eyes. His voice is touching and allaudiences sing along with him. And I cry again... After singing thesong, Jerry says Thank You in Japanese.
At the final part of Youare Only my persistence, Jerry and Vic hug and Jerry intends to lift upVic, but Vic refuses .. so funny.
There is a part which F4present their thanks and feelings of the concert. Jerry thanks toaudiences sincerely and lastly he says `We are always F4` tonight ...Oh I am touched what he said. F4 always in the heart of Jerry, F3 arealways his best friends, Jerry always take care of F3... Afterward theysing `Goodbye`and lots of memories come up to my mind ... I can`t holdmy tears anymore.
I enjoy all the shows very very very much.
Ihave to thank God as I have a good friend accompany with me to join F4Japan Tour. We laugh, we cry, we dance, we queue up for hours duringthe concert and we share our feelings on the bed and have a pair of bigpanda eyes in every morning.
I have to thank God as I have Thai Fans as my friends. Wherever and whenever we meet, they are very very very nice to me.
I have to thank God as I have Indonesian Fans as my friends to support Jerry together.
Ihave to thank God as I have Japanese Fans as my friends to help meduring F4 Japan Tour. And million thanks to Yoshiko who help us toarrange the flower baskets to the venue.
I have to thank God as I have a group of Hong Kong fans as my friends on the road of supporting Jerry.
Ihave to thank God as I have you all come to my website for these years.With your supports and encouragement. I have motivation and power tocarry on.
Jay Chou admires Jerry Yan's artistic personality, Saturday October 18, 2008 Taiwan
"Theartists I sign must have an artistic personality." Jay Chou spoke ofthe reason that attracted him to signed Jerry Yan under him, since JayChou has started his own company he has signed up Gary Yang and JerryYan who both have this same point of similarity, Jay Chou is alsolooking forward to working with "Violent Dragon" in dramas.
Concerninghow Jerry Yan is referred to as "Tortoise Hair" and "Hard To Please",Jay Chou has a different interpretation of it: "He has a lot of his ownviews, he has a lot of demands on some details, I can understand thisbeing a Capricorn, he has the personality of an artist." yet heexpressed that Jerry Yan shouldn't reject people calling him "ViolentDragon", Jay Chou said: "His performance in "Meteor Garden" was verycolourful, for people to call him Violent Dragon, it means he was verysuccessful in his acting in the drama."
In the new album"Capricorn", Jay Chou challenged the duet he did with Fei Yu Qing witha "man to man duet" with Gary Yang called "Wandering Poet", plus mixingthe duet with Mandarin and Taiwanese produced a fresh effect. Jay Chouexpressed that next he hopes to work with Jerry Yan in dramas, he said:"Jerry Yan's performance in dramas is a bit more popular, he can evenbreak into the foreign markets."
Jay Chou clarified for thethird time the rumours with Jiang Yu Chen, he said: "If there's nothingthen you have to clear it up." He indicated the reason for being singleright now: "The main problem is time, I feel that I shouldn't beputting my efforts into love right now, I'll wait until after my careergets to the peak, I'll consider getting a girlfriend with "marriage asa premise". But before that, I'll reserve the right to make friends."
Mentioningthe popularity of Tanaka Chie who was the female lead in the "CommonJasmin Orange" MV, Jay Chou said: "In order to help her, I helpedrecommend "Cape No 7" ages ago, recently I've seen a big improvement inher Chinese, when we were filming the MV, we couldn't communicate atall."
Regarding the success of "Cape No 7", Jay Chou said: "Ihear that it's been out for many weeks but there are still lots ofpeople queuing up to buy tickets, it's really touching." Seeing thereports about how difficult it was for director Te-Shen We to get thefilm started, "Director Chou" has been getting numerous invites, it isestimated that "Secret 2" will start filming at the end of next year,he said: "Compared to that I'm really fortunate, but I hope that on aday when someone looks for me to film a movie, as long as it's onlydirecting and not acting, that'll show that my directing has been trulyacknowledged."
wow!lot of gitfs from Jerry's fans, to what i understand from googletranslation, his hotel room in Japan is full of gifts, a total of 8large gift boxes & Jerry had to pay for excess baggage charges.
I think yesterday's news was released by JVR. It was reported that Jerry has gone back to TW after the concerts. He had received over 8 boxes of special gifts from fans in Japan. He reminded staff to take good care of the gifts, as he brought them all back to TW, so he needed to pay $20,000 extra fee for the luggage. During his 1-month stay in Japan, Jerry either worked out in the gym or rehearsed for the concerts. When he stayed in the hotel, he ate buckwheat noodles day after day. When he went out, he loved noodles again, but this time is ramen. He was able to go from one ramen-noodle restaurant to another.