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Author: bianglala

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 05:24 PM | Show all posts

best jugak. rasa nak joget je. m.nasir handsome.


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 05:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-4-2015 06:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kubah masjid ditengah sawah

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Post time 22-4-2015 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 22-4-2015 04:48 PM
a.ah... tapi kat johor takde kes ribut kan...

Alhamdulillah xde ribut. Hujan lebat je

Tmpt lala ada ribut x

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Post time 22-4-2015 06:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 22-4-2015 04:53 PM
sangat sedap.. kita pun suka tomyam.. pembuka selera... makan dengan bihun pun okay. cuma tak keny ...

Bila sahur ni lg selera lauk berkuah dgn nasi panas. X reti sahur mkn nasi lauk kering

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 07:06 PM | Show all posts
tari replied at 22-4-2015 06:39 PM
Kubah masjid ditengah sawah

terima kasih tari, kongi gambar.. apa sejarah di sebalik kubah masjid ni..


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 07:06 PM | Show all posts
tari replied at 22-4-2015 06:53 PM
Bila sahur ni lg selera lauk berkuah dgn nasi panas. X reti sahur mkn nasi lauk kering

tu la.. kita tatau nak sahur apa esok ni.. cadang nak beli burger je karang.


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 07:07 PM | Show all posts
tari replied at 22-4-2015 06:46 PM
Alhamdulillah xde ribut. Hujan lebat je

Tmpt lala ada ribut x

sabtu malam ahad hari tu, kuat jugak angin.. takde la sampai tahap terbang bumbung rumah, cuma signboard banyak senget, pokok tumbang.


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 07:12 PM | Show all posts
... kejap je lagi 56 hari.

Hanya tinggal 56 hari lagi untuk kita bertemu Ramadhan. Bagaimana dengan persiapan kita untuk menyambutnya pada tahun ini?

Semoga Allah menjadikan kita salah seorang daripada hambaNya yang berkesempatan untuk bertemu bulan yang mulia ini.


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Post time 22-4-2015 08:18 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 22-4-2015 04:28 PM
wanderlusttt.. hehe.. cantik sangat.. kita suka tengok passport stamp tu. mengingatkan kita pada t ...
kena awetkan dulu baru frame..hehe..

nantilah kita tunjuk kat elle cover journal tu
I would loveee to see the cover journal...


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Post time 22-4-2015 08:19 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 22-4-2015 04:23 PM
kita pun tatau nak cakap dan tak paham jugak.. sebab macam elle jugak, mesti nak kena memikir dulu ...
tapi kalau tulis surat guna kod rahsia tu ada la.. hehe..
guna kod rahsia macam mana ye? yang I tahu magic pen yang ada invisible ink tu je kalau kita taknak orang baca apa kita tulis.....

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Post time 22-4-2015 08:24 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 22-4-2015 01:45 PM
hehe.. tamo la.. sian plak dia.. dia ngantuk sgt..
masa berckp dia bleh tertdo.. dkt 1/2 jam gak ...
reallyy ke boleh dengar boyfriend's breathing whilst he sleeping through phone.??...

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Post time 22-4-2015 08:39 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 21-4-2015 11:37 PM
a'ah eh.. apa kata lawan untuk sifat manja.... berdikari? hehe. tiba-tiba kita pun ketidaktahuan.  ...
kata lawan untuk manja--> tak manja.... lol..     Biang setuju ke dengan semua point tentang anak bongsu tu? hehe...

actually bagi I betul semua pernyataan tu..  cuma yang tang pujuk tu I tak sure pandai pujuk ke tak..itu kena tanya si dia... hehe..kalau bab manja tu memang dari kecik tak berenggang dengan Umi... my sister kata I masa kecil tak banyak cakap,senyap je tengok orang buat kerja.. tapi mana Umi pergi I akan ikut...kalau umi ke dapur I akan ke dapur..umi baca surat khabar I pun baca surat khabar...umi lipat baju I pun akan duduk kat sebelah tengok umi lipat baju...

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Post time 22-4-2015 08:48 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 19-4-2015 09:46 PM
Elle, tengok ni...  Elle mesti banyak buku panduan menjahit kan.. orang ni jual satu s ...
tak la banyak..ada beberapa buah je buku menjahit... last week tambah sebuah buku lagi, kita beli buku pola..orang yg kat group menjahit buat...

yang Biang tunjuk tu mahal kan nota dia...  RM45 untuk satu fesyen baju... huhu..not sure harga tu dah include postage ke tak..

kalau murah sikit boleh juga beli untuk extra notes...  


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Post time 22-4-2015 08:52 PM | Show all posts
rasa macam nak buka thread pasal review buku jahitan je....I search takde pula thread pasal ni lagi...tapi rasa lazy la nak taip..


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Post time 22-4-2015 08:55 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 22-4-2015 08:19 PM
guna kod rahsia macam mana ye? yang I tahu magic pen yang ada invisible ink tu je kalau kita taknak ...

guna kod rahsia.. misalnya huruf E = #. huruf L =>

so nama ELLE = #>>#.. hehe.. kalau nak pelik sikit, buat la bentuk apa-apa kod rahsia tu.


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 22-4-2015 08:48 PM
tak la banyak..ada beberapa buah je buku menjahit... last week tambah sebuah buku lagi, ...

yang elle beli tu, kira sebuah buku je la? satu berapa tu...

haa, yang kita jumpa tu, kalau masa diskaan pun sebuah buku RM30. kita ada amik satu gambar buku jahitan masa kita pergi kedai alat tulis. nanti check balik. memang cadang nak tunjuk kat Elle.


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2015 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 22-4-2015 08:39 PM
kata lawan untuk manja--> tak manja.... lol..     Biang setuju ke dengan semua point tentang anak b ...

pada kita pun boleh dikatakan semua betul.. tapi no.9 tu taklah..

cuba elle baca yang ni pulak. kita setuju dengan nombor 1, 3, 7 , 8 , 11 dan 12

12 Habits Every Youngest Child In The Family Carries Into Their 20s

1. They learn best by being mentored.Youngest children learned everything they know through imitation and this is blatantly obvious when they enter the work force. Walk them through the steps of a process and you’ll only confuse them. Sit them next to the most successful person in the office and they’ll be miracle workers by next Wednesday.

2. They show love by showing up.You know that friend who jumps on board with every crazy scheme and never misses one of your slam poetry readings? Probably a youngest child. We understood from a young age that love means going to every hockey game, dance recital, spelling bee and soccer practice…even if we only had to go because it was cheaper than hiring a babysitter.

3. But they have no problem doing things alone.Nobody wants to travel to Africa with me? That’s okay, I’ll just go by myself. Replace ‘Africa’ with ‘the Park’ and its third grade all over again.

4. They expect everyone to think that they’re younger than they are.Youngest children don’t have quarter-life crises: They’re too busy gloating in the fact that their older sibling just turned thirty. The tables are finally turned on who holds the more desirable age and the family baby loves to revel in their relative youth. ID-ing me at twenty-seven years old? Damn right you are. I’m youthful and I know it.

5. Socially however, they gravitate toward an older crowd.There is nothing more badass at age seven than hanging out with your twelve-year-old sister and her friends. Even as adults, youngest siblings often feel most comfortable around people who are slightly above their age bracket. It just makes them feel cool on some subconscious level.

6. They display a general disregard for the rules.Youngest siblings grew up with a general sense of “Nobody’s watching me TOO closely…” And took whatever liberties they could with that. As adults they have an innate sense of which rules are flexible and how to use the innocence card to their advantage. Any youngest child could probably finagle their way out of murder.

7. They have absolutely no fashion sense.Youngest kids survived off hand-me-down clothing, which means they never bothered keeping up with trends. This manifests in one of two ways in adulthood. They either neglect a sense of style and routinely pair skinny jeans with runners, or they overcompensate by becoming incredibly stylish and spending 80% of their income on shirts they only have to wear once. There is no in between.

8. They are super low maintenance in romantic relationships.Youngest kids don’t expect to be anyone’s first priority. They have their own stuff going on and expect that their partners do too. You forgot to text me back for four hours? No worries. One time my older siblings didn’t talk to me for fourteen years.

9. …But they love being the center of attention in social situations.Youngest children never stood out at home so they took every opportunity they could to harness recognition for themselves. Is the party growing dull? Don’t worry, I’m a youngest child. Attention is a novelty for me. Let me dance for you.

10. They understand that success is all about who you know.Most teachers either loved or hated the youngest sibling based on how their older siblings behaved in their class three years prior. This is a lesson they internalized growing up. Nobody can schmooze their way into jobs, opportunities and nightclubs quite like a youngest child.

11. There are several basic life skills that they will just never master.By the time the final child came around Mom and Dad were over those cute little “Learn to make dinner for yourself” sessions. As a result, the youngest sibling usually has one or two life skills that are grossly underdeveloped. Need to drive somewhere? Sorry, I never learned how. Take-out for the sixth time this week? Don’t mind if I do.

12. But when it comes to the big things, they’re unstoppable.Youngest children learned early on that nothing was going to be handed to them on a silver platter. If they wanted recognition they were going to have to fight for it, approximately three times as hard as everyone else. Which gives them a natural advantage in any situation. Nobody wants to be up against the unrelenting underdog that is the youngest sibling. Sorry big brothers and sisters of the world.


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Post time 22-4-2015 09:29 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 22-4-2015 07:06 PM
terima kasih tari, kongi gambar.. apa sejarah di sebalik kubah masjid ni..


cerita disebalik kubah yg terdampar kat sawah tu
lebih kurang gini [ikut penceritaan dari waris yg tinggal]

kubah tu adalah sebahagian dari masjid yg dilanda tsunami di kg berhampiran,
dihanyutkan air hingga ke kawasan gunung yg berhampiran. Difahamkan ketinggian air
waktu itu adalah setinggi pokok kelapa.

bila air surut kubah itu terdampar betul2 di atas sawah, sebagaimana yg kelihatan sekarang.
diberitakan juga didalam kubah tu ada 7 orang yg selamat.

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