Both of us are crying maybe i'm lying but still my heart is sighing.. why did u and i meet? we both sh0uld have stopped dis plan 0f deceit.. what phase was i going through to play a game dat wasn't true.. i was a l0ser i had t0 ch0ose y0ur happiness t0day 0r y0ur happiness t0m0rr0w.. f0r b0th, i g0t a tinge 0f s0rrow.. y0ur t0morr0w w0uld be better than n0w d0nt make me cry d0nt ask me h0w.. dis was my ch0sen fate dis is where i can't be late.. i kn0w i have been mean but with me, u will 0nly see a gl0omy scene.. 0ur j0urney is ending.. n0, i'm n0t pretending d0nt ask me why but n0w is the time i have g0t t0 say GOODBYE.... |