♥ HoMe oF MiLaNiaNS ♥ Mila - Journey To Bulgaria (May)
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Reply #463 aFViRGo's post
btul sgt2 tu afvirgo.....yang lain drg pakai normal jek...from what i see thru tv ah |
Reply #465 aFViRGo's post
Reply #461 aFViRGo's post
abe raso... org kecik molek ni, pakai corak besar-besar pun masih nampak comel.... nasib baik laaa hatta dolmat ni tak lagi nak buat baju ropol-ropol guna french lace bagai...
tp.. yg attract mata aku nih... kalung & gelinyah tu habib sponsor kaa?? merasa lahh mila oii... |
Reply #458 liah's post
Boleh...boleh...jom lah...join....kite hebah2kan aktiviti mila |
Originally posted by m8 at 31-3-2008 10:50 PM 
abe raso... org kecik molek ni, pakai corak besar-besar pun masih nampak comel.... nasib baik laaa hatta dolmat ni tak lagi nak buat baju ropol-ropol guna french lace bagai...
tp.. yg attract ...
Wah pandai ko bab pesen2 ni ye...aku satu habulk pon x reti pasal pesen2 nih... |
Originally posted by batunilam4a at 31-3-2008 11:00 PM 
Wah pandai ko bab pesen2 ni ye...aku satu habulk pon x reti pasal pesen2 nih...
nanti dah berbini, tau la ko batu.. skrg pun boleh belajar dari awekss... |
Reply #471 aFViRGo's post
iya laaa.. aku pun baru perasan daa... agaknya bodyguard yg ramai-ramai tu bukan nak jaga artis tp nak jaga brg sponsor Habib.. |
Reply #475 syari_khal's post
Thx syari_khal for the pix |
Reply #475 syari_khal's post
merasa laaa.. dpt gak tgk gambar cantik mila&DD.. thanx syari  |
Reply #475 syari_khal's post
MiDdy Comellll |
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