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Author: myst_leen

S.H.E (Selina.Hebe.Ella)

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Post time 31-7-2007 08:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #456 casper541's post

amboi leen n cas...sesi suai kenal nampak...akakakakaka....

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Post time 31-7-2007 08:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #459 myst_leen's post

penyebar virus ella ko ni ya..akakakaka...aku pun sama kat opis tadi...siap citer kat member tu...dio plak yg terover xcited tgk gossip ce yg terbaru....akakakkaka...
tapi memg tak dapat dinafikan ella memg cute banget....yg tak bestnya....kurus la ckit ella skrg ni...jgn la ella abaikan kesihatan dio ...huhuhuhu...

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Post time 31-7-2007 08:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #460 casper541's post

sama la dgn aku ....bos cuti hari rasa cam enjoy la sikit....

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Post time 31-7-2007 08:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #451 myst_leen's post

ella dah mula sedar kot...skrg ni saper sebenarnya yg dio suka...dan plak tu memg ella dan dj tak sepadan...huhuhu...dan aku mula rasala...ella dah mual merindui masa shooting hanakimi..sbb aku rasa byk kenangan manis dio dan chun...siap bleh cipta lagu lagi...hehehhe...memg misteri tullll

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Post time 31-7-2007 09:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #461 errasazza's post


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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 10:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #460 casper541's post

huhuh..sempat jgk pulun kat opis tu aku paham ..memang tensen sket kalau kerja sambil belajar ni ..sebab banyak menda nak kena buat ..plak tu masa pun agak takper..Insyaallah boleh punyer...jia you!

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #461 errasazza's post

ekekeke...saje memeriahkan topik sama ..huhu.

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 10:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #462 errasazza's post

wakaka..biasala..ko kan tau aku memang die hard fan ella..wakaka...kalau ade kesempatan , memang aku akan perkenalkan S.H.E ni kat member dan sedara aku yg minat dengan hiburan asia ni ..huhuh..tuh laa..tadi aku tertanya2 gak masa ko ym aku dan ckp nak tjk gambo ce kat member ko ..ehehe..dia dah start tgk hanakimi ke lum ? ekeke..skang ni nampaknyer demam ce dah mula tersebar balik ...

a'ahh..ella makin dia makin cantik aku rasa..cuma sebab muka dia tak cengkung mana...

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 31-7-2007 10:11 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2007 10:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #464 errasazza's post

yup ..ella dah sedar aku rasa..yg sebetulnyer ella dan dj ni tak pernah ade hbg ..mcm yg aku ckp ..aku rasa ni percaturan HIM tak tau la kan ..but it seems yg telahan kita betul jer..tgk la..elok2 je chun habis shooting rp ..terus kesah ella dan dj pun tertutup ..harap2 jgn ade yg gali balik pas ni ..huhuh..tuh laa..aku heran tul ..asal bila tiba turn selina dan hebe nyanyikan lagu ciptaan dia utk hanakimi jer..dia terus malu2 siap tutup muka..padahal masa nyanyikan lagu2 lain ciptaan dia..ella siap ikut nyanyi sama..huhuh..sure la ade something yg buat ella malu ..aku pun rasa dia duk ingat saat2 manis dia dengan chun masa diorang shooting hanakimi sesama..huhu..

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Post time 31-7-2007 11:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #466 myst_leen's post

pulun2 pun smpt gak jengah forum ni...hehehhee

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Post time 31-7-2007 11:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #468 myst_leen's post

dah tgk tapi separuh je la...hehehe...siap nak pinjam cite tu...akakaka....tapi bila aku kasi tgk gambo yg ko kasi tu...punya le terkejut kawan aku tu...siap bleh ckp lagi....memg really kapel je....hehehhee...aku ckp komen...hehehe...dan bila aku tunjuk koleksi gambo CE...lagi la terkezut di buatnya...hehehee...aku buat promosi besar2 an ni...hehehehe...

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Post time 31-7-2007 11:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #469 myst_leen's post

aku rasa la leen...HIM cam nak meriahkan balik gossip CE ni...sbb tak lama lagi nak shooting HK takut gak nnt chemistry CE tak real...tapi aku rasala...chun lagi enjoy berlakon dgn ella...sbb aku tgk lakonan chun cam hidup je masa berlakon hana kimi..tak kaku langsung...compaer yg chun berlakon dlm tokyo juliet...teruja gak nak tgk citer romantic princess...agaknya kaku tak chun dlm citer tu...sbb aku tgk cara chun kiss angela pun cam tak de perasaan je...muka pun tak nampak sangat blushingnya....huhuhu....tak macam chun kiss ella...ketara dan malu2 je...

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 Author| Post time 1-8-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #471 errasazza's post

ehehehe..kira ko pun memang penyebar virus CE yg agak berjaya .huhuh..bagus..mari kita sesama sebarkan lagi virus nii .. tuh la pasal ..hampir semua org yg tgk gambo CE  akan kata diorang nampak cam real couple ..sebab teramat sweet sangat interaction diorang berdua ni kan ..dan nampak genuine..senyuman dan mata diorang tu yg buat kita rasa macam tu ...ekekeke..aku laks kat tempat aku ni ..ermss..rakan2 kerja aku takde yg minat citer taiwan , korea dan jepun ni ..hehehe..kalau tak leh promote gak..huhu..

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 Author| Post time 1-8-2007 09:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #472 errasazza's post

aku pun rasa macam tu jugak ..skang ni aku rasa berdebar sket sebab takde apa2 berita lagi pasal hanakimi 2 ni ..jgn dibuat tak jadi karang , dah la.memang menangis tak berlagu la kalau takde..huhuh..apa yg buat aku agak yakin sangat ni percaturan HIM ..sebab nyer masa ella memula nak announce pasal DJ kat tv for the first time ..time tu aku perasan selina dan hebe pun tak ceria sama..terutama hebe..bukan ella sorang je..yg ella pun keberatan nak berciter pasal dj ni ..but now ..uhukss..ko tgk lum press conference dia kat singapore yg dia ckp lam english ..being paused,paused , almost stop . lepas tu dia pura2 nangis2..then hebe dan selina pun gelak2..nampak giler diorang happy satu beban dah terlepas..dah tu ketiga2 diorang laks pura2 nangis ..hehehe..adess..ekeke.. ni aku letak klip tu kalau ko nak tgk.

kalau si ella ni bebetul bercinta dengan dj tu kan ..takkan la dia happy macam ni masa nak ckp dia dan dj stopped. hurm ..tu yg aku rasa diorang terpaksa jadi boneka HIM utk seketika masa nak umumkan pasal hal DJ tu ..aku dah lupa kat mana klip masa ella for the first time nak ckp pasal dj kat tv..kalau jumpa klip tu aku akan letak balik kat sini ..nampak sangat la ketara perbezaan antara dua klip tu ..satu klip happy ..satu klip sedeh...

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2007 06:26 AM | Show all posts

S.H.E performs@Singapore Fun Party Concert

Part 1

whoaaa!!! diorang nyanyi live bestt gilerr..walau pun hari tu ella demam selsema dapat jugak dia perform dengan bestt...dalam klip pertama ni diorang nyanyi boom dengan mayday ..huhuh..ella tetap bertenaga masa menari ..then masa nyanyi mayday  pun dapat kontrol suara lagi ..cuma dedekat last dia terpaksa paling ke belakang sebab dah selsema teruk sangat..but then fans tau dan tetap bagi sokongan .

Part 2

ni diorang nyanyi lagu jie kou jugak ..erkss..seriously ..ella rap secara live memang erks..tak tau nak ckp camner..mmg bebetul best..huhuh..suara selina dan hebe pun best .. cuma aku terkagum lebih kat ella sebab walau pun sakit2 dia tetap buat yg terbaik ..

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Post time 2-8-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Hebe Extraordinaire Dad hands of kites

Hebe look happy, living in the woods miss home father.
&#24373;&#26707;&#35488;&#25885;<br />  &#22294;&#29255;: 1 / 1
ZHANG Huan Tsang perturbation <br /> Photo : 1 / 1

-Dad (front row from left), Tin Dad, Tian Ma, Ma and Chen Ma - (back rowfrom left), Mr Dad, Jay, Faith in the Wake of Christians concert photo.

Ihave a great love of my father, when my family is not rich, but I toldDad that I wanted to learn the piano, The next day I was in the houseto see a brand-new piano, then two times a week, 30 minutes fatherriding car, I set out to study piano.

Duringhigh school, her father lost money in real estate investments for oursmall house half, but I was obsessed with a song in English, the UnitedStates would like to go to school, a day my Dad give me a kraft paperbag and found to contain 10 million in cash. the money is to let meleave the country.

&#25237;&#36039;&#25151;&#22320;&#29986;&#34407;&#37666;<br />  &#21407;&#26412;&#29240;&#29240;&#24456;&#21453;&#23565;&#25105;&#36914;&#28436;&#34269;&#22280;&#65292;&#20294;&#30070;&#25105;&#25171;&#21253;&#22909;&#34892;&#26446;&#65292;&#35201;&#38626;&#38283;&#26032;&#31481;&#30340;&#23478;&#21040;&#21488;&#21271;&#30332;&#23637;&#26178;&#65292;&#20182;&#36319;&#25105;&#35498;&#65306;&#12300;&#23601;&#31639;&#20320;&#20197;&#24460;&#19981;&#21463;&#27489;&#36814;&#65292;&#35352;&#24471;&#23478;&#23601;&#26159;&#22963;&#26368;&#22823;&#30340;&#20381;&#38752;&#65292;&#23601;&#31639;&#21507;&#31232;&#39151;&#65292;&#25105;&#20063;&#26371;&#25226;&#22963;&#39221;&#39165;&#12290;
Realestate investment and lost money <br /> originally opposed to myfather into showbiz, but when I packaged good luggage. Hsinchu to leavehome to Taipei, he said to me : "Even if you later unpopular, rememberto your home is the largest on, even eat porridge, I would Bani feed.
"Myfather used to say that I was his hands flying and let me fly highagain far from the US, but the lines in his hands, never broken; I willalways remember my father told me this sentence.
Oral plans for Wallace
Collation-elect Wu

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Post time 2-8-2007 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Ella obedient brother Shane guests

Ella share his brother's ignorance, filled as a sister's pride.
&#22294;&#29255;: 1 / 1
Photo : 1 / 1

Ella's brother, and her facial features similar.
"Next Magazine"

AndI almost 1-year-old brother, who we feel very good, but also to washbath together primary grade 4, grow up, we played together, until Ileft home, went to live in hostels trained to prepare the unit to thefirst album, a press conference, my brother and I separated a whole, hemet a crying whenever I said : "Sister, I am Xiangniannai.

&#25163;&#36275;&#28436;&#34269;&#22280;&#25171;&#25340;<br />  &#24351;&#24351;&#24456;&#20381;&#36084;&#25105;&#65292;&#20294;&#20182;&#20116;&#23560;&#30050;&#26989;&#21069;&#65292;&#20358;&#21488;&#21271;&#30050;&#26989;&#26053;&#34892;&#65292;&#29305;&#21029;&#25214;&#25105;&#21507;&#39151;&#65292;&#35201;&#32080;&#24115;&#26178;&#65292;&#20182;&#25569;&#33879;&#25105;&#30340;&#25163;&#21578;&#35380;&#25105;&#65306;&#12300;&#22986;&#65292;&#36889;&#38931;&#25105;&#35531;&#22963;&#12290;
Footshowbiz fight <br /> brother very dependent on me, but hegraduated from five before graduation to travel to Taipei, especiallyfor me to a meal, to foot the bill, he shook my hand, told me :"Sister, which I call to your Dayton.
"I also am grateful to this home pay, but now he's grown up, I want feedback, so I was very moved, I also think he matured.
Today,my brother and I with 000 in the circle of his behind the scenes work,and he often worked the staff came to me : "Close to your brother, ohvery seriously.
"I think that this is when my sister's gr

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Post time 2-8-2007 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Selina thanks to my mother tears Whirlwind

Selina and home mentioned human emotion and tears could not skyrocketed.
&#22294;&#29255;: 1 / 1
Photo : 1 / 1

Frommy parents and sister live in Tienmu several ping of 20 apartments, asa artist, the company arranged for us to living quarters, management isvery tight, and the house is secure, then I made wishes, one day I mustlet the family and I have as good a house can live.

&#28858;&#29238;&#27597;&#36023;&#38928;&#21806;&#23627;<br />  &#20837;&#34892;4&#24180;&#24460;&#65292;&#25105;&#26377;&#20102;&#19968;&#20123;&#31309;&#33988;&#65292;&#26044;&#26159;&#22312;&#32769;&#23478;&#38468;&#36817;&#65292;&#28858;&#20182;&#20497;&#36023;&#20102;&#38291;&#38928;&#21806;&#23627;&#12290;
Forparents to buy pre-sale housing <br /> recruits four years later,I had some savings, so in the vicinity of his home, for them buying astudio-home.
But I work super-busy, no time for planning and design house, and even into the house I was not in Taiwan.
At night, I received a call from the sister, she said : "Mom and Dad follow &#22963;&#35498; Thank you.
"I was crying out, because the children of the diplomatic allow parents to say thank you.
Our family is not rich, but sometimes think, because of my work, to improve the family's quality of life, it seems more circular, another parade trouble and we do not think hard.

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Post time 2-8-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts
mike n SHE


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Post time 2-8-2007 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Video clip:

Mike want is behind and i can't hear clearly want he said.

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