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Vassss replied at 20-3-2020 07:39 AM
Iols tgk bru smalam mo hapdet pomot single naqiu.apoo. Xde countdown kah
Naqiu jer pomot singl ...
Silap2 cik far tlg hapdet lagi byk dr heolls. Heolls sehari selepas single kuar baru bgtau single dah kuar. |

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Post time 20-3-2020 07:53 AM
From the mobile phone
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hikhokz47 replied at 20-3-2020 07:50 AM
Wakakakakakakk iols baru tau yachhhh adeyyy lynn suruh la laki chuols tu pegi gym sikit, sedih ten ...
But sheols bkn 1st wife yach...dasat ok hehehe |
Pennywise84 replied at 20-3-2020 06:30 AM
Poster byk2 dr same ig kt igs daddy tu sis lab la?
Heeee... btula tu |
Vassss replied at 20-3-2020 07:39 AM
Iols tgk bru smalam mo hapdet pomot single naqiu.apoo. Xde countdown kah
Naqiu jer pomot singl ...
Ituu lah tuuuu.. iolls pn mcm tiber dh kluar single.. teaser2 xde kee? Tu nseb bek nq rjen n pandai pomot.. harapan tinggi daddy begitu juaaa kerajinan tu.. |
Lab6700 replied at 20-3-2020 07:51 AM
harap peminat la pomot kot...
tapi kalau iols, iols tgk lu suara dedi caner, kalau ok baru pomot ...
iols pon bakalan malu2 nak pomot mengenangkan kisah heols lupa lirik di showcase, heh orang tua tu kekadang rasa nak luku2 pale heols, tapi sbb orang tua wajib dihormati iols akur |

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Post time 20-3-2020 07:55 AM
From the mobile phone
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TeropongGirl replied at 20-3-2020 07:52 AM
Dia ke menteri baru. Hahaha. Tak nak la iolls tgok video heolls workout
Heols la ganti dik tadiq chuols... |
TeropongGirl replied at 20-3-2020 07:52 AM
Dia ke menteri baru. Hahaha. Tak nak la iolls tgok video heolls workout
Kalau chuols nak tengok yg herlok tengok video shahril hamdan, tu siyezzz herlok iols membayangkan dedi buat camtuh yihhhh lazatnyahhhh |
kalau kamu tidak ingat, bonda kasi ingat..exercise pun mcm sedikit kelempok chuols..
Pennywise84 replied at 20-3-2020 07:53 AM
But sheols bkn 1st wife yach...dasat ok hehehe
Woww chuollss..gosip retis menteri sume dlm tgn chuolls yachhh..mne chuolsss tau gosip2 nih? Iols bru thu lyn tu wife heolsss.. iolss dok gua kot |
Pennywise84 replied at 20-3-2020 07:46 AM
Chuols pun tak dpt nk nasihat heols dh xleh g mesejid sesama.
sejak2 shooting cupid pastu corona dah lama iols tak jemaah dgn dedi, rindu yach tunggu heols berpeluh2 balik track terus gi mesjid |
Lab6700 replied at 20-3-2020 07:59 AM
kalau kamu tidak ingat, bonda kasi ingat..exercise pun mcm sedikit kelempok chuols..
Ok dah ingat... iols trauma tengok dedi lari... tapi kalau dedi pegi gym mungkin boleh diselamatkan yach kita kasi potong itu puting tajam |

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Post time 20-3-2020 08:04 AM
From the mobile phone
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hikhokz47 replied at 20-3-2020 07:57 AM
Kalau chuols nak tengok yg herlok tengok video shahril hamdan, tu siyezzz herlok iols membayangkan ...
Anak hekan work out lg herlok chuols...aummmm |

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Post time 20-3-2020 08:04 AM
From the mobile phone
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hikhokz47 replied at 20-3-2020 07:55 AM
iols pon bakalan malu2 nak pomot mengenangkan kisah heols lupa lirik di showcase, heh orang tua tu ...
Wajib dihormati dan dinikmati kah chuols? Wakakaka... |
Pennywise84 replied at 20-3-2020 08:04 AM
Anak hekan work out lg herlok chuols...aummmm
Ada video ke chuols ? Jgn bagi yg heols kebelakang tu iols tak selera wakakakakak |

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Post time 20-3-2020 08:05 AM
From the mobile phone
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Lab6700 replied at 20-3-2020 07:59 AM
kalau kamu tidak ingat, bonda kasi ingat..exercise pun mcm sedikit kelempok chuols..
Vid ni pn menjadi cercaan ummah GV chuols...asalan ayat daddy kelempok pn dr mulut hangsuang deyols... |
Lab6700 replied at 20-3-2020 07:51 AM
harap peminat la pomot kot...
tapi kalau iols, iols tgk lu suara dedi caner, kalau ok baru pomot ...
Suara daddy sure best k.. iolss lovee suara heolss.. just mse perform live je suke lupe lirik lari tempo sume tuuu.. hanya harapan lagu yittuuu best n kena dgn daddyyy..  |
Belbelly replied at 20-3-2020 08:01 AM
Woww chuollss..gosip retis menteri sume dlm tgn chuolls yachhh..mne chuolsss tau gosip2 nih? Iols ...
Khennnn iols pon baru tau yach, penny ibarat arkib gosip retis yach |

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Post time 20-3-2020 08:07 AM
From the mobile phone
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Belbelly replied at 20-3-2020 08:01 AM
Woww chuollss..gosip retis menteri sume dlm tgn chuolls yachhh..mne chuolsss tau gosip2 nih? Iols ...
Dah lama la gosipan ni chuols...anak2 sheols dgn tok menteri pn dh besar |
hikhokz47 replied at 20-3-2020 07:57 AM
Kalau chuols nak tengok yg herlok tengok video shahril hamdan, tu siyezzz herlok iols membayangkan ...
Wah. Boleh tahan yach heolls. Iolls tak leh membayangkan kalau dedi buat begini. Chuolls gi la bgtau dedi pasal challenge ni suruh heolls buat. Mana tau rezeki nanti direpost oleh menteri ke, kbs ke. Boleh jadi ikon gaya hidup sihat. Iolls tolong reka lagi jawatan ni untuk dedi |
Lab6700 replied at 20-3-2020 07:59 AM
kalau kamu tidak ingat, bonda kasi ingat..exercise pun mcm sedikit kelempok chuols..
Takpe chuolls janji lajuuuuu heolls lari |
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