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Author: errasazza

Jerry Yan F4

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Post time 27-6-2008 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Tak de ke plan nak berlakon ngan Barbie, heroin yg sesuai

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Post time 28-6-2008 12:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #441 limau's post

  hik3 setakat nih lum ada rumors lg...

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Post time 28-6-2008 12:04 PM | Show all posts
credits:amber29 & Xiafurong@

*** foto kat atas nih...tuk F4 JaPAN TOUR 2008 ...nih foto diorang berempat

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Post time 8-7-2008 10:09 AM | Show all posts
posted by [email protected]

July 8, 2008
TW Apple Daily

Jerry filming a new commercial

Yesterday,Jerry was spotted filming commercial with Gui Lun Mei in TW at a propbus station. At the scene, Jerry was wearing wireless/clip-onheadphones and then Gui Lun Mei appeared at the bus station with a MP3.It was suspected to be a MP3 commercial. In front of the camera, theydidn't make any eye contact, but behind the camera, they acted familiarwith each other. It should be because after filming The Hospital withDai Li Ren, the three have established some kind of friendship. ThroughJVR, Jerry indicates, "Have known Gui Lun Mei since before, but didn'thave any opportunity to work with her."

Regarding details of thecommercial, JVR's PR coordinator, Zhang Lan Yun, answered in lowprofile, "Details of the contract can't be released due to agreement."She only replied that Jerry is busy filming Stardust and he justreturned to TW from Shanghai last week. With a break in filming, hefilmed a commercial. At the site, whenever he went, an assistant (XiaoQiu) followed him with an umbrella, totally display of superstar'streatment.

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Post time 8-7-2008 10:18 AM | Show all posts
credit to [email protected]



thanks [email protected]

No reposting to non-Jerry fan sites please. If transferring, no alternation of my post please. Thanks.

July 8, 2008
Lian He Bao

Yan Cheng Xu and Zhou Cai Shi's master-servant relationship
Was accused of being copycat

Inthe newest cf broadcasted last week, DFX and Jie Er's master-servantrelationship was exposed, it was accused to copy the relationship of HeJun Xiang and Yang Cheng Lin's characters in Huan Huan Ai. There isalso rumor that Hot Shot focuses on basketball scenes with limitedromantic storyline. GTV's staff clarified, "As the male main leads areso handsome, there is no way to prohibit them from courting girls." Inthe drama, there will be wonderful scenes of DFX, Yuan Da Ying, and JieEr's relationship triangle. Yan Cheng Xu and Luo played the characterswhich are totally opposite to their own real personalities. In thedrama, both loved Zhou Chai Shi's character. The lively Yuan alwaysprovided opportunities for DFX and Jie Er, and then cried quietly athome. On the other hand, DFX chased after his love actively.

Inthe cf, DFX and Jie Er's relationship was simplified. In the drama, JieEr's father is the Dong Fang Family's housekeeper, so DFX and Jie Er'srelationship is master and servant. However, as Jie Er didn't want toserve DFX, so she tried to get away. Furthermore, as the female domewas rumored to have ghosts, so she had no choice but living in DFX'shome.

(skipped the last paragraph about Zhou Chai Shi)

================================================== ===

kkla:For your information, Huan Huan Ai was produced by Chai's Comic Ritz,and this news article was released by Lian He Bao. What a coincidence!If we talk about who is the copycat, it should be Huan Huan Ai copiedMeteor Garden. Didn't Shan Cai stay in DMS' home as a maid?

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Post time 8-7-2008 11:11 AM | Show all posts
muker jerry ni dh nampak tua sket
tp menten hensem... adoiiiii

[ Last edited by  nzhass79 at 8-7-2008 11:13 AM ]

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Post time 8-7-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
maklumlah dah masuk 30N..........

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Post time 8-7-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts
tp baru 31 kan??
tak kisah ar......
mgkn gambo tu je kot...
nanti tgk gambo lelain lg

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Post time 10-7-2008 09:00 AM | Show all posts
posted by kkla@

Per Ciciny's announcement, if you happen to be in TW on July 10, Stardust is looking for 200 extras as audience on that day. On that day, a scene/scenes of Cheng Yue's (Jerry) inside a concert hall will be filmed. No need to register, just show up.

No. of extras needed:200 people
Time: July 10, after 12pm
Location: Lu Zhou Gong Xue She
Address: 台北縣(Taipei Xian) 蘆洲市(Lu Zhou City) 中山二路(Zhong Shan 2nd Road) 162號 (No. 162)


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Post time 10-7-2008 09:04 AM | Show all posts
posted by [email protected]

No reposting to non-Jerry fan sites please.

For these days, GTV/CTV continues releasing news to blame Jerry for not attending the premiere, but is it fair to Jerry? It appears that Jerry/JVR was not consulted before GTV/CTV decided the premiere day. Due to Hot Shot's 1-month delay, Jerry needs to catch up his schedules after it. That's why we all read that he often filmed Stardust until late evening in Shanghai. July 24 is a thursday and it is natural that work has been scheduled for Jerry before Hot Shot's premiere day was set. Hot Shot won't be broadcasted until July 27 (Sunday), then how come a thursday was picked for premiere when most fans may not be able to attend, instead of Saturday like most other promotional activities? Read from Hot Shot's forum on GTV that both Luo and Wu have other fan-club and endorsement activities on Saturday. Ha!

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Post time 15-7-2008 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Ciciny just posted the newest updates on Hot Shot's premiere:

Regarding Hot Shot's premiere, there are 2 things that we like to explain:

1) Jerry is not able to attend the Hot Shot premiere on July 24

According to Starjerry, other work has already been scheduled for Jerry on July 24
And Jerry is not the one who can decide any changes in this work arrangement, as he needs to cooperate with other agencies.
On the other hand, Jerry himself wants to attend the premiere very much
Therefore,Starjerry has attempted to coordinate with the corresponding agencies,and hopes that Jerry is able to attend the premiere at the end.
However,up to this point, according to the information that we know, as thiswork arrangement has a deadline to reach, so Jerry is not able toattend the premiere on July 24 after all.

thanks to [email protected]

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Post time 16-7-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts
thanks [email protected]

kkla: No reposting to non-Jerry fan sites. If transferring, no alternation on my post please. Thanks.
This news article is so funny that I like to share with you

July 15, 2008
Lian He Bao
see page 2 for newspaper scans

It was reported if Yan Cheng Xu is not handsome, he can't be the No. 1 among idol drama actors. However, he seems to have a mannerism, as in all the Hot Shot's promotional photos released, he either took the photo from the side view or lowered his head. It led to fans's not able to look at his handsome face from the front view at all. People can't help but wonder, is it possible that he is not willing to show the front view of his face to people?

Yesterday, Kadokawa media announced that preorder of Hot Shot's photobook will last until July 28. However, from the photos released by Kadokawa, both Show and Wu have photos from the front view, but only Yan Cheng Xu shows his half face.

According to source, Hot Shot's production team had taken over 10,000 photos. After choosing out 500 best photos, agencies were requested to choose their preferences. Among 350 photos in Hot Shot's photobook, 50 are Yan Cheng Xu's. Among these 50 Yan Cheng Xu's photos, they are rarely taken from the front view. After the photos were picked, GTV, Kadokawa, and the agency even discussed why photos taken from the side view were chosen, as nobody wants scolding from fans.

In the past, Yan Cheng Xu once drew an analogy between himself and Xiao Bai Tu (little rabbit), and more or less the shyness in his personality is easily noted. Is this the reason why he rarely faces the camera with his front view? Yesterday, staff from JVR replied, "It has nothing to do with front view or not. The ones chosen by us are the ones which are best looking, and they correspond with the feeling of the scenes at the moment.

JVR's staff emphasized that Yan Cheng Xu did not express much comments on the photos. When we chose the photos, we didn't think too much. Probably, it may also relate to the view chosen by the photographer when he took the photos.

Recently, because of Yan Cheng Xu's absence in the premiere, GTV has been scolded seriously by Jerry's fans. Regarding what kinds of photos chosen by the agency, GTV's staff totally respect the agency's decisions. However, GTV's staff are also in anguish, as the premiere date was set half a year ago. During that period of time, they even lost NT60,000 of down payment due to change of locations. GTV's staff further stated, "Why do we choose a premiere date when Yan Cheng Xu has scheduled other work? Are we idiots?"

kkla: Half a year ago? Which tv company would set a premiere date half a year ago? Wasn't Hot Shot's initial broadcast day much later? Even if the premiere date was really set half a year ago, the main point is whether the tv company consulted Jerry's agency whether he would be available before the date was set. Obviously, SJ was not consulted.

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Post time 16-7-2008 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Taiwan will broadcast Hotshot on July 27
TVB Hong Kong pay TV will broadcast HS on August 2
Malaysia will broadcast HS on August 16

TVB Weekly
credit to kamping@jerrysharbor

Full version:

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Post time 19-7-2008 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Jerry's Sony Walkman CM websites

credit to [email protected]


Jerry's Sony Walkman CM

credit to [email protected]

Filming of the cm

credit to [email protected]

[ Last edited by  nyampuk at 19-7-2008 04:18 PM ]

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Post time 19-7-2008 04:20 PM | Show all posts

Jerry Sony Walkman CF


[ Last edited by  nyampuk at 19-7-2008 04:22 PM ]

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Post time 19-7-2008 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Jerry Sony Walkman CF



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Post time 19-7-2008 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Jerry Yan - Sony Walkman
uploaded by


Jerry Yan - Sony Walkman

uploaded by

sony MP3

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Post time 19-7-2008 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Jerry SONY Walkman CM

credit to May0224@jerrysharbor

MP3  ads  (audio)

credit to 小芺蓉 @jerrysharbor

Jerrys singing Really Love U (audio)


credit to 小篤 @jerrysharbor

Download link :
mepg format

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Post time 19-7-2008 04:28 PM | Show all posts
posted by [email protected]

Please go to Sony mp3's official website and play around. Please help spread out the link for Sony Mp3's website. Thanks.

After you open the official webpage, you will the introduction and then the new cm, then you will see a short clip of Jerry and Xiao Mei introducing a game to win a mp3 with autograph.
then after you close the game page, you will see this page:

When you go to the "download" page, you will see this page. Just click to each item, click "Download", and start downloading wallpaperd/cms/theme song/screensaver.

"Behind-the-scene bonus" page:


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Post time 19-7-2008 04:29 PM | Show all posts
posted by yami@nbbbs

According to news today, JVR said Jerry wasn't able to attend the Stardust party because he had to do album recording.

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