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Author: stanum123


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Post time 23-11-2011 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 419# luvsushi

well said dearrr... sebenarny a kita nk dia ada gf sbb kita pon paham dia pon nk ada real life dia sendiri.. mcm kita jgk..
tak kisah la dia tu artis ke sape... diaorang manusia mcm kita ada hati dn perasaan.. ada perasaan menyayangi dan ingin disayangi... to TOP, ape saje yg dia buat iolzzz suke sangat... nk plak gambo kat bazaar... wpon sebenarnya akak tak suka laki merokok... tp dlm pose camtu, akak suker giler.. nampak sangat macho sama cam tn jeneral akak tu... tak suka dia merokok, tp biler dia merokok, saya sangat suker...

ada tak sesape kat sini rasa2 nk beli dvd cons YG family nanti?? saje je tanye... cons pon lmbt lg.. tp tu laaa.. nk tau jerrr...
cam thn lps chynez beli.... akak bukan ape, nk mtk tlg burn kan jer

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Post time 23-11-2011 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Reply 419# luvsushi

tgk je la gambo tabi smoking utk Bazaar tu. kalo bebudak dari idol groups lain yg bergambo cenggitu, mesti dah kena kutuk berbakol. tapi sebab tapi hubby i yg macho tu yg buat cenggitu, nobody dares to say anything except pujian yang melimpah-ruah utk photoshoot yang sexy and grunge chic itew :p

    stuju sesangat..kalau idol lain harus kene bash 1 doonia TOP orang xkesah pon..lagi drool adala

@kak zue-AM pon nk tumpang burn je la...boley

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Post time 23-11-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Big Bang's Haru Haru Japanese Version Ringtones [AUDIO]

dengar kat sini yer...xreti nak tepek embed audio

GTOP japanese raps.............very rare!

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Post time 23-11-2011 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Top 10 Music Videos at the YouTube K-Pop Awards [NEWS]

1. Super Junior - Mr. Simple (26,940,000+ Views)
2. 2NE1 - I'm The Best (22,009,000+ Views)
3. Hyuna - Bubble Pop (21,650,000+ Views)
4. SNSD - The Boys (19,370,000+ Views)
5. 2NE1 - Lonely (18,470,000+ Views)
6. BIGBANG - Tonight (16,310,000+ Views)
7. KARA - Step (15,220,000+ Views)
8. BIGBANG - Love Song (13,450,000+ Views)
9. 2NE1 - I Hate You (10,730,000+ Views)
10. f(x) - Pinocchio (10,680,000+ Views)

(Only views from January 1 - November 16, 2011 were counted)

Source: JoinsMSN via bbupdates

YG dominates with 5 songs! plus both BB and 2NE1 have more than one song each...congratz YG family family family!

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Post time 23-11-2011 11:59 AM | Show all posts
gambar2 hq kat MTVEMA..klik ... e-music-awards.html

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2011 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Reply 421# nzhass79

OWH! Kak Zue...Avvy you...owh...speechless..   **pengsan 5 saat**
P/S: I don't favor guys who smokes, kalau lelaki tu kita suka/adore,  errrr..naper nmpk howt aje ekk bila smokin'?? tsk..tsk..tsk..Love is so bad bad bad bad...Love is a sickness, can I get a witness.. (lyric lagu Tablo...)

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Post time 23-11-2011 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Trunkk_ZZ

choyy sgt khenn...  But, who can get mad at Tabi for so long right ...
stanum123 Post at 22-11-2011 02:00

tu la kan.....tapi YoungBae cute plak bile kena kiss
ewww......gambar Tabi yang second last...ngangkang macam

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Post time 23-11-2011 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 423# adikmanis

iye...sudah dengar..mmg sgt syiok woo! finally gdtop rapping in japs and undeniably haru haru sounds good in japs (tho tak paham sepatah haram without the translation)

YG dominates with 5 songs! plus both BB and 2NE1 have more than one song each...congratz YG family family family!

riakkah aku kalo aku kata aku bangga ngan diorang? teehee!!! ya, sesungguhnya aku bangga ngan BB, 2ne1 and YG Family {:4_181:}

I don't favor guys who smokes, kalau lelaki tu kita suka/adore, errrr..naper nmpk howt aje ekk bila smokin'??

setan dah tutup mata kita ni cik stan oiiii...tu yg nampak hanskem memanjang tabi hubby i tuh! wakakakaak!!! *astaghfirullahalazim....*  

ewww......gambar Tabi yang second last...ngangkang macam

tak sampai hati nak tenung gambo tu lelama...takut tembussssss!!!! teehee!!!

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Post time 23-11-2011 10:43 PM | Show all posts
yeorobun...jangan marahkan hamba sekiranya hamba asik menepek berita dan gambo2 tabi. he's irresistable. my guilty pleasure!

0:07 - 0:58 tabi goes to school. lalalalalala....
btw, lawanyanya junior/classmates si tabi. how i wish i can be his classmates too. huhuhu....

satu lagi vid nie....riakkah aku version 2
"Oh...begini rasanya...bangga tak terkata..." (nyanyi itot melodi Asmara by Anneka Gronloh ye adik2)
BBC News - Korean Pop Firm YG Entertainment Rallies on Trade Debut

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2011 11:29 AM | Show all posts
tu la kan.....tapi YoungBae cute plak bile kena kiss..Trunkk_ZZ Post at 23-11-2011 15:00

Err...trunk...hubby you tu, err...boleyy bg unni pinjam tak??? **LARIKK!!** Siyes, unni mmg forever CAIR every time tgk senyuman mashimaru dia tu..owh! uri Yong Bae..

setan dah tutup mata kita ni cik stan oiiii

tsk..tsk..tsk... insap kejap mak, nyah!!...

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2011 11:52 AM | Show all posts

P/S: Rewind to 0:58 sec..Did Taeyang just hinted bout BB next album?? !!! WOAH...TOP mentioned it too in his Harper Bazaar interview..But then again, YG do like to troll with the VIP...selalu dah kene tipu!

hanskemnye hubby2 kiter sumer..

Alamak...uri aegy chumilnye!! JIYONG aaa, I missh u lorr bebeh..  {:4_227:}

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2011 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 24-11-2011 13:49


Senyap2 sumer..Hubby2 kita tgh meeting nih..(mode: BIZNEZ TALK!)


P/S: Err, ada sapa2 baik ati nak sponsor saya flight tix + concert tix + hotel tak? Sy nak tgk YG FAM Concert!!! Uwaa....

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Post time 24-11-2011 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 24-11-2011 17:43

Reply 432# stanum123

i poreber envy tgk meeting diorang nieh. teringin nak mencelah kat situ. jadik tea lady lalu-lalang pun takpe. waima janitor atau makcik sapu-sampah pun wa tatak kesah. janji dpt join skodeng diorang nye meeting. waaaa.....nak join gaaakkk!!!
ni yg buat terkinja-kinja nak gi YG Fam concert nieh!!!   

p/s: suke tgk tablo and psy. they look very very comfortable with their new family yellow tablo y'all! so cute!


vid arabic tu...
i'm really impressed with taeyang's english. recently he's getting better and better. walopon takde le berabuk but it seems that he knows what he was talking about. his grammar takle berterabur...bagus! accent mak tak kesah nyah! every ethnic ada accent memasing. takyah nak slang mat saleh sangat. janji diorang boleh paham dan cakap english dengan betul. cayalah!

since dah pandai converse in english and communicate ngan international correpondants, lepas tour ye adik2....kitorang tunggu tau...

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Post time 24-11-2011 08:11 PM | Show all posts
Big Bang’s Daesung to attend press conference for upcoming drama ‘What’s Up’

It’s been announced that Big Bang‘s Daesung will be attending the press conference for MBN’s upcoming drama ‘What’s Up’ on December 6th.

A source from MBN revealed on November 24th, “Daesung will be making a public appearance with the other cast members and production staff”. The Big Bang idol will be stepping on stage along with fellow castmates Im Joo Hwan, Lee Soo Hyuk, Jang Hee Jin, Im Joo Eun, and staff members like writer Song Ji Na.

Although Daesung came out from the shadows to attend the ‘MTV Europe Music Awards’, this press conference will mark his first official public appearance in Korea since the unfortunate car accident back in May.

‘What’s Up’ is a private production drama that stars Daesung as the main character, and tells the story about musical major students and their dreams. There will be a total of 18 episodes that are 60 min long.

Daesung will also be making a comeback to the music scene with the ‘YG Family Concert’ in December and January.

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2011 09:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 433# luvsushi
lepas tour ye adik2....kitorang tunggu tau...

harusss gittew!!! x reti2 ker?? peminat uollz tu dah seantero donia dah...but i if you don't come to us, we'll go to you! hahhaa...

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2011 09:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 25-11-2011 17:58

[241111] T.O.P receiving 2011 Melon Music Award for Top 10 Artist (BIGBANG) and Best Hip-Hop/Rap (GD&TOP's ''Oh Yeah'')

Yeayy!!! CHUKA HAEYO!!
And congrats to 2NE1 for winning the Album of the Year for Melon Music Award! YG Family Family Family!




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Post time 25-11-2011 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 25-11-2011 14:55

annyeong yorobunn...
salam wat seme dongsaeng2 unniiiii...

unni nk tumpang letak mende alah ni.. tau korang seme dh ada.. akak tak tau nape..
rasa biler tgk ada, tu semedang nk menyedut... giler.. pantang jumpe  

korang takyah la click link ni yerrrr

tadi terbaca TY ckp comeback january ye?? tak kisah laaa betul ke salah..kalo btol bgs jgk..
kalo tak, takde la hampa sangat... wpon sbnrnya mmg tggu sesangat comeback diaorang yg vasss gitewww

and also congrat to uri GDTOP for winning Melon... iolzz sangat suker... gilersuker... tak kisah la tak menang daesang pon...

nape emsem giler dia ni ek??? jenuh aku tanye diri sendiri... tp sampai skrg masih takde jawapan

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2011 09:09 AM | Show all posts
My fav pic of T.O.P @ Blue Dragon Film Awards (111125)

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Stanum say: sudehh!!! jgn ko nk goda noona lebey2 Tabi..I'm trying hard to stay loyal here..urghh!!! This man aa, wae so gorgeous one??!...

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Post time 26-11-2011 07:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 438# stanum123

chingu aaa...missing MYVIPs and our beloved mansion.
been away for quite some time sampai tak sempat nak jengok sini.
hehehehe...lately byk tol gambo tabi hubby i cute mute lak tuh! cam2 gaya! cam2 memek muka! aaawwww....
cik stan, jangan salahkan hubbyku kalo iman u tergugat yaaa....
hubby u tgh hibernate skang, so u kene byk2 sabo, setia selalu

ok, one of my faves masa kat Blue Dragon Film Award baru2 nie...

he looks too skinny. it worries me. and looking at him with this hairstyle just makes me reminiscing the good old time when he received the award last year with his platinum hair. i kinda miss that hair. i simply love it!


btw, yesterday i was at 2pm's concert. the atmosphere was great! mmg minah2 kat sekeliling i menjerit memanjang. tapi i menjerit gila bila nampak iklan Mnet yang ada muka tabi, gd, dara and bommie je apa2 pun, the concert went well. bebudak 2pm mmg hanskem2 and jejantan belaka. teehee! cuma deep down inside me mmg lain. lain sangatlah. indescribable. it was totally 100% not the same macam masa tgk gdtop and seungri masa kmw hari tu. being a YG stan, i dok imagine bigbang yg kat atas pentas. so masa diorang nyanyi i takleh nak nak fokus sangat sebab i dok terbawak2 dgn Big Show. isk...kalaulah...kalaulah.... isk! isk!

so masa tgh dok tengok tu, i dok berdoa (uish! siap berdoa bagai masa tgk concert. cam tak senonoh je ) hopefully Bigbang will come down to kl one fine day. if they don't come down to kl, i'll fly to korea. once and for all...we must girls!!! tak kira

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 Author| Post time 27-11-2011 03:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 439# luvsushi
chinggu yaa!!! I missed my spazzing buddy too...sob..sob... AM is away for her semester break, you pun bz (btw, hope the text book project goes well!)..I spazzing sensorg je la kt sini hari2.. (especially time2 I tgh hangin with my very sengal superior tu!:@..wah, laju je haku menepek..kira muka2 BB ni penyejuk ati I la..)..
Mmg lately Tabi ni hot stuff btoi! hari2 ada je gambo baru dia..smpai org pun terlupa yg dia ni BigBang power rapper, dok igt dia ni top model jer...adeh, kalau mcm ni la mmg leh tergugat takmo la bermadu dgn you!! x rela!!! I want my Jiyongie jugaks...

so masa tgh dok tengok tu, i dok berdoa (uish! siap berdoa bagai masa tgk concert. cam tak senonoh je ) hopefully Bigbang will come down to kl one fine day. if they don't come down to kl, i'll fly to korea. once and for all...we must girls!!! tak kira

haha..chomel je! lain di mata, lain di hati yer..sib baik u tak angkot sekali crown lightstick weh!..I mmg dah set, nxt time kalau BB turun Malaysia, harus ku korek tabung ayam beli tix VIP..nak tatap muka diorg depan mata puas2...hik2..Kalau Big Show 2012 dh confirm nnti, harus ku apply personal loan dgn my mom wat tambang nak fly gi Koya..yes, like you said..once and for all...MUSTI!

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