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Author: blankie

Spy MyungWol (Han YeSeul, Eric, Lee JinWook)

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Post time 16-8-2011 02:06 PM | Show all posts
frust la cite ni jd camni.. kemain follow cite ni siap dl... b4 ni mane ade dl drama kbs, biase tunggu maen kat kbsw je.. mmg la rating cite ni so-so je tp cite lawak je, not bad.. comeback drama eric lg..

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Post time 16-8-2011 02:22 PM | Show all posts
aku tolong jwb pertanyaan off topic ko tu ye...

aku pun xder la tau sgt psl tu, tp lebih ...
rukiaichigo Post at 16-8-2011 11:48

off topic jugak.. komen psl Lee Da Hae tu mmg btul.. die xsuke p'kembangan watak die so die drop dr drama tu.. die bincang elok2 n mmg kuar dr drama tu.. tp die xde la lari cam Han Ye Seul ni..

HYS ni nape lak? ape masalah die sbnrnya? die ni masuk A list kat korea kan.. nape la x bincang elok2, setel prob.. cite ni patut abes ep18.. da maen 10 ep xkan la tibe2 nak tukar heroin plak..

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Post time 16-8-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts
pompuan ni mmg aku tak suke sejak citer Christmas ngan Go Soo tu:@
berlakon pun kayu-kayan

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Post time 16-8-2011 02:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 419# net_level

   a'ah...tinggi lgk WBDS..

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:02 PM | Show all posts
nsb baik tak tgk lagik drama ni

save my time 10 hours +++

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:16 PM | Show all posts
off topic jugak.. komen psl Lee Da Hae tu mmg btul.. die xsuke p'kembangan watak die so die drop ...
nickynisa Post at 16-8-2011 02:22 PM

kire aku x tersilap citer la kan... kes LDH tu okay la, dorg settle secara baik kan. bukan nyer dok lari angkat kaki mcm tu. lps tu bg alasan yg sgt x munasabah!! aku x sure plak HYS ni dah masuk A list actress ke belum... aku kena dia dr the nine tailed fox lg, tp bg aku dia belum la boleh setanding dgn choi jiwoo semua... nama dia naik pun lps fantasy couple kan!!

mula2 drama ni 16 episodes, tup2 dorg nak extend sampai 18 episodes... skg ni jd mcm ni plak. aku pun xtau aper yg dorg nak buat dgn script semua. ntah2 dorg buat mcm yg kat dramabeans tu speku... dorg matikan watak MW!!! nak2 ending epi 10 tu pun ala2 MW mcm mati jer kan!!!

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 426# rukiaichigo

yg LDH tu mmg salah production tu...
sbb lain yg dijanjikan..lain pulak yg jadik...patut dia yg jadik main actress tapi jadik 2nd lak...
byk lari pulak dari script watak dia..tu yg dia stop tu...

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 418# skuter_buruk146

statement dia ni kan, mcm dia budak baru berlakon jer tau. mcm la dia x penah tau mcmaner style dorg nyer live shooting tu kan. dok xleh nak terima schedule yg packed cenggitu!! mmg la sblm ni dia dah rikues utk bekerja 5hari seminggu, tp dia kena la jugak paham kan dorg tu kejar airing time. kalo bg dia x sanggup nak bekerja 6 hari seminggu, patut dr mula2 lg dia boleh jer tolak tawaran tu... pelakon2 lain pun sama jer kena mcm tu kan, siap boleh berlakon sekali harung 2 drama lagi... bg aku, dr statement dia ni, dia mmg kurang professional... kalo x berpuas hati pun, bincang la elok2. ni motip dia lari?? x pasal2 semua pun bashing dia. sah2 la ramai yg tgk drama ni sbb comeback eric & jinwook. agak2 la kan kalo nak bikin onar pun!!!

skg ni tngu jer hasil dr PC tergempar yg di buat oleh KBS!! dorg nak drop drama ni ataupun sambung but with different heroin/storyline!!

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:25 PM | Show all posts
oke ni dia latest news...

KBS speaks about Myung-wol the Spy’s future at press conference

KBS held an emergency press conference on the 16th at their broadcast station, to address the issue of Han Ye-seul’s departure from Monday-Tuesday drama Myung-wol the Spy.

- Presiding was KBS’s drama department chief, Go Young-tak, as well as other executives EP Lee Kang-hyun and CP Jung Sung-hyo.

- Their official stance was that Han acted “irresponsibly” and independently, in such a way that they can’t tolerate the reason for her actions. Go stated that the station “cannot accept that she refused to shoot based on discord with producers.”

- Go called Han’s reasons for leaving the drama — the killer schedule and the late, piecemeal script deliveries — “an excuse” because “Myung-wol the Spy‘s schedule is not more arduous than other dramas.”

- He denied that the drama was behind schedule or putting out script pages late. The scripts were released in bound form, not loose pages (loose pages is what happens when they’re so behind that the writer churns out pages rather than full scripts at a time). (Note: There were previous rumors that the drama was already in loose-script mode.)

- CP Jung confirmed that Han made the request early on for a five-day workweek and stated that they made concessions to reduce her schedule and let her out of shoots to film CFs, but also stated that the reality of live-shooting dramas requires the lead actress to shoot long hours.

- CP Jung added that Han didn’t want to act with certain actors, and scripts were revised when she didn’t want to do physical gags. “We did everything she asked.”

- CP Lee said that he spoke with Han on the phone on the 13th, who said that the producers were ostracizing her on set. Lee told her that it didn’t make sense for producers to alienate their leading actress, and that they were probably just upset that she was late.

- Lee added that Han had a positive reaction prior to the broadcast. “However, after seeing Episodes 1 and 2, she seemed dissatisfied with the result, which didn’t live up to her expectations. She also had complaints about her character, such as the physical gags and the personality that was limited to cheerfulness.”

- KBS stated their intention to see the drama through the end.

- A new actress will be brought in to replace Han if necessary.

- Go added, “Actually, KBS was waiting for Han Ye-seul to return through it all. If she returned by Sunday night, the Monday broadcast would have been possible, and if she returned Monday the Tuesday broadcast would have been possible. Even now, although we don’t expect that she’ll return to Korea, if she were able to film Episode 13 and the situation could continue as planned, we would consult with the production company. If that’s the best [Han could offer], we would choose it.”

Other points:

- As of the 15th, less than 50% of this week’s intended episodes had been filmed.

- Monday’s episode was pre-empted for a (pointless) special, which was basically the drama’s first 10 episodes condensed into the hour in an extended highlight reel.

- The drama resumed shoots on the 16th with the other cast members. Apparently they intend to air an episode as scheduled for Tuesday evening. (How they will manage that, I have no idea.)

- Han’s early-morning arrival in LA on the 16th was confirmed, and she spoke with an SBS program, Entertainment Tonight upon her arrival to say, “I left everything behind. I hope that as a result [of my departure], the other actors will be able to film in a better environment.”

- Production company Lee Kim Productions has stated its intent to go after Han for civil and possibly also penal suits.

- Han’s own agency, Sidus HQ, also plans to sue for damages, in conjunction with the producers.

- Advertisers are also likely litigants; some of the companies she has been contracted to endorse have also expressed the possibility of filing lawsuits.

- The fate of Han’s next movie, Penny-Pinching Romance with Song Joong-ki, is unclear. The film completed shooting a few months ago and is currently scheduled for a fall release.

- Rumors are therefore rampant that Han intends to retire. Chances are, that choice is out of her hands now.

Yeah, it looks pretty bad for Han. Keep in mind that we haven’t heard her side of the story, and perhaps we won’t. And I wish I didn’t have to say it again, but it never hurts to repeat: Keep comments civil and keep the mudslinging to a minimum, please. No, scratch that — a minimum isn’t good enough. Let’s go for zero, shall we?

Via Yonhap News, Star News, TV Report, Star News

Article courtesy of dramabeans: http://www.dramabean...ess-conference/

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 427# isabel

ooooo, psl LDH tu production yg silap ek... tp at least dorg duduk berbincang utk settle kan masalah ni sampai betul2 selesai kan... so xder la dok menyusah kan org lain!!!

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:40 PM | Show all posts
oke ni dia latest news...
isabel Post at 16-8-2011 03:25 PM

nmpk gaya mmc dorg akan tukar heroin di saat2 genting mcm ni... adeh, xtau la mcmaner scriptwriter bekerja utk kuar kan on the spot punyer script. mmg la dorg dah biasa buat keje mcm tu, bg script every week, tp kali ni kan dah berlainan pelakon semua. nak kena rombak balik jln citer lg... kalo baru tyg 2-3 epi xper la nak rombak kan. ni dah lebih half way tyg benda ni berlaku!!!   

sy speku kan, suddently dia dpt tau dia pregnant. tu yg dia ckp dia xleh nak buat physically action semua... lps dia xtau nak buat aper, dia cabut jer la baliK LA!!!

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:43 PM | Show all posts
ooo... dia memang dah lama nak besara....
aku rase dia pun dah tak heran kot kalau kene saman... dah nak kawen jutawan katenye...
dia ada cakap dia kecewa lepas dia tengok episod 1 dgn 2 citer tuh... start tu la kot dia tak puas hati

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Post time 16-8-2011 03:59 PM | Show all posts
maybe...dia pregnen ke ?

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 Author| Post time 16-8-2011 04:09 PM | Show all posts
nmpk gaya mmc dorg akan tukar heroin di saat2 genting mcm ni... adeh, xtau la mcmaner scriptwrit ...
rukiaichigo Post at 16-8-2011 03:40 PM

maybe... tak nak orang tau dia peknen.. and nak cepat2 kawen so bleh tutup speku...

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Post time 16-8-2011 04:11 PM | Show all posts
lagi latest news..

Han Ye Seul to Return to Korea and Rejoin “Myung Wol the Spy” Crew

In a strange turn of events, Han Ye Seul has expressed her intention to return to the cast of KBS drama “Myung Wol the Spy” today, just hours after landing in Los Angeles in an apparent move to withdraw from the show.

In a press release just moments ago, Han Ye Seul’s agency said, “We would like to apologize for coming to you with such shameful news. Both Han Ye Seul and her agency sidusHQ feels responsible for the whole controversy. Han Ye Seul has been extremely tired both mentally and physically with her busy filming schedule, and that has clouded her judgments at the time. We are sincerely sorry for causing extreme damage to so many people. We will do our best to have her return to Korea and resume filming as soon as possible, and we’ll make sure to do our best until the end of the show. Once again, we would like to express our sincere apologies to everyone involved in this issue.”

Multiple local reports have also confirmed Han Ye Seul’s return to Korea. The production crew of “Myung Wol the Spy” was quoted as saying, “On August 16th, Han Ye Seul has expressed her intention to return to Korea and rejoin the show. But the production team is undecided on whether they would accept her back at this point.” Also, an official close to the producers said, “Han Ye Seul, who arrived in LA earlier today, told her representative that she would return to Korea as soon as she buys the flight ticket.”

KBS, on the other hand, has not made any decisions regarding her comeback to the filming crew. Ko Young Tak, the head of KBS’s Drama Department, said at a press conference today, “Only if she (Han Ye Seul) returns in time and doesn’t delay of the production of episode 12 airing next Monday, we will discuss the matter with the production team and decide then.”

If Han Ye Seul does return to the cast, it seems likely “Myung Wol the Spy” will be able to resume airing soon. KBS had raised the possibility of replacing Han Ye Seul to another actress and it was inevitable to tweak the storyline a little bit. They also said they would take proper legal action to file a lawsuit against the star actress.

Earlier today, Han Ye Seul was spotted at the LAX Airport in Los Angeles where she told local media, “I gave up everything. The working environment was just too hard for me.” She said the poor working environment and differences between her and the production crew had caused the entire dispute and hinted at the possibility of even ending her celebrity career in Korea. Due to her sudden departure, “Myung Wol the Spy” was not able to air on Monday and instead showed a condensed highlight show titled “Myung Wol the Spy Special.”


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Post time 16-8-2011 04:15 PM | Show all posts
mmg betul2 pelik tapi rasa nyer ler kbel pikir mesti Eric dan co-star lain2 pujuk HYS ni balik..for the sake of friendship between them sepanjang shooting...

hope psl ni...

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Post time 16-8-2011 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 435# isabel

HYS nak balik korea balik and sambung join SMW?? kire nyer mlm ni pun xder la SMW, sbb dorg baru shooting 40% kan utk epi 11 ni?? harap2 la lps ni dorg berdamai sementara nak hbs kan shooting...

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Post time 16-8-2011 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 16-8-2011 16:41

Reply 426# rukiaichigo

sorry OT jap menjawab pertanyaan kia
ak rase ni list A rated star actor-actress dr segi populariti

Acting ability rankings of highest paid actors.
1.Jang Dong Gun
2.Jung Woo Sung
3.Yoon Eun Hye
4.Bae Yong Joon
5.Kim Tae Hee
6.Shin Min Ah
7.Choi Ji Woo
8.Song Seung Hun
9.Kwon Sang Woo
10.Jun Ji Hyun

This article surveyed five entertainment industry specialists to criticize some of Korea's highest paid actors.  All of the actors rated in the article were not only the highest paid actors, but also considered highest paid Commercial Film (CF) stars. As you can see, the candidates are mostly 'Hallyu' stars who are recognizable in Korea and in international markets.  The top stars garner approximately $60,000~$80,000 (on average) US dollars per episode in a drama.  They also earn approximately $400,000~$800,000 US dollars (on average) per a CF episode, and while they may do a drama per year, they are always on TV.  The 10 candidates were selected based on popularity, guaranteed contract money, CF activities & earnings, and etc.
This study was to rate these actors purely based on acting ability alone.

The professionals who rated the actors were a former director of SBS station, a professor of acting at Central University, and some culture and acting analysts and creative directors.  The study was done and reported by a big 3 major Korean news company.

My first reaction was that what good can come out from a director of SBS, who probably know that Yoon Eun Hye would be in a drama, competing with his company in May (Yes, I'm biased)^^

But then again, honest and unbiased criticisms of acting ability are always welcomed.
I always thought that Yoon Eun Hye's strength were the ability to relate her charm and facial expressions on screen, drawing in the viewers.  Having said that, it is true that Yoon Eun Hye is a young actress, who has had limited number of projects so far.  So, she may not be the most experienced actress (She's actually the least experienced actor in the report) and she may not know all the tricks of the trade, but it's evident that she has been successful in charming her audiences.

This article may be the harshest criticism of star actors yet, and I'm sure it will upset many fans of the respective stars.  I wasn't sure if I should be posting this, but having though about it, I actually liked the report.

The harshest criticism by the study on Yoon Eun Hye's acting ability was that she's been acting too pretty, looking lost since Coffee Prince.  So, what does that mean?  It means that she hasn't been acting in enough dramas or movies to improve her acting skills, and her performance in My Fair Lady wasn't as good as Coffee Prince.  This criticism isn't too bad, compared to how they trashed the acting ability of other stars on the list. If this is the harshest criticism they can say about Yoon Eun Hye, we should take that as a compliment.  For example, a panel member said about an actress on the list with 16 years of experience, "She must have some sort of misunderstanding of what acting is.  She can't break out of her pattern of ineffective facial expressions with crying scenes and etc".  By the way, after harshly criticizing all the actors on the list, these analysts did say, "But Yoon Eun Hye and Shin Min Ah are both young, in their 20's and can definitely improve."
I suppose from Yoon Eun Hye being rated the 3rd best actor and the highest rated female actress on the list, and their harshest criticism of Yoon Eun Hye being that of a CF star and her performance in MFL not being as good as on Coffee Prince, we should take this report as a big time compliment.  Not bad for the youngest 'highest paid' actor with least number of projects.  One of the raters stated, "Given the right role, she overachieves and can perform beyond what she is capable of."  Well, thanks for the compliment, but perhaps they should stop saying stuff like "overachieve and perform beyond what she is capable of" and maybe start thinking that she was simply capable of achieving such accomplishments^^

I do agree that it is difficult being a top star, because you have CF's to shoot and you are usually only allowed to do 1 dramas per year at most, "There are some words that because the stars need to consider their earnings from a CF, it's difficult for them to focus on acting.  You have to break out of the desire to maintain your beautiful image to act.  It is too ambitious to think that you can be a great actor and be a CF star."

But I disagree that you can't be a great actor while being a top CF star.

By the way, I didn't translate the report word for word because it's generally harsh criticism on all of the above actors.  No point of translating anything bad about other actors so I just pointed out the part of Yoon Eun Hye.

Source: Chosun Ilbo


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Post time 16-8-2011 04:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 438# dauswq

gigih la ko dok tepek info psl A list actor/actress ni kan... aper2 pun thanks!!!
tu la, kan HYS ni x boleh lg disenaraikan as A list actress lg!!

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 Author| Post time 16-8-2011 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Pompuan ni tengah period kot.. Tu emosi tak stabil kejap tak nak blakon kejap nak.. Tapi aku lagi suka dia balik sambung balik blakon.. Kalau nak tukar orang aku macam tak bleh nak terima..

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