Edited by abbott at 30-4-2015 03:57 PM
Hi, everybody I'm new here.
Let me teach you how to use isn't and aren't that mean "ya tak", "bukan begitu", "kan".
Tujuanya utk penegasan pada sesuatu soalan dgn harapan org yg kita tanya akan bersetuju dgn kita.
A) Jika sesuatu ayat tu positif, penegasannya negatif. Tapi masih bermakana "kan" dlm BM
It's nice, isn't it? (<-- di sini "isn't it" bermaksud "kan")
Yes it is.
Ia cantik, kan?
Oh ya, cantik sungguh.
He is a good boy, isn't he? (<-- di sini "isn't he" bermaksud "kan")
Yes, he is.
Dia budak baik, kan?
Ya, dia memang budak baik.
The boys are absent, aren't they? (<-- di sini "aren't they" bermaksud "kan")
Yes they are (absent).
Budak2 tu x datang, kan?
Ya, mereka x datang.
The cats are cute, aren't they?
Yes, they are.
Kucing2 tu comel, kan?
Ya, memang comel.
B) Jika sesuatu ayat tu negatif, penegasannya positif. Tapi masih bermakana "kan" dlm BM
It isn't nice, is it? (<-- di sini "is it" bermaksud "kan")
No, it isn't.
Ia tak cantikkan, kan?
Ya, memang tak cantik.
The boys are not absent, are they? (<-- di sini "are they" bermaksud "kan")
No, they are not atau No, they aren't (absent).
The cats aren't cute, are they?
No, they aren't
Kucing2 tu x comel, kan?
Ya, tak comel.
Ya, memang comel.
Native speaker speaks English like that. Ini menentukan sama ada anda org educated atau tak pd pangdangan org putih.
Tapi di Malaysia semua org guna "isn't it" utk penegasan pd sesuatu soalan sama ada pd soalan positif atau negatif.
Ini adalah SALAH!
It's nice, isn't it? <-- Ini BETUL
It's not nice, isn't it? <- SALAH (sepatutnya: It's not nice, is it?)
The boys are absent, isn't it? <- SALAH (sepatutnya: The boys are absent, aren't they?)
The boys are not absent, isn't it? <- SALAH (sepatutnya: The boys are not absent, are they?)
Perhatikan semua di atas guna "isn't it" sebagai penegasan yg bermakna "kan"
Ini semua salah, salah, sala....ah.
Soalan positif, penegasannya negatif.
Soalan negatif, penegasanya positif.
Utk mahirkan diri perlukan banyak praktis. Sampai anda rasa percakapan anda bersahaja.
Setakat ni saja
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