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thanks and credits to susAmerica for translations from soompi
구혜선 감독 “탑, 차기작 주연으로 고려중”(인터뷰)= Director GHS: She is considering 'TOP' as the lead for her next directorial project.
[마이데일리 = 김경민 기자] 감독으로 첫 장편 영화를 발표한 구혜선(26)이 최근 첫 영화에 도전한 빅뱅 탑(본명 최승현, 23)을 차기작 주연으로 지목했다. [MyDaily=Reporter Kim Gyung Min] GHS(26), who is about to present her first full-length movie, is considering Big Bang's Top (real name=Choi Seung Hyun, 23) ,who is to appear in his very first movie, for the lead actor role for her next movie project.
구혜선은 최근 마이데일리와 가진 인터뷰 중, 탑이 첫 영화에 도전한 한국전쟁 실화를 다룬영화 ‘포화속으로’에 대해 “같은 소속사 식구인 (최)승현이가 나와서 더 관심이 가는 영화다. 탑이 연기를 잘했는지가 너무 궁금하다”고 전했다. GHS has had series of interviews with MyDaily recently. GHS mentions that she is very interested in a new movie, <Into The Gunfire>, which is about the Korean war, because it is the first movie in which Top is appearing. Top is also part of the same Talent Agency as GHS--YG Ent. She is very interested to find out how well Top acted in the movie.
이어 구혜선은 “(최)승현이가 원래 말이 없고 과묵한 편인데, 영화를 하고 밝아졌다”며 “질문을 해도 짧은 대답으로 대신하는 친구였는데, 이제는 문자도 종종 보내고 한다”고 영화를 찍으면서 탑이 달라진 점을 설명했다. GHS says that (Choi) SeungHyun is usually very quiet and reticent. However, since he has done a movie, he has become more cheerful. If she would ask him questions, he would usually answer very briefly. Now, he even sends her text messages occasionally. GHS notices the change in Top since he made a movie.
감독으로 자신의 영역을 넓히고 있는 구혜선은 탑이라는 배우에 대해서 관심이 간다고 전했다. As a dirctor, who wants to expand her work, is interested in the Top, as an actor.
구혜선은 “영화관에서 (최)승현이의 연기를 보고 내 차기작 주연으로 고려해 봐야겠다”며 “출연료는 양현석 사장님께 부탁해 무료로 해봐야겠다”고 웃으며 말했다. GHS says that, <After I watch Top's new movie, I will think about casting him as a lead for my next movie.>. She also laughed and said that she will talk with President Yang to see if she can acquire Top for FREE.
한 편 구혜선은 영화 ‘요술’로 첫 장편영화 감독에 도전한다. 구혜선이 메가폰을 잡고, 임지규, 서현진, 김정욱 등이 주연을 맡은 영화 ‘요술’은 청춘의 무모함과 혼란을 그린 작품이다. GHS is about to open her Yo-Sool, the first movie that she directed, starring LJG, SHJ and KJW, a story of recklessness and confusion of youth.
영화 ‘요술’은 오는 24일 극장에 개봉된다. Yo Sool opnes on June 24th.
Goo Hye Sun, “I Stored F4′s Unglam Photos in My Handphone”
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(Translated from 뉴스엔) Goo Hye Sun who has been actively involved as a director from an actress has said, “I kept F4′s unglam photos in my handphone.”
At KBS 2TV “WinWin” programme which is going to broadcast on June 8, Goo Hye Sun has displayed her close relationship with drama ”Boys over Flowers” F4 members Lee Min Ho, Kim Joon, Kim Bum and Kim Hyun Joong.
On this day, Goo Hye Sun said, “I am still in contact with F4 member still now.”, capturing everyone’s attention. And after that, she added on, “When we meet, we will mainly go for a drinking session and have Gopchang (grilled intestines) or Yeomtong (grilled ox heart) along with.”, “I will take photos of F4 who are drunk and stored inside my handphone.” After she said, everyone got surprised.
After that, Goo Hye Sun said Kim Joon is the poorest drinker among them, and said she kept a photograph of him which he is intensely asleep when drunk. She then said to Kim Joon, “Before I upload to the internet, please come along with a billon won.”, disclosing a playful blackmail.
And also, Goo Hye Sun has replied without hestiation on the question on who is the member who seems to have the most burden during the filming of drama “Boys over Flowers”.
“WinWin” will be broadcast on June 8 at 11:15pm (KRT).
Goo Hye Sun Confessed on Her Unique Love Views, “I Love My BoyFriend From a Mother’s Heart”
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(Translated from 뉴스엔) Goo Hye Sun who is actively involved as a director from an actress has revealed on her unique’s love views.
Goo Hye Sun has took part for the filming of KBS 2TV “WinWin” programme which is going to broadcast on June 8.
Goo Hye who has recorded for the programme has revealed some of her views on love and has captured everyone’s gazes.
On this day, Goo Hye Sun said, “When I am in a relationship, I will love a guy from a mother’s heart.” After this, she confessed if I started to love, I will go to the extent of loving from the head to the toe.
thanks and credits to susAmerica for translations from soompi
GHS at Win Win Talk Show/ Seung Seung Jang Goo: The mc's: KSW=Kim Seung Woo (leader); WY=Woo Young of 2PM; TY=TaeYoung of SNSD; SY=ShinYoung, the comedian with white hat; HJ=lady in dark green and she is also a radio DJ
The mc’s band sings and GHS joins in.
Screen: audience welcomes her with whole heart.
KSW: Not only a representative of Om-Chin-Dal (mother’s friend’s daughter=someone everyone is envious of) but also an actress Prettier than Flower,,, GHS is here. Welcome GHS.
KSW: In our program, every guest is asked to introduce him/herself. So, excuse me but who are you?
GHS: Yes, I’m a peddler, GHS.
The MCs are surprised by her answer and the word ‘peddler’ appears on screen.
KSW: How can you be a peddler? Did you come today to sell something?
GHS: it’s because I do a lot of miscellaneous things, therefore I use the word peddler.
HJ: I hear rumors that you have again done something big this time.
GHS: This time I am making a debut as a long- movie director. It is a movie called YoSool.
SY: She’s really the om-chin-dal we hear in rumors. Actually, I’m also an om-chin-dal.
Everyone is surprised.
SY: (plays on words of Om-Chin-Ddal, anything that includes words, mother, daughter/son, and friend.) A daughter that steals half-eaten strawberries from a mother’s friend. (laughter)
WY: (he also plays with words) I’m also an om-chin-a (Mother’s friend’s son) – an idol that even my mom’s friend can’t recognize.
KSW: since u directed a movie, why didn’t you include me in the cast?
HS: (very politely) you did not fit in the age bracket.
Screen: actors in their 40’s prohibited.
KSW: so you mean that I was not cast because I was too young.
GHS: (pause) Ahhh, that is right.
screen: good to believe in the positive.
KSW: I feel a bit sad becoz you keep turning your back on me.
GHS: (shyly) This chair keeps turning that way by itself. (laughter by all)
screen: – turning towards the beastly idol (meaning Woo Young of 2PM).
(HS stands up to readjust her seat.)
WY: I am not doing anything but it is GHS-ssi. (screen: darn! this popularity)
KSW: I’m trying to talk to her and she keeps turning her back on me. (to HS, feeling hurt) just go over there. (HS shakes her hand.)
WY: No one can really control the mind.
screen: preference for beastly man over married man
KSW: ( and screen): Now, from now on, let’s investigate GHS in detail.
KSW: today we disallow guarding the mysterious image of an actress. You need to be truthful and not leave anything out.
GHS : (very confidently)Yes.
TY: This is the segment where viewers’ questions are answered in one shot. Called, Various Views: Ask Quickly. GHS has to answer some of the questions asked by the viewers. TY and WY introduces the segment and does the cute ‘ang’ pose and SY requests that GHS also does the pose since she is also very cute.
GHS: Ahng.
HJ: KSW-sshi, u seem to like it too much.
SY: Your blood vessel on the forehead is standing up.
KSW: yes. She’s cute (while fanning himself)
Then TY and WY must read as many viewers’ questions in the allotted time of 1 minute. TY wins since she covered 19 questions while WY only covered 15. WY said it’s becoz today’s questions are really long so he got stuck. (one of the questions were asking if they can see her dance, whether she preferred big bang or 2PM).
So TY who wins get to ask HS the questions from the viewers.
TY: First qn by viewer Kim Tae Dong: If you get a casting opportunity where the content and director are both good but requires you to expose your body, will you reject it?
KSW : this is a sensitive topic for actresses
GHS: if the reason (for exposing) is clear, I will think about it. Actually, I’ve done a scenes where I exposed part of my body. In a sageuk project (king and i), there was a scene where I was bathing, so I exposed myself to this extent (she’s showing with her hands).
WY: then let me ask one more question. Second qn by viewer Hwang Ki Bum: Nuna, I want to see your sexy appearance. Please show your sensual look. Your fans are waiting.
HS: (very embarrassed) how.. how can i..
HJ: Do something from one of your CF (referring to the Danahan CF). You were saying: grab all the wrinkles,,,,you filmed your sensual look.
HJ and mostly SY comically imitates HS’ Danahan CF lines standing up.
GHS ultimately gives a pouting kiss as her bewitching look. (much laughter and yelllings of cute by HJ)
WY: let’s go to the next question
TY: 3rd qn by viewer Han Ji Su: Do you still keep in contact with F4 oppas, who are every girl’s dream?
Other female MCs say they are also curious
GHS: yes, occasionally, we call to find out how everyone is doing. For the singers (KHJ and KJ), I cheer when they have singing activities and for the actors (LMH and KB), I cheer when they do new dramas.
Screen: – a relationship where they support one another
WY: But when u meet up, what do you usually do?
GHS: if we meet, we’ll eat gopchang (intestines)
SY: (surprised) F4?
GHS: also hearts and things like that. (Screen reads – actress who grill hearts)
HJ: The way you show how you grill makes me think that you have done it more than once or twice.
TY: then do you guys happen to also drink?
SY: do the F4 guys ever get drunk until they ruin their image?
GHS: once in a while, that happens too. I tried taking their pictures when they are intoxicated. They are now stored in my cellphone. I even tried blackmailing one of them. I told him to bring 10-uk. Jooni (KJ) is the poorest drinker amongst them all, and he tends to fall asleep or his face turns really red when drunk. So I took his picture and blackmailed him saying I have your picture. Before it gets uploaded on the internet, give me 10-uk.
WY: I have to drink with SW-hyung soon.
KSW: I don’t have the time.
TY: Next qn by Han So Ri: HS-nuna, the 5 puppies you show on your internet page have shocking names. Did you name them yourself? To help us, I have prepared a picture showing the 5 dogs. (cute, cute,,)
HS: jjang-ah-chi, soondae, mandoo
WY: I sense a yumtong (heart) may come up. (laughter)
GHS: ggong-chi, bhap.
SY: these names really stimulate your appetite. Those are names dear to my heart. (laughter) (to: HS) what made you choose these names?
GHS: I heard that if you name puppies after pleasant names of food, they will live long. Also puppies seem to pick up (hear) strong sounding words such as Jjang-lot better. (most of the dog names she chose has a strong first pronunciation).
SY: My dog’s name is Lullu but I seldom call her by that. So she understands whey I call her,YA! (laughter)
WY: Please think of suitable names for each of us, mc’s.
SY: that is a good idea.
GHS: (looks burdened)
KSW: I’m worried that she’ll name us after food .
SY: please don’t call me like jaeyuk (=pork)
KSW: So what do you say about HJ?
GHS: A cherry comes to my mind.
All: Oh, that sounds good.
GHS: Her lips remind me of a cherry.
GHS: (for SY) spinach. Not only because of her shirt color, but when you look at her, you see energy.
SY: Honestly, my nickname was Popeye. (her gesture as popeye)
HJ: wow, I am anticipating these names..(screen: growing interest in name-making)
GHS: (for TY) an apricot.
KSW: it’s really fitting.
GHS: you give off that apricot hue.
WY: I feel like we are getting our fortunes told.
Screen: Make Apricot Fortune Expand!
HJ: how about our WY…you have to think hard, right?
SY: Twenjang (=this is usually used to imply a shallow person who likes to buy expensive branded goods, but twenjang is also a food ingredient that’s used to prepare twenjang chigae)
GHS: I used to think that Woo Young-sshi’s name is Woo Ong (=burdock)
Screen: Burdock Succeed!
KSW: It has been good upto now. And then it turned bad. So, now, I am anxious.
WY: I just fell way down.
KSW: So, what about me?
GHS: Among my puppies, Ggong-chi (=mackerel)
KSW: What does ggong-chi look like? (pix shown)
WY: he can be Mackerel Kimchi stew.
They point out Ggong chi in the picture and SY says they really look alike.
SY(asks HS): but does Ggong-chi (the puppy) also have dark circles?
KSW: yes, look around his eyes. Around his eyes are dark. (pointing to pic)
(sue: GHS is really perceptive and observant—isn’t she!!!)
Next segment –
KSW: WinWin ‘s keen and deep view, my view of you based on opinions of many viewers. My first one is:
GHS: (apprehensive) yes?
KSW: First, GHS, u have excessive greed/desire. The reason I say this is that a lot of people know GHS as an actress. But, slowly, this person came out with an album. Then, one day, she held an exhibition as a painter. That was not enough, so, she wrote and novel and made a debut as an author. Currently, she is working as a director. For most people, it is difficult to do even just one and yet you are doing 5 different kinds of work. Aren’t you just extremely greedy?
GHS: I’ve never thought of them as different fields. They may seem different but each must have emotions to do the work. So, music, drawing, and writing combine to become a movie.
Screen: Emotions as common denominator
KSW: Is it by chance that you think it’s uncomfortable to just live as an actress?
GHS: (laughter) it’s not that. Honestly, living as an actress alone is very overwhelming, rather than uncomfortable.
HJ: workaholic. Do you become crazy over work?
GHS: ,,,YES, I think I am crazy. As a joke, they refer to me as abnormal/pervert. (KSW seem to look at her admirably, don’t u think?)
HJ: pervert?
GHS: work pervert (=workaholic). Not long ago, I went to visit a buddhist monk and asked what I was in my previous life. He said I was a farmhand, a male servant who works from morning to night.. I think that’s a blessed life.
SY: Then if you must choose among the 5 titles, what will you pick?
GHS: I never could clearly pick just one. You can say that movie directing/ producing is the end of my meddling ways. I have to involve myself in everything, and worry about every detail, be it the set, design, paintings, music, sound. Mixing all those things like a bibimbap is like making movies. So these days, I think about making movies the most.
KSW: Movie directors are like the captains of the movie locations. Staff can have complaints. Did they have any complaints about Dir.Goo?
GHS: Oh.. there’s a lot. I hear a lot throughout the day. When staff are moody, I’ll supply food and alcohol. We may drink while filming..
WY: we should also slowly tell our dissatisfactions to KSW. Don’t you have complaints?
SY: I don’t have any.
TY: SW-oppa, I love you.
WY: I feel blessed (and turns to hit SW in an aegyo type of way).
KSW: I’m curious. To make movies, one needs money. Although GHS is known well as an actress, it’s your first time as a director. I would think it was not easy to get investors.
GHS: initially I didn’t know. So, when I came out with a budget/ cost to make a movie, the figures came out much higher than expected. I thought I may have to sell my house…. Then, I brought my worries to sajangnim (YG CEO). At this time, I do not take any profit. All profit coming out from directing or from writing goes to a program to help the neighbors. Then, YG President promised to sponsor me and lent me the money.
KSW: what’s the break-even point?
GHS: (laughter) 10-mahn viewers (100,000 viewers). The movie will open on a small scale. (I read on DC that around 37 or 39 theaters will be showing yo-sool and according to DC members, that’s very little). So, 100,000 viwers will mean a lot. Even so, it would be good to regain the capital/principal and return it to the YGPresident. Then, I may get to make the next movie.
Screen says it will be a hit if there were 100,00 viewers for HS!
WY: Directors look really cool when they say, ACTION!.
SY: and when they say, CUT! Oh, why don’t we create a scene (for GHS to direct.) Let’s say, WY and I are lovers, but I decide to ditch him while he hangs on to her. She says that they can even kiss while acting..
GHS: are you ready (polite form)?
HJ & KSW: Is that how you say it, on location?
GHS: yes, let’s do it. Action.
(Skit SY: let go! I’m sick and tired/ WY: I’m going crazy. / SY: Why are you acting so uncool/low. I have someone else now. /WY(kneeling) I cannot do without you….I have something for you/ SY: No way am I going back to you./ WY: it is a ticket to eat at buffet./ SY: mmm? Buffet?
GHS: ( yells) cut, cut.
SY says she hasn’t done the kiss scene yet.
WY says he thought GHS would give a strong definitive CUT but she said cut cut.
They replay how HS said cut and how she said action.
HJ: If u use that tone to say action when filming, people won’t concentrate or listen, wouldn’t it?
GHS: Ah..when it’s really noisy on set, I’ll have to use a louder voice. Actually I didn’t want to disrupt the emotion (of the actors), so I don’t use a loud voice.
Screen reads – GHS the actress considers from an actor’s viewpoint.
TY: You even showed your paintings in an exhibition and composed your own songs in the album.
SY: Is it possible for us to hear you live?
GHS looks tense on the piano and even sighs slightly.
YT 3/6
GHS sits at the piano and sings one of her songs. She says please don’t expect too much. The song is called ‘brown –color hair’.
{she has brown hair (x2)
her warm smile is,
between the crack of a drawer
the heavenly path that you put aside.
rays of the sun folded in her eyes,
through star light, through evening dew,
ooh ooh.
her eye brows are pretty,
her tears are pretty,
the girl likes your sweet talk.
I like her lips,
hovering over the rim of her ear.
she, little by little, for you, little by little (x2), sent to you .}
screen: GHS wrote this piano ballad’ lyrics and composed music to give as a gift to a friend.
screen: a song that describes the sweet attraction between two people deep in love.
GHS: I have to do it again. Sorry. I made big mistakes.
MCs say it’s ok.
GHS: I wasn’t well prepared, sorry.
KSW: Was your original dream to be a singer? Is that true?
GHS: Yes but I have a serious problem with stage fright. On stage, I feel like walking the death. Even just now. So sajangnim asked me what I thought about being an actress.
TY: I heard that you were supposed to be a member of 2NE1?
GHS: I only heard of it later. Park bom mentioned that in a program , before that I didn’t know. Were it true, 2NE1 becoming a 5 member group, I’ll be taking care of them in the back. Like making them un-tasty food.
The music plays all of a sudden and Sandara Park(SP) shows up and greets the MCs.
Qn to Park: How are you doing?
SP: Hello, I’m 2NE1’s fresh vocal Dara. I’ve been well all this time.
She says that it’s a public broadcast so she’s very nervous and she’s aware of the HD capability these days. The MCs advise her to take a deep breath and she shows the trick Park Bom taught her to do when nervous.
HJ: I’m curious what have u been doing?
SP: as usual, I have been practicing vocal lessons and working out, living healthily.
SY: are both of you friends?
SP and HS answer yes.
SY: how did you become close?
GHS: Doesn’t it seem like I’m older than Dara by 10 years?
SP denies it. Screen reads --- GHS also has a baby face.
GHS points out that Dara reminds her of the vampire saying, coz she doesn’t seem to age with time.
GHS: we met when we were 20.
SP: Around 6 years ago, when I came to Korea. Since we’re the same age, she really took good care of me. Yes, it has been 6 years.
GHS: I have aged but she doesn’t seem to have aged.
SP: Dara too have grown old.
SY: what are they doing? (saying that in front of elders)
WY: Did you spend your training days together?
SP: I was a trainee then but HS..
Screen reads that HS had gone into acting
GHS: But Dara was a top star at that time in Philippines. Her schedule was such that she needed helicopter to move her around.
SP modestly denies it. Then she broke her sentence becoz she was nervous.
SP: There were two years that I went back to Phillipines. During that time, we could not meet. So it has been a long time.
WY: so do you feel slightly awkward now?
GHS: We’ve always been close and awkward.
SP: I’m awkward with everyone. Screen reads – awkward charm.
GHS: She’s really pure amongst the people I know, even if we’ve spent a good time together the previous day, we’ll still say, ahn-nyeong the next day. (screen: shy hello)
GHS says ahn-nyeong to SP and SP says ahn-nyeong back.
HJ: What did both of you do 6 years ago?
GHS: We went to lotte world (Lotte world gets edited out and they put teng teng world in its place instead)
SP: Even though HS was famous back then, she came with me as a guide and showed me around. (Thinking back she gets a little emotional )
Screen reads – cute charm.
SP: I found something in my house.
SP: 6 years ago hen we went there, I realized that I even made a shirt. (she shows the picture on the shirts. Dara says she’s like an impish kid while HS looks like a princess. The guys are their managers)
WY: They all look very rugged (referring to the managers).
KSW: When you were separated did you contact each other?
GHS: sometimes..
SP: Yes we did. (she brings out another piece of evidence). I coincidentally saw an old email. If you see this, u’ll know how well HS took care of me.
Letter is in informal form:
Sandar-ya, isn’t it hot there? Come here quickly. I’m dying of boredom. I have to trick my manager and go to Philippines. Is the cosmetic I sent you suitable for you? (HS gave them to her) Is there any side effects? If there’s anythg you need, tell me. I’ll buy and send them to you. Remember to put on sunscreen when u go out. Send my regards to your siblings and parents. Quick come back! (crying sign)
SY: Sandara, could it be that you haven’t been on public broadcast in a long time so you prepared a lot for this.
SP: It’s been a year I saw HS.
HS: yes yes.
SP: It’s nice to see you. (laughs)
HJ: what is GHS’s real personality?
SP: Firstly, she’s the opposite of me. I’m always somber/gloomy and quiet while HS is shining like the sun. she treats me very well, even like an older sister sometimes and even pats my head.
HJ: Is Sandara really somber?
GHS: No.
SP: I’m more open in front of the camera but usually I’m more of a serious person. I’m usually someone who doesn’t start a conversation, I’m an A-type.
GHS: You’re A-type?
SP: You didn’t know?
GHS: I’m A too. (screen: so is KSW)
SP: Ah, we’re both A-type. Actually when she was filming BOF, I wanted to ask her to introduce them to me (referring to F4), but I couldn’t say it.
SY: Who do u want to be introduced to (amongst F4)?
SP: They are all cool, so anyone of them..
GHS: All of the F4 really like Sandara. (to SP) I’ll tell them, just wait and see.
SP: It has to be kept a secret from YG CEO.
KSW: Sandara Park-sshi, this is a public broadcast. There cannot be any secrets.
SP: Oh.. I haven’t been in broadcast much.
KSW(to HS): Who amongst F4 will match Sandara more?
GHS: Hyun Joong-sshi?
HJ (to dara): HJ is a singer so wouldn’t you already know him?
SP: Our activities did not overlap so I didn’t get to meet him.
HJ: I didn’t know. So, whenever time is good, you want be introduced.
GHS: Is it all right? But you have to also like him? I have to make sure u like him first.
SP: Jihoo sunbae seems cool.
Screen reads – being wary of her CEO, she refers to HJ as Jihoo.
TY: ah.. she’s really like a rabbit.
SP: Yeah, my nickname is San-rabbit.
HS helps Dara fix a knot in Dara’s hair.
SP: While waiting,?must have gotten nervous. (laughter)