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Author: Hana_Hirokawa


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Post time 29-9-2009 05:06 PM | Show all posts
suke tgk outfit dieorg yg nilagi2 jiyoon nye baju..cantik2


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Post time 29-9-2009 05:14 PM | Show all posts

4Minute, “We will not go far in the war of the girlgroups? We will proof otherwise"

Newcomer group 4Minute has recently been rising up rapidly in the Kpopscene. All young and born in the 1990s, the 5 members have alreadygotten the grasp on the advertising area and also on various musiccharts.

They were asked to model for products just right aftertheir debut, their songs are up strong against strong groups like SoNyeo Shi Dae on music shows and charts. And also initially with all thespotlight focused on HyunA, it is now more evenly spread amongst the 5members in the group.

“Time flies so fast. With a blink of an eye, a day is just ‘hwik’ gone. Being on stage is such an amazing and happy thing.”

Itmay be a stereotypet for them to say that they become stars in themorning, but for the girls it is different. It gets to them bad to hearthat they are young stars shot-to-fame. This is because they are4Minute, the group with the lowest average age of all existinggirlgroups and the group with one of the most promising career.

# Teenage girls who wants to go to school

LeaderNam JiHyun (20) is a professional dancer on a 2-year study break, andmember Kim HyunA (18) is known to have started training from elementaryyear 1 and was part of girlgroup WonderGirls.

Kwon SoHyun (16)is known to have started her acting career from elementary 3rd year andwas part of the group Orange in 2005. Jeon JiYoon (20) and Heo GaYoon(20) have been training since their middle school time and are knownfor their talents. This is also the reason why these girls can put upgreat performance despite their tender age.

But after they gotoff the stage, they are the same bunch of teenage girls who enjoy ricecakes. They are the group of girls who would stop and stare at prettyproducts and would not stop laughing at the smallest things. It is ashame that these girls do not have much of their schooling memoriesdebuting so young as singers.

Currently schooling as 2nd year ata high school, HyunA say, “I wish to go out with my friends on the roadto eat rice cakes and play around secretly during lessons…” While year3 highschooler SoHyun, “It is a shame that I cannot take graduationphoto with the rest.”

It is the same case even for JiHyun whohas graduated from highschool and is currently an undergrad. Sherevealed that she found it a shame that she had to stop school just togo ahead with her singer debut. But they all had come down with theconclusion of ‘We have no regrets’.

“Debuting as 4Minute, we getsuch a chance once in a lifetime. You will need bravery and to make adecision, but when you look at life as a whole this seems right.”

# As compared to bashing, no comment is more scary

Notonly matured in their capabilities but also in their mentality, thesegirls revealed that their motivation is the affirmative support theygive each other. Promoting in the time when it is said to be the war ofthe girlgroups, although these girls receive much love, they are alsoeasily placed on the cutting in the mercy of the masses and the media.In a matter of between a few days, girl groups get wound up in endlessreports for their naked faces-scolding vulgarities-bullying-plagiarism.But 4Minute knows how to handle such criticisms.

“Truthfull, wefelt hurt after hearing bad things about ourselves. If we get thechance to meet these people in person, we wanted to say our stand of‘I’m actually an alright person’. It is a shame that people are sayingthese after just seeing a side of us on TV. We just encourages eachother on.”

HyunA, who would monitor the situation on theinternet often, said, “There are many times when people’s advice on ourweaknesses can be a way for us to improve. We think of it as givingourselves a second thought about it and improve on ourselves on that.”and the 5 members go, “As compared to bashing, no comments is evenscaried.”

The girls’ 1st minialbum, consisting of 6 songs, wasreleased earlier and they are currently doing their promotions on thetitle song ‘Hot Issue’.

“We hope to show more sides of us,unique to us, with our future projects. There are all the talk abouthow we will not go far with this girlgroup war·jealousy. We will showthat this is not true. We will hold on to each other’s baby (not surewhy they say so), and be the longest lasting girlgroup on stage.”


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Post time 29-9-2009 05:26 PM | Show all posts

sukebintang Post at 29-9-2009 17:14

GaYoon ke tue??? hahahaha.....(gelak besar)
JiYoon buka senang aje.. nak gelak lagi..hahaha..
oohhh.. 2Yoon <333 my peberet..hehe..

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Post time 29-9-2009 05:34 PM | Show all posts
GaYoon ke tue??? hahahaha.....(gelak besar)
JiYoon buka senang aje.. nak gelak lagi..hahaha..
oohhh.. 2Yoon
hujanlebat Post at 29-9-2009 17:26

tu la..aku dok gelak je bile nengok gamba tu

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Post time 29-9-2009 05:35 PM | Show all posts
Instead of the "best", we want to be the "only"

4minutedebuted with the song <Hot Issue>. However, they were verypopular before they even debuted because Hyunah had already been amember of the Wonder Girls. Amid the ferocious competition betweenSNSD, 2NE1, and Kara, Jiyoon said, "We don't think of it as acompetition. Instead of being greedy about being the 'best', we want tobecome the 'only' so that it is impossible to compare us with anyoneelse."

4minute's charming points?

Gayoon: Jihyun lookspure, innocent, and girly because of her appearance. When she dances,she looks elegant. That is one of her charms. Her forte is that as aleader, she listens to us.

Jihyun: Jiyoon's charm is herpersonal "charms" (attractiveness). She's very devoted. No matter howlate we stay up to practice, she always wakes up the earliest in themorning. Her charming point is her exceptional passion for music.

Jiyoon:Although Sohyun is the maknae, her charming point is that she's like anadult. She's very thorough with managing herself. She also has a greatsense of responsibility.

Sohyun: If you say that Hyunah unni isa charismatic and happy girl, then isn't that a charm that everyonewants? Hyunah unni's special forte is trying to make her own style sothat she is a unique "item".

Hyunah: If you see Gayoon singing,then I don't need to explain anything else. She has a voice that isimpossible to not concentrate on.

4minute's style?

4minute'sstyle is known as "candy funky". "Candy funky" expresses 4minute'smusic, fashion, and performances. It is a mixture of colorful,conspicuous, and sweet candy with the rebellious, reviving, and free"funky" music. The individual 4minute members all want to invade thissummer and become "items".

Hyunah: If you talk about the summer,then the general feeling is definitely colorful. We're showing free andunrestrained aspects. Because of this, I wear leggings with holes inthem.Although it is quite embarassing, it is still meaningful.

Sohyun:My item is the bag. Nowadays, I have a bag that can carry music.Instead of being flat and simple, I think we can be colorful andbrilliant this summer while being loved by fans.

Jiyoon:Sunglasses for me. Of course sunglasses under a hot sun. During thesummer and in this kind of situation, I think it'd be good to be somagnificent that it makes people dizzy.

Jihyun: Ribbons. It'sgood to be strong, but a girly and lovable item is a ribbon.I thinkitems like ribbons, dresses, shoes, and bags will always be loved.

Gayooneggings with huge prints. It's a forte for performances. On the stage,my shoe colors are wrongly matched as well. I think this kind of stylewill be loved this year.                                                                                                                                                                       

Source: &#47588;&#51068;&#44221;&#51228; &
Translation: chungalung@4-minute

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Post time 29-9-2009 06:12 PM | Show all posts
4minute = candy funky..
sesuai sgt coz bebudak 4minute nie cam kanak2 rebina dgn style music yg funky..

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Post time 29-9-2009 07:36 PM | Show all posts

C: ajshadowcat08 @ soompi

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Post time 29-9-2009 11:16 PM | Show all posts
suke tgk outfit dieorg yg nilagi2 jiyoon nye baju..cantik2

sukebintang Post at 29-9-2009 17:06

per neh yg aku wat aku jatuh cinta kt 4minit!hahaaa

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Post time 29-9-2009 11:18 PM | Show all posts
wow 4minit top 5!hebat..hhehe

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Post time 30-9-2009 04:42 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-9-2009 04:45 PM | Show all posts
wow 4minit top 5!hebat..hhehe
bottle_boy Post at 29-9-2009 23:18

yg tu aku rase utk chart monthly..kalo ikut year..jauh ke bwh lagi rasenye

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Post time 30-9-2009 04:50 PM | Show all posts
It was the first for 4minute in everything.Their love for music,job andeven award.To make it even special,the celebrated 100 days
debutwith such achievement from inkigayo award.The reporter met up with themin a cafe in Seoul and one commented of getting only 3-4 hrs sleep andthey received lots of love and being excited.Then continued to talkabout hot issue era with their funky candy concept.Also,releasing Muzikin late August with their debut song having European club feel withstreet sound is a chart topping song.

Their popularity continuesto rise and talks about the 15 cm heels and clothes performed onstagecan be a little difficult.So Hyun showed her wrist having red bruisessuffered from wearing ornaments for their performances but she is happybeing onstage.
They sighted Girlicous as their role model and tryingto be sexy while onstage also showing charisma and stage presence isimportant as well.
Hyuna talked about the 'underpants' incidentoccured and hopefully they will try to improve themselvesonstage.4minute having plans to have promotional tour in Japansomewhere in Oct.
Lmao..why girlicious?lolmay not be most accurate thing in the world but

article from here

nak pi jepun??all the best

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Post time 30-9-2009 04:53 PM | Show all posts

credit: as tagged

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Post time 30-9-2009 05:02 PM | Show all posts
[Fancam] 090930 4minute @ Ddook sum Amusement Park - Muzik

[Fancam] 090930 4minute @ Ddook sum Amusement Park - Hot Issue

[Fancam] 090930 4minute @ Ddook sum Amusement Park - Super Star

[Fancam] 090930 4minute @ Ddook sum Amusement Park - One More Time


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Post time 30-9-2009 05:05 PM | Show all posts
4minute "school attendance" is "mission impossible"?

4minute is challenging their impossible mission.

4minute(Jihyun Nam, Gayoon Heo, Jiyoon Jun, Hyunah Kim, Sohyun Kwon) surfacedinto the music industry with the song <Hot Issue>.
Their most important mission is the school attendance of (Junior) High school students Hyunah and Sohyun.
Because 4minute has become so popular, their schedule has become so full that they don't even have time to sleep.
Even though it's like that, Hyunah and Sohyun have to go to school no matter what.

The management at the company said that they determined things that must be protected while 4minute fulfills their schedule.

Because of this, many episodes have occured.
School and star activities.
In the situation of capturing these two rabbits at once, others cannot even imagine how hard it must be.

On July 6th, 4minute appeared on MBC Radio "Good Morning FM" at 8 AM.
It is usually abnormal for idol stars to appear on morning radio programs.
A majority of the audience, however, were looking for 4minute, so 4minute eventually decided to show up.

The problems are students Hyunah and Sohyun.
Appearing on a 8 AM program would make a conflicting situation with going to school.
However, Hyunah and Sohyun immediately changed into their school uniforms after the program ended and went to school.

In a recent situation, they even got on an airplane to fulfill their schedule.
In order to go to Gwangju for a special program, Hyunah and Sohyun got on an airplane right after school and flew there.
They were arranged to perform Wonder Girls' "Tell Me" so there was a lot of interest.
In the end, Hyunah and Sohyun did not even have time to change clothes.
The moment they arrived, they had to go on stage for rehearsal.

The staff at the company said that "school attendance is a #1 priority."
"Despite their busy schedule, Sohyun and Hyunah are greedy about going to school.
The staff especially tries to set schedules so that there are no occasions when Sohyun and Hyunah can avoid schoolwork."

Source: Newsen
Translations: chungalung@4-minute

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Post time 30-9-2009 05:14 PM | Show all posts
per neh yg aku wat aku jatuh cinta kt 4minit!hahaaa
bottle_boy Post at 29-9-2009 23:16

WEH..BOTOL...sbb ko le aku tgh gigih menDL perfomance HOT ISSUE dieorg..
nyesal dulu wat bodo je
tp tu le..time awal2 perf. dieorg cam kurang sikit best..ok tu nmpk cam dieorg tak bape nak konpiden sgt..
bile dh lame2 tu..ngan stage nye yg lawa..outfit dieorg cntk2..mmg best yg aku perasan stage kat inki ngan MC je la yg lawa..kat MB biase je..wat mase ni aku rase stage dieorg yg cam lawa time jungle ngan ats bot tupastu suke ngan yg dieorg perform ngan MC MusicBank..

mcm mane la dieorg dpt energy tuk perform mcm tu..tiap2 minggu plak tu..1 minggu ade 4 kali perform..gile la dieorg ni..mkn vitamin ape la gaknye dieorg ni

minggu ni takde MB, rasenye MC ngan inki pun takde..cume Mnet je ade..dah la Mnet tak brape nak best

arap2 ade stage2 lawa utk MUZIK ni..

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Post time 30-9-2009 05:37 PM | Show all posts
zaman hot issue


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Post time 30-9-2009 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Sony Chooses 4minute's song as MP3P's Theme Song

On July 6, Sony Korea chose the new 5-member girl group 4minute's song, "Music", as their MP3-player Walkman's theme song.
Sony's recent Walkman brand chose the actor Ryu Seungbum.
They used the slogan "Walkman goes crazy because of the music" to capture the hearts of consumers and show a positive outlook.
SonyKorea's Walkman product manager Lee Sangwoon said that "We're lookingfor many ways for the Sony Walkman brand to provide the best mood forenjoying music."
He also said that he's "looking forward for4minute's fresh, friendly image and their music to match well with thecompany's aim."

(T/N: "Music" didn't come out yet, but I think it's going to be in their next album.

Source: INews24
Translations: chungalung@4-minute

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Post time 30-9-2009 05:46 PM | Show all posts
4minute = candy funky..
sesuai sgt coz bebudak 4minute nie cam kanak2 rebina dgn style music yg funky..
hujanlebat Post at 29-9-2009 18:12

tu le..tak tak la nape tgk dieorg ni..rase cam dieorg ni kanak2 rebena je

skrg dah style ke ala2 disko plak

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Post time 30-9-2009 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 30-9-2009 22:58

~they are destined to be a group~

SoHyun to HyunAh to JiHyun to JiYoon to GaYoon.


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