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Author: myst_leen

Bull's Fighting (Hebe Tien/Mike He/Lee Wei) SESI BORAK2

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Post time 30-12-2007 06:22 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 30-12-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts
"Bull Fighting" Cuts Mike ~ Mike Fans Wei Fans Battle, Friday December 28, 2007 Taiwan

Translated by Cmiley
Source: UDN News

TTV,Sanli's idol drama "Bull Fighting" last week cut off Mike & Hebe'saffectionate scenes, adding more to Lee Wei's scenes, who ever thoughtcausing Mike and Lee Wei's fans to battle, lately Mike's fansconstantly left messages online: "Asking TTV & Sanli to respectMike since he's the main character of Bull Fighting", requesting the tvstation to reproduce Mike's scenes, "don't make Mike as the bridge forLee Wee, or else there'll be continuation protest everyday".

But,Lee Wei's fans were not happy and fought back: "If you want to loosethe ratings, and let the other station laugh as a joke, then continue!"Mike as Ruo He and Hebe as Sheng Xue, originally had a relationshipscene, it was cut from last week's broadcast, this was a simple matter,but because of Sanli's producers explanation that they wanted to addLee Wei's feeling of secretly liking Hebe, causing the two groups offans to battle. Sanli later says, this relationship scene will bebroadcasted tomorrow a 9pm the full version, but it still made the twogroup of fans dissatisfied, left the website bombarded with comments.

Onesupporter of Mike from Hong Kong says: "lately there's been a lot ofquestions regarding Bull Fighting, is Lee Wei or Mike the main actor,and Hebe the main actress's appearance is shown as little as possible,up to episode 6, it's been completely all of Lee Wei's scenes, withthis much cutting, the male and female lead's relationship will be lessand less, it's too hard to continue watching."

Lee Wei leaves message to ask fans to not argue

NetizenHai Yang Guang Guang says: "Lee Wei has so much scenes it's outrageous,it's getting more and more like an underground male lead, Sanli is tooeccentric to Lee." To calm the two side of fans, Lee Wee has goneonline and left messages to ask the fans to unite, don't fight eachother.

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Post time 30-12-2007 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Mike really like basketball and car. From the article Mike got a lot ofshoes. He also use his own effort to buy a BMW 120i last year.
Full article from

credit apple juice

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Post time 31-12-2007 08:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #406 errasazza's post

waaa..hebat gak ek derang gaduh pasal ni..

aku no comment la, sbb x start tgk lagi..x tau la, klu aku da tgk, aku rasa x puas ati gak klu kes ni berterusan, maybe rating akan naik or maybe gak rating akan turun mendadak..sapa tau apa yg akan jadi klu jadi cam ni, rasa cam x seronok lak..hopefully keadaan akan jd ok balik..

Btw, thanks errasazza tepek kan artikel ni kat sini...

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Post time 31-12-2007 08:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #407 errasazza's post

wah, byk gak ek koleksi dpt free ke???untung tul jd artis ni, sambil menyelam leh minum air..ekeke

Biasanya klu dpt jd endorser/ambassador, derang bleh dpt barang free kan..syok..syok..

Skrg ni aku duk sibuk p usha kedai2 jual mag..duk cari chinese mag yg ada cover artikel pasal Mike, Rainie n Kingone ms derang dtg KL aritu..sepatutnya mesti ada la kan mag yg aku jumpa Life TV latest issue, ada la cover pasal derang..aku pun apa lagi, x pk pjg beli terus..hehe..padahal x paham pun..da jadi tabiat aku beli mag2 cine ni sejak2 moyan ngan citer2 Taiwan/Korea ni...ekeke..yg aku nak cite, mamat cashier tu tny aku, aku ni sekolah cine ke dulu..huhu..aku sengih2 je la..x tau nak ckp pe..pastu dia tny lagi..byk kali gak dia tny..aku jawab je la aku ni ske tgk cite cine..hehe..aku selalu la gak dpt experience camni..nak buat camne, x paham pun, dpt tgk gambo pun da bet giler..lagipun x rasa rugi pun..bila pk2 balik rasa lawak lak...ekeke..

p/s..leen, dlm Life TV 2, ada gak artikel pasal Farenheit..tgk gambar, artikel tu pasal photoshoot Farenheit ngan SHE kot, yg derang pakai baju tido tu..2 yg aku x rasa rugi beli tu, leh menatap gambo abg Jiro ku...huhu..

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 09:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #402 wbsJUE's post

a'ahh ..mmg susah nak tuko ..apa tah lagi kalau kita ni jenis yg setia pada yg satu ...kes kes..poyo nyer ayat aku ..

ehehe..aku rasa nanti ko sure moyan 3 kali ganda kat mike bila tgk kehenseman dan kemachoan dia dalam citer BF nii ...ehehe..sebab dressing dia mmg hebat tul la..pandai wardrobe stylist dan director cipta imej dia dalam BF nii ..satu lg sebab features mike ni mmg cantik ..cuma ..kalau mike ni pi ke promo events ke..yg aku perasan dia nyer makeup artiste ni suka makeup over sket kat mike ..ehehe

ko tak pi ke tgk mike dan rainie ms diorang dtg mesia promo WWL hari tu jue ?

mmg penyeksaaan pun ..huhuh..awat la lambat betul diorang nak sub ni ..dah ade translation sebenarnyer utk citer ni ..sampai episode 6 ..ehehe..nanti kalau aku rajin aku tampal balik ..hari tu aku paste sampai episode 2 jee..

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 09:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #403 errasazza's post

sama2..tuh kan lagu tu ..buat kita bersemangat habis..ehehe..lagu tank ni jugak yg jadi official song utk satu basketball event kat taiwan.. akak download semer sekali ker?

aaaa..banyak nyer gambo yg best kalau kak erra ade..sebab kak erra suka carik dan paste gambo ..leen plak kalau bab nak paste gambo ni lembap skett..huhuh..thanks kak erra..bestt ..gambo lawa2 semernyerr... huhuh..mike pun ade banyak koleksi sneakers ni rupanyer..tetiba jer terus teringat kat chun ..

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #406 errasazza's post

hurm mmg silap la jugak stesen tv tu ..saper suh pi cut off scene mike hebe..sebab scene tu mmg penting giler..sebelum ni pun diorang tunjuk scene tu dalam preview..alih2 gi cut bila tunjuk actual episode..jd mmg la fans marah ..huhuh..seb baik diorang amik keputusan utk adekan balik scene tu dalam ulang tyg ..

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #409 wbsJUE's post yg aku jeles nii ..ehehe..majalah LIFE ni ntah ade sampai kat kelantan ke tak ..kena pi usha gak nii ..huhuh..tetambah laks ko dah ckp ade S.H.E dan Fahrenheit dalam tu ..ehehe..tak leh jadi ni ..mmg menggugat keimanan aku ni.. .abg jiro ko tu mmg makin hensem skang nii ....tak dinafikan tu .ehehe.

huhu..aku rs aku paham pengalaman ko bila ditanya soalan cam tu oleh cashier tu ..pasal aku pun org pandang semacam je kat aku. bila aku masuk kedai pi beli album S.H.E dan Fahrenheit..terutama diorangnyer salesgirl la..macam takjub laks tgk kita beli item cina .. aku tak pernah beli mag cina (kekek..aku ni kedekut sket.). kalau nak gambo diorang , mmg aku save dalam PC yg fans dah scankan je..huhu.

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 10:20 PM | Show all posts
memandangkan ade masa2nyer aku tak sempat nak update link yt by episode , aku bagi link user yg mmg upload citer ni constantly ...and biasanyer diorang ni siap upload lepas 2 to 3 hours citer ni aired in taiwan ..

p/s : jue , rainie777  tu pun sentiasa update dan upload semer episode TKA , in case ko berminat nak tgk TKA jugak .ehehe.

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:26 PM | Show all posts
wahh..akhirnye menunggu sub... dpt jugak tgk

tapi xpe slalu kua cpt kan..harus dibeli nanti

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #410 myst_leen's post

haha..mmg..mmg..kita ni mmg setia pada yg satu..ekeke..mmg terasa poyo la..muakaka.. yg buat aku lagi x saba nak tgk ms tgk sket aritu, mmg 'shuai' abes style si Mike tu..cair terus aku tgk.. hmm, aku perasan gak..kekadang make up dia tebal giler..x jd shuai ge dah..terlebih jambu lak aku tgk..tak pro tul make up artist si Mike tu..anak sapa la tu ek..ekeke

hmm, aku x g...aku mmg gegila nak g ms aku xde geng nak g..lepas tu br aku teringat pasal CariForum ni..da lama sgt x aktif, 2 yg lupa tu..ada je forumer2 sini yg g, siap menang contest lagi...mmg rasa terkilan gak x la, bukan senag nak dpt peluang derang tiga org dtg sekali wat promo..nape la aku x g...huu

btw..papehal pun thanks in advance nak tepek translation tu...cayang ko!!!

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 10:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #415 kalchi's post

akhirnyer menunggu sub ? huhuh..aku tak paham maksud ko ni kalchi ..ehehe..sub dah kuar ker?? huhuh..kalau dah kuar..inform tau ..aku pun duk tertunggu2 sub nii ...huhuhu...

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #417 myst_leen's post

sub episode 1 la tapi.. bukan da kua ke leen?hardsub?aku da lama xdonlot..sbb tunggu hardsub punye

[ Last edited by  kalchi at 31-12-2007 10:40 PM ]

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #414 myst_leen's post

waa..ok..ok..tenkiu..tenkiu..nnti aku p cari..klu da ada oppa2 aku, ni kena terus masuk list wajib tonton nih..ekeke tenkiu again, leen...

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #414 myst_leen's post

oo..ko duk kelantan eh..ada kot..cuba ko try tgk kat kedai2 runcit..mag dia nipis je..klu ko nak aku belikan, bleh ke..aku no hal...pape hal nnti btau aku k..mmg menggugat keimanan pun, tu yg aku beli gak tu..dan2 kat situ gak cair...ekeke Jiro Oppa mmg encem pun..ekeke..Satu mag(Mike+Jiro)=CairX3....huhu

aku kekadang tu terdetik gak rasa membazir tp x leh tahan la..klu x beli, balik rumah mesti teringat2..padahal x leh baca satu habuk pun..x tau la nape, susah dpt perangai camni...mmg bleh kopak..ekeke

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 10:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #416 wbsJUE's post

ekekek..tuh la pasal ..mmg tak pro makeup artiste tu ..jue , apa kata ko yg gi gantikan makeup artiste tu .. . aku rs ko sure leh makeup Mike handsome betul la..sebab makeup artiste tu letak foundation over sgt , sampaikan boleh nampak perbezaan kulit mike ..tu jadi tak lawa tu ..ehehe.actually mike tak yah pakai mekap sgt dah ..dah ckp hensem cenggitu jer..ehehe.aiks banyak laks aku puji mike nii ..

ooh..patut la..tu la..aku ingatkan ko gi .. takper..lain kali ade la lagi tu peluang diorang dtg sini ..pastikan lepas ni ko tak terlepas peluang lg ..tak pun , masa diorang pi promote WWL kat Singapore ke..leh la ko intai2 sama..ehehe.huhuh..seb baik ko ingatkan aku pasal translation tu ..aku terlupa laks kejap tadi ..ekeke..oraitzz..sesama.. .ekeke..cayang ko jugak .

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2007 10:47 PM | Show all posts

Reply #418 kalchi's post

laa..dah kuar hardsub kee..bakper aku tak tau ?? huhuh..sungguh ketinggalan aku ini ..uhuks.aa..kalchi ..boleh kongsi kat sini tak link hardsub tu .. ? diorang tak up kat yt ker? thanks in advance..yg ade link kat aku ..ade link yt tu baru sub 2 parts je dari 8 parts..tak complete lg ..uhuks.

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Post time 31-12-2007 10:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #422 myst_leen's post

boleh syg ...



Part 1  | Part 2


TimelessSub's Online



credits: d-addicts & TimeLess Fansub

[ Last edited by  kalchi at 1-1-2008 12:34 AM ]



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Post time 31-12-2007 11:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #421 myst_leen's post

hehe..tul tu..Mike tu x yah pakai make up sgt..muka da natural da..haha..aku jd make up artist Mike???best gak tu..klu mmg ditakdirkan betul2 jd make up artist Mike, mmg syok giler..tetiap ari aku leh menatap muka rasanya kan, belum sempat make up si Mike tu cair, aku yg cair dulu...ekeke

2 la, hopefully derang akan dtg lagi..kali ni, aku x nak terlepas peluang lagi da..ekeke..klu derang dtg SG, klu ada peluang, aku nak g gak..demi Mike, seluas laut sanggup ku renangi...uiceh..ekeke..

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