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Author: myst_leen

Bull's Fighting (Hebe Tien/Mike He/Lee Wei) SESI BORAK2

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 Author| Post time 27-12-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #384 errasazza's post

ekeke..ingatkan mike amik takhta chun sekali ...macam leen ..rerasanyer mmg tetap kekal dengan chun lg sampai skang ni ..walau pun mike mmg hensem gilerrrrr dalam citer BF ni ..huhuh..takper..nanti kalau ade kesempatan lain kali nak turun jugak agaknyer akan turun kl bila S.H.E atau Fahrenheit yg datang je kuts..huhuh..mana tau kuts2 Fahrenheit singgah KL lagi nak promote kan album kedua diorang lak ni ..ehehe..sorry topic laks ..

btw dia download link utk Bull's Fighting dr Episode 1 hingga 5 ..sori sebab hanya ade MU link ...

BF Download link

Episode 1 -

Episode 2 -

Episode 3 -

Episode 4 -

Episode 5 -

Episode 6 - ... -a983-0014221b798a/

credits : AF

bg yg tak dapat download gunakan MU link , gunakan browser Mozilla Firefox , then download add-ons Megaupload plugin dari Firefox ..lepas tu mmg boleh download guna MU link ..yg ni mmg takde ancaman trojan atau adware mcm yg kita biasa duk pakai Alexa Toolbar tu..

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 27-12-2007 12:51 PM ]

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Post time 27-12-2007 03:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #385 myst_leen's post

mana leh...rampas takhta chun...hehehe....mike kat luar memg encem lain tul dio dr dlm gambo....kat luar lg encem....hehehe....

thx leen kasi link...leh la donlot...hehehhe....cite ni ada brp epi ya...pjg ke....

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Post time 28-12-2007 07:51 PM | Show all posts
leen lawanya gambo...tapi sayang tak de sub...huhuhu...ada tak link yg ada sub...ehehhe...sorila....byk plak permintaannya...hehehe

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2007 09:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #387 errasazza's post

kak erra..mmg takde sub lg ..hari tu ade yg sub link yt ilang laks link baru sub episode satu beberapa part jer..official sub tak kuar lg ..huhuh..lambat la plak diorang nak sub .. mmg versi yg leen bagi tu versi clear ...

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2007 09:37 AM | Show all posts

BTS Bull's Fighting (14.12.2007)

jmemandangkan dah lama tak update BTS ..yg leen letak ni BTS yg agak lama sket..but quite interesting ..kita boleh tgk camner diorang lakonkan adengan masa watak Hebe terjatuh lam telaga..huhuh..kesian tgk Hebe ..mmg dia berusaha keras jugak utk lakonkan watak dia lam citer ni ..and she's cute on the set..jenis yg gelak dan open macam Ella jugak ..ehehe...Mike dan Hebe ni kira agak serasi la jugak kat set walau pun kat sini tak byk mana interaksi diorang...sebab banyak tjk scene Hebe kat telaga tu suka part yg diorang berdua berckp gunakan bahasa isyarat tu comel laks

Part 1

Part 2


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 Author| Post time 29-12-2007 09:48 AM | Show all posts

latest BTS (28.12.2007)

9 mins duration ..tak leh nak komen sebab tak tgk lg ...episode 6 pun tak terlayan lg sebab nak tunggu completed version yg akan ditayangkan malam ni ..sebab last week diorang tayang uncomplete version ,iaitu intimate scenes between hebe and mike diptg sebab diorang insert more lee wei scenes yg tunjuk camner lee wei ni begitu setia mencintai hebe secara fans protes , so utk ulang tayang malam ni diorang akan insert balik scene hebe dan mike ..

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Post time 29-12-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts
hi...aku baru je usha rumah ni...dr pg beria nak abeskan baca post2 korang dr page 1...erm, nak tny ada link lain x utk lagu op Tank 2??aku x dpt nak donlot link yg kat pg 8 tu la..

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Post time 29-12-2007 03:53 PM | Show all posts
xpe2...aku da dpt donlot...dr link full ost tu...hehe...

aku x saba lak nak tgk citer ni pas baca post2 korang..aku ni fanat rainie-mike aku tgk hebe-mike pairing ni pun best gak..nampak ada chemistry...kena tgk dulu ni br bleh susah la nak gugat kedudukan rainie-mike dlm hati aku biasa la setiap org ada pendapat masing2..ada korang yg ske CE pairing...aku lak ske ella-jiro pairing..sama gak ngan ariel-jiro dlm ISWAK..hehe..aku ni kekadang cam limau, ske 2nd hero dr hero...muahaha.. tp x bleh dinafikan, hebe dlm citer mmg kiut abes..geram tgk..Mike toksah ckp la..dia mmg sokmo 'shuai ge'... aku penah tgk lakonan hebe dlm RFTS..aku rasa lakonan dia dlm cite 2 ok la..xde la kaku sgt...hehe..btw, mmg x saba la nak tgk cite BF ni..byk betul cite nak tgk ni..rasa sume  nak tgk..susah jadi org yg gile tgk SO ni..ekeke

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2007 04:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #392 wbsJUE's post

hehehe ..hai JUE ..welcome to the thread...ekeke..tgk avatar pun dah dapat agak dah ko ni fans RM pun skang duk tgk jugak WWL kat 8tv ..and rasa best jugak chemistry RM .. HM ni laks aku rasa cam fresh pairing ..takat ni mmg best bagi aku chemistry diorang ..tapi ..mungkin tak leh nak challenge chemistry RM ..huhuh..lg pun RM mmg good friends in real life kan ..oo..ko suka pairing ella-jiro ekk ..ehehe..aku mmg avid fans CE jiro dan ella cute jugak ..yup ..hebe dalam ni mmg cute..and lakonan dia dlm ni mmg improved byk giler berbanding lakonan dia dalam RFTS ..huhu...ok...hopefully after ko dah tgk episode 1 nanti ...ko akan dapati jalan citer dia menarik .. . oh yer..dah dapat download semer OST ek ? OST dia best kan ?

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Post time 29-12-2007 04:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #393 myst_leen's post

haha..sama cam ko, tgk avatar ko pun da tau ko minat giler CE..aku baru je far sume best la esp lagu SHE ngan Tank tu..kalau dgr skali, addicted nak dgr lagi skali..sesapa ada lirik n translation, tolong post kat sini eh..leh melalak sambil dgr2 tu...ekeke

hmm, x sabar nak tgk skill Mike n Hebe main basket dlm cite ni..walaupun da byk kali tgk Mike main dlm DBY n WWL..esp derang shoot bola dr belakang best je..mmg bergaya abes..

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2007 12:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #394 wbsJUE's post

ehehehe ....avatar aku tu mmg tak berubah sejak hampir setahun lepas.. .aaa..aku ade translation dengan lyric dia..nanti aku paste kejap lagi .. tp utk 3 buah lagu je la yg ade..lagu2 S.H.E dan Tank tu je laa..ekeke..

yup ..part main basketball tu pun cute..yg cute tu scene Mike dan Hebe je laa..ehehe..kalau scene perlawanan yg lain semernyer tensed mmg Mike bergaya habis main  basketball dalam citer ni ..lebih bergaya dr gaya dia main dalam DBY .

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Post time 30-12-2007 01:36 PM | Show all posts

Reply #395 myst_leen's post

ekeke...lebih kurang ngan aku gak la..itu zaman aku moyan ngan DBY n RM...  Thanks  leen..xpe, x kesah bebila ko nak post lyrics tu..

waa...yeke...mesti tambah lagi moyan aku kat Mike lepas ni..demam WWL pun x abes lagi ni..huhu.. tp sayang la dia x jd berlakon dlm citer adaptation Slam Dunk tu, apa ntah tajuk dia, Basketball Fire eh..da la aku minat giler manga Slam Dunk nak wat cam ne,bz kan..baik dia fokus dlm satu2 benda dr buat byk2..

rasa2 nye bila la ek cite ni nak tayang kat mesia...aku br tgk part 1 ep 1..mmg menarik..aku kena cari masa dulu nak tgk..klu x aku melekat x berenti2 tgk..hehe..

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2007 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Jue , ni pinyin dan translation dia ...untuk lagu Lai Bu Ji dengan lagu Tank tu ..aku tak jumpa lg completed pinyin and translation ..nanti kalau ade , aku share kat sini ..ehehe..dah dapat ni , boleh la ko nyanyi sekali ..

1) Lyrics-
歌名-爱来过 > S.H.E
Ge Ming-Ai Lai Guo > S.H.E
Song Title-Love Was Here > S.H.E

wo kan bu kai ye fang bu kai ying wei wo ceng jian guo ai qing zhen de shang kai
i cant see neither can i let it go because i once caught sight of love's real flourishing

wo yao deng dai yi zhi deng dai deng na yi ge ye wan cong hui yi hui lai
i'll wait and wait for that night to be recollected from the past

dang ni yong bao zhe wo na yi shun jian wo xiang fei dao kong zhong
when you embrace me , that very instance,i feel like im flying in the air

er dang wo huan huan jiang luo wo bu zai shi wo
and when i slowly descend , im no longer the me i was before.

wo you le meng wo zai meng zhong
i have a dream and im in the dream

ai lai guo lai de na me mei na me xiong
love was here,it came so beautifully and violently

huan hu zhe cong wo sheng ming hen hen nian guo
hailing it and ruthlessly taking it away from my life

lian yi han ye dou bu zheng qi de zhen xi cheng xiao rong
even the regrets failed to cherish and turned into a smile

ai lai guo rang wo wan zheng guo xin fu guo
love was here,it made me complete and happy

zhe me neng qing yi jiu fang ta zou
how can i let it go so easily

wo bu xiang jie tuo wo zhi pa cuo guo
i dont wish to extricate myself, im only afraid of missing it

wo jiu shi yao deng ni hui lai ai wo
i just want to wait for you to return and love me

ji mo xuan hua wo bu hai pa ying wei wo zhi ting de jian dui ni de qian gua

the hubbub of loneliness im not afraid because im only able to hear my worries for you

shi jie hen da hui rong de xia wo zhe xiao xiao sha sha wan gu de xin yang
the world is big enough to permit me this muddleheaded and obstinate belief

ni you mei you guo cheng nuo wo yi wang le na yi dou bu zhong yao le
had you made any promise , i've forgot them all as they are no longer important

fan zheng wo dou hui shou hou zai meng zhong shou hou wo zui wei yi zui mei de meng
in any case,im just going to wait for my dream-the one and only beautiful dream

ai lai guo lai de na me mei na me xiong
love was here,it came so beautifully and violently

huan hu zhe cong wo sheng ming hen hen nian guo
hailing it and ruthlessly taking it away from my life

lian yi han ye dou bu zheng qi de zhen xi cheng xiao rong
even the regrets even failed to cherish and turned into a smile

ai lai guo rang wo wan zheng guo xin fu guo
love was here,it made me complete and happy

zhe me neng qing yi jiu fang ta zou
how can i let it go so easily

wo bu xiang jie tuo wo zhi pa cuo guo
i dont wish to extricate myself, im only afraid of missing it

wo jiu shi yao deng ni hui lai [hai]ai wo
i just want to wait for you to return and [still]love me

ru guo xu yao dong yong qi ji lai jiao huan mei li
If there is a need to put to use a miracle to exchange for beauty

jiu rang lei zheng fa xia cheng xua hua
i'll just let the tears evaporate and fall as snowflakes

he wo yi qi zai ai zhong bei rong hua
and let it thaw with me in the beauty of love


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 Author| Post time 30-12-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts
aku sambung letak sini sebab tadi lebih character nak letak dalam satu post ...

2) 歌名-你最近还好吗 > S.H.E

Ge Ming-Ni Zui Jing Hai Hao Ma > S.H.E
song title-How have you been recently > S.H.E
tao yi zhang ye dan ka
taking out a Christmas card

xie xia man man zhu fu de hua
writing down all my blessings

di zhi xie de shi xin di
the address is written to the bottom of my heart

ni neng bu neng shou dao ta
will you receive it?

tian you dian leng feng you dian da
the electricity is out & the wind is a little strong

dan shi ning jing er xuan hua

it's tranquil yet hubbub

zhe yi ge dong tian wo dei yi ge ren zou hui jia

the winter this time,I'll have to walk home alone

*wen zi ji xi guan le ma
i asked myself if I've gotten used to it

mei you ni mei dao ye li hui sheng bian de hao da
without you,when it's night i recall the memories of the past
you mei you shen me hao fang fa
are there any ideas

rang ji mo bian ting hua
on making boredom more obedient

ni zui jing hai hao ma
how are you recently

shi bu shi ye zai si nian li zheng zha

are you also struggling in the memories of the past
ni shuo hui ji de wo hai ji de ma
you said you will remember me , can you remember?

ni zui jing hai hao ma
how are you recently

bu li ma lei le xin hai hui tong ma
not bothering,tired,does your heart still hurt

ru guo zhen bu de yi wang le wo
if you really have to forget me

kuai xiang kuai le chu fa

we should quickly head for happiness

you zai duo de qian gua
I've so many worries

yi mei you quan li biao da
but i've no authority to express them

jiu qing ren gei de wen hou
past-lover's greetings

bi mo sheng ren hai gang ga
are much more awkward than strangers

zuo tian yuan le ming tian hai chang
yesterday is far & tomorrow will be long

hui yi mo hu dan ju da

the recollection of the past is vague but immense

zhe yang de shen ye

a late night like this
yan lei yao zhe me yang bu liu xia
how can i stop my tears from flowing

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2007 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #396 wbsJUE's post

sesama ...eheheh..nampaknyer kita berdua ni ade persamaan la yer..setia pada satu couple  nii .. .

a'ahh..dia tak berlakon dalam Basketball dr apa yg aku tau ..mmg sebenarnyer takde perancangan amik Mike He ..itu cuma ura2 dr fans je..mmg dari awal lagi diorang dah rancang Jerry dengan Chun tak tau la kan ..itu dr info yg aku dapat takper..citer dengan Hebe ni pun tak kurang hebatnyer jgk aksi stunt diorang main basketball ..aku pun hampir2 terjatuh cintan dengan Mike dalam ni ..tuh la..tetap setia pada Chun jugak.. ,tak pasti la bila diorang nak tayang citer ni  kat mesia..mungkin dalam pertengahan thn depan la kuts..biasanyer 8tv cepat je amik citer2 baru ni ..nak2 kalau yg dapat rating tinggi .. ehehe..aku laks skang ni duk stuck kat episode 5 lg ni ..tak terbukak2 lg episode 6 citer ni ..nak tunggu sub kuar..terasa lambat giler laks..huhu..

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Post time 30-12-2007 03:17 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2007 03:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #400 errasazza's post

kak erra..leen ade post OST citer ni kat previous page..the whole OST .mmg best lg dia ..ehehe..leen pun suka dengar sebab catchy ..

edit :

ni leen repost link utk the whole OST ..nanti kalau ade mana2 lg yg kak erra tak dapat download ke..inform leen ek.

OST Bull's Fighting

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 30-12-2007 03:26 PM ]

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Post time 30-12-2007 04:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #399 myst_leen's post la..ko setia ngan CE, aku setia ngan RM..klu da start ske tu, mmg susah nak tuka lain kan..

oo, yeke..aku aritu terbaca kat thread Basketball Fire..maybe 2 juz rumours je kot..xpe la, tgk Mike dlm cite ni pun da moyan da..ekeke

2 la, aku pun nak tunggu ada sub..layan terus sekaligus...hehe..penantian tu satu penyeksaan...uiceh..

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Post time 30-12-2007 05:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #401 myst_leen's post

thx u very much leen....akak dah dapt arr lagu tank ni....

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Post time 30-12-2007 06:21 PM | Show all posts

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